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Lab Assistant
#176 Old 26th Aug 2011 at 12:34 PM
which 707's did you import and in what order?
I have a few thoughts but it would be easier if you laid out what you did, in order.

abstaining! now there's a word I know well, and hate

C'est la vie, they say, because they can't change their world, but, we can! That's why we have CAW! :rolleyes:
Field Researcher
#177 Old 26th Aug 2011 at 1:16 PM
Huh. I don't import them in any particular order... I just open SimPe, open my world, import the resources you see in the screenshot, save, and close... I might have renamed (=numbered) some of them thinking it had something to do with using the same instance twice, but that didn't change anything. Twinbrook plane renders, but disappears upon saving in CAW. I have tested exporting my world to use in game and there it doesn't pose any problems, as long as I remember to add my resources as the very last thing before I export (as suggested by SimSample).
I have no idea how to edit these resources as I don't speak hex

Such CAS. Much tactile.

my blog
Lab Assistant
#178 Old 26th Aug 2011 at 2:51 PM
okay for a start you need to number them sequentially
ie - you have 4 wp's so they should be 00 01 02 03 NOT 1 2 3 5.
I believe buxco also had that problem.

C'est la vie, they say, because they can't change their world, but, we can! That's why we have CAW! :rolleyes:
Lab Assistant
#179 Old 26th Aug 2011 at 4:33 PM
Quote: Originally posted by SandrineD
okay for a start you need to number them sequentially
ie - you have 4 wp's so they should be 00 01 02 03 NOT 1 2 3 5.
I believe buxco also had that problem.
Actually, that was one of the few problems I didn't have!

I'd originally imported #3 and #5 from Bridgeport (along with Bridgeport's 906) without renaming them (I didn't think to do so) and they showed up just fine for me. It was only recently when I tried to add the new water plane that I realized that CAW or EIG had renamed them for me. I don't know when they got renamed - it could have been when I first saved in CAW or when I went into EIG - but it looks like the renumbering was done automatically.

With that said, renumbering the 707's before you import is probably the safest route!

I'm using the version of CAW for Gen without the latest update for the new stuff pack in case that makes any difference. I also imported all three files at the same time and I imported them as uncompressed (although it seems that CAW has also automatically compressed the 707's for me) because I think HP was having problems with them not showing up when they were imported as compressed.
Field Researcher
#180 Old 26th Aug 2011 at 5:45 PM
Well, I renamed them and that didn't change anything, hehe
Don't I have to rename them internally or something?

Oh: I dug up my old post about this problem and what happens is this: the Twinbrook water plane file is much much larger than the other ones, and after I save in CAW, all but the first 4 or 5 lines of code get deleted. I don't know why, but CAW hates this water plane...

Such CAS. Much tactile.

my blog
Lab Assistant
#181 Old 26th Aug 2011 at 6:12 PM
you need to get a hex editor and use it, its really not hard.
try using the twinbrook 906 it a very small file and looks like this in your hex editor

0E 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 08
00 00 01 00 00 00 B8 88 00 00 80 1A 06 00 98 3A
00 00 18 73 01 00 00

change that 01 to a 04 as you have 4 waterplanes

C'est la vie, they say, because they can't change their world, but, we can! That's why we have CAW! :rolleyes:
Field Researcher
#182 Old 26th Aug 2011 at 8:26 PM
I will, but I think there is another problem besides that: even if I just use the Twinbrook 707 and 906 the water layer disappears upon saving...

Such CAS. Much tactile.

my blog
Lab Assistant
#183 Old 26th Aug 2011 at 11:25 PM
SandrineD and I have tools linked in http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?p=3624176 that can make water planes of any size.
Also editing the 906 is much better the using the Twinbrook or Bridgeport one as there is other stuff stored in them.
How big is your world?
Did you pull the Water planes out your self? or use ones from first post?
Did you add some water planes then add more after using EIG, or CAW?
Can you upload your "broken" Twinbrook plane?
Is the CENTER of the twinbrook plane under ground?
Field Researcher
#184 Old 27th Aug 2011 at 8:36 AM
SandrineD and I have tools linked in http://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?p=3624176 that can make water planes of any size.

Yes, I noticed this awesome development and figured I would look into it later, when my world is in a further stage and I know exactly where I want water, because the only reason I am using the Twinbrook plane is that it allows me to dig a river pretty much everywhere I want, without it being at sea level.

as there is other stuff stored in them.

Oops... I did not know that

How big is your world?


Did you pull the Water planes out your self? or use ones from first post?

The latter.

Did you add some water planes then add more after using EIG, or CAW?

I re-add them every time I save and close, overwriting the resources. This works as long as I immediately export after that, without more saving in CAW. The downside is of course no proper clipping... (like with Bridgeport mountain lake somewhere in this thread)

Can you upload your "broken" Twinbrook plane?

Well I could, but it's the one Simsample uploaded in the first post way back when people were just starting this journey of discovery ;-)

Is the CENTER of the twinbrook plane under ground?

99% of it is underground...

I feel a bit guilty that you are all being so generous and helpful, as I obviously haven't looked into this thoroughly. After exams and now working looooong days over the summer, I am so happy to have time to get back to building I would like to do some of that first. I will most probably be able to add better water levels later on using your helpful tutorial (I will just figure out the x,y,z values of the other planes I am using) and get rid of the old ones
I promise that when it gets to that, I will do my research first, hehe
For now, I am happy to just muck about with the way I am doing this, it's just a bit of a hassle, so never mind :-)
But again thanks a million for being so eager to help: that's all kinds of nice!

Such CAS. Much tactile.

my blog
Lab Assistant
#185 Old 27th Aug 2011 at 9:13 AM
Ok the CENTER of water planes shouldn't be under ground as it clips out from that point. So if it's under ground it hits the terrain on the way out and just stops there.

Well I could, but it's the one Simsample uploaded in the first post way back when people were just starting this journey of discovery ;-)

I mean the small file that you get after you save in CAW.
Field Researcher
#186 Old 27th Aug 2011 at 12:57 PM
Ok the CENTER of water planes shouldn't be under ground as it clips out from that point. So if it's under ground it hits the terrain on the way out and just stops there.

Ooooh. That must be it then
Thanks again for your help!

Such CAS. Much tactile.

my blog
Test Subject
#187 Old 23rd Aug 2012 at 1:57 AM
Thank you ,Now i can create my own water falls
Test Subject
#188 Old 3rd Oct 2012 at 12:37 PM
Okay, fist of all, I'm sorry that I ask in this way, but I tried to read through the whole thread and I don't get it. English is not my native language and I am not proficient with hex editors and S3PE so please have patience with me.

I have a world, where some rivers are well above sea level. I used the river objects from WA until I just found out that they affect the routing around them to the point where lots are unaccessable. Basically, you cant walk over these objects, even if they are hidden under land.
So I remembered this thread and wanted to replace the river objects with these planes.
Only to understand that I can't simply import them as objects...?

So, first of all, is it possible if I place such a plane that Sims can walk over a bridge of land risen above the water level?

And then, well, can anyone give me a step-by-step description how I get these planes into my CAW and how I can place them? Again sorry, I know this all is covered elsewhere already but I have currently 6 tabs open and get more confused with every link I read
Be like the 22nd elephant with heated value in space, bark!
retired moderator
Original Poster
#189 Old 30th Nov 2012 at 1:20 PM
@sakasiru- there is a tutorial here:

You need to work out the co-ordinates of the corners of your water and also the height, and then put those figures into one of the two waterplane tools on offer there.

Sandrine's tool is here:

And Zaide_Chris' is here:
Field Researcher
#190 Old 28th Jan 2013 at 7:47 PM Last edited by BourgeoisBanana : 28th Jan 2013 at 8:05 PM.
Sorry to revive this old thread, but I was wondering if it was possible to delete water planes? I tried to do it by deleting the reference numbers in S3PE but it corrupted the world file. Any help would be appreciated.

Edit: Never mind, turns out I deleted the wrong file. Works fine now.
Test Subject
#191 Old 7th Feb 2013 at 11:08 AM
I got it working - somehow, but the water looks odd. It is way too transparent, it's a watery surface but you can see the ground under it as if it was air. There's no bluishness like in lakes on lots or like on sea level.

How do I change that? I know you can change sea water colour and if I understand correctly it also affects those water planes, but I like the sea water colour just fine, I would want to change only the planes for my lakes and rivers. Is there a texture I can paint into the riverbed that mimics the effect of deep water? How did you make yours look realistic?
#192 Old 7th Feb 2013 at 1:00 PM
Have you tried exiting and entering CAW after saving? It sometimes helps after changing water level.
Lab Assistant
#193 Old 8th Feb 2013 at 6:39 AM
Open your world, save then close CAW, reopen your world and it should be better.
Test Subject
#194 Old 8th Feb 2013 at 4:17 PM
Ah, thanks. I didn't save it yet because it always looked so odd
#195 Old 8th Feb 2013 at 4:35 PM
Quote: Originally posted by zaide_chris
Open your world, save then close CAW, reopen your world and it should be better.

Well, isn't it what I said a post above?
Test Subject
#196 Old 13th Feb 2013 at 1:13 PM Last edited by sakasiru : 13th Feb 2013 at 10:02 PM.
I have another question, has anyone had problems when the water planes are placed partly under lots?

I have a curvy river and some lots are placed in those curves. So if I make a large water plane covering the whole river, big parts of the water plain will be hidden beneath land, and on this land will be lots. Will there be routing problems on these lots or will they be working fine?

Oh, and another problem: In two places, my water planes don't get clipped. They are sourrounded by land, but at the next cliff they reappear and continue to float into the air. I saved and reloaded several times, I opened EIG, it's still there. How do I get it to get clipped right?

Test Subject
#197 Old 23rd Feb 2013 at 8:01 PM Last edited by sakasiru : 25th Feb 2013 at 4:27 PM.
Okay, after trying a couple of things I figured out how to get rid of it (I hope forever):

I covered the whole projecting part in land, saved and closed the editor. Afte reloading I dug the land away again and the water was gone. After another safe, exit and reload it seems to be gone for good. Just cutting it off with more/ higher land or just covering the tip of the plane didn't help, so be sure to have plenty of room around your planed to do this sort of cosmetics
Test Subject
#198 Old 18th Jun 2013 at 11:47 PM Last edited by koukii : 19th Jun 2013 at 3:02 PM.
Hi there!

Sorry for reviving this old(er) thread again - don't know where to ask otherwise... thing is.. I got the same problem as sakasiru. I tried every way possible to eliminate the overhanging water... (e.g. in the way simsample has shown and sakasiru named a post above..) It works at first, but after altering the surrounding to fit my plans, saving and loading the data once more, the overhanging water is visible again :/ I'm really frustrated since I re-made it for like 10 times, but it's always the same outcome... Has anyone an idea what I'm doing wrong or how I'll be able to solve this problem? Q_Q

EDIT: Well... after altering it a few times more, I finally managed to solve the problem! *_* don't know how though... :/ it just suddenly worked xDD
btw: a very very thank you for the mod - without this it would've been necessary to flip my whole world over <,< xD *__*
Field Researcher
#199 Old 30th Jun 2013 at 6:58 PM
Sooo... Is there any way to mod these so that we can have small boats on them? I'm SO frustrated at the EA developers for not thinking of that! I mean, you can swim in them, ice skate on them... why not wind surf on them? Now I have this huge lake all for nothing
Field Researcher
#200 Old 13th Apr 2014 at 9:15 PM
Quote: Originally posted by BourgeoisBanana
Sorry to revive this old thread, but I was wondering if it was possible to delete water planes? I tried to do it by deleting the reference numbers in S3PE but it corrupted the world file. Any help would be appreciated.

Edit: Never mind, turns out I deleted the wrong file. Works fine now.

Sooo...nothing like resurrecting an old thread, but I'm trying to do this with S3PE and keep receiving an "unable to load file" error message in CAW after I delete UNKN 0x707CA200 and UNKN 0x90624C1B from the world file. What am I doing wrong?
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