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Field Researcher
#126 Old 1st Oct 2012 at 5:04 AM
Default Magnum P.I. One
I´m working on Magnum P.I. tales.

The opening credit is nearly done, here is part one:

Top Secret Researcher
#127 Old 1st Oct 2012 at 6:49 AM

The meeting of the Rich-Snooty-People-With-Weird-Black-Eyes came to order.

But then this MAXWELL guy strolled right in and took a drink.

"Jean! Just because he isn't a special snowflake, doesn't mean you should treat him so harshly!"
"Uhm...Maxwell, could you please escort yourself out of the dining room?"

"Whatever. I'll take my boring eyes elsewhere."
"Bro, you know they didn't mean it like that! They were just trying to be funny, and failed horribly. Isn't that right, cuz?"
"No, I totally meant what I said. -GLUG-"

Asks are always open, even to anons. I will always reply to asks, and I do my best to be cordial/less snarky than usual.
Field Researcher
#128 Old 1st Oct 2012 at 1:16 PM
Default Magnum P.I. Two
Part Two

Top Secret Researcher
#129 Old 1st Oct 2012 at 3:03 PM

Sebastien's plans on cheating on his girlfriend weren't as well thought out as he thought they were.

"What the hell!? You're sleeping with my COUSIN?"
"You know what? Yes! Yes I am! I am having a relationship with her!"
"Why are you doing this to me?"
"You don't ever pay attention to me! You just care about yourself, and how goddamn smart you are!"
"Sebastien, I just gave you my virginity! We just had sex! That doesn't mean a thing to you?"

"You know what? You deserve her. She can have you!"
"You're breaking up with me?"
"Of course! You obviously don't want to be with me! I'm not good enough for you!"
"That isn't what I meant!"
"Well, too bad. Get out of my house. NOW."

"Oh, who needs him anyway? You still look good! You don't need a boyfriend, just yourself! Yeah, I'm an independent woman! I am happy with myself, and that is all that matters, ain't that right? Yes. Yes it is."

Asks are always open, even to anons. I will always reply to asks, and I do my best to be cordial/less snarky than usual.
Mad Poster
#130 Old 1st Oct 2012 at 3:38 PM

Emilio has been seeing Theodora on the side for her entire college career, but somehow Lily never caught on, and somehow, with Theodora involved in caught cheating event after caught cheating event at what's sure to be the most dramatic graduation party of the year, she is still clueless.
"Emilio? What exactly is going on here?"
"Uh, nothing. Old frat business."
"With Theodora? She's not in the frat. Say, I need to go congratulate my old sorority sister."
"You do that."

Joe manages to absorb some biology despite fuming over Theodora and being mimicked by Trevor the cow mascot. (You don't believe for a minute that a cow mascot is actually studying, do you?)

I'm not sure how this works. The lamb chops are in front of Harriet, and she never turned around. So why is the back of her skirt on fire?

Knock off the panicking and start extinguishing, Theodora! Your brother will be devastated if she dies!

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
Top Secret Researcher
#131 Old 2nd Oct 2012 at 1:37 AM

Admittedly, the only reason why I stuck a Ponsonby Upsnott clone into Strangetown was so I could ogle at him. Testing out the hairier skintone had nothing to do with it.

Though he totally rocks said skintone. Hurrr.....

Apparently the Jacquets are holding a dance party?

Jodie takes some kickboxing lessons from her athletic husband, to train for her acting career. Producers can be hard to impress.

Asks are always open, even to anons. I will always reply to asks, and I do my best to be cordial/less snarky than usual.
#132 Old 2nd Oct 2012 at 8:40 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Flarz
I´m working on Magnum P.I. tales.

The opening credit is nearly done, here is part one

As a child of the 80s, I have so much love for this. You even got the shot of him in the ocean with the snorkeling chick!

Awesome awesome sauce!

"Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get, but if you work really hard, and you're kind, amazing things will happen. I'm telling you, amazing things will happen" --Conan O'Brien
Field Researcher
#133 Old 3rd Oct 2012 at 11:24 AM
Quote: Originally posted by GlorianaGlowbee
As a child of the 80s, I have so much love for this. You even got the shot of him in the ocean with the snorkeling chick!

Awesome awesome sauce!

Magnum....child in the 80´s? We have something in common. Yeess i like the snorkeling mama screen a lot. Later after i´m done with the first case of magnum, i upload robin´s nest, the king kamehameha club and island hoppers at mamba city.
The characters Magnum, Higgins, Calvin, Wright are online yet.
Mad Poster
#134 Old 3rd Oct 2012 at 5:28 PM

Crystal Curious heard what Vamsi said about her new relatives and their complicated family tree, and she wasn't going to put up with it. Ow! Who expected the old lady to have a right hook as sharp as her tongue?

Not one to be discouraged easily, Crystal gives as good as she gets.

At the Beaker house, Kristen Loste and Chloe Curious-Smith join little Kriemhild Beaker playing with her bunny, tickled at how seriously she takes the matter.

Guy Wrightley finds Stella staring at the bubble blower during a toga party. "Aw, why the long face?"
"I wish to remonstrate with that cow mascot, but she's too busy imbibing more or less legal hallucinogens."
"Oh, come on, a girl as smart and pretty as you shouldn't waste time on cow mascots! You should dance. Do you know how?"

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
Field Researcher
#135 Old 3rd Oct 2012 at 9:58 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Flarz
Magnum....child in the 80´s? We have something in common. Yeess i like the snorkeling mama screen a lot. Later after i´m done with the first case of magnum, i upload robin´s nest, the king kamehameha club and island hoppers at mamba city.
The characters Magnum, Higgins, Calvin, Wright are online yet.

I was also a child of the 80's. I'm sure you guys probably know that Tom Selleck turned down the role of Indiana Jones for Magnum PI. What are your thoughts about that? I think he probably would have made a good Indiana Jones.

Here's a picture for the fans of Mrs. Crumplebottom.

The girl with the black hair is Allegra Gorey. I can't remember the name of the townie woman who is playing cards with them. Please pardon my lack of ceiling. None of my community lots have them. You can probably also see that it was raining.
Field Researcher
#136 Old 4th Oct 2012 at 1:17 PM
I was also a child of the 80's. I'm sure you guys probably know that Tom Selleck turned down the role of Indiana Jones for Magnum PI. What are your thoughts about that? I think he probably would have made a good Indiana Jones.

Agnes rock´s isn´t it so?

rogue_55 Yes you are right, Tom had a different contract for a movie that time and couldn´t switch. But i remember, they used the Indi theme for one of the last magnum parts. I must admit, Harrison played very well. Not easy to say, if Tom would be the better choice?
Field Researcher
#137 Old 4th Oct 2012 at 5:01 PM
Don't get me wrong, I love Harrison Ford. I think he was an excellent Indiana Jones. It helped that I already had a crush on him since Han Solo. I just think Tom probably would have done a good job as well. They are both very good actors.
Top Secret Researcher
#138 Old 5th Oct 2012 at 1:08 AM Last edited by Fivey : 5th Oct 2012 at 7:00 AM.
Slightly old pictures that are now kind of disturbing in context.

General Buzz never liked Arwin when he was a child, and his opinion of him didn't improve when Arwin grew up to a teen. It didn't help that Snipe, his eight year old daughter, still insisted with playing with him. The Beaker always came off as a creep, and Buzz has quite a thing against creeps. The boy was only thirteen, but Buzz did not trust him a single bit. He took the opportunity to tell him off, while Snipe wasn't watching.

"Arwin, you really need to find yourself some friends who are your age."
"There aren't much people in my age bracket at the moment. What concern does it have with you?"
"I am just getting uncomfortable with you around my daughter!"
"What, you think I'm a paedo or something?"
"Maybe, I don't know!"

"What the hell? Why would I try to hurt your kid like that?"
"That's the only reason I can think of for a boy your age to be hanging around an eight year old girl. You think your father would have enrolled you in sports or something, like any normal dad, but no. She looks at you funny, and you look at her funny back-"
"I am not touching your daughter! I don't touch children! I'm not into that! Back off, okay!? Mind your own business!"
"Why should I?"
"Maybe, so you have a kid who DOESN'T hate your guts. I heard that's a rarity in this family, is that right?"

Buzz fell silent after that, but still made sure he kept an eye on them as they said their goodbyes for the night.

"Mr. Arwin! You should come to my birthday party!"
"I thought you didn't like parties, Snipe."
"Yeah, but my daddy is making me have one, since he wants me to meet more people or something. My uncle Jason is suposda be there, but I never met him. Momma says he is nice, though."
"I don't know if your dad would want me there. Not that I care, but it doesn't seem like a good idea."
"It's my party! Promise you'll be there, Mr. Arwin? I'll have a surprise for you if you come!"
"Alright, sure."

Arwin walked out the door with Buzz glaring at him.

Asks are always open, even to anons. I will always reply to asks, and I do my best to be cordial/less snarky than usual.
#139 Old 5th Oct 2012 at 12:47 PM
Once Beth Evans stopped rolling the "have a baby" want, she started rolling "stargaze with telescope" every single night. She's determined to have a little part-alien baby somehow.

Erin Beaker-Curious likes to pretend that she's using psychokinesis while playing kickybag.

Stella Gieke followed Chester into the bathroom and proceeded to stare at him the entire time he showered. She then cleaned both showers and farted hearts madly in his direction. Stella has a problem.

Barnum Howe congratulates Chastity Charlatan on her... er... remarkable reputation.

My CC creations, updated April 21, 2015.

My Simblr
Field Researcher
#140 Old 6th Oct 2012 at 4:06 AM

Jasmine Rai changed into this outfit when she transitioned into an adult. Not just a skirt (she's very much the tomboy), but a long purple skirt with weird... what is that? Hose?

I don't think I've ever really looked closely into a medicine cabinet before. I see simlish versions of Band-Aids and maybe Colgate? That's so cute!

Why in the world is there a creepy little doorway to nowhere in the middle of that island?
Lab Assistant
#141 Old 6th Oct 2012 at 3:40 PM


Brandi just decided the side of the road was a good place to give birth.

The baby is now... Broke.

Her name is Jean Broke.
This is probably the most attention she will ever get from Brandi.
Dustin looked after the other babies but he's gone to University now.
Mad Poster
#142 Old 6th Oct 2012 at 4:55 PM

Loki and Erin went to separate unisex prep schools and don't know each other very well, but he's trying to bond with her so they can get another live-in babysitter now that Circe (who had some bee in her bonnet about him being schizo and the old lady being rich) talked Nervous into moving in with his mother. Cheating her at chess, in public, isn't much of a master plan for that, though.

Jovita Casa gets to know her future father-in-law and next-door neighbor, Cooper Hawkins, at his son George's grad party.

Pollux Stacks explains to his little sister Nova why it wasn't his fault and how it really wasn't that big a deal. After all Gracie and Ruby have both forgiven him now, even if Gracie won't kiss him anymore.

Brittany catches a party crasher - that playboy from around the corner. "Excuse me, this is a private party! If you're looking for tail, you'll have to look somewhere else."
"Oh, like your husband did?"
"What my husband does is between him and me, and none of your business." Cripes, who did this guy see Ashley with? She's going to strangle that man! First that co-ed, then he and Sadie got a bit tipsy at the Ruben twins's birthday party, and now what? How can she put up a good front if he keeps undermining the foundations?

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
Lab Assistant
#143 Old 6th Oct 2012 at 6:59 PM

Invisible Sim!

She Adopted the Ottomas twins.

Invisible Swim!

Invisible nudity!
Field Researcher
#144 Old 7th Oct 2012 at 4:31 AM
I set out to make a nice new userpic for my LJ, and I am in love so I thought I would share.

This is Salem Lacuna, founder of my custom hood, and her kitty Graffiti. How cute?!
#145 Old 7th Oct 2012 at 12:03 PM

Lab Assistant
#146 Old 7th Oct 2012 at 12:23 PM

Charles Broke is now a teenager.
He inherited Dustin's old clothes.

He's autonomously looking after Jean 0_0

Perhaps she'll be okay after all.
Top Secret Researcher
#147 Old 10th Oct 2012 at 3:22 AM

Asks are always open, even to anons. I will always reply to asks, and I do my best to be cordial/less snarky than usual.
Lab Assistant
#148 Old 10th Oct 2012 at 11:20 AM

Brandi drinks her ex husband's remains.

Gets a new lover, Jared Starchild.

Jared doesn't last long.

But long enough for Brandi to be pregnant, again!

Will this cycle ever end? Brandi isn't getting any older!
Mad Poster
#149 Old 10th Oct 2012 at 9:32 PM

Jan Tellerman, Romance, responds indignantly to the waitress's suggestion that there's anything irregular or illegal about her picking up a cute homeless teen and buying him lunch. Diff just wishes she'd set the lunch down - he's hungry!

Lukey Beaker was hoping to hustle chess when he got to the Freetime Recreation Center; but his opponent turns out to be sharper than he looks.

"That is not where that piece was."
"Well, don't look at me! I didn't touch them!"

Miguelito Casa likes working the sales floor at Casa de los Widgets a lot better than cashiering.

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
#150 Old 11th Oct 2012 at 1:35 PM
This was the first screenshot I took when I reinstalled my game on this computer: the matchmaker spawned in Belladonna Cove.

Now if a matchmaker like that only could have spawned in Strangetown...

My CC creations, updated April 21, 2015.

My Simblr
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