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#101 Old 23rd Sep 2012 at 8:34 AM
I was a bit bored. So i went on sims. Next minute you know, I'm on buy mode using the green screen wallpapers i made!

I took loads of one sim.

Patterns! Hooray! I love circles...

Leave Patterns

And Then last! How can i resist! I love cats!

Formally known as TotallySimsCrazy. Still addicted to custom content.
Lab Assistant
#102 Old 23rd Sep 2012 at 11:26 PM

Mortimer has a new baby coming.
He realises that Dina will be an awful parent because she only cares about money.

He brews some elixir so he can live long enough to take care of the child.

Mortimer with his new daughter, Janey Goth.
Top Secret Researcher
#103 Old 24th Sep 2012 at 1:58 AM

"Tag! You are it!"

"No, tag! YOU are it."

"No, TAG. YOU are it."

"No, you are it! TAG!"

Lazy kids.

Asks are always open, even to anons. I will always reply to asks, and I do my best to be cordial/less snarky than usual.
Lab Assistant
#104 Old 24th Sep 2012 at 2:27 AM

Mortimer teaches Janey to talk...

For so long she falls asleep!

Mortimer may have a reputation of being mean, but he does have a nice side.
Top Secret Researcher
#105 Old 24th Sep 2012 at 6:16 AM

"Hey Snipe, would you like to slow dance in this dirty parking lot? I know there are roaches and rats, but..."
"R-really? Slow dance with me? Okay!"

Speaking of dirty....WHY.



Lazlo, your teenage daughter is outside, snogging some ugly Bluewater Village townie! Do something!


What? Why!? She spent her first kiss on someone twice her age!

"I'm too tired. Plus I'm waiting for my steak. I am craving steak, for some odd reason. Maybe the aliens were carnivores? I don't know."

So, you're not going to even go protective-dad at him?

"I'm not that kind of dad."

Okay then.

Asks are always open, even to anons. I will always reply to asks, and I do my best to be cordial/less snarky than usual.
Lab Assistant
#106 Old 24th Sep 2012 at 10:02 AM
Dina got fired and went crazy.

She's one of the richest sims around thanks to Mortimer but she needs more money!

Dina's new friend.

Alexander tells Dina that the social bunny isn't real.

I call this "Face Palm Therapy"
Top Secret Researcher
#107 Old 26th Sep 2012 at 4:37 AM

Vidcund managed to get a hold of a Cowplant from a coworker, and after doing research about it's magical properties, he figures to try it out. He was four days from elder, and his husband was thrice that. His niece mentioned something about some 'rude fatfaced guy' who 'stole her first kiss' and never called her back, so he could be a good subject for testing...

"Oh, crap."

The test results are in.

That's better!

Asks are always open, even to anons. I will always reply to asks, and I do my best to be cordial/less snarky than usual.
Lab Assistant
#108 Old 26th Sep 2012 at 2:56 PM
My selfsim died today!

Cause of death: Accidental stab wound to head.

Does this count as a happy ending?

My robo children are a bit upset.
Top Secret Researcher
#109 Old 26th Sep 2012 at 3:28 PM

Sienna Larson and Maxwell Landgraab make a cute couple.

Jason is a little worried. Not for the same reasons why his brother-in-law Buzz worried about his daughter, though. He's just concerned if his daughter is getting top notch treatment or not. While Sienna is off flipping patties, the doting dad has a talk with her boyfriend.

"Maxwell, my daughter says you're a good man, and that you treat her well. Is that correct?"
"Yes, sir. I love her a lot."
Ensue fatherly cringe.
"Well, she's still my little girl, so don't try anything stupid. Anyway, I want to know more about you."

The conversation goes sour at Maxwell's first mention of travel, but they later discover they share a love for entertainment.

"Daddy! I got a promotion! And two more scholarships!"
"Wow, that's great sweetheart! -SUSPICIOUS GLARE AT MAXWELL-"

Asks are always open, even to anons. I will always reply to asks, and I do my best to be cordial/less snarky than usual.
Lab Assistant
#110 Old 27th Sep 2012 at 12:57 AM

Cassandra and Darren got married!
Cassandra broke family tradition and became a Dreamer because it sounds awesome/

The guests had an excellent view -_-

Mary Sue while eating cake: "This is the best ice cream I've ever tasted!"

This was one of the best parties I've ever had in this game...
Mad Poster
#111 Old 27th Sep 2012 at 3:08 PM
(Psst...I love those, but there's a 4-picture rule. PIck which four and link to the rest, or take some out and spread them around other threads, and you're safe.)

Minnie Newson and Brady Estic being massively inconsiderate to everybody else at Midnight Flows. Y'all, move! You can hang out anywhere; Bad News Bev can only karaoke right here!

My husband downloads so many random pictures from the internet, there's a Custom Painting for every artist! This is Jordan Carlson, Sorority Lesbian (Romance), wishing he'd hurry up and download one of Julie Newmar as Catwoman, too.

Honey is trying to push her situation with Dominic to a resolution, making a pass at him not twenty feet from the girl he's been dating; but for a smart girl Heidi seems singularly unobservant!

Hippy Trent Traveler lends Strangetown Ginger Newson a sympathetic ear. "I feel like I have to be a sumo wrestler to get control of all these problems!"

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
#112 Old 27th Sep 2012 at 3:16 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
(Psst...I love those, but there's a 4-picture rule. PIck which four and link to the rest, or take some out and spread them around other threads, and you're safe.)

Dropped the ball on that. Mea culpa.

Will repost later when I have more time.
Lab Assistant
#113 Old 27th Sep 2012 at 6:12 PM
I love it when my sims personalities show on their faces:




Top Secret Researcher
#114 Old 28th Sep 2012 at 3:25 AM
"Hey kids, guess what today is?"
"No, it's help-dad-with-his-businesses-or-be-grounded day! Get dressed, you three!"

So, Ponsonby took his three teenagers to one of his businesses, and forced them to work.

Britt was given control of small sales, as to work on his sales badge. He's also the most like his dad (as much as he doesn't want to admit it), so he gets to follow in his footsteps.

Despite being as outgoing as his brother, Kato was inept at social situations. So, he got to DJ, which meant plenty of skill building for him.

Lenore was thrown onto cash register, which her customers did not appreciate.

Britt does look like his father, even if he is a bit lighter than him.

Asks are always open, even to anons. I will always reply to asks, and I do my best to be cordial/less snarky than usual.
Lab Assistant
#115 Old 28th Sep 2012 at 8:21 AM

Lillith got engaged!

"Dirk" approves.

Top Secret Researcher
#116 Old 29th Sep 2012 at 6:52 AM

He died immediately after his final mourning of his husband, which he did right after taking the poison.

Rest in peace, Craig Fleurada.

Asks are always open, even to anons. I will always reply to asks, and I do my best to be cordial/less snarky than usual.
#117 Old 29th Sep 2012 at 3:15 PM
Wow i'm in shock Fivey, I totally wasn't expecting that. Gonna miss that zombie face gracing these pages.
Field Researcher
#118 Old 29th Sep 2012 at 6:24 PM
I think, Agnes is proud.

#119 Old 29th Sep 2012 at 8:33 PM
Top Secret Researcher
#120 Old 29th Sep 2012 at 9:17 PM
Quote: Originally posted by SingleClawDesigns
Wow i'm in shock Fivey, I totally wasn't expecting that. Gonna miss that zombie face gracing these pages.

Craig seemed like the type who would give up after everything before him falls. He couldn't stay a zombie forever, y'know.

I have him up for download on GoS, if you really want. Of course, it wouldn't be the same.

Asks are always open, even to anons. I will always reply to asks, and I do my best to be cordial/less snarky than usual.
Lab Assistant
#121 Old 29th Sep 2012 at 10:32 PM

Execution of Gordon King.

I think they forgot to wet the sponge.

The chair survived.
#122 Old 30th Sep 2012 at 12:16 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Fivey

He died immediately after his final mourning of his husband, which he did right after taking the poison.

Rest in peace, Craig Fleurada.

...Why does this remind me of that scene in Romeo and Juliet? When Romeo commits suicide after he sees Juliet dead? Aw well, coincidences, right?

I think my Sim's son is turning into a pervert.

Increasing your "logic" skill there, aren't you, Lancer? Jeez, if you wanted to learn about the female anatomy, you should've just given your grandpa Abjheet a call.

Damn Repomen with their phallic repoguns repossessing our stuff! I think this guy must have some sort of inferiority complex because I mean, look how proud he is of that fat, juicy gun:

Freakin' sadist.

On a side note, awww!

Doesn't Lancer just love his daddy?

My male Sims are...Simulicious!
Lab Assistant
#123 Old 30th Sep 2012 at 2:07 AM
"Dirk" goes through some changes.
Her new name is Liana

Rapid hair growth potion!

"Hey Dad"

Face change potion!

Liana joins the "Breakfast in Underwear" club.
#124 Old 30th Sep 2012 at 3:51 PM
I was capturing a different picture from another angle, but when I spun the camera around I noticed this. This pic has received a few different titles over the years, but we most commonly refer to it as "Check out mah juuuuuuuuuunk".

"Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get, but if you work really hard, and you're kind, amazing things will happen. I'm telling you, amazing things will happen" --Conan O'Brien
Top Secret Researcher
#125 Old 1st Oct 2012 at 4:15 AM

Hey, Seb what are you--?!?

Oh, come on.


Sebastien! Stop that!

What the hell was that?
"Well...she liked me, and I kind of like her back. So...yeah. We did stuff."
That much is obvious. Normally, I wouldn't have a problem with it, BUT YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND ALREADY.
"She doesn't pay attention to me! All she wants to do is play chess and watch Morgan Freeman talk about theism or something! Don't worry, she won't find out."
"I'll cross that bridge when I get there."
Aren't you a family sim?
You are Gilbert's kid.

Asks are always open, even to anons. I will always reply to asks, and I do my best to be cordial/less snarky than usual.
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