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Lab Assistant
#201 Old 12th Feb 2023 at 10:11 PM
Urban planning
As we had that question already with some houses: If your village has mostly typical features and a few uncommon features, it still will look and feel like a typical village. If you include too many uncommon features, it will not look and feel like a typical village anymore. Therefore, I would strongly advice to limit the uncommon features as much as possible.


Bell peppers and eggs
No, that's not common. Bell peppers can be stored at room temperature. In supermarkets, they are sold individually or in packages of three (= 500 g). Thus, there is no need to have huge amounts of bell peppers at home. There also aren't that many people who grow bell peppers in their own garden, but I would assume that those who do would preserve the fruits somehow (in glasses, in the freezer etc.) so that they won't spoil.
In Germany, eggs can be stored at room temperature for up to two weeks because they are not treated with chemicals before being sold. Thus, there is no need to bring them into the cellar/garage. As the average German consumes 4.5 eggs per week (including the eggs used in processed food), the vast majority of households should not have a need at all to store eggs somewhere outside the fridge. For those few households that do, you simply can place them on a kitchen counter.

That depends on the look of the cabinets. The fridges should have exactly the same color, textures, handles etc. as the cabinets. They also shouldn't have any openings for ice cubes, brand logos or other details that are typical for the outside of a fridge and no rounded surfaces unless the counters also have rounded surfaces.
As far as I can see, the only fridges that could fulfill these criteria are in the last row the left one and the two ones on the right side and in the middle row the left one.

Wall cabinets
As mentioned in my previous posting for the kitchen counters, the most common style would be a single door. Open shelves, as you alredy noticed, are the exception. Even for inner counters, shelves are rather the exception. You can google "Küche" and "Eckschrank" for counters and "Küche", "Hängeschrank" and "Ecke" for cabinets (unfortunately, the search results will also show many examples for counters) to see som examples. For outer corners, I also have seen a few shelves so that this might be a bit more common than the other options. Often, the cabinet above the sink is less high than the other cabinets so that people using the sink have a bit more space for their heads (like the very left cabinet in your counter completer link). In one of the kitchens that I know, that shorter cabinets is a shelf like in one of your links.

Furniture sets
Bonate looks fitting for me. Manor House doesn't look like a typical German kitchen. The cabinet (with glass doors) counter combination without a gap inbetween might be an option for a dining room.

My comments only refer to counters and cabinets in kitchens. For bathrooms, the classical Sims counters are uncommon. Cabinets in bathrooms usually have lower depths and more varying heights. You will find cabinets with wooden doors, glass doors and open shelves and a mix of all these options - depending on the preferences of the inhabitants.

Game progress

Post-war lot
I would add windows to the attic, even if the original house didn't have any.
Stone gardens are frowned upon nowadays. If you want to keep the stone garden, it might be the right lot for a household that doesn't really care about a good relationship with their neighbors. You also should try to add some weeds between the stones after a while because sooner or later there will be weeds in RL as well.
Is it possible to fix the garage door glitch?
It's good that you placed the satellite dish on the backside of the roof. A bit left of it, there is a small wall piece that is visible through the roof. Is it possible to fix this?
Is there a special reason for the low fence in the middle of the garden?
The recliners are placed in a strange way. If you really want to place them in the shadow, you could place them on the patio. More common would be to place them somewhere in the sun and closer to the walkway.
It looks strange to me that there is a small wall piece behind the garden hut. It would look better, if you would replace the fence with the wall or if you replace that small wall piece with a fence. The style of the fence is also rather unusual.
It's realistic to have some stones next to the wall as part of the drainage, but I have never seen that somebody puts something on top. It would be better to move the plant a bit to the right so that it is on the floor tile next to the garage door. It also would be realistic to have a low fence that looks like a low wall as border around the stones so that the stones remain where they are supposed to be.
It seems a bit strange to me that such a big part of the garden is unused. If the lot was inhabited, you could place a swingset, a sandbox, a paddling pool, a trampoline - something like that. If it remains uninhabited, you should place some hedges (maybe some that look like nobody cared about the garden for quite a while) and maybe one or two trees.
Top floor: That one row of tiles in the bathroom is unusable. It should be partitioned off. If you find some suitable CC, you could use some kind of wallpaper that looks like there are some kind of sliding doors in the wall so that the household has some extra storage (like this: https://image.jimcdn.com/app/cms/im...et%C3%BCre.png). You also should add a piece of wall in the hallway because children could fall down the stairs. Nevertheless, you should add floor tiles wherever possible because for stability reasons. The only exception might be the part of the kitchen that is not covered by the attic.


First picture (from left to right):
Last row: Remove 3
Middle row: Remove 1, 2, 3
Front row: Remove 2

Third picture: Keep all

Fifth picture:
Last row: Keep all
Middle row: Remove 1, 2, 3 and 5
Front row: Keep all

Summerdream: I like both beds on the right. The choice between the two of them would depend on what other furniture you will choose. Yes, the golden bed could be fitting for another sim. I also like the fourth bed and could imagine that it also might be fitting for other sims.

Capp: I think that the two beds on the right are most fitting. The knotted wood bed looks rather cheap to me. As the period is not that obvious, it could of course be fitting for other households. The top right bed looked a bit Asian (or Asian inspired) to me with the color scheme and the silky look of the fabric. Other recolors might not evoke that association.

Monti ranch
I think that the kitchen of the Monti ranch should have a more modern style. Migrant workers had badly paid jobs and definitely couldn't afford to buy such a huge lot and building anytime soon after their arrival. It would be much more realistic that they bought the house years after their arrival and if money still was tight back then, the kitchen could be even a few years younger.
Original Poster
#202 Old 13th Feb 2023 at 12:22 PM
If a ZFH has been divided into two apartments yet have a shared backyard, is it still common that it's rented by two households that do not know each other well? Is the backyard accessible for both households or only for the one living on the ground floor? Wondering this becuase I'm looking for a fitting ZFH lot for Antonio as well.

Sometimes I see low cabinets built underneath sinks separately, and in some cases a built-in cabinet https://i.pinimg.com/564x/ce/09/d7/...62e80e9bf56.jpg & https://i.pinimg.com/474x/8e/b5/ec/...624893c7799.jpg (renovated in 2005).
Since when are rainwater tanks like these common in gardens?

Post-war lot: I placed the wooden fence in the middle of the backyard because the reference had a slight height gap: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5VPIngK60I. Also, the yard is not rectangular so that's why I was fiddling around with the borders around the shed.

Meanwhile, I've created Windenburg as downtown hood (before someone here has recently uploaded this hood as well), and have selected which families I want to move there. But for most of them, I haven't made up what kind of house would suit them regarding family size and income class. Here are the pictures and biographies of the families: https://imgur.com/a/gsJ64qS. What suggestions do you have regarding jobs and type of houses?
I haven't made screenshots yet of this subhood, and the road layout is like the 1st draft.
Lab Assistant
#203 Old 4th Mar 2023 at 8:43 PM
Everything is possible. If the owner (or a relative) do not live in the house, it is really common that the two households did not know each other well before moving in. If the owner lives in the house, they usually are quite picky when chosing tenants for the other apartment. In this case, it also is quite easy for the owner to cancel the rental contract with the tenants. If there is a garden, often all households have acces to it (either as shared garden or the garden is divided so that each household has its own part of the garden. Nevertheless, not every house has a garden.

Cabinets beneath sinks: Such cabinets are relatively common, but they are smaller than kitchen counters and they have cut-outs for the tube of the sink. In your first example, the sink is wall-mounted and the cabinet is just standing beneath it, but is not connected to it.
Rainwater tanks: I don't think that I ever saw any such tanks. I know that some neighbors have some underground water reservoir (in the ground of a subsidiary building). Apart from that, rain barrels in all sizes are common and many people have wells in their garden so that they also can use underground water for their plants (for trees, usually a hose is used, for fruits and vegetables, people might put the water into a rain barrel first for temperature reasons, sprinklers are not that common). I could imagine the rainwater tanks in a small garden lots (used for growing fruit and vegetables if there is no garden behind the house) slightly outside of the village. The owners could bring water there with a tractor.
Post-war lot: The fence makes sense for the height gap. If there will be no height gap in your lot, I would remove it. I also would remove that small wall piece behind the garden shed and replace it with a fence instead.

Windenburg families

As it's rather difficult to just think of the Sims careers, I will rather tell you what RL jobs come into my mind and you can then decide which ingame job might fit best.

Baumann family
Nicholas would be a very uncommon first name for a German person. The name and similar names usually have a "k" sound, not a "ch" sound. Thus, Nicolas or Nikolas would be much more common.
My first thought for Nicholas was that he might work in a DIY shop (like Bauhaus, Obi, Globus etc). Due to his aspirations, I would assume a rather low motivation to advance a lot in a career so that a retail job seems to be a good choice. Most big DIY shops (like the ones mentioned above) have part of their shop dedicated to everything for gardens - tools, machines, garden sheds, garden ponds, playground items for children, plants and all kinds of supplies. Thus, his job would be related to his interests, but doesn't require a too high motivation. He would meet lots of new people (= potential partners) on the job. I'm not sure whether he still is interested in that, but I assume that he was when he was younger and not yet married. As the opening hours of shops are limited in Germany, the job also allowed him to go clubbing (= potential partners) when he was younger. That kind of shop also should have break rooms where he could warm up grilled cheese during his lunch break and often there are bakeries on the same lot and bakeries often offer products with cheese on top (e.g. Käselaugenstange), if you want him to eat a slightly bigger variety of things.
Mother: Sounds okay to me, but there shouldn't be too many people in the culinary career unless they own a restaurant. There are not that many restaurants in rural areas and most restaurants are family businesses with one or two people working there fulltime and some more family members helping out when needed (in addition to their regular jobs). There might be more people helping out in a restaurant, but these people usually have a regular job and just earn a little extra money on the weekend and/or in the evening. It's usually a "Minijob", not a part-time job and they don't have regular working hours. The restaurant owner calls them when they need help and the helpers then tell the owner whether they are available or whether the restaurant owner should ask some other helps instead.
For your background story: Some people in Romania have a German migratory background and some of them still speak German today. You should decide whether or not the mother had such a background (which would make it easier to move to Germany and get a German passport) and whether she already knew German or had to learn it.
Marilena: This name also sounds rather unusual for me. In Germany, "Marlene" or "Marlena" would be more common. If Marilena is more common in Romania, it might be fitting nevertheless.
Clara: The warning about having too many sims in the culinary career also applies to her. Due to the low number of employees in most restaurants, there often is no team leader. The whole concept of the Sims 2 careers with making progress doesn't really match reality.
Housing: I would assume that they are lower middle class as the jobs provide average to below average income. What is Nicholas background? Did his parents own a house? Does he have siblings? If his parents owned a house, he might live in that house (unless one of his siblings does). If not, they would either live in a rather small owned house (no special year of construction - whatever was available on the market for a low price when they wanted to buy a house - or even a new house if a new housing development area was established around that time) or a small rented house or rented apartment. If they live in a rented object, one bedroom for both children sounds realistic, if they live in an owned house, two bedrooms for the children would be the more common option.
Furniture: I wouldn't choose one specific style. As they are not too rich, the furniture from different rooms most likely would be from different years. I assume that Nicholas can buy stuff at the DIY shop with a discount so that they might have lots of stuff from there. If he is handy, some items even might be built by himself (with materials from the DIY shop). There still might be an old furniture item from his parents or grandparents somewhere, more likely in a storage room, less likely in a room where they spend a lot of time.

Capricciosa family
Cat: There are some popular cat names in Germany that sound like they also might be suitable for an Italian family: Luna, Mia and Bella. The male names unfortunately didn't include names that sounded Italian, but in the same website, they mentioned popular cat names for a few other countries and in Italy, Romeo seems to be popular for male cats. Maybe you like one of the names.
Migration: Germany changed the migration politics in 1973. Thus, after the date, the numbers of migrant workers immigrating into Germany dropped significantly. However, as Italy is part of the EU, I think that they always had the right to work in other EU countries since regulation (?) 1612/68/EG. The current regulation 2004/38/EG took effect in 2005.
Migrant workers usually didn't have such a good education. They were the ones who didn't have a good perspective in their home countries and they knew that in Germany they would work in simple jobs (in factories and in agriculture) that don't require professional training. Thus, I think that it is more likely that the family lives in an apartment.
Italian immigrants usually integrate themselves quite well so that it would be completely normal if the daughter attends the Gymnasium and goes to university after graduating from school.

LeTourneau family
The family name is quite unusual. I only found two phonebook entries for whole Germany for "Letourneau" (with lower case "t") and five entries for "Tourneau" (two of them have the same area code as two other entries so that these most likely are relatives of each other).
Is there a special reason why you chose a Korean background for Da-Rae? I can't really imagine such a family. There are very few Koreans in Germany and many of them immigrated during the past couple of years which is too late to have a teen son at the time of your Veronaville. Some of the immigrants also came in the 60s, but that stopped after a scandal (Korea kidnapped Korean citizens in Germany without the knowledge and permission of Germany because of a suspicion of espionage for North Korea and sentenced them to death after they were brought to Korea). Many of the immigrants that arrived during that period moved on to other countries or returned to Korea some years later. About 40 % of the Koreans in Germany live in the Frankfurt area and most of the remaining Koreans live in or close to other urban centers. It also doesn't seem to be too common that Koreans marry Germans. As I don't know too many Koreans, my impression might be biased, but I only know Koreans who are married with other Koreans or Koreans that are not married at all. I got the impression that the younger Koreans are more open to relationships with non-Koreans, but they are around the age of the teenage son, not around the age of the mother.
A Vietnamese background would be more fitting for Germany as we have much more people with Vietnamese background in Germany. During the 70s, some Germans helped many boat people (e.g. with the Cap Anamur project and ship) and many people from Vietnam emigrated to Germany during that period. The children usually learned German quite well and I know some who are in relationships with/married to Germans.
The Streber image would be fitting both for a Korean or a Vietnamese background. They usually do very good in school (about 70 % have Abitur vs. about 50 % for all pupils).
Mother's job: In Korea, women usually stay at home from work when they have children. Thus, it might be an option that she doesn't work at all. However, one of the reasons for immigration in recent years is that many of the younger Korean women don't want to lead such a life anymore. Those women might return to the job fulltime (and won't wait until the youngest child is a teenager). For a Vietnamese background, fulltime seems to be more fitting to me because many of them obtain university degrees and you usually don't spend so many years on your education just to stay at home.
House: With your description, I don't see them as villa owners at all. Even if Joseph has a high position, it's in a social jobs and social jobs are paid really badly in Germany. It also is not really common for upper middle class families to have an indoor pool. Saunas might be a bit more common, but also relatively uncommon. I only know two families that have such facilities (one has a pool, the other one a sauna) and they both are company owners with a significant higher income than the LeTourneau family. Nevertheless, the family with the pool in the cellar didn't have water in the pool anymore because they didn't want to pay so much for heating the water. A detached EFH might be okay, if Joseph has the right background (a small inheritance from his grandparents or relatives who helped to build the house).

This family also would fit better into an urban area, but as they are a recreation, I wouldn't change anything.
Do you have a certain background story for the family?
The most common option would be that they are refugees which would imply that they have language problems, problems to find a good apartment and a good job, maybe not yet driving licences. If they are lucky, they have an apartment just a bit outside the town center in a rather new house with elevator. In the town center, the buildings usually are older, often without elevator and with shops or businesses on the ground floor which means that toddlers, strollers and purchases have to be carried up several floors. In the outskirts of the town (suburb doesn't fit for a small town imho), they would live in a purely residential area and without a driving licence and a car and with that many children, running errands would be really annoying and time-consuming. Just outside the town center, the shops in the town center still would be in walking distance, but the buildings could be new enough to have elevators. However, Germany has a housing shortage, a low income is not exactly popular with landlords and people with a migratory background often are discriminated. Thus, you could put them in any available apartment in any part of the town because that might have been the only apartment that they could rent. In this option, Defaya maybe does not have a job at all. Maybe he is volunteering at the local sports club.
Another option could be that Defaya used to be a professional athlete. If he did some kind of team sport, he maybe was employed by a sports club in that area. Due to the rural area, I would assume that the type of sport isn't that popular or that he played in the second or third league. It's up to you to find a sport that is also popular in Ethiopia. If he played for the club for a certain amount of years, he might have earned the right to stay in Germany and Sadekan also was allowed to move to Germany after marrying him. In this option, he still could work in the athletic career in some kind of position that the club offered to him after the end of his active career. Although this is not the most probable option, it is my preferred option because in a rural area you won't find that many sims who work in the athletic career. As the family is not poor, they have a car and driving licences and they can live in the outskirts of the town without disadvantages, but they also could live closer to the town center. As Defaya's job doesn't provide that much income, I don't think that they earned enough to buy a house, but they could rent an apartment with 3-4 bedrooms.
A third option would be that Defaya's parents are wealthy (for Ethiopian standards - not necessarily for German standards) and gave him enough money so that he could study in Germany. After graduating, he found a job and therefore was allowed to stay in Germany and after marrying, his wife also was allowed to move to Germany. In this option, Defaya most likely would be an engineer, an IT specialist or have some other high-paying job. Subsequently, they could afford a small house in the outskirts of the town and maybe even two cars.

Jahn family
As you want them to live in a multi-generational detached house, the house definitely should not be in the town center.
For Stefanie, my first thought before reading about her interests was that she could work as lunchtime supervision for children after school. Most children would be there between 1 and 3 p.m., but the first would arrive around 11:15 a.m. and the latest would leave around 5 p.m. so that you could choose the exact number of hours depending on your preferences. I'm not sure, however, whether this really fits her interests. She might be the one who prepares lunch for the children (if it is prepared and not just delivered by another company). If she does that, she might have a professional training as chef or as household manager as background (although that job doesn't really require any professional training at all).
If her job should be closer to the other interests, she could work in the municipal administration. A job directly in politics would be unrealistic in a rural area (because there are hardly any jobs that have a salary, only compensations for expenses and a lot of voluntary work), but that way, she could have some contact with politicians. If you want something related to the food interest, she could be part of the food control administration and if you want something related to the weather interest, the environmental inspectorate might be the closest job that you could get. All the administration jobs can be done fulltime or parttime depending on Stefanie's preferences.

Gerstner family
There's no clear answer to that question. It depends on the relationship between the family members, on the lot where they could live together, on the personal level of freedom and privacy that they need, on the family history, in what kind of environment do the people want to live etc.
Sometimes families rent two apartments in the same house because one apartment is not big enough for the family. When the children grow up, the parents either cancel the contract for one apartment or one child decides to take over the contract. In such a situation, several branches of one family could live in the same apartment house.
If the family owns a house that consists of two or more apartments, it's also possible that siblings decide to live in the same house. If they inherited the house or were given it as a present, they even might own it together.
If Anne really is a hippie and interested in spiritual stuff, I'm not sure whether she'd really be happy in an apartment, however. She might want to have a garden as a place to grow some plants and be close to nature. Therefore, I can rather imagine a lot with several buildings like a farm or some other kind of business. The siblings family could live in the residential building and Anne and Korinne could live in a subsidiary building, barn or stable that was converted into living space.
Korinne also is a quite untypical name in Germany btw. The most common version should be Corinna and Korinna also exists. I wouldn't even know how to pronounce it. The German pronounciation of the "e" at the end sounds wrong to me, but the name also doesn't look like it should be pronounced French without the "e".

LeChien family
Shouldn't the name be spelled "Clémont" instead?
There are hardly any fulltime politics jobs in rural areas so that law or law enforcement would be much more realistic.
With just regards to their jobs, I wouldn't see that family as upper middle class. The restaurant job most likely would be a Minijob with just a few hundred euros income (plus tips) per month. State officials (law enforcement career) are paid well, but not extremely well. A lawyer also would earn well, but not nearly as well as e.g. in a business law firm in a city. Thus, the family income isn't that high that I would consider that family upper middle class. Maybe one of the parents made an inheritance that makes a difference?
If you want them to own a house, it should be located outside of the Altstadt. That also would be more suitable for the dog because there's a bigger chance that there is a park or a meadow somewhere close to the family's home.
Btw: Houses in the town center usually are not inhabited by their owners. The ground floor usually is rented to some kind of business and the floors above are rented to some people as apartment(s).

Haas family
If Nelke is that ambitious, she should have resumed working fulltime when the girls were younger.
Just so that you are aware: Nelke is the German word for a certain type of flowers (carnations) that typically is associated with funerals.
They (like most other families) should live in a post-war house outside of the town center.

Wolf family
I think that an apartment in the town center might be a good option for them. The wife's job sounds like she might work in the town center and the husband maybe also works in a bar in the town center. There, they wouldn't need a car and would not have any problems to get to work (bad bus connections, not enough parkings available). in RL, they might have an Eigentumswohnung, but that unfortunately is not possible ingame.

Back then, there were very few jobs that allowed you to work from home (freelance jobs like translators, artists) and most of them don't generate that much income. Baby minder also is a job that can be done at home, but that became more popular after a certain law in 2013 and that requires certain renovations in the rooms where the children will be.
As the youngest child still is a toddler, her husband can't be gone for a really long time. Thus, I would assume that he provided for the family until relatively recently. There could be savings and if the husband died, there also could be money from a live insurance. Wife and children also would receive widow's pension and half-orphan's pension or alimony advance (Unterhaltsvorschuss).
Mila also would be entitled to a child benefit for her children (250 euros per month and child). Since 2007, there's also a parental benefit for the first year after a child is born (or optional half the amount of money for two years). If the father still is alive, he would have to pay alimonies for the children and often also for the mother until the youngest child is at least three years old.
These sources of income won't make the Munch family rich, but it should be enough to last until Mila can take up some kind of job again. For most of the above mentioned benefits will also be paid in addition to a job income so that once Mila takes up a job again, they definitely will do okay financially.
Kindergärten didn't have such a problem with limited capacity. But Kindergärten only are for children 3+. The main problem were Kitas (Kindertagesstätten) for children younger than 3. However, the opening hours of the Kindergarten might not be perfect for a single parent. I would assume that Mila only could work parttime (up to 6 hours per day) and she will have to take her vacation during the weeks when the Kindergarten is closed.

Just for your information: Migrants usually prefer living cities because it's often easier for them to find jobs there. Thus, Windenburg wouldn't be too attractive for them and the percentage of migrants would be significantly below the German average.

Would you mind uploading your Windenburg somewhere and PMing me the download link? I really like neighborhood creations and might want to play in that neighborhood somewhen in future. I already saw and downloaded the other Windenburg, but it's always better to be able to compare and choose. The sims in the neighborhood are not relevant for me. I always create clean and empty copies of neighborhoods.

I came across some information regarding chimneys that might be interesting for you: If a chimney is less than 15 m away from any window of another house, the chimney has to be higher than the window. 15 m equals about 22-23 tiles ingame. Thus, you really should try to have chimneys close to the highest point of the roof whenever possible. For those houses when it is not possible, you maybe can find some CC chimney that you can put on top of the real chimney or you could build a fake chimney with walls around the real chimney.
Original Poster
#204 Old 6th Mar 2023 at 12:55 AM Last edited by Softlism : 9th Mar 2023 at 9:55 PM. Reason: spelling/grammar fixes
Great answers! This gives me more inspiration for selecting which Lots I want to focus on. However, it's more challenging for me to recreate old apartments becuase rental homes often don't have pictures of the exterior nor a floorplan. But since most apartments in an Altstadt are attached Fachwerkhäuser, I can widen my Immo search to any old town in NRW/RLP/Hessen. I recently created a FWH for a shop using the Adenau marketplace houses as a reference, but sadly I couldn't find pictures of how the backside of the building looks like where tenants can enter the house. It's probably courtyard-like.

The Windslar district is going to be a Wohngebiet with detached post-war lots. But what kind of lots would suit for the Lykke Centre harbour? I was thinking of putting there semi-detached post-war lots and some MFH apartments. In the TS4 backdrops, this district has post-war lots and looks like a Stadtrand district.

If a village of 1 - 3K is a tourist attraction like Adenau, won't they have multiple (small) restaurants? I was thinking to build the Monty restaurant in the Altstadt for Italian cuisine, and another one for more traditional German cuisine. For the summer, I was thinking to build a small restaurant at the lake or the harbour. Since it's a Downtown hood, I don't feel like building hotel-restaurant buildings, unless it's possible to let BV Tourists spawn into the hood and let them sleep there.

I have made an SC4 terrain but I've edited a lot in-game using the modifyneighborhoodterrain cheat. Also, the roads are just a 1st version and needs modifications. But I will let you know when I've taken the time to upload it to SFS.

Windenburg families
I want to place two or three Italian families in an OFB subhood (Nachbardorf), also becauses I imagine the Nachbardorf shares the same football club as Veronaville (just like that Schuld and three other villages share the same football club) and want to let those Sims join them in my headcanon. Windenburg (900 - 2K inhabitants) might have their own football team. However, the Ahr football club has only been established since 2009 but cannot find which other club the villagers had to join before.

Baumann family
The Romanian mother is most likely an immigrant and had to learn German. I think I go for the stay-at-home mom scenario.
Marilena (indeed a Romanian name) is an outgoing and nice Sim, but sloppy and lazy. Her OTH is Arts and has high interest in Food, Culture, Sports, and Entertainment, but also School. She attends Realschule, but has inconsistent grades due to her absent-mindedness. What type of a Realschüler pupil could have a high Interest in School?
Clara is very playful and a bit lazy. Her interests are Food, Weather, Politics, Paranormal and Sport. Her Lifetime Want is becoming a Celebrity Chef. this is her Wiki. What kind of culinary job would suit her better?
I have to check how many siblings I want to create for Nikolas based on how many Townies share the same face template. I haven't thought about inheritance atc. Due to the lower-middle class income, they're gonna live in a small lot with only 1 child bedroom. If they don't have an inherited property, would a ZFH/MFH Wohnung in a Wohngebiet or Stadtrand be suited for them, or rather a small Fachwerk apartment in the Altstadt?

Eva is the only Sim that's a TS4 premade recreation -- the parents are suggested by a Tumblr user who plays Windenburg. She attends Realschule.
They're going to live in an (old) apartment above a shop in the Altstadt, but first I have to find good pictures from the front and back of a building.

They're Veronaville Townie recreations, and I imagined the father is from France or Walloina. Jihoon LeTourneau is a recreation of a Veronaville Townie with Face template 08 (the Asian one), hence I created him as a Korean Sim. For his mother, then I will choose her to let her work fulltime. Post-war detached lots are the easiest for me to recreate, so I can easily let them move in somewhere. Since both parents have Fortune as secondary aspiration, what kind of (expensive) furniture would suit them? Solid wood rustic furnitre or rather early-2000s modern?

Only the son Markus Flex is a TS4 recreation. I've created his family based on a convo with the same Windenburg player who likes to create headcanons. In TS4, Markus doesn't have a background story and his heritage is unkown, but I choose to make him Ethiopian/Habesha based on his facial features. I changed his last name to an Ethiopian one and Flex could have been his nickname later on.
I think I go for the refugee scenario where they have to learn the German language when they immigrated around 1990. Markus attends Realschule but probably with mediocre grades due to language barrier, so he might need to get Nachhilfe. He rather plays basketball.
His dad likes to play football/soccer and running (I was surpirsed that football was a popular sport in Ethiopia because they don't do well in international championships).
In that case, I go for the option to let them live in an apartment, either in an old Fachwerk apartment or a post-war one at the Lykke center harbour.

I yet have to create Anne's siblings and their families and determine if I would let them live in a MFH/granny flat in a Wohngebiet, or Anne and Korinne in a small apartment above a shop in the Altstadt. While Anne is hippie-like due to her high interest in Paranormal and not wanting to have a steady relationship, she has 0 Interest points for Environment. Korinna on the other hand has 6 points for Nature but only 1 point for Animals (I imagine her freaking out about bugs and rodents and not liking pets).
Anne has 9 Interest points for Work, so I imagine her being a workaholic. In that case, can she work fulltime and/or running an own Paranormal shop as a single mom?

I could rename Nelke based on the popular Dutch/German names. She isn't a TS4 premade anyway, but a headcanon parent since Maaike Haas is the only TS4 premade. Maaike is the middle child and gets along well with her older sister Jennifer. She despises her bitchy younger sister Michelle (pleasure aspiration) who hangs out with mean girls and is overly interested in boys at a too-young age. Maaike on the other hand is a bookworm but not too shy.
In that case, they're going to live in a post-war EFH lot in a Wohngebiet. If they have only 2 child bedrooms, which girls are probably going to share one room? Is it based on age difference or also the connection between the siblings?

Most likely, her husband has left Mila and the town (TS4 players suggested he had an affair with the unnamed wife of Jacques Villareal). So he has to pay alimonies for her and her kids. Mila is a stay-at-home mom for now and lives from child benefits and alimony. The boys share one bedroom since the Quereinhaus reference only has one large child bedroom but a huge open library room with exposed Fachwerk beams.

Fyres family
Forgot to post these ones as well, so here's a link: https://imgur.com/A1zvQPT
They're also immigrants/expats, but the reason why is unclear. It must be noted that TS4 Windenburg mainly has non-German premades Sims. The only German natives are the Munch family and Ulrike Faust.
Dominic is a Black-Irish Sim who works in the Entertainment Career (Opening Act in TS4). Sometimes he also DJs at the local dancing bar. He has his daughter from an earlier marriage.
Moira is Irish as well (based on her name) and a stay-at-home mom who likes to garden in her spare time. She might do some mini jobs related to gardening. She had her daughter Morgan from an earlier marriage (alternative headcanon becuase the daughter has the same skin complexion as her mom).
Siobhan is a social Sim with Popularity × Fortune aspiraton and attends Gymnasium due to her TS4 Ambitious trait, albeit with mediocre grades due to the language barrier. There could be a chance she drops to Realschule when she goes to the 9th, but may proceed to Oberschule once her grades go up. She's befriended with Jade Rosa.
In TS4, they live in a detached FWH in the Wohngebiet area, but I definitely would build something different for them. Based on Dominic's job, what kind of lot would suit them: a post-war ZFH in a Wohngebiet, a Stadrand apartment/ZFH/Doppelhaus, or rather an Altstadt apartment?

Rosa family
Originally, they were one of the three Italian families I want to move into the OFB subhood, but now I want to add this family to Windenburg as well since they're possibly expats instead of labor migrants: https://imgur.com/nUN102C
Sanchez has Fortune Aspiration and works in the Intelligence or Science career. He often wears a suit, just like Consort Capp. His wife Fabiana has Family Aspiration, but works either part-time or full-time in Natural Science.
Jade (the only TS4 premade) is very ambitious, has Fortune Aspiration and puts much effort in getting good grade. She's neat and outgoing, but very bitchy. She is befriended with Siobhan Fyres and Michelle Haas.
What kind of house and district would suit them?

Capp family
As suggested by you in the past, Regan, Cornwall and Kent could live in a city. Even though Windenburg is still village-like, I want to let them live there so Regan can still visit the bar after work (like a fancy one at the Lykke center). What type of house and district would suit them?
In TS4, Windenburg has an island with fancy houses. Bjergsen and Villareal are the premades that live there and are the richest Sims, so I wonder if it woud suit for Regan to own a villa there as well with her parents' money. If Kent is able to move out once he gets a Science career, what kind of apartment would suit him?

Ahrweiler buildings
I found an excerpt about the characteristics of FWH in the Ahrweiler area, but it looks like some images are missing. Even though I can run a translator through the page, can you help me with finding pictures for various characteristic building types mentioned? Some terms may get lost in translation after all.
Lab Assistant
#205 Old 26th Mar 2023 at 12:40 PM
Attached FWH

I think that it is fine to also use floorplans of other regions. In many cases, the original layouts will vary more due to the different professions of the first inhabitants than due to the region. And it's always possible that there was an extensive renovation that also changed the layout. For houses, the monument preservation usually only affects the outside so that the owners can modernize the inside almost without limitations.
I had a look at the Adenau marketplace and I am not sure whether all entrances for inhabitants really are at the backsides. I know some old buildings with shops on the groundfloor and apartments or offices on the upper floors and some of these buildings have just one entrance that leads to both the shop (separated by an additional door - often a glass door in a glass wall) and the staircase. During business hours, everybody can open the front door (or sometimes it even is open all the time) while at night you need a key to open the door. When there is such a shared entrance, the front door usually is one one side of the building, not in the middle, because otherwise it would be too inconvenient for the store.
If you want to build a row of attached FWH, the above mentioned layout might be the best option for you. Otherwise, the tenants might not have a possibility to get to the entrance at the backside of the house.
I also could not find photos of the backsides of the houses, but I seriously doubt that there are any courtyards because courtyards are not typical features of FWH (on the website that you linked at the end of your posting, they mentioned that some FWH in areas with Roman influence have a central room that is connected to all the other rooms). It is possible (and typical for farms, but not for town centers) that several buildings surround a yard, but there is no yard in a single building.
For the backsides, it might help if you have a look at these houses in google maps and choose the satellite photos instead of the regular view. For me, it looks like there is some kind of dead end road behind the houses and in the narrow part of the road, cars most likely are forbidden (or only allowed for loading and unloading).

Lykke Centre

I could imagine an industrial style for that district. As it is close to the water, there could be a small harbor and in the past, industry liked to be close to harbors because that facilitated transportation. Maybe the harbor suffered a decline at some point so that the district was run-down and partially abandoned and industry moved somewhere else (e.g. closer to the highway). After a while, young people discovered the district and moved there and started turning the buildings into apartments, bars and restaurants, turning it into a hip district (Szeneviertel).
I don't really know whether this would work for a small town. I didn't know Lykke Centre before you mentioned it in your posting and had to look up some information and look at some pictures before writing that answer and I don't know why but it made me think of the Jungbusch district [~7000 inhabitants) in Mannheim (300 000+ inhabitants). The district still has many old buildings with matching styles from the end of the 19th century and some newer buildings from recent years. Here is a picture as example: https://kommunalinfo-mannheim.de/wp...hlenkomplex.jpg
The big building in the middle (Kauffmannmühle) got destroyed in a big fire in February. Maybe the media coverage was the reason why I still had Jungbusch on my mind when looking at the pictures of Lykke Centre.
If you want to try something like that for Lykke Centre, you could keep the style, but simply build fewer floors and less high buildings so that it looks more realistic for a small town.


The Nürburgring race track is the real tourist attraction, not Adenau itself, but that's not too relevant for your question. I had a look at google maps with "Adenau" and "restaurant" as text and could count about 20 places, most of them cafes, bistros and delivery services. I assume that the competition is quite hard and that there is a lot of fluctuation. The types of results (many cafes, bistros and delivery services) also indicate, that the guests apparently don't want to spend too much money on food so that even the more successful businesses will make only relatively small profits. If you want to have two "real" restaurants, there also should be some smaller places like bistros. Cafes often are combined with bakeries in Germany. Thus, you could set them up as business instead of as restaurant, if you want to have more variety.

Windenburg families

Italian families shouldn't be a problem. They are distributed more evenly on urban and rural areas than migrants from some other countries. Around the time of your Veronaville, most of the sims would be the second or third generation after immigrating so that language, education, career etc. aren't a topic anymore.

No, the four villages do not share a club. All the teams have a SG in their name which means Spielgemeinschaft. If a club doesn't have enough player for a sports team, they can create a SG with another club so that they can have a common sports team. But this SG just applies for that one type of sport and often also just for certain teams, e.g. the clubs have just one common youth team (per age group), but each club has its own adult team and the adult teams are competing against each other. Other sports and the rest of the club activities of course also are not affected by the SG.
Just for your information: SV means Sportverein so that the club offers more sports apart from football. An exclusive football club usually wouldn't survive (financially) in a small village.
Also for your information: SV Eintracht Schuld exists since 1980 according to the trade register:
Rheinland-Pfalz Amtsgericht Koblenz VR 11036 – Sportverein Eintracht Schuld e.V.
Rechtsform: eingetragener Verein
Kapital: 0,00
Eintragsdatum: 28.03.1980
Löschdatum: -
Jahresabschluss offen gelegt zum: -
Anschrift (ohne Gewähr):
Sportverein Eintracht Schuld e.V.
Auf dem Stausten 23
53520 Schuld

(Unfortunately, it's not possible to link the search result, but the trade register apparently doesn't contain much information on clubs anyway. For companies, you can see much more information.)
I assume that it's just the SG that was established in 2009 and its likely that before 2009 there were two SGs with each two clubs (because I didn't know any SG of four clubs before reading your posting) that then founded a bigger SG.

I will only list those families if you asked a question and/or if I have a comment.

Just for your information: Not all descendents from German settlers still know German after several generations. Thus, having to learn German doesn't necessarily define her background.
Why should a Realschüler not be interested in school? The grades at the end of fourth grade decide which type of secondary school pupils may attend and once you are in one type of secondary school, it's (almost) impossible to change to another type of school with higher requirements. Thus, a few bad grades in fourth grade can have effect on the whole rest of your life. Nevertheless, if shes interested in school, she might want to continue with Fachoberschule after graduating from Realschule and then still has the chance to study, if she wants to.
What do you mean with "kind of culinary job"? Jobs in Germany don't work like the Sims careers. In RL, she should do an Ausbildung as Köchin and afterwards move around a lot to work in renowned restaurants in Germany or all around the world. In a rural area, there often are no real opportunities to become a famous chef. If she wants to stay in the rural area, the biggest goal would be having a restaurant of her own, but starting that restaurant doesn't require the career levels of the culinary career. If you have some money, if your kitchen is safe and if you passed a short hygiene training, you may start a restaurant without any cooking or business skills (but of course, these skills help a lot if you don't want to close your restaurant again).
All parts of the town would be okay for them. Due to the lower-middle class income, a MFH seems more likely than a ZFH to me. As the children are old enough to walk stairs by themselves and even could help carrying food and drinks, the lack of an elevator in a FWH would not be a problem anymore.

I would choose modern furniture, maybe with a few CC designer pieces. Rustic wood is not necessarily associated with expensive furniture. Thus, to make it appear expensive, it would have to be antique or made-to-measure by a carpenter which often is extremely expensive.

I think that 1990 is too early. At that time, Germany had hardly any sub-Saharan asylum applicants. In 1992, the number was about 20 000 for ALL sub-Saharan countries (and that was a 50 % increase to the year before - I could not find numbers for 1990, but it most likely also was low) and the percentage of accepted cases was hardly above zero. Thus, an asylum applicant from then most likely would have had to return to their home country somewhen before the start of your Veronaville.
If Markus is supposed to have language problems, that would also be a reason for a later migration date. If his family migrated before or around his birth, he would have attended a Kindergarten AND primary school in Germany and due to the rural region, the vast majority of children there would only speak German so that he would have learned German relatively quickly and at a rather high level.
If you go for the language problems, it is very unlikely that he attends Realschule. Even children with such a migratory background who don't have language problems often end up on Hauptschule. Nachhilfe usually has to be paid by the parents of the child which might be a problem if his parents still stuggle. There are some offers for children of poor families, but not enough and someone (parents or a teacher) has to invest time and has to know whom to contact to be able to get help.
As mentioned in my previous posting, I dont see them in a FWH due to the children. If they receive state help, they also should have a Wohnberechtigungsschein for a subsidized apartment and those apartments usually are in newer buildings because the apartments lose the subsidized status after several years/a few decades. If you turn Lykke Centre into a Szeneviertel, it also might not be the right place for this family because most apartments there will be too expensive for them (unless you decide that there also are some subsidized apartments there, but investors for such a district usually try to avoid that).

I don't think that a granny flat would be a suitable option for Anne and Korinne (that name still alienates me). Granny flats usually have just one bedroom which would be quite unsuitable for a mother and her teenage daughter. If they are not interested in a garden or a pet, I think that a FWH apartment would be a good choice for them. If Korinne has some interest in nature, she could have some plants in her room and/or on a balcony.
As her child is already a teenager, Anne of course can work fulltime. In Germany, it is acceptable that primary school children are alone at home after school. Thus, why should a teenager be a problem?

My first thought was to simply delete the "N" as "Elke" is a common German name (not for young people, but for a parent it would be okay).
The name Maaike is also strange. Meike or Maike would be the common alternatives.
I think that it's unusual to have two bedrooms for three children in an EFH. They must have owned the house already before the last child was born because otherwise they would have choosen a house with another number of bedrooms. Nevertheless, I would assume that the parents would try to create another bedroom by splitting one room into two rooms or repurpose one of the other rooms (I even know a family who turned their living room into a bedroom for their last child).
If you really want to have just two bedrooms for the children, then you have to try to figure out what the parents decided when the third child was born. It's unlikely that there were changes at a later point.

You didn't forget them, but your description didn't contain any questions and I didn't have any comments.
Ireland allowed divorces only in 1995. Maybe the failed marriages are (part of) the reason for leaving Ireland.
Changing to Realschule in 9th grade would be an unusual decision. There might be subjects at Realschule that don't 100 % match the subjects at Gymnasium so that the pupil would have to learn some new stuff to succeed at Realschule and there would be less than two years left until the final exams. It would be better to try to complete 10th grade in Gymnasium because then the pupil also has Mittlere Reife without having to do the exams. Some companies also value a Mittlere Reife from Gymnasium more than one from Realschule and the one from Realschule more than the one from Hauptschule with additional 10th grade which might be helpful to find an Ausbildungsplatz even with not so good grades. It might also be an option to repeat the 9th or 10th grade to improve the grades (no matter whether the pupil wants to drop out after 10th grade or continue until Abitur).
I would go for a Stadtrand apartment or Altstadt apartment (depending on whether they have a car). Ireland used to have much lower incomes than Germany which means that Dominic and Moira hardly had any savings when they moved to Germany. They only have one income in a job that's not really well paid in Germany and they have two children. Therefore, I also don't think that they could have saved up enough money to get a house credit.

It doesn't really make a difference how they came to Germany. As they are citizens of a EU country, they may move to Germany and work here whenever they like.
Sanchez should work in the science career. For the intelligence career, his nationality would be a problem and in a rural area there wouldn't be job openings. The main locations of BND e.g. are München and Berlin.
Science and natural science sound like careers where they earned enough money to buy an EFH. Although I would assume that the house credit is not yet fully paid off. I think that a post-war or new house would suit them best.

For Regan and Cornwall, it depends on their plans for the next couple of years. A house on an island with rich neighbors might be a good option, if they want to have children some day. As Germans hardly do up- and downsizing, the house already should have sufficient rooms for the future children. If they don't plan to have children during the next couple of years, they might prefer an expensive and stylish apartment in a Szeneviertel (like Lykke Centre?) instead. I think that they wouldn't like too much noise so that their apartment shouldn't be too close to the fancy bars and restaurants, but still close enough that they can go there very regularly to meet friends and/or co-workers and so that they can have great dinners without having to cook themselves.
For Kent, I don't have anything special in my mind. I see him as a rational and pragmatic guy who doesn't care too much about money. I could see him in a rather big apartment (bedroom, living room, office, maybe another room for a nerdy hobby etc.) rather close to his place of work so that he doesn't have to commute too much. I don't think that he would care a lot about districts.

I don't think that pictures are missing on that website. The texts that look like captions for pictures are quotations of inscriptions from certain houses, but it wouldn't be legal to post pictures of the houses without the explicit consent of the house owners and that consent has to be obtained again whenever there is some kind of owner change which would mean a lot of work for the author.
I summarized the information for you in English (but kept some important German terms so that you can use them as search terms). I did not try to look up pictures because there are dozens of place names mentioned and these villages/towns often have many FWH so that I assume that it will take hours to look at everything.

new FWH facing the Oberwinter train station
places with lots of old FWH: Oberwinter Holzweg, Ehlingen "Goldene Meile", Heimersheim, Hönningen Hauptstraße, Rech, Walporzheim, Niederbreisig
Eifelbauernhaus with Dielengrundriss due to Roman influence (Atrium): one central living room (in smaller houses kitchen instead of living room) leads to all other rooms, example Kötterhaus/Köttergiebelhaus, relevant place: Kottenborn
Franconian (Fränkische) influence mixed with Roman influence, examples for different layouts in Oberzissen, Franken Hain, Vinxbachtal
important architectonical elements of Franconian FWH: überkragte Geschosse (upper floors have a bigger layout than the lower floors, own comment: especially in towns where building space was more limited, less common in villages) and gables (see below), examples: Adenau Marktplatz, Ahrweiler, Oberwinter "Schwanen"
Traufenhaus: axis parallel to the street, stables and subsidiary buildings connect residential building with the barn, often überbaute Einfahrt (some kind of building structure - wall or building with gateway - as entrance), examples: Ringen, Leimbach, Lantersbofen (many gateways with inscriptions), Gelsdorf Hauptstraße (long row of attached buildings - although already influenced by jülich-niederrheinischer Wasserburgtypus - look especially at house numbers 76, 87 and 88)
Franconian gables: rather tall than wide in comparison with FWH from Niedersachsen, rhombic pattern beneath gable and windows, examples in Eckendorf (two houses with gables facing the street, house of the owners on the left, house for staff and the owners old parents on the right), Antweiler, Königsfeld (combination of Giebel-Traufenhaus)
Quereinhaus (origin: Lothringen): hardly existing in Ahrweiler, examples in Müllenbach, Wirft, Meuspath (living space and stable in the same building, chapel)
rooftype Walmdach, examples: Bodendorf, Bengen, Aremberg, Kreuzberg (house nr. 71 Krüppelwalmdach from 1648)
rheinisches Winzerhaus: usually not as FWH, but few exceptions in Oberbreisig and Löhndorf (former Zehnthof)
also uncommon: rheinischer Eck- oder Vierseitenhof, example: Nierendorf
changes during the centuries: Pützfeld: a house was built on the walls of a former fortress, non-rectangular layout due to the street, Vinxt: FW barn built on walls of a tower that used to have a prison in the basement, Niederesch Mönchesch: FW farm that used to belong to an abby, Sinzig: Trierer Hof, Wolfskeller, Mönchshof (Renngasse) and more remarkable buildings
Remagen: lots of destruction due to fire, only simple and plain FWH
Waldorf: also lots of destruction due to fire, but no change in building style
Niederzissen: also big fire, but several old FWH survived
then there are several quotes of inscriptions, some of them contain a Chronistichon (I could not find a translation for that word, but as it's derived from Greek, it should be something similar in English and Dutch), own explanation: a Chronistichon is a text in which certain letters are written in capital letters, the capital letters equal Latin numbers and if you count them, you will get a number (usually the year of construction).
Original Poster
#206 Old 26th Mar 2023 at 5:21 PM
Thank you so much for the reply!

Sport clubs
Good to know. This is where I got lost with language barrier and regulation differences. Regarding youth clubs, do you think it's plausible that the sport clubs from Veronaville, Windenburg and the OFB subhood share the youth teams for football (and perhaps also for basketball)?

EDIT: education
I think my association with lower tiers = less interest in school has to do with the sterotypical Dutch school mentality called the "zesjescultuur" where pupils only want to do the bare minimum and are happy with a C- (otherwise they'll be mocked as nerd/Streber which was not cool back then). But I understood that German school culture is different where more pupils are willing to get higher grades. And it's normal to climb up a tier higher in my country before graduating, especially during 7th - 8th grade. And from our Realschule equivalent, one can climb up to Gymnasium but repeating the same year first (10th Real -> 10th Gym)

I understood that DG apartment units are the cheapest, but which unit level is usually the most expensive if they have the same size: EG or OG?
What kind of old apartments usually allow cats and dogs? Only the ones with balconies? I want to give the Capricciosa Sims one cat but also want to move them into a small apartment due to their income class.
Which of my households with children would be suited for apartments with 2 child bedrooms? I assume that lower-class households didn't have much choice regarding number of bedrooms.

Sim families
I've written more biographies for my other families and have captioned my questions under the images.
These are the households of which I don't know yet what subhood would suit them: https://imgur.com/a/xzFxPDX
And these are my self-made families living in Veronaville (including the ones I named "CAS family" in my previous posts): https://imgur.com/a/vkcVME4

Some lots for Windenburg
Altendorf ZFH
Originally I created this lot for Windenburg, but would this kind of an apartment also suit for Antonio Monty? Btw, I understood from CatherineTCJD I have to replace those stairs with winding stairs if I want to convert this into an apartment, so I have to do that yet.

Markt 8 recreation
I also tried to recreate those particular FWH: https://imgur.com/a/GnULqu8.
Suggestions regarding shop layout and backyard improvisation are welcome. If I can make something from the backyard and practiced building FWH apartments, I can convert the upper floors into real apartments and overlap them with the shop using LotAdjuster.

Shops + apartment building
Since Sims will own the entire community lot instead of only one shop, I want to split the shop units in separate 10-tile wide lots and overlap the apartment part on top of them. I wonder if this lot fits with the Stadtrand bordering between Altstadt and Lykke the possible Szeneviertel? Would the left commercial unit be suited for Antonio Monty's restaurant? And which households would likely live above the restaurant? I was thinking of the Wolf family or perhaps Felege.
Lab Assistant
#207 Old 17th Apr 2023 at 9:32 PM
Sport clubs
I think that you have to search for some statistics and do some calculations to answer for that question. In 2020, about 2,1 million children and teenager were club members (both active and non-active members). Between 2009 and 2019, they lost about 9 percent of their members. I assume that between 2004 and 2009 there also was a loss of members. The numbers should be highest for the youngest age groups and they decrease steadily for older age groups. The B youth (15 and 16 years, iirc) has the highest drop out rates. Be aware that in some age groups, teams consist of just 5 or 7 players. For basketball, I could not find numbers for just children and teenagers. The total number of basketball club members (including adults) was about 208 000 in 1998 and 190 000 in 2010.
You'll need the number of inhabitants of Germany for the year of your choice, an age pyramid so that you know how many of these inhabitants belonged to which age group and then you have to decide how many inhabitants each of the villages and towns is supposed to have. Then you can guess how many football and basketball playing children and teenagers live in each village and town and whether this would be enough to have a training group and whether it would be enough to have a team per age group (including some substitutes).
In my home region around 2000-2005, a town with about 10 000 inhabitants had two sports clubs (one just for football, one for several sports) and they had enough players for youth teams of their own. The Spielvereinigungen that I remember were from two village sport clubs each and the two villages had about 1500-2000 inhabitants together in average. I guess that nowadays, that number of inhabitants would not be sufficient anymore.
For less popular sports like basketball, the number of people in most villages were too low to even form a training group. Therefore, I guess that only some of the bigger towns would offer sports like basketball. People who are interested in such a sport simply can join the town sport club instead of or in addition to the village sports club.

In theory, you also can attend Gymnasium after graduating Realschule in Germany. In practice, however, it's quite difficult because Realschule and Gymnasium have different requirements and the pupils therefore have different levels of knowledge, often even lack knowledge in one subject completely (e.g. a second foreign language) and that gap usually too big so that it's not possible to catch up during summer break. I only know one person who obtained their Abitur that way and this person had to move to a bigger city further away for a year and attend a special school there for people who wanted to attend Gymnasium after graduating from Realschule.
The easier and more common way is to attend a Fachoberschule instead because the level at these schools is better alligned with the level of Realschule graduates. Fachoberschulen are offered in bigger towns and cities, but usually close enough so that the pupils can go there by train instead of having to move there. After 12th grade, pupils may graduate with Fachabitur and that degree allows them to study at a Fachhochschule within the field of specialization that they had at school. After 13th grade, people may graduate with Fachabitur (e.g. if they still only have one foreign language) or with regular Abitur. Pupils with Fachabitur after 13th grade may study at a regular university within the field of specialization that they had at school and pupils with Abitur after the 13th grade of Fachoberschule may study any subject of their choice at a university.
In Germany, pupils with good grades usually also are considered Streber. However, it's not really possible to go for a certain grade. There is always a risk that you might end up with a 5 instead of a 3- and then you risk repeating a grade or leaving school. At my school, pupils still were rather well-behaved in 5th and 6th grade. 7th and 8th grade were the years when most pupils left the Gymnasium due to bad grades. In 9th and 10th grade, it is more common to repeat repeat the grade if your grades are bad.

EG is also not that popular because it has the highest risk of burglaries. First floor should be the most popular choice, if the building has elevators, other OGs also are popular, except for the DG, of course, due to the heat problems during summer.
Until 2013, landlords had the right to decide (taking into account the tenents' interests) whether their tenants were allowed to have cats and dogs in their apartments. The size of the apartment is relevant because the apartment may not be overstaffed. I don't think that balconies are relevant. Cats may be kept in apartments without balconies and dogs have to be taken for long walks outdoors. A balcony would not be sufficient for them and keeping a dog on the balcony for extended periods might be a nuisance for the neighbors if the dog is barking or making other sounds.
A single cat should be okay for a small apartment (maybe not for a tiny studio apartment) if they have a good relationship with the landlord and/or a rather liberal landlord.
The rent for an apartment is determined by the squaremeters, not by the number of rooms. Thus, an apartment with two small child bedrooms can be cheaper than an apartment with one big child bedroom. I don't know the trends for pre-war houses, but for post-war houses, the child bedrooms used to be rather small and got bigger over time. Modern or renovated apartments also usually have higher rents because they have a higher standard and better isolation. Many families try to have as many child bedrooms as children and in rural areas the rents are rather low so that they usually also can afford it. The few exceptions that I know usually have either two sons or two daughters and the children have only a small age gap. Two families were house owners, but it would have been complicated to remodel the house. A few families also had a son and a daughter who had to share a bedroom, but these families usually moved into another apartment or house around the time the children started primary school.

Sim families

It's really difficult for me to keep an overview of all the families that you mention in different postings. Therefore I might have missed some inter-family connections. Sorry for that.

Maybe they had to take over the dog from a family member with higher interest in animals who wasnt able to care for the dog anymore? Or, if Aron has a high interest in animals, they might have bought the dog for him. IIRC, children have a higher interest in children and lose four interest points upon aging up.
Alois: As some farmers only grow crops and don't own livestock, a low interest in animals wouldn't be an obstacle for this job decision. Do you imagine him as employed or self-employed farmer? Salaries of employed farmers usually are only slightly above the minimum wage. A self-employed farmer usually lives close to their agricultural land. It's more likely that the agricultural land would be near a village than near a town.
Céleste: She seems to be a person of opposites - shy, but a popularity sim, serious, but interested in entertainment. I don't really have a special idea for her. Maybe, if you go for the self-employed farmer option, they could offer farm vacations. She could be the one who does the organizing, accounting and so on. She and her husband could take care of the guest relations together so that Céleste can have some contact to the guests if she likes to, but doesn't has to if she feels to shy. This business also would be an explanation why the family owns a dog. If they offer farm vacations, they need livestock. It would be a business decision, not an interest-driven decision.
Aron: I'd say that sims should attend the highest school tier in which they can succeed somehow. However, if both his parents didn't attend Gymnasium, its also more likely that he doesn't attend Gymnasium.
Hood: As mentioned above, I would place them in a village which most likely means Veronaville (the OfB subhood is supposed to be a small town, if I remember correctly?!).

Jong-hun LeTourneau & Carla Müller
Jong-hun: He could be a fashion designer for organic and sustainable clothing, maybe with an esoteric touch, if you think that this would fit his interest in paranormal stuff. Such a fashion brand wouldn't be the most successful one, but it could provide enough income.
Carla: My first thought was that she could be a bailiff although that hardly matches any of her interests. Maybe she's a volunteer for an environmental organization in her free time and that interest made her search for sustainable clothing which is how she met Jong-hun?
Hobby: These three sports are much more popular with men than with women. I quickly googled the gender ratio and for boxing it's about 14 men per women, for football it's about 10 men per women and for basketball it's about 3 men per women. Are there any other sports that you could imagine for her?
Apartment: The logical choices would be something between a studio apartment and a two room apartment (one living room and one bedroom). The location would mostly depend on their jobs (short commute, car parking needed?) and the size would depend on their incomes. If they dont have a special connection to Veronaville, a small town would be the more common choice. Depending on where they live right now: Might one of them be interested in keeping the current apartment or is it too big and expensive for one person?

Müller family
Julius: He could work in a travel agency. Maybe he is the head of a chain store?
Marianne: She could work in the municipal administration, maybe in a position in which she takes care of cultural topics and twin towns.
Christine: I don't watch enough films and series to be able to compare her with characters. However, given the information, I could imagine her spending a lot of time with computers to play games, to exchange with other Sci-Fi fans in forums, maybe also do write some software.
Natalie and Samuel: No questions from you
Heidi Meurer: I think that she most likely would live with the Müller family. She could have helped them to raise the children/grandchildren. The other children don't yet have children of their own and might prefer to live alone at the moment. The Müller family could live in an EFH while the other children might live in (rented) apartments instead and it's more common to have multigenerational households in houses than in apartments due to the usually more limited space in apartments.

Lieselotte Meurer
What kind of educational background does she have? If she "just" completed an Ausbildung, she might work in a cinema, as a pool attendant or some other job related to leisure activities.
It's not that common that granny flats are rented to strangers and they are not too popular with potential tenants either (the landlords may cancel the rental contract much more easily and granny flats often are in the basement and therefore rather dark and sometimes moldy). For a single person, a MFH is the more common choice than a ZFH because apartments in ZFHs, in average, have more rooms and more squaremeters. It's not relevant whether a backyard belongs to the lot because apartments usually don't have cat flaps so that the cat couldn't use the backyard anyway.

Meurer & Anders
Vincenz: The spelling "Vinzenz" is much more common in Germany. The name usually is also pronunced that way and not the way the spelling of Vincenz would imply. In the last ten years, only about eight children per year were named Vincenz in Germany. With regards to his interests, Fortune seems to be the most fitting secondary aspiration imho. I don't think that a job with gardening would be suited for him because it's a job where you usually don't earn that much money in Germany. If you want a job related to agriculture in some way, he maybe could work in the agricultural office of the municipal or district administration.
Margret: This is also a less common form (about 15 children per year) of a more common name (Margarethe - about 56 children per year in recent years, more common in older generations). In contrast to Vincenz, however, there is at least a matching pronunciation for the way of spelling of Margret. As she is interested in crime, she could be a police officer. However, that would mean that she passed a fitness test when she applied for the job and had to have a certain level of fitness during her professional training (regardless of whether it was an Ausbildung or a Studium). Young police officers often have to do patrols or other tasks that require some physical activities, but the older they become, the better are the chances that they are promoted to an office job. If you don't like the police idea, she maybe could be an employee in the travel agency of one of the above-mentioned sims. A job in the travel agency would mean a lower income than a police job.
Apartment: As they don't (yet) have children, an apartment with two rooms would be sufficient for them. If you think that they might want to own a house or an apartment some day, I would go for an apartment that isn't too big so that they can save some money. If you think that they wouldn't mind staying in a rented apartment or house longterm, the apartment or also rented house could be more spacious. As state officials, they would have a good and safe income and landlords would like to have them as tenants.

Baum-Meier family
There is a comment that you planned to replace the picture.
Christian: He could work as food control or do some kind of lab job.
Regina: She could work in a Naturfreundehaus. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naturfreundehaus
House: As the son is supposed to be in Romeo's football team, I would place them somewhere in Veronaville. If they didn't inherit a house from their parents or grandparents, a rather new EFH or Doppelhaus seems the most logical choice for me. I don't have a special interior style in mind, but as both parents are interested in environment, I would use a lot of natural materials, maybe from sustainable sources.

Edmund: He could be the owner of a specialized clothing store (e.g. for evening wear) that also offers tailoring services or he could be manager of a clothing chain store.
Karla: Lawyer would be possible, but the really good paying jobs for lawyers usually are found in cities, not in rural areas. If you want other law-related jobs, she also could be a prosecutor, judge or police officer. She also could work in the municipal or district administration, if you want to focus on her politics interest instead.
Tamara: No questions from you
Simon: As mentioned above, I don't know enough fictional characters to answer this question. The get-rich-quick ideas remind me of the million dollar homepage: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_M...Dollar_Homepage However, with his character, a project like this might not be the most fitting option for him.
House: I think that they had a house built for them with the layout and style of their choice. A town would suit them more than a village because they earn enough money to pay the higher lot prices in the town and because they will enjoy the what the town offers them (restaurants, shops, cultural events, etc). As they both work full time, they won't have much time to care for their garden so that they will prefer a raher small garden where they can relax instead of a big kitchen garden.

Fischer & Dreher
Arno: What about a classical office job, maybe for an insurance?
Astrid: A retail job sounds fine. As she is interested in food and fashion, it could be a shop related to one of these topics. If you also want to cover her environment interest, she maybe could work in an organic supermarket. As those were not too common back then, she might have to commute to a bigger town for that job which would only make sense if she has a more qualified job (like store manager) there. Most retail jobs aren't that well paid that you would commute a longer distance.
Apartment: As mentioned above for another sim, I dont think that a granny flat is a good choice.

Fischer-Schiffer family
Ralph: It might sound mean and inappropriate, but upon reading that he is interested in food and has zero interest in animals my first thought was that he could be a butcher. He could own a butcher shop which also would suit his interest in money.
Carola: If you go for the butcher idea, she could work in the butcher shop selling the products to the customers.
Petra: The school type mostly depends on the pupil's intelligence. The grades at the end of fourth grade decide whether you qualify for Gymnasium. Most pupils who qualify for Gymnasium will attend it. As her sister attends Gymnasium, Gymnasium seems to be the most likely option for Petra, Realschule also would be plausible. Hauptschule should be very unlikely (unless she has some kind of learning disability) because siblings usually have a relatively similar intelligence and the same level of support from their parents which makes it unlikely to perform that different in school.
Verena: How old is she? Working usually is allowed from the age of 15. If she works in a family business, the age limit would be lower.

Schulz family
Edgar: Around 2005, only a bit more than 10 % of retirees had part-time or minijobs. About 55 % of the working retirees used the money for some extra "luxury", about 35 % needed the money because their pension was too low and about 10 % didn't have any financial reasons. What job did Edgar have and what does he spend his money on?
Viktor: He could work in an electronical shop as a service technician who sets up TVs, routers and other devices for the customers. As a single, a rented apartment would be the most common choice unless he inherited a house from a relative.

Just for the record: It's still quite common that women change their family name upon marriage so that they have the same family name as the husband or a double-name (double-names only are possible for one spouse and may not be passed on to children).
Günther and Monika: I don't have any specific ideas for them, but so far, there are not enough people in Ausbildungsberufe like crafts. Thus, maybe such a job comes into your mind that might be fitting for them? Banker or tailor (ready-to-wear clothing or shoes in a bigger company) also would be options.
Rolf: If he's not interested in sports at all, the most logical choice would be that he doesn't do any sports. In 2014, about 60 % of teenagers were member of a sports club (there were no numbers for how many of them are active and inactive members), 20 more percent did sports outside of a club and the remaining 20 percent didn't do any sports.

Reinhardt: The name is much more common without the "t" at the end. The football team needs several coaches because the different age groups form different training groups. They also could need somebody who takes care of the pitch, somebody who helps with organizational stuff, if some youth teams offer extra activities during the holidays (e.g. a few days of camping), they will need some supervisors etc.
Sonja: Due to their ages, I dont think that they have too many arguments. In that generation it was/is quite common that the woman does all the household chores, no matter who caused the dirt and chaos. I also can't imagine a minijob for her. In her generation, it was really common that women stopped working when they had children because Kindergärten didn't have appropriate opening hours. E.g. the Kindergarten in my home village just was open for about six hours a day around the year 2000 and there was a lunch break where parents (= the mothers) had to pick up their children for one or two hours which made it impossible to have a part-time job. Many of these women never resumed working. Therefore, it seems more plausible to me, if Reinhardt has a minijob. Many of the suggested activities for the sports club would be paid work so that he might not need another minijob on top of this.

Bachmann-Zimmermann family
Elmar: There shouldn't be too many directly weather-related jobs in a rural area. Somehow related jobs could be teacher for biology and/or geography, a job in the municipal company that provides water supply to the inhabitants, a job in the sewage treatment plant (they usually are built close to rivers and therefore possibly affected by high water in these rivers, especially during thawing period), a hydroplant with barrage. If you like the idea of a Naturfreundehaus (as suggested for another sim), he maybe also could work there, do presentations, guided walks and offer other activities for interested people.
Barbara: I didn't have any spontaneous ideas for her. As she is a family sim and as care professions are underrepresented and still typical female joby in Germany, she could work in child care, geriatric care or as a nurse.
Kai: No questions from you.

Romeo family
Lollio: No suggestion to change the name, but you should be aware that most Germans would think that this is a male given name and she could be addressed as a man especially in written and electronic communication. As she is a family sim, a care job also might be an option for her.
Saturio: What about some kind of craft job (those also are really underrepresented so far)? As he likes sports, he shouldn't mind a more physical job. He could work as bricklayer, painter, carpenter, roofer, electrician etc.
House: As Floriano is part of the football team, the family might live in Veronaville. Unless they immigrated very recently, they already could have enough money to own a house (still paying off the credit), especially if Saturio has a job that would enable him to do a lot of the building/renovating work himself. A new house in the outskirts of the village or an older house a bit closer to the center could suit them. If you create dogs for them, the new house might be the better option as that house definitely would have a small garden while the lots closer to the village center might be smaller and lack a garden. For interior, I imagine a rather modern and clean style.

Rocca family
The Italian background doesn't really limit their professional options. They usually are integrated really well, many of them study and have university degrees. Of course, they could have the cliche Italian restaurant or ice cream parlor, but with their fortune aspirations, it's more likely that they have jobs that require higher qualifications. They could have engineering or economics degrees and work for bigger (= better paying) companies in other administrative districts. Maybe these companies are located in different directions so that the Veronaville area is located in the middle of their workplaces.
Andrea: What about one or a few track and field disciplines or swimming? These sports are not the typical ones for small sports clubs in rural areas, but the school most likely has a track and field team and a swimming team and the pupils compete against pupils from other schools. If someone is really talented, they might join a club or even a sport support center further away.
Paolo: I'd go for hip-hop, house and maybe also pop.
House: As I already suggested Veronaville for so many football players, this family might live in the other village of the Spielgemeinschaft. I can't imagine a really old or really new house for them. Thus, I would choose house that was built somewhen between 1920 and 1970 for them. As Vera's blouse is rather playful, I think that she also would like to decorate her house a lot. Due to the way you characterized them, the decorative items should be expensive, not kitschy.

Sim families from the second link

If they met when Margarete worked in the cafeteria, Hans most likely had a job in some kind of industrial company because schools back then usually didnt have cafeterias because afternoon classes were uncommon and pupils brought a Pausenbrot with them.
Substitution teachers usually are something different than you imagine. In most cases, the school will simply assign another teacher to supervise the pupils and you are supposed to do homework or some other school related work silently during that hour. If you're lucky, the teacher who is supposed to teach your last lesson is available so that this lesson is moved to an earlier timeslot and you may leave school an hour earlier. Real substitute teachers that will teach the subject of the sick teacher only are assigned if the teacher is ill for a prolonged period of time (one of our teachers once was ill for more than four months and we didn't get a substitute teacher) and that substitute teacher then is an additional teacher that is assigned to the school, not a teacher who already works at the school.
In my opinion, you need some kind of background story why the father left his first chemistry-related job and decided to become a teacher instead. Chemists are highly qualified specialists and therefore usually paid really well by companies. The wage agreement for the chemical industry is one of the best in Germany and in the right job, you even can get a salary that's higher than the highest level of the wage agreement. An employed teacher's salary is significantly lower than this and many schools even fire the teachers don't have public servant status during the summer holidays so that they have to pay less salary. Therefore: What was his motivation to change his job?
Sandra: "Aufgeweckte Tante" is not really a German phrase. It's quite common to use "aufgeweckt" to describe a person, but only the adjective, not in combination with a noun. For the combination with "Tante", Google only finds nine search results and most of these results apparently refer to a book translation. In general, it feels strange to use the word "Tante" for a child.

Rauscher-Wolf family
Ursel: Ursel is a nickname derived from the name Ursula. While it is legally possible to name a child Ursel, it hardly ever happens (three children vs. 62 children named Ursula per year). The name is highly overrepresented amongst the Sims 2 townies.
Iris: How old is she? 16 (B youth) is the age limit for playing in a male football team although most girls join a girls' team at an earlier point.
I'm not sure if being in the football team and delivering newspapers & leaflets work well together. The newspaper companies expect that the newspaper are delivered at about the same time every week while the match times may vary as most or all other age groups also have matches and need the pitch.
Just for the record: I don't know the abbreviation for the personality types by hard and I also don't want to look them up repeatedly. In the context here, the meaning is self-explanatory. Would be great if you also could add explanations in future.
Furniture: Did they inherit the house (= and some old furniture items) or did they buy it (= old furniture already removed or disposed after the purchase). If they didn't inherit, furniture from the 70s doesn't make sense. Furniture from the 90s would make sense, but it's unlikely that they bought IKEA furniture back then because there nearest store was more than 100 km away from them.

Rauscher-Anders family
Claas: Does his family have some kind of connection with northern Germany? Because Claas is a north German version of Klaus/Claus and mainly given to children who have some kind of connection to that region.
Firefighter: Some bigger industrial companies have professional firefighters (usually with additional volunteers amongst the rest of the employees). Thus, if you want him to be a professional firefighter, that would be a realistic option for him. Some cities also have professional firefighters, but that would be a too long commute for the usual salary. A company with professional firefighters could be located in a middle-sized town so that the commute could be around 30-45 minutes.
Nanne: The name is extremely unusual in Germany (about 2 children per year with that name). Does she have a special background which might have made her parents choose that name? If you consider renaming her, Anne, Marianne, Susanne and Hanne would be alternatives.
My first thought was that she could work in a theater in a middle-sized town due to her culture interest, but those jobs usually are not well paid which would contradict her fortune aspiration and money interest. What about a job in an art gallery?
House: Farms don't have granny flats. Some farms have a second, smaller residential building (Altenteil) where the old farmers lived after passing on their farm to a child. In the farms without a second house that I know, the area for the old farmers is not completely separated from the rest of the house so that you can't turn such a layout into a Sims 2 apartment.
As they both have fortune as secondary aspirations, I think that they own some kind of house instead of living in a rented apartment or house. As fire fighters have a rather average salary, I would choose either a small EFH or a Doppelhaushälfte and a rather new building that was built for them.

Altendorf ZFH
What purpose do the tanks behind the house have?
The apartment would of course be suited for Antonio Monty. As you already placed an eating table in the kitchen, you could easily turn the dining room into a third bedroom. I also think that you don't need a second terrace door. The one door in the living room should be sufficient. Thus, you even could have a third bedroom, if needed.
The upper apartment lacks a door to the living room.

Markt 8 & 9 recreation
If I remember correctly, the first floor of the left building doesn't have that one missing square at the edge.
The style of the windows and doors and the missing wall (?) don't match the style of the building and it would be really difficult to obtain a permission by the monument protection authority. Here is a picture where you can see the real doors and windows: https://www.blick-aktuell.de/Berich...-und-160029.jpg
It also looks like the left building has some kind of foundation, but I understand if you don't want to add one due to the problems of having different levels on the same lot.
The old door of the left building also seems unfitting. A wooden door (regardless of whether it looks old) would be the better choice (and the only choice that the monument preservation authority would accept).
I would shrink the lot as much as possible because the part that you call courtyard is a public area. I would be surprised if there was anything really interesting (otherwise there would be pictures available when you search with Google). I just would use the same kind of windows on the backside of the building and add the same kind of floor that you added in front of the house. If you want to, you also could add bicycle stands and/or some plant containers.
I think the more important part is that you build some more of these houses, but it looks like you already plan to do so. I would add a floor tile behind the fake walls between those floors where the fake walls are not directly above each other. Otherwise, there will be a hole (although that hole will only be visible in very few camera angles).
Floors in shops usually are darker and you usually can't see the borders between the tiles that clearly. Here is an example of a typical shop floor: https://www.pvc-fussbodenbelag.de/w...ewerbeboden.jpg

Layout: Why do you always place so many toilets? A small shop like this doesn't have any customer toilets at all and just one toilet for the employees (one in total, not one per gender). Four tiles should be enough for that room. The break room also looks really overdimensioned. With regards to the shop size, I would assume that either just the owner works there (e.g. with opening hours from 9 to 18, possibly with a lunch break) or two people work there (one working in the morning, the other one in the afternoon with an overlap so that both can have a lunch break). Therefore, only one person at a time will use the break room. A small table and one or two chairs will be enough and there also shouldn't be a regular kitchen. Two tiles with a mini fridge, a microwave and a sink should be enough and on the table there could be a coffee machine (if it is usable that way). You could use the space for a storage and a small office corner instead.
What kind of shop is this supposed to be? Postcards sound like it's a souvenir/gift shop. Such a shop could sell lots of decorative items, in this case also some car-related stuff in addition to the typical souvenirs due to the Nürburgring.
Magazines and snacks sound like it's a kiosk. Kiosks often also sell cigarets and related items. They often also sell coffee, but as it's a shop, not a bar, there are no seats so that people can't sit down to drink their coffees and alcoholic drinks (nevertheless, it's often a meeting place for certain people who live close to the kiosk). Kiosks also often are parcel shops where people can pick up parcels that couldn't be delivered to their homes.
Some supermarkets, discount supermarkets and organic supermarkets have smaller shops in town and city centers. In addition to that there are Drogerien (drugstores like dm, Rossmann and back then also Schlecker) where you also can buy some snacks and drinks. In addition to that there could be bakeries, cafes and plenty of other food services that offer snacks and drinks also as take-away. Therefore, it seems unlikely to me that a retail shop also would have a snack machine and even more unlikely that they can operate this snack machine with profit.

Right building: As I think that you mixed two types of shops in the left building, my suggestion is that you split up the business and have a souvenir shop in the left building (that shop will benefit from having more shop windows) and a kiosk in the right building (number of shop windows irrelevant).
In such a kiosk, NSFW magazines would be acceptable.

Photo booth: I've never seen a photo booth in shops like these. I've seen some in train stations and in malls (also in small ones that you can find in small towns). Therefore, if you plan to have a mall somewhere else, I would remove the photo booth here.

Furniture suggestions: Shelves, shelves and even more shelves. The more products you offer to the customers, the more likely they will find something that they want to buy (in RL, not ingame). It's also common that some shelves and the cash desk form a line. That line usually blocks customers from coming close to the door to the rooms behind the shop (it's not impossible to reach the door, just a bit more difficult which increases the chance that the stuff will notice it and intervene).

Door: As mentioned above, the door doesn't fit at all. It doesn't have to be an antique-looking door. A wooden door is fine. The door posts made of stone are a no-go for a FWH for the monument preservation authority.

Property map: To me, it looks like the "subsidiary building" isn't a subsidiary building. It's one building, just with a strange layout.
The parking is behind a building of the Adenau district administration. Therefore, it is for the people who work there. Apart from that: There usually are no special parking areas for tenants. Bigger parkings usually are for people who are in the village/town center for a few hours (tourists, people running errands, restaurant guests etc). The tenants either have to find a parking spot somewhere along a street (which can be several streets away from their home) or they don't have any cars at all. That's one of the reasons why families and people who need a car for commutung often don't live in a village/town center.

Shops & apartment building

Front side: On a street like this, a restaurant wouldn't be allowed to place a customer stopper on the sidewalk (only on much wider sidewalks when they also are allowed to place tables and chairs outside). They usually have a box with the menu mounted on the wall of the building instead.

Restaurant layout: A real restaurant would have more tables and chairs. I know that this can cause routing problems, but reducing the number of tables impairs the atmosphere. For furniture examples, you can google "Pizzeria" (if needed with "site:de" to limit search results to German websites). That term should be the most common one for Italian restaurants in Germany.
The wardrobe is rather close to one of the chairs. Maybe it would be better to move it in the corner between door and windows instead? Is it possible to place some coats so that the wardrobe looks more used?

Kitchen: It's difficult to tell what kind of material the counters have. in RL, restaurant kitchens in Germany are made from stainless steel for hygienic reasons. I also would add a few more counters.

Apartments: If you want to use one of the right apartments for a small family, I would swap living room and main bedroom because the living room is quite small if you also want to add a dining area. For the first floor, that also would have the advantage that the balcony would be connected to the living room.

Households: Could you please provide me with information on these families again? I searched for the names in the links of your last posting, but found only a "Rauscher-Wolf" family. As there already were several postings and links about families, I lost the overview which family was mentioned where.
The Felege family was the one with three or more children, if I remember correctly? If yes: I don't think that these apartments are suited for them. Even if all children share a bedroom, you would have problems to place enough dining chairs and living room seats for all houselhold members.
Gerstner: Do those four sims form one household? If yes, they also are not suited for these apartments. If you plan to have two or three households, the apartments might be suited for them. The left apartments only are suited for a single sim (or a couple), the right ones also for a parent with child or two room mates.

I don't know how many FWH you still have to build and what kind of layouts they will have, but I stumbled upon a picture today that I wanted to share with you because the building has a balcony: https://i0.web.de/image/786/3804678...e169-w1900.webp
(The building was crime scene of a famous murder case, Kannibale von Rotenburg, and apparently burned down last night.)
Original Poster
#208 Old 18th Apr 2023 at 1:47 PM Last edited by Softlism : 26th Apr 2023 at 8:47 PM.
Town sizes
I picture Veronaville as a small village with less than 500 inhabitants, the OFB Subhood called Dichterfeld (not yet created) is another village but less small with 500 - 900 inhabitants. Windenburg might be a small town (up to 3000 inhabitants, similar to Adenau), but not too far from a 10K town for work commutes. The secondary schools would be located in Windenburg. Therefore, I had the idea in my mind that Veronaville and Dichterfeld would share their youth football teams but have their own separate adult teams. The footballing teen Sims I created so far are in the C-jugend team, so still mixed gender teams so far I understood.
I understood that Hauptschule has a higher percentage of immigrant pupils, yet in a rural area, there are less (non-white) immigrants so far I understood. What kind of non-immigrant Sims would most likely attend the Hauptschule? (I'm also open to supernaturals)

I find this blog useful for MBTI information: https://mbti-notes.tumblr.com/searching

Kaufmann-LeTourneau: Alois is going to be a self-employed agricultural farmer and Céleste does light hospitality jobs like the farm vacations. But how can I implement farm vacations in an OFB business? Regarding the dog, I can move them out and give them to one of the 4t2 families (they have randomized interests). For Aron, I go for the Realschule scenario with Fachoberschule in the future, since I haven't made up if his mom would have done Gym + Uni and I don't see his father having attended Gymnasium.

Jong-hun LeTourneau: Esotheric fashion designer sounds like a good idea! Since he's single, I will put him in the left apartment of the Italian restaurant. Would it make sense if Anna Gerstner sells his clothes in her esotheric shop where she does fortune telling and selling esotheric deco?

Carla Müller: I picked those sports because those are the only functional sports in TS2 that increase the Sports hobby points. Otherwise, she can go golfing since that also boosts Sports points and it's outside. A bailiff or something like that would suit her aspiration, so instead she would meet her interests through voluntary work. I guess she would live in a bigger 1-bedroom apartment than Jong-hun.

Oma Meuer & Müller household: the job suggestions sound good! I'll let them live in the Dichterfeld subhood.

Lieselotte Meuer: I don't see her as a Knowledgey Sim, so I go for the Ausbildung scenario and finding a leisure-related career for her. I imagine she would live in Windenburg instead -- perhaps also above the Italian restaurant.

Meuer & Anders: I got those names from Beliebten-vornamen if I don't agree with the German translations for those Townies, so I'm not always aware of spelling differences. For Vinzenz, I go for the agriculture office scenario. I think Margret is physically too lazy for the police career, so the travel agency scenario sounds good to me (thus she's a coworker of Julius). I'm not sure if I see them starting a family, so a 1-bedroom apartment sounds fair. Would one of the villages suit them, or rather Windenburg?

Baum-Meier: if the scenario of Dichterfeld and Veronaville sharing the youth football teams sounds plausible, then I was thinking to move them to Dichterfeld instead.

Dreher-Meier: great job ideas. For Edmund, I determine the fashion scenario on what Wants he will roll. For Karla, I go for the police officer scenario since she's active. Simon reminds me a bit of Andy from What's With Andy. He often looks for fights with his older sister Tamara.

Arno Fischer: office job for Arno sounds good! I think he lives in an apartment with extra bedrooms for a future family.

Astrid Dreher: I will check what Retail employee careers are relevant for her. I think she will get Fortune as 2nd Aspiration due to her interest in Money. I imagine her being the one leaving the apartment after her breakup with Arno, so I think she would live in a smaller apartment until she has found a new partner.

Fischer-Schiffer: I agree with the butcher business suggestion. Petra attends Gymnasium since Verena also does. She strikes me as a meat lover and helps her parents in the butcher. Verena is 16 years in my headcanon, so she's legal to have part-time jobs. However, I think she would find working in the butcher too gross since I imagine she's a Sim who has a fear of contamination due to 10 Neat points.

Schulz family: Based on Edgar's interests, I think he used to own a retail store (fashion, bookstore or esotheric) and let a trustworthy Sim taking over that shop. I guess I go for the banker scenario for Günther, and Monika doing craftwork related to arts. Regarding character references for Rolf, I was thinking of Mandark from Dexter's Lab. Since he's active, I imagine him swimming just for fun or in the school's team (boosts Fitness points). Would the Dichterfeld village suit them, or rather Windenburg?

Bachmann: The suggestions for the grandparents sound fair. For Elmar, I go for the school teacher scenario where he teaches geography at the Gymnasium. I imagine Barbara working in the Kindergarten (she has an Ausbildung background). Based on the parent's background, would Kai attend Gymnasium or is Realschule also a plausible option? (e.g. a Gym dropout in 7th grade or so). I was thinking to place them in the Dichterfeld village. What kind of a (multigen) EFH would suit them?

Romeo: manual labor for Saturio sounds good. For Lollio, I have to look up her interests to determine what kind of a care job would suit her best. Since they will get dogs, I will pick a newer-built EFH in the outskirts, probably from the late 80s when they wanted to start a family (they might have immigrated in the 70s or early 80s). What school tiers would suit for the kids? Sergio has Fortune Aspiration and is materialistic, so initially I was thinking Gymnasium for him. His older brother Floriano has Romance Aspiration instead. I also wonder, what music taste do you imagine for Sergio?

Rocca: gotta check what economy/engineering related Sim (custom) careers would suit them best.

Rauscher-Wolf: Iris is 14/15 years old (birthday in March) and attends the C-Jugend. Regarding ENTJ character references for her, I was thinking of Rei/Sailor Mars, Helga (Hey Arnold) or Vicky (Fairly Odd Parents). She is good friends with Juliette Capp but also befriended with Romeo. She gathers information from both camps for the sake of being able to be influential to them.

Rauscher-Anders: ah, then I will change his name to Claus. For Nanne, I got her name from Beliebte-Vornamen, or it's a typo. Her personality is based on Renee Andrews the exterminator, who's translated to Nadine, but that was uncommon for women born in the 60s, so I think I will rename her to Sabine since that was the most common name and rhymes with Nadine. Regarding small EFH, I go for a house built in the mid-late 80s on the Monty side of the Veronaville hood.

Here's my overview of households I picked before for living in Windenburg:
* LeTourneau: 3-bedroom EFH with 00s modern interior
* Haas: post-war 4-bedroom EFH in Windslar. Construction era: 50s - 70s?
* LeChien: post-war 3 or 4-bedroom EFH with big yard in Windslar. Construction era: 50s - 70s?
* Jahn: multigen EFH in Windslar
* Anne & Korinna Gerstner: Fachwerk 2 or 3-bedroom MFH in Altstadt (balcony if possible)
* Wolf: Fachwerk 2 or 3-bedroom MFH in Altstadt
* Felege (big family indeed): 80s/90s MFH in Stadtrand or Windslar. So the living room needs enough space for a big dining area, but how many bedrooms would be plausible for them?
* Fyres: small 2 or 3-bedroom MFH with a balcony in Stadtrand
* Carpricciosa: small 2 or 3-bedroom MFH in Altstadt
* Baumann: small 3-bedroom MFH (no district or construction year specified). The rooms having minimum sizes for Sims to stay functional.
* Reagan & Cornwall Capp: fancy apartment in Lykke (I picked the childfree scenario for them)
* Kent Capp: spacious apartment (MFH or ZFH)
* Munch: Quereinhaus in Windslar (will gather screenshots later on)
* Behr: multigen Fachwerk EFH in Altstadt. I built a small one of which I think it might suit the Behr family if it's not too narrow: https://imgur.com/a/suQlfiH. If the house doesn't have a backyard entrance, where do they store the large waste bins? I didn't see any bins at the front side of the lot.

Random Buy mode questions
Since in-game trash compactors are uncommon, what kind of waste bins are common in German kitchens instead? For reference, I have some kind of a tall version of Narsisco Rubbish bin in the kitchen.
Can you find some example pictures of expensive antique Wohnwänder that would suit the taste of the Consort Capp household? Then I can check what Maxis add ons or Vitasims CCs I could use.
If a lower-class household doesn't have old inherited furniture, what kind of 80s - 90s furniture aesthetic would suit them?
What colors did separated waste bins have in the 2000s and did the color codes change throughout the years, or is tmore a regional difference?

Altendorf ZFH:
I couldn't find better CCs, but my guess is that those water tanks are supposed to collect rainwater. I see now and then such tanks on realtor ads. Could it be that those tanks only a recent thing to place in gardens due to increased risks of dry spells? The extra terrace door is something I blatantly took over from the reference, but I can replace the kitchen door with a window if it hinders Sims too much. Here's a video of the original house: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lkXXHe-z_s.

Markt 8/9:
Do you mean the OFB shop windows don't match well with the building? What other Maxis/CC shop windows would suit better? I placed many toilets in community lots due to Sims logic (I looked too much at Maxis community/hobby lots). I placed an extra toilet area for customers because otherwise the Sims would complain about low bladder if I let them hang out too long on this lot. Originally it's a former travel agency, but it's not easy to recreate a functional travel agency shop in TS2, so I got suggested on Discord to convert it into a store that sells postcards. Where I live, postcards are also sold in kiosk-bookstore hybrids that also function als parcel office. I do have Postbank parcel CCs from Marilu, so I can place them in the kiosk shop on the right. I only have Schwarzwald souvenir shop CCs from Marilu, so I have to collect race/vehicle-related deco for the Nürburgring theme (perhaps some of the Maxis Vroom stuff would be relevant). I recall photo booths being placed in Maxis pre-made kiosks. I'm aware they aren't common in such shops irl, so I placed them there so Sims can do more fun interactions in a kiosk (I don't have plans yet to build a small mall).
What kind of shelf objects are common in German shops? Then I can look what kind of shelves (Maxis or CC) would be relevant.
Lab Assistant
#209 Old 1st May 2023 at 9:54 AM
Town sizes
Veronaville and Dichterfeld most likely would not have enough children for youth football teams. As Windenburg is big enough to have a team of its own, Veronaville and Dichterfeld most likely would form teams with a third village (that does not have to be part of your game).
Just for the record: The teams still are boys teams, not mixed gender teams. There also are teams just for girls and leagues just for girls, but as far fewer girls than boys play football, these clubs are further away and many families cannot or do not want to drive such long distances that regularly. Therefore, the boys teams are the backup solution for these girls so that they don't have to stop playing. In reality, however, there are very, very few girls who still play football in a boys team at that age.
3000 inhabitants is not enough to have all kinds of secondary schools. Hauptschulen are within the responsibility of municipalities so that Windenburg could have a Hauptschule in addition to a primary school, but Realschule and Gymnasium are within the responsibility of the administrative districts and they usually choose the biggest towns/cities for these schools.
It is true that the percentage of pupils with migration background is higher at Hauptschulen, although this doesn't apply for all nationalities (e.g. pupils with Turkish or Russian background attend Hauptschule more often than the average while pupils with Italian background should behave just like the average and pupils with Vietnamese background attend Gymnasium more often than the average).
It is also true that there are less immigrants in rural areas, but that doesn't mean that there are no immigrants at all. Asylum seekers are distributed to reception centers and do not have a free choice of place of residence (for a while, not forever). There also are many late repatriots (Spätaussiedler) from Russia and other Eastern European countries who apparently don't mind living in rural areas. And while people from Turkey, Northern Africa and the Near East often don't really want to move to a village, some of them do live in small towns so that their children will also attend the schools.
In general, I would say that it depends a lot on the parents whether the children attend Hauptschule or another school. There definitely is a strong correlation between the level of the parents' education and the children's education. Mostly, this is due to the fact that they care about their childrens success in school and that they also are able to help them, if they have problems (either themselves or by paying for private tutoring). Another fact is that teachers have prejudices. Studies have proven that Kevin, Chantal etc. receive worse grades than Anton, Charlotte etc. just because of their names. Sometimes teachers also know the parents' jobs and take these into consideration as well. I had some conversations about this topic (during the past years, not especially for this posting) with friends who attended other schools than me and the result was quite mixed. Some of us attended really open-minded and supportive schools while others had to face lots of prejudices. It didn't depend on individual teachers, it was rather a general atmosphere at the school.
In general, I would say that people without a job qualification or working in a job that doesn't need any special qualifications (although they might have a completed Ausbildung) and unemployed people are more likely to have children who attend Hauptschule. Also people who have a job qualification, but in a rather practical area, like handcrafts, farmers, cashiers, chefs etc. People who can't/don't help their children a lot because they have many (4+) children, have a migration background, have to work long hours, are single parents, don't care about education, don't care about their children, people from certain religious groups, people with interest in esoteric ... Sometimes, the child itself is the reason because their intelligence is below average, because they simply would have needed a bit more time (I know quite a few people who might have been able to attend a better school, if the decision would have been after 6th grade instead of after 4th grade. They typically attended FOS and FH instead of or after an Ausbildung.), because they have learning disabilities, mental disabilities or physical disabilities (the latter also dependend on the open-mindness of the school).
It also depends a lot on the primary school teachers. We had only one teacher for (almost) all subjects in 1st and 2nd grade and one teacher for (almost) all subjects in 3rd and 4th grade. My teacher from 3rd and 4th grade was very strict and had high expectations. As a result from this, only six out of about 25 pupils started Gymnasium, some also started Realschule and the majority went to Realschule. There was another class at the same school with a much younger, less strict teacher who wanted to give as many pupils a chance as possible. About 20 of her pupils started Gymnasium, but most of them dropped out around 7th and 8th grade (went to Realschule afterwards). In the end, five of the six pupils from my class graduated with Abitur and three or four of the pupils of the other class which shows that pupils in both classes had a similar potential. While it didn't make a real difference for me or the others with Abitur, the teachers made a big difference for the rest of the classes. Of course, it's a pity if you start Gymnasium and have to change to Realschule after a few years (e.g. due to too much laziness and wanting to be "cool" at the begin of puperty), but as Realschule has a lower level, you usually do quite well in Realschule then and have good chances to continue with FOS and FH, if you want to do that. However, if you start Hauptschule, you can't really change to a better school anymore (I only know some people who changed after 5th grade and repeated the 5th grade, but nobody who changed at a later point). For the more talented Hauptschüler, there is an optional 10th grade after which they also will obtain Mittlere Reife, but the level of their Mittlere Reife is below the level of a Mittlere Reife at a Realschule. They also may attend a FOS afterwards, but are more likely to struggle there due to this. And if a Hauptschüler has dropping grades at the begin of puperty, there is no safety net for them and not very much time left to improve the grades until the end of 9th grade when it is decided whether pupils may do the optional 10th grade.
It also makes a difference whether a pupil's parents are strict or more relaxed. That is mostly relevant around 7th and 8th at the start of puperty. The pupils with relaxed parents usually had a bigger grade drop than the pupils with strict parents at that age. Thus, the pupils with more relaxed parents were more likely to change from a better school to a lower level school.
No suggestions on supernaturals as I usually don't play with them (except for aliens) and can't really imagine them in a German rural setting. (Aliens of course would attend Gymnasium, as they have superior knowledge and technology compared with other sims.)

I did read a lot of information about MBTI when you first mentioned it, but my brain refuses to remember most of it (most likely because I don't believe in this modell). Therefore, I would have to look up that link and search for all potentially relevant details whenever you mention a MBTI type. It would be much easier for me, if you could use the written out words instead of abbreviations and mention if there are any really important aspects that I should take into consideration.

As in my last two postings, I will only mention households if you had any questions related to them and/or if there are thoughts in my mind when reading your information about them.

I didn't think about ways to implement my suggestions when writing them. I think, a few posts ago, I mentioned that. I did it that way because I don't think that the Sims 2 career system matches the jobmarket reality in Germany and therefore my suggestions wouldn't be too realistic, if I always had to think of ways of implementing it ingame.
How much CC do you want to have in your game? If you don't mind lots of CC, you could e.g. create a small petting zoo and maybe you can also find some farm machine meshes that were combined with playground equipment (so that children can climb on the turned off machines) and other items that visitors would like to use. A playground with wooden items and a fishing pond also might be options. Such a lot would be a ticket machine business. If you want to have less CC, a farm shop might be the better option. There, I only would sell produce (SimWardrobe had some nice produce crates so that more items can be sold at once). If the family is really busy, you could have both the ticket machine business and the shop. You also could have a another lot directly next to the farm lot. On the second lot, there would be some kind of former subsidiary building that was turned into one or more holiday apartments that can be rented for farm vacations. As far as I know, hotel lots also can be placed in regular neighborhoods.
Dog: If you go for the farm vacation option, having a dog would be attractive for potential vacation guests. If you just have a farm shop and no farm vacations, the family wouldn't necessarily need a dog.

Jong-hun LeTourneau
If Anna Gerstner is supposed to sell his objects, I'm not sure whether all kinds of clothing would be the best choice. Handbags, backbags, scarfs, headwear, multifunctional cloths etc. might be better options.

Carla Müller
Golf sounds fine. Basketball would be possible, but most likely just on hobby level - a basket in the backyard or garden, and 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 2 players, without a club and a proper pitch.

Meurer & Anders
I just point it out when a name seems strange or less common to me because I assumed that you're not aware of those details. Nevertheless, it's just a suggestion. You don't have to change the names. And you're right: Many of the German names for townies are just weird. The translators could have done a much better job.
1-bedroom-apartment: That sounds like they should live in the town. In villages, most apartments would have more bedrooms.

Yes, sounds plausible.

Arno Fischer
One extra bedroom is okay, he could use that as a hobby room in the meantime. But it would be unrealistic to rent an apartment with several unused bedrooms because the rent for such an apartment would be higher than for an apartment that matches his current needs. With the one additional bedroom, he could stay in his current apartment when he finds a partner and it also should be okay to have two or even three children in the extra bedroom until primary school age. That should give him and his future partner several years to save some money. With an office job and his future partner's income, they should be able to afford a home of their own some day so that the saved money would be handy for that.

Astrid Dreher
I don't really see a reason why her apartment has to be smaller than Arno's, but thats mainly due to the fact that I think that Arno's apartment is too big for him at the moment. The retail job will definitely earn her a bit less money than Arno's office job, but there are many other factors apart from the squaremeters that affect the rent for an apartment.

Schulz family
Windenburg might be the better choice as Günther and/or Monika also might work in the town.

Teachers usually have two subjects that they can teach, sometimes even three. Thus, you have to come up with at least one more subject for Elmar.
Kai: As his father is a teacher (maybe even at his son's school), he most likely would attend the Gymnasium. There were some children of teachers at my school and none of them dropped out because their parents made sure that they learned and studied enough to not fail. They all had good to average grades.

An EFH from the late 80s doesn't sound realistic. The parents both have jobs with below average salaries and the mother most likely had to stop working for several years (or only work on evenings and weekends while her husband watches the children) because back then there usually only were Kindergärten for children age 3+ and even these Kindergärten usually closed for 1-2 hours at lunch time and parents had to pick up their children before the break and only were allowed to bring them back afterwards. Thus, they wouldn't have enough money to pay off a loan during all these years and the banks, anticipating that situation, wouldn't have given them a credit.
In my last posting, I thought that they might have bought a house relatively recently, but now with the new information that the family also has dogs, I think that a rented apartment/small house would be more realistic. Dogs cost money and in combination with a below average income and three children, the family will not qualify for a house credit.

As I wrote in my previous posting, about two girls per year (based on the last 10 or 15 years) are named that way. Thus, the name exists, but is extremely rare. The website that you mentioned states that the name is a nickname/short version for Anne and Marianne.
Sabine and Nadine don't rhyme. Nadine is pronounced French while Sabine is pronounced German. Nevertheless, the name sounds fine for me. If you want a name closer to "Renee", you also could name her Renate. That name also was in the top 100 for the 60s.

Windenburg households
Windslar: Harbors, train stations, industrial areas etc. were common targets during the war. Therefore, they most likely were more destroyed than other parts of the town and therefore rebuilt relatively soon. 50s would be okay, 70s too late imho.
Felege family: I'd go for three bedrooms. As you chose the refugee scenario, their apartment is paid by the state and there are limits for that. For ALG2, this means max. 115 square meters for a six person household.

Behr house
As the original house is wider than your house, I'd at least have the house 8 tiles wide even if that means that you have to rearrange windows and front door. Especially the living room needs that one additional tile as it looks really cramped.
I'm not sure whether the monument preservation authority would allow the rather modern metal stair railings inside.
What is the purpose of the small empty room?
In an older house, you usually don't build an extension for your washing machine and dryer. They can be placed in one of the bathrooms or the kitchen (beneath a counter) instead. It might be okay to keep the extra room as utility room for ironing and as a place where you store broom, vacuum cleaner etc.
1st floor: The two main bedrooms should be more similar in size. The big bedroom is just too big. I'd also suggest moving the stove on the ground floor further away from the couch as the stove can produce a lot of heat and sitting directly next to the stove could be really uncomfortable.
As you placed wall heaters: Where is the heating system that produces warm water for heating?
DG: If you want to use that floor normally (the pictures of the original house make me assume that it is used as a regular floor), you should replace the ladder by stairs. Also keep in mind that a child would like to have a wall and a door to have some privacy (also for sounds) in its bedroom. I guess you will have to extend the bedroom at least partially to the storage room and/or move the bathroom. Btw: It's really uncommon to have a chimney with walls around it in the middle of a room. In RL, it would make a curve towards the wall on the ground floor and on the OG and DG, it would be hidden within a regular wall. I know that this will be difficult or even impossible to archieve ingame, but maybe you can find other ways of hiding it so that it doesn't impair the DG room so much.
Waste bin question: I can't really tell what the thing at the left side of the lot is, but due to the color (similar to the house, completely different color than the red of the neighboring house), I assume that it belongs to the house. Nevertheless, even if there is no direct connection from the backyard to the street, they also could have an agreement with the neighbors on the right side that they may use their lot. Such an agreement would be entered in the land register so that one-sided changes would be impossible and so that future owners also will be bound by the agreement.
I searched for the house to get some additional information. While doing so, I found another picture that might interest you: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipe...dt38-1-Bubo.JPG
It's from 2010 and there was some kind of building (garage? gateway?) directly next to the house.
That picture gave me the address of the house (Altstadt 38, 58636 Iserlohn) and with the aerial view from Google Maps I now think that maybe the family doesn't move the waste bin along either side of the house. They should have access to a small way behind the house. Therefore, if the waste bins are emptied at the bigger street, it would be possible to move it on the streets around the neighboring house. It's also possible that the waste bins are emptied in the smaller street (Wiemer) and that the family has to move it a couple of meters to that street. As garbage trucks try to avoid driving backwards and the street directly behind the house is very narrow and several cars are parked there, I don't think that the waste would be picked up directly behind the lot.
Additional finding from looking at more pictures and the aerial view: There is a chimney directly in the middle of the roof and something smaller on the kitchen side, not on the living room side.

As I saw that you updated the information in the links: Is it possible to combine all the households in one link or is there some kind of limit? I often have to look up information (because there are simply too many families to remember everything) and I had to find three links in two different postings and once all the links are open, I always have to search all three websites to find the family that I want to look up next.

Random Buy mode questions

Trash compactors
They are not only uncommon, they are forbidden because it would cause some kind of problems with the disposal companies. Nevertheless, we like to hide our trash bins in kitchen counters (which means that you might not be able to find any appropriate alternatives to trash compactors).
In older kitchens (before recycling was such a big topic), you usually find just one bin in the counter: https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I...bI98HL._AC_.jpg
The bin is attached to the counter door so that when you open the counter door, the bin is automatically opened and moved outside of the counter.
Nowadays, there often are more complicated systems with several bins: https://pixelwerker.de/ratgeber/wp-...-schraenke2.jpg and https://img.lionshome.de/img/produc...zJkYUFLcGc9PQ== as examples. There also are options for trays: https://img.reuter.de/products/blan...co-521473_1.jpg
These kind of waste bins are common for owned houses and apartments when people spent a bit more money on the kitchen because they knew that they will live there for a longer period of time.
In a rented house or apartment, kitchens usually are cheaper because if you move out again after a few years, neither taking the kitchen with you (it might not fit into the new kitchen too well, it might get damaged while moving, installing the stove has to be done by a professional electrician etc.) nor selling it to the next tennant (who most likely doesn't want to spend lots of money on a used kitchen with a style chosen by somebody else) is a really good option. (When I was looking for an apartment the last time, there was an apartment that was interesting, but the current tennant had bought a kitchen for it. It was red and high gloss, they claimed that it had cost about 10 000 euros when it was new (less than one year ago) and they expected the new tennant to buy the kitchen for about 7000 euros.
In such a kitchen, you most likely have visible waste bins because it's cheaper. I looked up the kitchen waste bin section of a DIY shop so that you can have a look at some examples: https://www.bauhaus.info/suche/prod...hownProducts=71
Around the time of your Veronaville, I also saw some frames just with lids and with holes for garbage bags so that the bags were visible. Unfortunately, I could not find any pictures for this. I haven't seen something like this anymore for quite a few years now. This might also be because back then, people didn't yet have yellow bins, but had big yellow bags instead that were put directly on the sidewalk when it was time to collect that type of garbage.

There are no real antique Wohnwände because they only were invented somewhen in the 20th century and mainly are industrial mass production. If you find an "antique" Wohnwand, it's rather new and just looking antique. I seriously doubt that Consort would buy such a fake.

Furniture for lower-class households
They bought whatever furniture was common in some of the bigger, rather cheap furniture chains. As your question also includes times before my birth, I don't think that I can give you a comprehensive list of styles, but I can give you the names of some bigger, rather cheap furniture chains that already were chains at that time so that you can search for old catalogs or something like that: IKEA, Mömax, Poco, Roller and Möbel Martin (a regional chain in RLP and Saarland).
If the budget is really tight, the bulky waste collection (as mentioned further below) and helping with apartment liquidations in return for a few furniture pieces also might be options. People who receive state benefits also might be entitled to go to a Sozialkaufhaus where they can buy (often second-hand) stuff at a lower than usual price. The first Sozialkaufhäuser were opened in 1985 and I doubt that rural municipalities were amongst the first ones. Today, there are about 400 Sozialkaufhäuser in Germany while there are almost 11 000 municipalities. Thus, you can assume that the nearest one is quite a bit away and that people need a car if they want to get a lot of stuff from there.

Waste bins
The color has always has been black, brown, blue and yellow since the respective bins were introduced. However, some of the bins are rather new.
Black bins exist as long as I can remember. People have to pay for it (and its obligatory to have one) and there are different sizes available.
Brown bins also exist as long as I can remember. They don't cost extra money because municipalities usually can make a small profit with organic waste. Brown bins are not available everywhere because people tend to throw in stuff that doesn't belong in that bin. If that happens too often, municipalities can stop offering brown bins at all (more common in urban than in rural areas). If there is no brown bin, people either have to use composters on their own lot or use the black bin instead of the brown one.
Yellow bins are newer than I thought. Apparently, the first ones were introduced around 2010. Before, there were yellow bags (as mentioned above in the answer to your trash compactor question): https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gelber_Sack They were introduced in 1991 and people could use them the same way as the yellow bins. However, yellow bags were not offered by every municipality. If no yellow bags were offered, people had to bring their recyclable materials pre-sorted to a recycling center and throw them in different containers for the respective materials. This was especially common in rural areas while the yellow bags were more common in urban areas. Having people bring the stuff to recycling centers is the more profitable option for a municipality because containers filled with just one material are more valuable than containers with mixed materials. However, people were forced to drive to these recycling centers so that it's the worse option for them and for the environment and some people threw more or even all their recyclable materials into the black bin instead.
For paper, it was common to have containers available and people had to bring their paper their to dispose it. Then paper became more and more valuable and private companies started offering blue bins to people (including a free collection). The peak of this was somewhen before 2008 as the paper price dropped significantly during that year. The municipalities were not happy because they lost some of their income to private companies and had filed lawsuits against them. As with the blue bins about 30 % more paper was recycled than with the old containers, the municipalities started distributing their own bins and thereby replacing the company bins.
Other waste types without bin:
Bulky waste: Used to be collected (once per 3 months?) in the streets, people just had to put the stuff on the sidewalk. Poor people used to seach for any usable items they could need one or two days before the bulky waste was collected. It also was common that groups from Eastern Europe (don't ask me for the exact countries, they spoke Slavic languages, but I'm not able to tell which ones exactly) travelled to Germany to look for stuff. Nowadays, there is no mass collection anymore. Instead, people have to book an individual collection date (usually for free once per year). It is (and always was) also possible to bring bulky waste to recycling centers and pay for the disposal there.
Glass: There are containers somewhere next to a street or on community lots. Usually there are three different types of containers for white, green and brown glass. There might be more than one container per type.
Bottles and cans: Have to be returned to the store.
Electric devices: May be returend to the store (either the store where you bought the item or any store where you buy a new item of the same type - nowadays any store that sells electric devices). Alternative: recycling center. May not be disposed in the black bin.
Batteries: May also not be disposed in the black bin. There are boxes in supermarkets and other stores in which you can throw them, recycling center is also possible.
Old clothing and shoes: Ocasionally charitable organizations distribute bags and collect the filled bags a few weeks later in a mass collection. Alternatively, there are containers somewhere next to a street or on a community lot.
Other types of waste (unless I forgot something) have to be disposed at the recycling center.

Altendorf ZFH
It's quite common to collect rain water, but people usually use rain barrels for that because they simply can be placed under an opening of the roof gutter and because you can take the water from the barrel directly with a watering can. It also should be easier to move them into a shed/the basement/wherever for winter and if the barrels have the same size, they are stackable and need less space.
I didn't see a kitchen terrace door in the video. Both kitchens have windows with a heater beneath. (I think it's creepy that they made and published a video while all the inhabitants belongings still were in the house.)

Markt 8/9
I don't know how the window is called in other languages of the game, but there is another rather big window (base game?) that just consists of a frame and the glass. That window doesn't reach down to the floor in contrast to the windows that you used. I personally don't think that that type of window really matches the house, but it's similar to the window in the original pictures.
Toilets: I think it will be sufficient if you don't prohibit the customers from using the one employees' toilet. I'd also suggest the anti pee obsession hack because it makes no sense that sims are always spawened with half full bladder.
Postcards: Bookstores here in Germany usually also sell cards, but they usually sell greeting cards, congratulation cards, funny postcards etc. Postcards with pictures from the city/town/region usually are sold in shops that target tourists. (In train stations, book stores also might sell postcards with regional pictures, but a small rural town usually doesn't have many/any shops at the train station.) If there is no classic souvenir shop, I also could imagine postcards being sold in a kiosk. I don't think that I ever saw a combination of kiosk and bookstore or a combination of bookstore and parcel office (I assume that's because most bookstores belong to bigger chains with standardized layouts and product range. Parcel offices often are in shops that don't belong to a chain). If you want to see some examples for German bookshops, you can google for Thalia, Hugendubel and Weltbild. Kiosk and parcel shop is a common combination in Germany, but I've also seen parcel shops in clothing shops, laundry shops, leather goods (like handbags) shops, papeteries etc.
Postbank parcels: Sorry, but that sounds wrong. "Postbank" just refers to the bank business of Deutsche Post. And even "Post" just refers to the letter business. The maximum that you can send via Post is a small parcel (Päkchen) of up to 2 kg. It's "DHL" that is responsible for the parcel (Paket) business. The vast majority of parcels doesn't have any DHL/Post branding on it. Thus, you simply can use plain brown parcels or parcels with branding of the retail company instead.

In most types of shops, shelves are often discreet, sometimes barely visible at all because only the functionality matters. Here are some examples for such shelves. I tried to pick different types of shops as I assume that you want to have a variety of shops in your neighborhood.
Original Poster
#210 Old 1st May 2023 at 4:11 PM
Windenburg areas
Lykke Platz is the harbour area, so I will keep in mind to look for 50s industrial-looking buildings. However, the Windslar area is the countryside part of Windenburg. So did you mean that countryside houses located in harbour towns were also more prone to destruction? Where would the development area (60s - 80s EFH) most likely be built? In the north side from Altstadt, or rather westerly or northerly in the Windslar countryside?

Regarding secondary school locations, then I wonder: how come that all the schools are located in Adenau even though it's not even a 3K town?

I've rearranged and merged the households in two albums now

Windenburg: https://imgur.com/a/gsJ64qS
Veronaville & Dichterfeld: https://imgur.com/a/xzFxPDX

For the Windenburg Sims, I have some questions left about Dreher, Schulz and Capricciosa
For Veronavilla & Dichterfeld, I have questions about Kaufmann-LeTourneau, Baum-Meier and Romeo.

Behr FWH
I can try to extend the left side with 1 tile at least so it's a semi-detached Lot and the living room gets more space. The reference lot also had such modern stairs for some reason (will add them later on in the album).

Buy mode
I will try on eBay finding pics 90s furniture of the furniture brands you've mentioned.
If a bin is within a kitchen counter in an owned Lot, then I'd pick a trash compactor nevertheless for the sake of functionality, but I remain aware it's not realistic and that it's a compromise for the game. In NL, glass bins are located at supermarkets and in my neighborhood district, the paper waste is biweekly collected at houses on the street (we put boxes on the street that aren't specific bins).
If I understood correctly, were blue bins not yet common for each household in early 2000s?
What kind of an antique TV cabinet would suit Consort's household better instead?

I haven't spent much time on building in the game the last weeks, so I have to process that information first and see what Lots I want to work on first.
Lab Assistant
#211 Old 14th May 2023 at 5:10 PM
I am sorry, I mixed up the different areas of Windenburg. I wanted to say that the harbour district most likely suffered more destruction. In general, every place with potentially war-relevant features was more likely to be bombed - train stations and tracks, harbours, bridges for vehicles and/or trains, industrial buildings, but also landmarks like hills with a good view etc.
How central or remote is Windslar? If it already was a built-up area before the war, you still would have old buildings there or a mix of old and new buildings - depending on how much it was destroyed during the war.
Housing development areas usually are in remote areas - at least at the time of their construction. Of course, there might be a need for more development areas in the following decades and each new housing development area will be further away from the town center than the previous one. Closer to the town center, there might be a need for a few newer houses every now and then, but there usually is not enough space for a several new houses close to each other. If you want a more specific recommendation, please share a screenshot of your version of the neighborhood.
I do not know how common it is in rural areas, but in some German cities (especially if the roofs of houses were destroyed anyway), house owners were obliged to add another full floor on top of houses so that there was more space for additional apartment(s). If you have a district where such a level of distruction is plausible, you could mix pre- and post-war styles in one house. Due to the limited ressources after the war, functionality was much more important than style and the construction works had to be finished quickly so that as many people as possible had a warm place where they could stay in the following winter.

That is just because of the location of the Verbandsgemeinde Adenau within the Landkreis Ahrweiler. There are at least four Gymnasien in Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler and Sinzig and the pupils from the Verbandsgemeinden around these two towns attend the Gymnasien there. Even Remagen with more than 17k inhabitants, Grafschaft with 11k inhabitants and Bad Breisig with almost 10k inhabitants do not have a Gymnasium. You also should be aware that the Landkreis Ahrweiler borders to NRW and there should be some pupils who attend schools in NRW instead of in RLP because the RLP schools have a higher level and it is easier to succeed at a NRW school.
(The Verbandsgemeinde Adenau also looks very unusual. It consists of 37 individual municipalities although it just has about 13k inhabitants. The smallest municipality has just 50 inhabitants. In most other regions in Germany, such small municipalities were forced to form bigger municipalities in the 70s.)


Thanks a lot for reorganizing and stating where I can find your questions! That really helps.

If their house was built for them, it would be from the late 90s or early 00s, depending on when they had saved enough money (if they needed a credit). If they bought or inherited a house, it should be from the 70s or older because Germans do not really like to move house, especially when they own a house or apartment. Thus, only very few houses from the 80s and early 90s would have been at the market at the time when the family wanted to buy a house. For houses from the 50s to 70s, there is a realistic chance that the previous owners built it to replace a house that got destroyed during the war or to replace an outdated house that would take a fortune to renovate. In such constellations, the previous owners could have died from old age and the heirs could have decided to sell the house at the time when the Dreher family wanted to buy a house. A pre-war house, of course, also would be possible.
Villa: That would be an option, if Edmund owns a store instead of "just" being the manager of a chain store. The store could be a family business and his parents and maybe a few generations before them could have accumulated some wealth.

Who inherited the house? Edgar or Monika? If Monika inherited it from her side of the family, I do not think that Edgar and/or Viktor would live with them. If Edgar inherited it(*), I could imagine either Viktor or Günther and his family to live with Edgar, but not all of them. It also would be more like a roommates constellation than a classical family. Edgar has his own money and buys whatever he likes and needs with it and his son/son plus family has their own money and buys whatever they like and need. It is common that the child pays the running costs (electricity, water etc.) for all of them and takes care of the upkeep of the house in return for living rent-free. It is also possible that Edgar already gave a part of the house to one of his children to avoid death tax after his death (Gifts made at least ten years before death will not be taken into consideration). The other child would receive financial compensation for this (either at the time of the gift or upon death).
Of course, it would also depend on how Edgar goes along with his son/son plus family and how big the house is. Edgar should at least have a bedroom and a living room for himself so that he has some kind of retreat. Ideally, he also would have a bathroom for himself. Most three-generational EFHs that I know also have a second kitchen, but that depends on the preferences of the inhabitants. It often is also a gender topic. When the grandparents were younger, the man usually was the breadwinner of the family and the woman stayed at home and took care of household and children and therefore usually had much more cooking experience than her husband. Thus, a widowed grandmother might be more interested in having a kitchen for herself than a widowed grandfather who hardly ever cooked himself. Such a grandfather might be more happy if he may join his son/son plus family for dinner.
(*) If it is the inheritance from his wife, the house also could already belong 50/25/25 to Edgar and his two sons. In that case, all three of them would have to make joint decisions regarding the house, would all be responsible for running costs and the people who live in the house might have to pay some money to the people not living in the house (similar to rent, but that is not the legally correct term).

Your text contains hardly any information about Eva. Thus, any school type is plausible for her, imho.
(I wanted to look up some numbers about Italian pupils/pupils with Italian background, but now I am confused. This website - https://www.festschrift-kattenbusch...starbeiter.html - claims that they used the official German statistics for the schoolyear 2009/2010 as source, but the numbers seem to be incomplete and contradicting: According to Tab. 2 only 9.9 % of the Italian pupils attend a Gymnasium, but all percentages only add up to about 63 %. What about the remaining 37 %? According to Tab. 3, in eight out of nine mentioned German states, between 18.8 % and 34.5 % of the Italian pupils attend Gymnasium. Again, adding up the percentages leads to strange results, as Baden-Württemberg and Bayern have more than 100 %, Saarland only about 50 % etc.)

Realschule sounds fine for me with Arons aspirations, interests and his parents' background.

I would choose an EFH as in rural EFHs are much more common than ZFHs (taking only those houses into consideration with two families living in them, not counting empty granny flats) and with their jobs (especially the father's job), they should be able to afford paying off a credit.
Interiour aesthetic: A style that was common at the time when they built/bought their house. As the father is extremely neat, I would go for a clean look with only few deco items and many cabinets for their stuff so that there are no dust traps around.

School: Due to his fortune aspiration, Gymnasium would be the best choice for his future. However, with his parents' professional background, they might not be able to help him enough with his homework and with learning. Due to his romance secondary, he might also be distracted too much from school as he might put more time and energy in shortterm success (with girls or boys) than in the longterm goal of having a good-paying job (which back was assumed to require a university degree - nowadays many self-employed craftspeople can earn a lot of money because demand is higher than supply). Therefore, I think that Realschule might be a good choice for him. It suits his current situation better than Gymnasium, but he still has options for a better education at a later date, if he really wants to.
Music: I hope it is not too cliché and it is not a genre either, but what about Italian music? In Germany, it is associated with summer, vacation, but also romance. For parties and for meeting people, something "Sommerhit"-like could be an option and when he already has closer contact with another teen, ballads also might be an option.

Behr FWH
It might be difficult to be close to the original house if you add that one tile, but I am quite sure that you will be happy about that extra tile when playing that household.
It is a pity that Sims 2 does not have lots that are 15 tiles wide like in Sims 3.

Buy mode
Trash compactor: I think that this is the most practical solution. It would be very difficult or even impossible to find the right CC.
Glass bins: I also saw containers at a supermarket once around the time of your Veronaville, but usually they are placed somewhere on public ground because usually there are shards on the ground and supermarkets are not too happy if their customers risk ruining their tires on the parking.
Paper waste: In rural areas, there also were paper waste collections without blue bins, but definitely not biweekly (maybe quarterly?; -> not a problem for house owners, but apartment residents might throw the paper into another bin if they lack space to store it) and I thought that they stopped before the time of your Veronaville.
Blue bins: It depends on the municipality/administrative district. In some of them, blue bins already existed in the late 90s, in others, the first bins were only distributed around 2005. Around that time, they must have existed pretty much everywhere (but often from private companies) because the municipalities/administrative districts must have started lawsuits against the private companies (because they wanted to make the profit themselves) while the paper price still was high and it dropped significantly in 2008.
TV cabinet: TV and antique imho are mutually exclusive. In Germany, the first regular TV program started in the 50s and even then the number of TVs in private households was very low. Most people only got TVs in the 60s or 70s (I guess that this was similar, although probably a bit earlier, in most countries) and some others even later than that. Furniture from that period is not antique. Thus, you either have to find a more modern TV cabinet that somehow matches the rest of the furniture or you choose some kind of side table or living room table from the ones that you already have and place a TV on top of it.
Original Poster
#212 Old 15th May 2023 at 11:32 AM Last edited by Softlism : 15th May 2023 at 11:42 AM.
Windenburg infrastructure
Windslar already has pre-war farmhouses in TS4 and is separated from the Altstadt by a small river/creek. In that case, the devlopment houses will be located west and northward from Windslar (I use Gunmod's hood camera). I have a screenshot of the 1st version of my Windenburg road lay-out.
I already suspected that Adenau is an exceptional case regarding civil systems. I want my hoods to be a mix and match of NRW and the bordering RLP area, since I use Eifel and a bit of Oberbergischen Kreis as main inspiration sources for the buildings and culture. Hence I picked Adenau as reference for Windenburg.

Schulz: In that case, Günther would inherit the house from his father and live with him in an pre-war multigen EFH, and Viktor would live on his own or with a partner in an apartment.

Eva Carpricciosa: according to the TS4 Wiki, she also has a Romance Aspiration and her TS4 traits are Romantic, Alluring, Hot-headed and Materialistic. She has 5 Charisma points, so if I use the TS3 trait mod, she would be Charismatic as well. Her MBTI would be most likely textbook ESTP. I imagine she that kind of teenage girl who wears revealing tops with flashy graphic decals, and wears those pocketless Miss Sixty jeans that were popular in 2004/2005. She developed early on "romantic interaction" levels for a 14 y/o girl and is probably a Kannkind (Leo is her zodiac sign and her birthday is in July but attends 9th grade). In her free time, she enjoys parties and drinking alcohol (like Alkopops) and Music & Dance is her OTH. She fools around with Sergio's brother Floriano who is a playboy, but she also secretly flirts with Romeo Monty (3 lightning bolts between them). With this background in mind, would Realschule still suit her or rather Hauptschule if she would be distracted from school stuff? And how would she keep her romances with Floriano and other boys discrete to prevent getting a bad rep amongst peers? Or wouldn't she care about that?

Friendship dynamics between Eva and Marilena
: Marilena is an ENFP type and I use Ed from Ed, Edd and Eddy or a typical scatterbrained anime girl (like Yui from K-on!) as personality references for her. Due to her kindness and outgoingness and hanging around with Eva the "heiße Mädchen", she's admired by many boys from her school. However, she's easily impressed and thus easy to be influenced by others. How would friendship dynamics between Eva and Marilena look like and what could be examples of negative and/or unhealthy interactions between them?

Romeo: Floriano would be attending Berufsfachschule. Since he's interested in Sports, Paranormal, travel and sci-fi, I think he would have a paranormal part-time career track (not realistic, but I want to include some Sims occult stuff). He owns a scooter/moped, so he can drive easily to his lovers in other towns.

Sims lookbooks
If a neat + shy Knowledge Sim has 9 out of 10 fashion points, what kind of clothing pieces and jewelry would suit for boys and girls each? I'm speaking about Korinna (lower-class household) and Ji-hoon (upper-middle class household).
For Ji-hoon, I was thinking that he wears preppy yet colorful clothes, like fitted untucked shirts/blouses with stripey patterns, polo tees, straight-leg jeans.
For Korinne, I think she has a girly aesthetic but not so flashy and revealing. She saves money for expensive jewelry, but barely wears makeup. She won't wear belly-revealing tops, ill-fitting pants, and tops with flashy graphic decals, though she likes frilly details in her tops and open necklines (e.g. boatneck, off-shoulder). Regarding bottoms, she wears mostly non-denim flared pants year-round, and capri pants and knee-length skirts in summer. Her key colors: soft pink, light blue, bright earth tones. Though I imagine she won't wear her favorite clothes at school due to her shyness and wanting them to keep them clean, so at school I think she would wear basic sweaters or basic tops with a suede ribbed blazer in neutral colors.

Build/buy mode
Since when are streetlamps similar to bannerless Homespun lamps common in German streets?

What types of flooring are common for flat roofs in house extensions, like garages and sheds? I asked this question on ChatGTP as well and got as answer: concrete, asphalt, and gravel. Is that correct?

For what kind of households would Maxis Quaint furniture add-on meshes suit best? Were Quaint-y Wohnwänder common back then in the 80s and 90s?

For Consort Capp, I will pick a sideboard to use as an antique TV cabinet, Which Maxis antique-looking object add-ons would suit best for this household? (otherwise, non-Maxis CCs are fine too)

For the Goneril Capp household, which Maxis furnitures or a set from Vitasims would suit well for the children's and baby bedrooms? (You can mention the German names of the Maxis objects so I can try googling them myself)
Lab Assistant
#213 Old 29th May 2023 at 9:54 PM
Adenau should be exceptional in other aspects as well e.g. due to being close to the Nürburgring.


No questions from you, no additional comments from me.

Eva Capricciosa
School: I could imagine that she started Realschule. If she is intelligent and does not have to spend a lot of time on learning, she also could continue Realschule until graduation. If she has to spend a lot of time on learning to achieve good grades, it is more likely that she drops out of Realschule at one point and starts attending Hauptschule instead.
Romances: As you described her as somebody who does not really plan aheaad, I do not think that she would try to prevent getting a bad reputation. Nevertheless, I am not sure whether she really would not care about it. Maybe she simply only realizes it when it is too late.

Eva and Marilena
I do not know either series. Therefore, I cannot comment on that.
I do not think that Marilena hanging out with Eva would make boys admiring her. If they think that Eva is a hot girl, they still would be interested in Eva, not in Marilena.

What kind of Ausbildung does Floriano do at the Berufsfachschule?
I am not sure how much time he has after school for a part-time job. It's not that common to have a part-time job on five days per week as a pupil. It's more common to work on weekends or to do holiday jobs (4-8 weeks full-time in a factory).
Paranormal career: Maybe he could be some kind of fortune teller at fairs? Of course, the big fairs that last for a week or longer are not an option because of school, but smaller fairs that only take place on weekends could be doable.

Sims lookbooks
I tried to remember some fashion trends from that period. The first 3-4 things might be a bit too early (rather 1998-2000) for your Veronaville.
Platform shoes
Skirts on top of trousers (https://cdn.unitycms.io/images/15FK...sum=CFIDihwNAXs)
"Tattoo" necklaces and bracelets (https://www.kleiderkorb.de/product_...5c2638681af.jpg)
Vests instead of jackets
Tops made of nested materials (https://img.ltwebstatic.com/images3...bnail_900x.webp)
Wrap skirts and pareos (https://www.laluka-berlin.de/wp-con...mt-2-scaled.jpg)
Boleros (https://mytoys.scene7.com/is/image/myToys/ext/28157973-01.jpg?$rtf_mt_prod-main_xl$)
Stone bracelets (https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/...u-YtVI&usqp=CAU)
T-shirts on top of pullovers
Jeans with the lower 10-20 of seams unstitched
Leather necklace with stone (https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/...IBlan8&usqp=CAU)
Silver rings (for a bit more expensive jewelery, but usually from shops like Bijou Brigitte, not really expensive)
All kinds of bracelets from festivals (the ones that are checked at the entrance)
Anything related to skirts, the boleros and tattoo necklaces were just for girls, all the other things were for all genders. The silver rings were less common for boys than for girls.
Shirts, blouses and blazers were relatively uncommon at school and for everyday activities. Thus, I don't think that a shy person would wear these at school because they definitely would stick out. That might be options for going out.

Build/buy mode

Streetlamps: That type of streetlamps isn't that common in Germany. They might be used in pedestrian zones or squares, but most of the streetlamps in a village/town would be a more simple standard model.

Flat roofs: People try to avoid flat roofs because they are a risk for water damage. The most common option should be a Wellplatte (usually made of some kind of plastic, some also are made of metal or tar paper) that is installed with a minimum angle. For real flat roofs, people put some plastic canvas on top of it and put a bit of gravel on top of it so that it's not moved by the wind. Concrete and asphalt should be extremely uncommon for extensions, garages and sheds because these materials are quite heavy which means that the whole building has to be built in a more stable and therefore more expensive way just so that it can carry the roof.

Quaint furniture: I don't think that it ever was common to have such thin legs as cabinet base. Furniture made from solid wood and filled with lots of stuff would be too heavy for the legs. Furniture not made from solid wood usually has a lower quality and suffers wear and tear so that you won't keep it for too many decades.

Consort Capp: I hardly use any add-ons and CC in my own game and therefore don't spend enough time looking at CC to make suggestions.

Goneril Capp: No specific suggestion, but I'd also go for dark wood colors for her household as I assume that Consort paid for most of it and chose according to his own style. You maybe could add a few modern designer pieces to the mix. For the children's bedrooms, you also could choose lighter wood colors and styles from the time of birth of the respective child as the furniture might get damaged when the child is playing and it's better that a bit less expensive items (but still far from cheap) get damaged. Maybe the lighter furniture is for toddlers and children while Miranda as a teenager has darker furniture. Her previous furniture might have been passed on to Ariel.
Original Poster
#214 Old 30th May 2023 at 3:48 PM
In that case, I will look for different small town of simliar size in the same area for more representative small-town references.

I was thinking a Paranormal-related traineeship, even though that won't exist in real life. His other interests are Sci-fi and Travel, so he could also do a travel-related traineeship. Would a flight attendant traineeship be suited for him otherwise?

What could be a good alternative name for Ariel Capp? I already renamed Hal to Hans (more common for 90s kids than the Dutch Elmo) and Desdemona to Mona, but I kept Miranda her name even though it isn't a common German name.

Sims lookbooks
Good to know that shirts and blazers were more "party wear". It must be said that I got most fashion inspiration from party pictures, but I recently discovered "Die Abschlussklasse", which can be found on YouTube. So I can look there as well to gain inspiration for everyday wear.

How would Miranda's fashion aesthetic look like? Originally, she wears a high fashion outfit, but I also get edgy/alternative vibes from her because of her dark lipstick. In my game, I swapped her tinted sunglasses for regular glasses.

Since Tybalt is outgoing and wears a bold-colored shirt blouse, what kind of tops and colors/patterns would suit him for everyday wear? Would an inside-out shearling coat suit his preppy taste for fall and winter?

Puck is shy, yet has a Popularity Aspiration, wears bold-colored clothing and has 7/10 interest for fashion. What kind of tops and buttoned/zipped garments would suit him for everyday wear? (I removed his facial paint, though)

In that case, I stick to gravel or corrugated iron flooring for flat roofs of garages, or build a 15-degree angled roof for extensions and sheds.

Capp interiors: would the brown recolors of Vitasims2 Royale set (1, 2, 3) still be suited, or rather only the Cashcraft Victorian sets (1, 2) ? Or would Adele's sets suit better than from those two creators?

Lot builds

Münch household
Screenshots with questions included: https://imgur.com/a/whtlKxD
Additional questions: which rooms are suited best to place kids toys & clutter? Do you have object layout and furniture deco suggestions for the boys bedroom(s) and the living room areas?

Adenau apartment-shop
Screenshots with questions included: https://imgur.com/a/fFVMXZ6

80s EFH BaMü
Screenshots with questions included: https://imgur.com/a/yUADlyW
Lab Assistant
#215 Old 2nd Jul 2023 at 10:21 PM
Sorry for my late response, but I have been on vacation and participated in a multi-day workshop for my job afterwards (and now I am ready for vacation again ).

I'd suggest that you look for a small town in NRW. That way you might also notice some differences between these two states.

Paranormal: There is no state-approved traineeship for this, but apparently there are companies who offer some kind of training to people who are willing to pay for it.
Flight attendant: There is also no state-approved traineeship for this profession. FLight companies train their staff themselves and the training usually only lasts 6-16 weeks. However, there is a minimum age of 18 years for flight attendants for bureaucratic reasons. At which age does the birthday from teen to adult take place in your imagination? 18, 19, 21, something completely different?
For travel related jobs, there are more alternatives:
Train conductor/Zugbegleiter (officially Kaufmann/-frau für Verkehrsservice) - state-approved training of 3 years (with a possibility of shortening it to 2.5 years for people with at least Realschule degree and good grades) - also possible with Hauptschule degree - no age limit
Train driver/Lokführer (officially Eisenbahner/-in im Betriebsdienst) - state-approved training of 3 years - minimum requirement: Realschule degree - traineeship may be started at 16 or 17, driving by yourself only from age 20 on
Travel agent/Tourismuskaufmann/-frau (formerly Reiseverkehrskaufmann/-frau) - 3 years (possibility of shortening to 2-2.5 years) - theoretically possible with Hauptschule degree, but in reality the vast majority has Abitur or Realschule degree - doesn't contain any travelling during the traineeship, but it might be possible to find jobs with at least a few business trips afterwards
Hotel specialist/Hotelfachmann/-frau - 3 years - also possible with Hauptschule degree (about 20 % of the Azubis have that qualification) - Not the most obvious choice for the travel interest, but if you do the traineeship at a bigger hotel chain, it's possible to do 6-12 months of the traineeship abroad, if the company agrees. After completing the traineeship, it's also possible to e.g. work on a cruise ship.

Capp family
In the German translation of the game, Ariel is called Elvira. The name usually is associated with older women, not with children, but it's rather classical so that it works for the Capp family imho.
If you don't like that idea, here are some names starting with A that also could work for a Capp child (some also rather uncommon for children):
Anna/Anne, Amalia, Angelika, Aurelia, Agnes, Alexandra, Adriane/Ariane (The latter three have Greek origins which would match the theme of the Capp ancestors.)


There is one more thing that came into my mind: It also was really common for a while to wear belts with longshirts or dresses. At first, there were rather thin metal belts that were worn rather loosely on the hip. (e.g. like this https://i.otto.de/i/otto/ed9370ef-2490-43d0-b964-9b20fc4f174d/Gold.jpg?$formatz$ and this https://lp2.hm.com/hmgoepprod?set=q...5B1%5D&call=url[file:/product/main])
And a bit later, there were wide leather or synthetic belts that were worn tightly on waist height. (e.g. like this https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I..._AC_UY1100_.jpg and https://img.ltwebstatic.com/images3...bnail_900x.webp)
For boys, for a while it was really common to wear some kind of chain for wallets. I am not sure about the exact year(s), but it definitely was around the time of your Veronaville. It was more common for hip hop fans than for the others. These chains do not have exactly the right style, but they are the closest ones that I could find: https://i.etsystatic.com/18328886/r...005021_9zew.jpg

I think that EA chose the outfit for her on purpose. The other sims with that dress also are from rather wealthy families (Tara DeBateau and Melody Tinker). Thus, I would choose something expensive for her, but maybe from another designer with a bit more edgy and alternative designs?

The vast majority of shirts that you'll find is rather boring. Most have plain colors or stripes at maximum. You also can find a few checked or Hawaiian shirts.
If you want to dress him down a bit, he could wear polo shirts during summer and maybe a sweater on top of the shirt in winter. As he's a member of the Capp family and seems to care about traditions (at least the feud), I guess it's okay if he dresses a bit less casual than his class mates.
I don't remember anybody wearing a shearling coat at school, but it wouldn't really look out of place either. A few pupils had wool coats, if these also are an option for you.

As the Summerdreams are fairies, I would say that normal rules do not apply to him and his family. Thus, I would keep the bold colors. I would choose a sweater (at least for the colder half of the year) as it would keep him warm when driving his moped and it would not be a big problem if it gets dirty when he is tinkering.

The Victorian set looks fine to me. The Royale set has too many decorations imho. Therefore, I would not use the wooden recolors of this set. In white, the decorations stick out a bit less so that these recolors would be okay. Do you have a link to Adele's sets?

Lot builds

Did you use some changed settings for the picture upload? When I scroll up or down a few pictures, the website starts loading the pictures again although they already were loaded before.

Münch household
Front view: A straighter frontyard would make sense, yes. I would also add some kind of shortcut between entrance door and garage door. And you need a more solid ground in front of the garage for rainy weather.
Chimneys: People often use brickstones in a color that more or less matches the roof color. Plain concrete-like colors also are common, but maybe more for bigger buildings. You can google for "Schornstein" and have a look at the picture results to get some impressions.
Back view: I would add more trees and shrubs. To me, it looks like the lake should be closer to the building.
Dock/jetty: Do you have a better view of the original one? On the one picture where it is shown, it looks rather flat to me so that the two stairs do not really make sense to me. Guessing by the color and by how such things usually look like, I would go for wooden materials. If you really want to keep the stairs, you should replace the foundation by the wooden one that just has stilts beneath (and not with a white color as that is unrealistic in the water). I would also try to lower the foundation as much as possible so that the stairs have fewer steps, if you cannot fully avoid them.
Cellar: It could be either a vaulted cellar (due to the size of the cellar, each room would have its own vault structure or maybe even more than one vault structure per room with columns inbetween to stabilize the vault) or a normal cellar. You should not mix the two cellar types. If the cellar is old, I would assume that it is a vaulted cellar. If it was added at a later date (e.g. during the reconstruction around 1970), it would be a normal cellar. With the three mentioned functions of the cellar, I am also not sure that it has the same size as the floor above. Each of the three rooms could have 10-15 m² and depending on how you arrange them, a small stair landing might be enough to access these three rooms. Such a cellar would have only about 1/3 of the space of the upper floors. Three staircases leading to the cellar is a lot. On the official floorplan, "only" two of them obviously lead to the cellar. The thrid one leads to the upper floor and it is not visible whether there is a second staircase beneath that leads to the cellar.
Entrance: The stair railing and fence do not match the style of the house and I do not think that you could get an approval of the monument conservation authority for them. If somehow possible, I would try to avoid the stairs anyways because the original house does not have stairs either.
Floorplan: The original floorplan is quite interesting imho. I was surprised to see that the original house really has several staircases leading to the upper floor and cellar. The placement of the stairs is even more interesting because they are pointing away from the house and they are relatively far away from each other. Therefore, I suspect that there are two separate cellars that are not connected to each other and they (or at least the biggest part of them) is not directly beneath the house, but alongside (which most likely is the better option stability-wise because most FWHs are built on compacted soil without a proper foundation.
Ground floor: The fireplace should have a 2x2 wall, not just as 2x1 wall around imho.
Living rom: I would remove them. It looks dangerous to have them above the TV and mounting hanging cabinets on FW walls is rather complicated anyway. If the inhabitants need more storage space, it would make more sense to buy full-height furniture instead of half-height items with hanging items above.
Dining room: The tiles of the fireplace look great and very realistic.
What do you mean by Luftraum? That term is usually used for air traffic.
Kitchen: I would not try to match the floor and stove. That would give the room a too mediterranean touch imho. Either leave it the way it is or try to find a recolor for the stove instead. I would go for a grey like in the original house because there is always a risk that furniture, walls and ceiling close to the stove might slightly be covered in soot. Therefore, the personalities are not that relevant for the decision. The counters in the original pictures should be relatively new because that type of tap was not too common in private households in the past and because the counters themselves (= without all the items that were placed in and on it) look rather minimalistic and modern. However, that is just my guess because kitchens (in owned homes) often are quite customized and small things like door handles and taps can make a big difference on the whole impression.
Pantry room: As already mentioned further above, I think that the cellar is alongside the house, not beneath it.
OG: How many children does the family have? If there never was a need for more children's bedrooms before, there was no reason to spend money and time on renovations. I like the original layout more than your layout. The two library rooms are closed of a bit more and the right staircase is conveniently in a corner. Did you leave out the staircase to the attic on purpose? I like that you combined the 10 and 11 to one bathroom because to me it does not really make sense to split it up in two rooms when the master bedroom has its own bathroom and guests can use the bathroom on the ground floor (which does not need another shower imho) so that only the people who sleep in the second bedroom will use the split bathroom. If they get along well enough with each other to share a bedroom, they also should get along well enough with each other to share a bathroom and if the bathroom is occupied while someone else wants to use it, there are still two more bathrooms as alternatives.
Library: The bookshelves look really tall. Maybe you simply can place a commode with move objects on the same tiles as the bookshelves so that it looks like they are one piece of furniture?
Boy's bedroom: Okay, fotget my question about the number of children. I personally think that nowadays, people would want that each child has its own bedroom, especially in such a big house. As the shared bedroom is quite big, I am not sure whether you really have to convert one of the libraries. You also could add a wall in the middle of the room to split it up.
Mila's bedroom: If the boy's bedroom is inaccessible for Mila, you maybe want to also place a changing table for Lucas in her room. As the rest of the furniture in that room matches each other, it might be good, if you could find matching recolors for the crib and the changing table. Maybe you also could place a bigger mirror somewhere so that Mila also can see her full body when trying on clothes. And I would add some decoration to the walls, maybe some more paintings (I did not even see the one picture due to its position at first)? Regarding the armoires: There is a rather new mod that allows to shift anything. Maybe you could try to shift the armoires a bit downwards so that the legs are hidden in the floor so that the clipping can be avoided?
Bathroom: I personally like the darker cabinet color better. Is there any way to have half-walls around the bathtub without ruining the functionality? It is difficult to date the bathroom as the marble and the size of the bathtub rather indicates the price than the period. Nevertheless, I assume that the bathroom still might be from the 70s. The color of the sinks and bathtub was quite common for normal-priced bathrooms in the 80s and I guess that people chose this color before it became popular with the masses. The sink taps require manual mixing of cold and warm water which also was not common anymore at the end of the 80s for normal-priced bathrooms (unless, of course, the taps are some designer pieces and have that old style on purpse). The lights above the sinks also do not look modern because in the past 15-20 years (?) indirect lighting with hidden lamps became popular. The shower above the bathtub also looks oldfashioned. A more modern bathroom would have a rain shower or something like that instead.

Adenau apartment shop
Alley: The alley is not necessarily for the tenants (at least not for their cars - I saw that the tenants have to walk around the house to enter it). Its main function should be to provide access to the subsidiary buildings behind the main houses. The alley belongs to the owners of the respective lots and if a tenant wants to use the alley by car or even wants to park there, they have to make this part of the rental contract. If the owner from building 32 also uses the alley, they have to have some kind of contract that allows them to use it. As the building can be reached directly from the street, they are not entitled to a Notwegerecht. Therefore, they probably pay a small amount of money to the owner of 34 to be allowed to use it whil the owner of 34 has to ensure that the alley is not blocked by cars.
Rear view: Those glass stones are common as source of light for staircases. Good choice.
Shop: I am not sure how you could do it in Sims 2, but what about a photo studio? A place where people can go to get some nice photos of themselves and their beloved ones. In addition to the photos, the shop also could sell some frames. Maybe you also could place a styling station. Usually, photo studios do not offer new stylings, but the photographers have at least some powder available to ensure that the customers look good on the photos.
EG: As you apparently do not know what you want to place in the diagonal room, I would suggest that you do not add a basement. That way, the room could be for the heating system and other building equipment. The additional room in there could be for small storages for the tenants (although they technically will not work that way ingame as they are not connected to the apartments themselves). If you still should have some place left, you could have a small bike room. With regards to your current layout, I would suggest that you move the toilets by one tile to the right so that you can extend the staircase room by one tile and add a door to the diagonal room.
OG1: I know that I usually tell you to do houses a bit smaller, but this time, I think that you made it too small. According to the measurements on the left, the bathroom is 2.01 m wide which would equal three tiles instead of the two that you have and the main bedroom is 4.28 m wide which would equal six or seven tiles while you have just four. The same should be true for the other room sizes as well. An apartment with a slightly smaller size and the same number of rooms in that area costs 1100 euros per month (including water and heating). Thus, you apartment would cost probably 1200 euros or a bit more per month. Can the Fyres family afford this if you imagine the income that they would have in RL? If you think that they cannot afford it, the apartment above without the big terrace might be a better option for them.
Felege family: As far as I remember, you chose the option that they are asylum seekers and live from state benefits. This means that a household of six people is entitled to a maximum of 115 m². If you increase the house so that its size matches the original house, the apartment will be significantly too big for them. If you keep the current size, it is quite a bit smaller than the 115 m². Therefore, no matter which size the house will have, I do not think that it is a good choice for the Felege family. They should try for an apartment (or small house) that has at least 100 m², but of course it may not exceed the 115 m². (In bigger cities, people sometimes are lucky that they are allowed to move into bigger apartments because there are so few apartments available that it might be more or less impossible to find an apartment of the right size, but that is not true for rural areas.)

80s EFH Bad Münstereifel
Garage: I do not think that the lot has to be a corner lot. Even with a corner lot, the car driver would have to drive a turn to get into the garage. If the original garage has that direction, I would leave it that way. Garages ingame are overdimensioned and if you turn it around, you might have to move the whole house a bit backwards.
Families: Could you please also give me the number of household members with the ages and genders? The lot (in its original location) seems to be a good choice for a cat because the lot is hardly connected to the street so that there would be a low risk that the cat is involved in a traffic accident. But the house of course also would be suited for a dog.
EG: Depending on the family size, the bedroom on the ground floor could be a dining room so that you do not have to have a dining area in the living room.
DG: It looks like you did not place a half-wall, fence or other railing next to the hole for the stairs. As you decided to remove the office, I would decrease the size of the top left bedroom by one tile and increase the size of the top right bedroom. That way, you can move the door one tile to the left and have a straight wall for the bedroom in the lower right.
UG: A granny flat without bedroom does not make sense, however. It is a separate apartment, not just an extra room in case there is not enough room in the rest of the house. If you do not want to use it permanently, you could imagine that guests are not just offered a guest bedroom, but the whole apartment for the duration of their stay. And if the family has children, it might be a retreat for teenagers and young adults. And the two most important rooms of the apartment, the living room and bedroom do have windows.
Brown bin: The color looks fine to me. The colors might vary a bit in different municipalities because there is more than just one company that produces them, but I do not remember any reddish brown ones.
Original Poster
#216 Old 3rd Jul 2023 at 11:39 AM
I hope you have had a good holiday! I haven't played TS2 for weeks due to the warm and sunny weather last month, but hope to catch it up in the upcoming weeks.

Architectural planning
What difference have you noticed between NRW and RLP towns? What I noticed so far, is that many old NRW buildings have their DG facade decorated with shingles. Btw, I also read that Street View is rolling out in Germany, so I hope it will also reach the small towns.

Since I still have to clear out object meshes to speed up loading time, I think I will use as much as possible Cashcraft Victorian stuff and perhaps only the white Royale for the bathroom. Here's an archived link of Adele's objects: https://archive.liquidsims.com/mirr...cts&set=ophelia
Do you imagine Miranda going fully goth, or goth lolita, or rather a different alternative aesthetic? I imagine she would wear expensive corset tops, and I can look up myself what alt brands were expensive back then.

Lot builds
Perhaps Imgur is acting buggy?
I will come back to your feedback about Münch once I've taken the time to play the game again.

Adenau shop
I've updated some descriptions at post no.214. I think I will let Fyres move into the top floor after expanding the apartments. For an apartment for Felege, I have to calculate myself how many tiles would be a unit of 100 - 115 m2.

80s EFH Bad Münstereifel
At post no. 210, I've updated the Windenburg link with household numbers and pets as well as the descriptions of this lot on post no.214. In that case, which household would most likely live there?

LeChien household
Since they're middle class, what kind of interior aesthetic would suit them if they don't have inherited objects?
Character-wise, I think that Joachim is as goofy as Goku (both ESFPs ), but not so airheaded. His personality is sloppy, outgoing, lazy and playful. He is lazy with homework but doesn't have to spend much time on studying to get satisfactory grades, so mostly Cs and some Bs. His lifetime goal is to become wealthy/rich. What music tastes would Joachim most likely have, since he has DJing as hobby?

Have you ever tried out ChatGPT to gain information about German history and culture, or for Sim biography ideas? I've been trying out ChatGPT for designing personalities of my Sims based on MBTI, enneagram, etc., which I find useful so far. However, if I want to generate a family biography based on a character profile of a single Townie/NPC Sim, the answers get repetitive when generating parents, sibling and pets. Like it keeps on generating a Labrador Retriever dog named Max and every mother is a nurse
Mad Poster
#217 Old 3rd Jul 2023 at 11:58 AM
Too funny. I just asked ChatGPT to invent me a Sims 2 family including some randomness. The last sentence: Margaret Thompson adopts a stray dog named Max, who quickly becomes a beloved member of the family.

It also keeps giving them Sims 3 traits.

Check out my thoughts on Psymchology (Sim Psychology) - latest post is on the main six aspirations.
Lab Assistant
#218 Old 15th Jul 2023 at 12:18 PM

I cannot really answer that question as I mostly have been to bigger cities in NRW and rarely to smaller towns. RLP is closer to my location so that I spent more time there. However, I have only been to the Eifel region once many years ago which means that information about other regions of RLP might only be of limited help for you.

Without expert knowledge of a region, it is also difficult to tell what features are typical for the region and what features only exist in a few villages and towns for a specific historic reason. I have recently been to five small towns and villages in the Nürnberg region. The region used to be religiously devided and there were different rulers who fortified the towns (that have 1700-3100 inhabitants today) much more than a town of that size usually would have been fortified. And one of the villages (or rather Markt) was the hunting area for a noble family so that it has at least three manor houses/palaces and a church big enough for 1000 people while the Markt only had about 300 inhabitants back then. Without knowing that background, it might be really confusing to look at pictures of these places because there are so many things that appear illogical. (Just in case you are interested in looking up some pictures of these towns and villages - as they have many old FWH and other buildings that were not destroyed during the wars - the names are: Wolframs-Eschenbach, Mitteleschenbach, Merkendorf, Ornbau and Weidenbach.)

Google Street View: They already toured Germany a few years ago, although many small villages are missing. Be also prepared that many pictures are blurred because Germans value their privacy and do not want to have pictures of their houses available on the internet. If you also have an Apple device, it might be a better option to use their Street View equivalent. They have pictures of much more small villages than Street View (which means that you could start your research today) and as hardly anybody is aware of their project, much fewer people requested that their houses be blurred.


Miranda: I do not think that the lolita part would suit her. If you want to go for a gothy style, maybe something like Wednesday Addams style might fit her more? (I did not see the series, just a few pictures of a few outfits.) Maybe you also could find some punk items by designers like Vivienne Westwood.


Adenau shop

Link: Which descriptions did you update? Only the description of the ground floor shop seems to be new to me. (I did not write the whole text of my previous posting at once and I think the part about the shop was amongst the text parts that I wrote before my vacation.)

Felege: With regards to bed length and the width of kitchen counters, we can assume that one tile is about 0.67 m long. Thus, 9 tiles ingame equal about 4 m² in RL. Therefore, the apartment/house for the Felege family may not exceed 260 tiles. Space beneath a sloped roof (height between 1 and 2 m), balconies, terraces and the like are calculated in a different way. To make things not too complicated for you, I would suggest that you calculate them with half of their actual space (e.g. a balcony of 16 m² will be treated like a room of 8 m²).

80s EFH

Of the choices given by you, I would choose the Haas family. The original house looks quite normal and cozy to me and it looks like the owners like nature and that it is okay for them if the garden is not perfectly trimmed. That does nt really fit for a poodle owner (at least not one that shaves their dog the traditional way). It would not feel wrong, if the owners had a pedigree cat, but a non-pedigree cat would be more fitting imho. A Bichon Frisé, in contrast, would feel "normal" enough to perfectly fit into the house. And with three children, the family also seems the best choice for the number of bedrooms available.

LeChien household

Furniture: Most middle class households have "normal" furniture that does not stick out in any way. Usually the furniture has some kind of wooden color which is a bit lighter or darker depending on what was popular when it was bought. The furniture is functional, but not exceptionally stylish (and therefore also out of fashion some years later). Individuality is rather expressed by the decoration and not the furniture.

Joachim: The hobby does not really make certain music genres more or less likely than others (except for very unlikely ones like classical music). If he wants to work as a DJ in public, he will have to play the music that is expected by the audience and the event organizer. In my grade, house and electronic musik were slightly more popular amongst those who liked DJing, but the numbers are far from statisticially significant.


I have not yet tried it for any purpose. For German history and culture, I would rather look for the original sources as the topic is so comprehensive that it is possible that the information that I am looking for is not part of the information that ChatGPT is based upon. But I definitely could understand if a non-native speaker prefers searching via AI so that there is no language barrier. For biographies and the like, I could imagine using ChatGPT (or any other generator). If you are not completely happy with the answers, maybe try to adjust your questions. Maybe even leave away that you want to use the answers for the Sims (2). If you have a look at the biographies of sims of the original neighborhoods, you will realize that they mention lots of small details that are not related to the game: Nina Caliente likes bread pudding and General Buzz enjoyed barbershop quartet singing. I prefer those kinds of biographies to those who only state what is obvious anyway. You might also want to look for alternatives to ChatGPT. There are lots of generators online or available as downloadable tools that can give you backstories for characters, an overview of household members, names, professions, traits (maybe ChatGPT knows about these generators and comes up with the Sims 3 traits because of this) etc. Some of them were made especially for the Sims (1-4), others were made for different games or for role playing. Not everyone might be suited for your needs and most of them do not invent anything new, but recombine different bits of data and text instead, but the results can be quite nice sometimes.
#219 Old 15th Jul 2023 at 2:28 PM
Are there any newer pictures available? I'm looking forward to seeing it.
Original Poster
#220 Old 16th Jul 2023 at 10:15 AM
@moonlight__ what kind of new pictures would you like to see?

Architectural planning:
I couldn't find correlations between building types and town sizes indeed. I guess I'm better off mix and matching buildings from different small towns for Veronaville, since it contains two Herrenhaus kind of mansions. For the other old FWH I want to (re)create, I can modify local architectural details to make it more cohesive, such as giving the lots same roof colors and facade details (e.g. half-hipped gabled roof instead of pure gabled, everything in white plaster color but beam color may vary). I use Android and Windows, but I can try using Apple Maps on an old unused iPhone of my parent.

Capp households:
For bedrooms, I recall you already liked Adele's Gothic parlor and Xavier the most. But which Adele living room sets would suit best for Consort Capp's as well? For Miranda Capp, Vivienne Westwood's design sounds interesting. Do you think that Wednesday Addams goth and punk would mix well, or is it either goth or punk? (I assume that aesthetics/subcultures were more separated from each other during the 2000s)

In that case, I imagine that Joachim is into mainstream house and cheesy trance music (like Scooter, Groove Coverage, Cascada), but also enjoys Ballermann and Schlager unironically due to his goofy nature. Regarding pop and rock, he might enjoy upbeat dance-pop and comedy rock/metal like JBO. For the household + dog, what kind of a backyard design would suit them?

Marilena's lookbook
She's from this household: https://imgur.com/Q0FR8MJ
She's a sloppy + outgoing + lazy Romance Sim with just 2/10 fashion interest points. How would her aesthetic look like: very basic but revealing clothes, or rather "trashy" and revealing with outdated garments from late 90s? I imagine her wearing clothes in too small sizes and sporting "whale tails". If she would rather wear trashy outfits and bad makeup, what are some good examples of trashy-looking garments back in those days? (e.g. wearing Juicy track pants in public)

I already had excluded "The Sims 2" in my questions, since their answers are mixed with TS3 or TS4 features. I'm also interested in creating backstories in biographies not related to the game and want to create entire households from certain Townies with unique backstories.

Adenau shop:
I will come back to this since I have been working on the extension of the building size in the meantime. I only visited the game once in these last 2 weeks because I was more busy with other hobbies and real-life events (post-lockdown vibes).
#221 Old 19th Jul 2023 at 10:48 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Softlism
@moonlight__ what kind of new pictures would you like to see?

Your favorite, maybe a couple of neighborhood views and a couple of lot views, nothing specific, just so I can have an idea how it looks.
Lab Assistant
#222 Old 31st Jul 2023 at 8:42 PM
I don't remember whether I have already mentioned it before:
On RTL2, there is a show called "Schnäppchenhäuser - Der Traum vom Eigenheim" where people buy cheap, run-down houses and renovate them mostly by themselves. Many of the houses are old and therefore could be interesting for you. In the episodes, they mention from which time and region the respective houses are. Mostly, it's about the building structures and ways of renovating them, but you also can see some furniture from different periods. The series started in 2010 which is a bit too late for your Veronaville, but still much closer to the time of your Veronaville than trends and images from today. Currently, they show episodes from 2011 on Saturdays and the episodes should be available for free on tvnow.de for one week (might require VPN).

Architectural planning

Town size is only one of many factors. That's why I mentioned those small towns in the Nuremberg region because they are untypical in many ways. Nevertheless, I would suggest to focus on types of buildings that you find in many smaller villages because those are the ones that will make your Veronaville feel authentic. The less typical buildings are for the final touch to make it feel unique.

I also don't use Apple products in my private life, but I got an iPhone as company mobile. I guess we read similar articles about Google Street View. One of those articles mentioned that Apple has much more extensive data than Google and I got curious and wanted to find out whether it was true. I checked several villages from my home region and they all were covered which proves the statements from the article.

Capp households

Living rooms:
Do you have a link to the website or pictures for me?

I think that most teenagers wouldn't mind mixing those two styles. Maybe you also could vary a bit between the different outfit categories (e.g. everyday rather punk, evening wear rather goth).
At my school, there only was about one die-hard punk and goth, respectively, per grade. Those wouldn't mix. There were several more people who liked both music genres and styles which is logical because they have a common origin and are more similar to each other than e.g. rap and rock. The style of those people was more varied and a bit more toned down (except at concerts, festivals and the like).


I think that these are too many music genres for a single person. This list rather sounds like he hasn't yet found the right genre.

Do you have a link to the family description and the house for me? I scrolled up the whole page and clicked on all links with family descriptions, but I couldn't find the family name with Ctrl + F.


Background question: What is the exact year of your Veronaville? I think leaving Romania was rather restricted before the revolution in 1989 and most people could not get passports. There was a big emigration wave between 1990 and 1992. Thus, it would make much more sense if Marilena's mother emigrated during that period. Therefore, 1991 is about the earliest year of birth that I could imagine for Marilena and even that would require her mother to be amongst the first people to leave Romania and falling in love and getting pregnant extremely quickly (1992 or a bit later would more realistic imho). If your Veronaville is from 2006 or later, this would work out. If it is from before 2005, you might have to make Marilena slightly younger than she is according to the description.

Clothing: I don't think that she would wear outdated clothing. She doesn't have any older siblings and her mother most likely only brought a limited amount of clothing items with her when she moved to Germany. Thus, such clothing wouldn't be available in the household and finding second-hand clothes for teenagers - at least in my home region - would have required more time and effort than buying new stuff. Her mother could buy basic items (although rather non-revealing ones) for her so that she doesn't have to spend that much time on shopping. Maybe she buys a few more revealing items herself.
If you want her to wear too small clothes, items from 2-3 years before the start of your Veronaville (beginning of 2000s) could work. Maybe her mother bought them for her back then and she was too lazy to buy new stuff. Juicy track pants weren't really a thing for teenagers in my home region. Maybe she could wear jeans with holes and used-look from wear and tear. Back then, tracksuit tops like this (https://image.stern.de/8498858/t/1B...-modetrends.jpg) were common as part of everyday wear. Maybe you can find one from a cheap and polyester material so that it's trashy enough. She also could wear baggy pants quite low so that it matches the planned whale tails. Although it doesn't necessarily have to be whale tails. It also was common to wear regular slips from well-known brands and wear them in a way that the upper 3-4 cm including the brand name were visible above the waistband of the trousers. This was more common for boys, but also common for girls. Bracelets like this also were common back then and had a bit of a trashy vibe: https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I...._AC_UX679_.jpg
Not necessarily trashy, but probably slightly outdated at the time of your Veronaville and therefore suited as too small clothes - tops from this kind of material: https://img.ltwebstatic.com/images3...mbnail_600x.jpg
Cropped tops also were common a bit before your Veronaville so that you might combine these two aspects, but each aspect also works individually.

If the answers are mixed for all Sims games, ChatGPT still knew that you were looking for biographies for the Sims. Maybe you could try adding some keywords from different areas, like roleplay, book characters, characters for TV series etc. or pretend that you need help for a school project. I would assume that the answers will be more varied and individual although, of course, they also might contain more rejects.
Original Poster
#223 Old 31st Jul 2023 at 10:00 PM Last edited by Softlism : 31st Jul 2023 at 11:45 PM.
Hood design
I also found out that I can use Street View via Apple Maps through my parent's iPhone, so this is a great resource if I want to work on the infrastructure of my hoods and build random lots!

Since Veronaville going to be a small village with a church and mainly detached houses, what kind of facilities would be suited? I was thinking of a small cafe and a beauty parlor. But for small groceries, the inhabitants might have to go to Dichterfeld (the OFB subhood). I want to use Oberkirchen (NRW) as one of the village references for the type of houses I want to build on the Capp side. Since it's a touristic village irl, it has multiple restaurants and accomodation, but I want to omit that for TS2 for now because I don't feel like putting effort in hotel deco right now.

Life in Veronaville
My hood takes place in early 2005.
I've been playing around further with ChatGPT for character design, and some of them are described as "adventerous" according to their MBTI traits. So I wonder, in what ways can teenagers experience new "adventures" if public transport is limited and have to rely on parents/neighbor/older friends for getting around?

I hope this archived website of Adele also works for you to check out the previews of each set: https://archive.liquidsims.com/mirr...ects&set=amelia

Here's the link to the Windenburg households: https://imgur.com/a/gsJ64qS
LeChien only: https://imgur.com/rEpxmsj

I must say that nowadays I find it hard to imagine that teenagers had more restricted music tastes back then because endless streaming services didn't exist yet and they only got exposure to new music through FM radio, music channels on TV, music stores, friends and local shows/festivals. Since Joachim's goofiness is his most memorable trait, what music genres would he like the most, you think?

Their household bio is also included in my Windenburg household gallery linked above
In my headcanon, Marilena is born in Oct 1989, so 15 in my headcanon, although I could adjust it to 1990. However, she has an older sister named Clara born in the late 80s who is an Apartment Townie. If Romanian doesn't sound relalistic, what (South)east European heritage would suit them better instead?
Here are some close-up pictures of Daniela: https://imgur.com/a/WY62YQG
Marilena's older sister has a goth aesthetic, so she might have taken over some worn-out black basics garments from her. Those bracelets or necklaces are called "tattoo chokers". I associated them more with goth and alto, but I think they were phased out already in 2004 (when I was in 8th grade). I had to look up what the term was of that type of white crop top, and I found out it's called "shirred sewing". I think that old photoskinned CCs can also give a Sim a trashy look

Haas household
Old link of the lot with all the rooms pictured: https://imgur.com/a/yUADlyW
Some gameplay screenshots with snippets of updated rooms: https://imgur.com/a/gbuxgPi

The two granny flat rooms are used as hangout room and office/hobby room. Would one of the girls rooms have a TV and/or a computer as well? Kobus works in the firefighter career and has Tinkering as OTH (he has a gnome workstation in the Werkstatt room). Nicole (formerly Nelke) with Fortune-Knowledge aspiration works in the chemistry/science field. What kind of cars would they own?

Old screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/whtlKxD
which fireplace on EG should have 2x2 walls? The blue one?
On the OG floorplan, room no.7 is called a "Luftraum".
On the reference, the stove looks white to me, but it won't be too difficult for me to make a beige or gray plaster recolor of it.
Mila has 3 children: 1 Teen (Gunther, 14/15 y/o), 1 Child (Wolfgang, 6 years) and 1 toddler (Lucas). Would it make sense to split up a room in two parts in a FWH? If yes, which boy would most likely share the room with Lucas? I excluded Adult Sims from the boys rooms using Inge's colored keys mod, so where Lucas sleeps depends on the Sim who put him into the crib.
I think it was an accident I omitted the attic staircase.
The tall bookcase is a 4t2 conversion and I finally have found a room where I can use this object. I yet have to check which sideboard and bookcase would overlap nicely together.
I couldn't find a good picture of the original pond, but I had to construct the dock with 8-click stairs because this is the only workaround to make a pond functional as a swimming pool (see Catherine's reply on this thread ). How many tiles closer should I bring the pond?
What kind of car would Mila own?

Adenau inspired WGH apartement
Updated screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/mGAO7zq
See the Imgur link for my questions about my updated build.
Lab Assistant
#224 Old 17th Aug 2023 at 9:32 PM
Google Streetview

Apparently, the new streetview pictures are available now and as it was less in the media than last time, fewer people asked to have their houses censored.
I wanted to mention it as you said that it is easier for you to use Google Maps than Apple Maps.

Hood design

Is your Veronaville supposed to be touristic as well? Because if not, it might not have facilities at all.
My home village used to have a "Tante-Emma-Laden" which doesn't exist anymore. You might look for "Nah & Gut", a brand belonging to Edeka for tiny shops (instead of their regular supermarkets) in residential areas. The shop was in the ground floor of an EFH and the owners lived on the upper floor and top floor of the same house.
It also has a restaurant that still exists. However, the restaurant is only open on weekends (often with special offers to attract a bit more people) and on special occasions because on the other days, there wouldn't be enough guests. That's why the restaurant owners have other jobs on weekdays. I think this is the reason why I can't really imagine a café in your Veronaville. A café makes less turnover per guest than a restaurant and even the restaurant is not profitable enough to support it's owners.
There was no bakery, but there was a small truck from a bakery in a nearby town that came to the village twice (?) a week. The truck mostly had different sorts of bread, rolls, buns and the like but also a few sweet baked goods and if you wanted to have something special, you could phone them in advance and they would bring your order along with the regular assortment.
There also was no butcher shop, but there was a retired butcher who bought a pig every now and then and made ham, sausages and the like and a special sort of soup (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wurstbr%C3%BChe) from it every few months and he usually got so many preorders that he was sold out before he even started working.
Beauty parlors weren't common at all in villages back then. For a professional make-up, you could go to a hairdresser or also some drugstores, but even those most of the time were located in a nearby town. For massages and the like, you could go to a physiotherapist because many of them offer wellness treatments in addition to physiotherapy. Manicure salons started to appear in bigger cities, but it took some time before they also became more frequent in smaller towns and they still should hardly exist in villages. I found a FAZ article from 2015 that mentions that in 2010, there were less than 100 manicure salons in Frankfurt (= one per about 8000 inhabitants) and that the number almost doubled until 2015. I don't have numbers for 2005, but even the numbers from 2010 should show clearly that it's very unlikely to have a manicure salon in a village of less than 1000 inhabitants in 2005. In my home village, there only was a woman who offered medical pedicure. Many of the older people of the village were her customers. She didn't have a shop, she always visited her customers at home, which often was necessary due to their limited mobility.
My home village also has a winemaker and a distiller. The winemaker sells some wine directly (not a real shop, you have to ring a door bell and talk to the owners) and operates a Besenwirtschaft (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Besenwirtschaft), a type of restaurant that is open only a few months per year, has the main purpose of selling the self-made wine and which only may serve simple (and often cold) dishes along with it to distinguish them from restaurants. The distiller offers tastings for bigger groups. These two companies are the only ones that also attract people from the surrounding area (even up to 1 hour drive).
If there are more small villages around (not as subhoods, just in your imagination), I could imagine a Tante-Emma-Laden in your Veronaville, if a small town is too close, its less likely. The bakery truck might be an option for a community lot that you planned to create anyway. The village square close to the church might be a good option. There might be some benches, maybe even with tables on the village square so that people might eat some pastries there when there is good weather. The bakery truck was much more popular with older people (mainly from the generation where women often didn't have a driving license), not with teenagers. (Might also be due to the fact that the truck often came at times when most pupils still were at school.) And I also could imagine some kind of business like the distiller or winemaker. Of course, it doesn't have to be one of those two options, just something that is special enough to attract people from further away because it is really hard to operate a profitable business if your customer base consists of less than 1000 people.

Life in Veronaville

How do you define adventure?
Vacations without parents: There were affordable train tickets both for within Germany (e.g. Wochenendticket for 30 euros for up to 5 people for an unlimited amount of train rides on one day) and within Europe available at that time. Trips by car also were common when at least one person was old enough to drive. Trips by Roller or even hitchhiking also existed, but far less common. I've also read about kayak trips although I don't know anybody in person who did this (we once considered it, but in the end went for a road trip through several European countries instead).
Festivals and hobby-related conventions: Usually more expensive and often just for one weekend, but otherwise similar to the vacations.
Medieval hobbies: In my home region, there were (and still are) quite a few fans of the medieval period. Some of them like reenactment including sword fights (with blunt weapons), some liked swinging with burning torches (something like that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sj-Cr1b9opA) and there were more activities like that.
Athletic activities: Parkour became a bit more known at the time of your Veronaville due to internet videos and some very athletic people decided to try it themselves. I think slacklining started becoming popular a bit after your Veronaville.
Illegal stuff: Shoplifting, drinking alcohol, smoking cigarets, consuming illegal drugs, illegal tuning, in exceptional cases arson, doing other illegal things ... For some, the kick of doing something illegal was the bigger incentive than the action itself.

Capp family

I only think that the Victorian Parlor could work for Consort and the Capp Mansion. The other sets either are too modern or have too bright colors.

Le Chien

You listed trance, house, Schlager, pop, rock and metal. How many people do you know who really like that many and such different genres? I never met anybody like this. Of course, there are some common combinations like pop and rock or rock and metal, but the combination of e.g. trance, house and metal seems to be extremely random.
Of course, in daily life people listen to more music genres because their friends might have a different taste, because a certain genre is played at an event (and there are not that many other events that you can attend), etc. but this does not mean that you are a fan of all these genres.
As far as I remember, there already were ways to find new music on the internet. At the beginning, it was mostly based on filesharing software (like Kazaa from 2001 on). Users did not download music from a server, but from other users. When you searched for or downloaded music that you already knew, you could see what other music the same user also had available for download and find new music that was. Filesharing never was legal, but at that time, authorities were not really prepared to prosecute it. That only started in the end of 2004 (and at first, only the users who offered copyrighted files for download were fined, not the users who downloaded it), but by then, there already were some websites where you could watch videos and listen to music legally (e.g. Myspace from 2003 on) and Youtube also started at the beginning of 2005.
As you already mentioned in your previous posting, Partyschlager might suit Joachim's goofiness best. Karnevalsmusik might also be fitting. If you want him to listen to more genres, I would suggest Schlager in general and maybe also pop, but I wouldn't consider them as his favorite genres anymore, just "acceptable" music for when he cannot hear his favorit music.


That is a difficult question due to the "Iron Curtain" and the lack of freedom to travel. Something related to Yugoslavia might be the most realistic option as Yugoslavia was not part of the Warsaw Pact and offered some freedom to travel to their citizens. Most people from Yugoslavia emigrated to Germany during the Gastarbeiter period and then after the disintegration of the country, but it also was possible in the meantime and the numbers of immigrants should be higher than from any other Eastern European country during that period. I could not find exact numbers for immigrants from Yugoslavia around the period needed for your story, but it is logical that Yugoslavia had higher numbers than any other Eastern European country as their citizens could leave the country legally.
People from other Eastern European countries also used Yugoslavia as a way to reach Western Europe, but that also was complicated. Czechoslovakia apparently has the highest numbers, probably because they issued many visas for Yugoslavia for vacation purposes (although I only saw numbers for 1969 and therefore at a time when Yugoslavia still tried to prevent people from crossing the borders to Western Europe illegally - they only changed this around 1976 and some countries including Eastern Germany changed their visa policy as a consecuence). For people in Romania (at least for those ones who wanted to leave the country), however, it was almost impossible to obtain a visa so that they had to enter Yugoslavia illegally, often via dangerous ways (e.g. by swimming through the Danube river) which obviously limited the number of people who tried and succeeded. When those people were caught in Yugoslavia, they had to serve their sentence for illegally entering the country first before being allowed to leave the country again. Amongst those who made it, lack of food and family relations to Germany were the two most frequent reasons given by Romanians.
I do not remember whether you have a backstory for Nikolas as well, but there could be a different approach for this family: Nikolas could be from East Germany. That way, he could have met Daniela when he was on a vacation in her home country. Depending on the home country, it still might have been difficult to obtain a visa for East Germany, but that still would be easier than a visa for West Germany. In that case, they would have lived in East Germany during the 80s and only moved to your Veronaville somewhen in 89 or later. That would mean that they do not have an inherited house there and most likely also no grandparents nearby.
Tattoo chokers: I think the peak was around 2000, so yes, around 2004 they were not really popular anymore, but I thought that it might fit your request exactly for that reason.
Shirred sewing: I also did not know that term, but the search results definitely look right.

Haas household

Girls rooms: That depends on the parents. Some class mates had TV, computer and console in their bedroom, others had one TV and one computer for the whole household and no consoles at all. At my school, pretty much everybody had access to a computer at home because we sometimes needed print-outs, but I am not sure whether it also was necessary for Hauptschule and Realschule. At university, I also met a girl from a Northern German state who never had been in contact with computers before (she also only had an extremely old, used notebook and no internet access in her WG) and whose family still did not have one around the time when she graduated from university, but that should be a rare exception for that educational background.
Nicole as new given name is a good choice imho.
Does Nicole have a Ausbildung or a university degree? With an Ausbildung in that sector she should have an average income while with a university degree she definitely would be above average. Kobus as firefighter should have an income that is a bit below average. Where are the two supposed to work? For him, a 30-60 minutes commute to a middle-sized town (or bigger) is realistic because there you have the majority of companies that have their own fire brigade. For such a distance, the car should be a bit bigger (bigger than a "Kleinwagen" - otherwise driving on the highway can be rather inconvenient) and it should be a very reliable one as he always has to show up on time for his job. Maybe have a look at the list of cars that are/were registered in Germany (I posted a link some time ago) to find an older car that still is quite common to find the ones that are very reliable. Nicole could work at a smaller company closer to their home (lower income and more hours per week) or at a bigger company further away (higher income and fewer hours per week). Maybe they work in two different towns/cities in two different directions and they decided to buy a house somewhere in the middle of their two workplaces. If she works rather nearby, a Kleinwagen (but not Kleinstwagen due to the number of children) might be enough for her, if she also has to commute a bit, I would go for a bigger Kleinwagen or smaller middle-sized car. As her husband has rather inconvenient working hours, she will have a job with flexible working hours and she often will be the one who drives the children from A to B. I think that her car would be newer (up to 5 years old maybe) and also a rather common model.


I have problems again that Imgur constantly wants to reload the pictures when I scroll up- or downwards. I think it might be related to the number of pictures. Maybe you could try to split the album up when you do the next changes. Or it also would work if you quote a unique bit of the text for each of your questions so that I can use Ctrl + F to find the right pictures more quickly.
Fireplace: The one next to the stairs. It is much bigger in the original photos.
Luftraum: In that context, it is just supposed to refer to the open space around the stairs (= without floor), but is still strange to call it like that.
Kitchen: I think I was referring to the kitchen furniture when I mentioned the color grey. The stove itself is white, I agree with you.
Children: Gunther and Wolfgang are quite unusual names for children. These names should have had their peak somewhen before 1970. Gunther also is uncommon. The (much) more common version is Günther although that name also was popular back then and not nowadays. Lucas is an "ageless" name although the spelling "Lukas" might be more fitting considering the background of the family and especially the names of the other family members.
Rooms: As the house is big, it would be realistic that each of them has their own bedroom. If a room is big enough, splitting it up makes sense if no other rooms are available. Gunther definitely would NOT share a room with Lucas. It is not the job of a teenager to take care of his toddler-aged sibling each night and they also would have completely different sleeping hours. How old is Lucas supposed to be exactly? If he is around one year old, he might still sleep in his mother's bedroom, if he is 4-5 years old, sharing with Wolfgang might not be a big deal. If he is 2-3 years old, that might be problematic because at that age you usually do not sleep in your parents' bedroom anymore, but the sleep schedule also most likely will not really match that of a 6 year old child.
Pond: I was not aware of the limitations of swimable ponds. I cannot really count the tiles in your screenshots, but I would simply use the same ratio as in the original pictures. The house is broader than the meadow behind the house and even the lake is broader than the meadow. Just use a ruler to get the three different measurements. For the house measurement, you already know how many tiles ingame it is equal to. Use that to calculate how many tiles the meadow and the pond should have.
Car: I do not really have an idea. Is it really her car or did the family have just one car and her ex left it behind when he left her? Due to her financial situation, I would go for a cheap and older car. If it was her car from the beginning, I also would go for a Kleinwagen as both the purchase price and the running costs are lower. The toddler most likely still needs the co-driver's seat. That is why I would go for a car with four doors so that also the two older children can get into the car rather quickly. Maybe something like a Citroen Saxo (version before 1999) or a Renault Clio I.

Adenau building

Purpose of subsidiary buildings: I do not know. If they are old, they might have had a purpose that does not exist anymore today. If they are not that old, they might have been an easier way to add central heating or other facilities that were not common at the time when the house was built. It could be an additional storage for the shop. Maybe they are not connected to shop and apartments at all and the lot owner just decided that there was unused space on the lot and that they could make more money by adding more buildings.
Room next to the staircase: I would try to furnish the building first. That way, you will find out whether the shop or the apartments need the extra space more. The heating system usually has a room of its own (and if it is an oil heating, there has to be another room where the oil is stored) and the tenants and the shop owner do not have access to that room. Laundry room and storage room also should be two separate rooms as the humitidy of the laundry room would not be good for the stored stuff. If there is enough place in the kitchen and/or bathroom, there might not be an extra laundry room. The tenants might not be too interested to carry their laundry up and down several floors anyway.
No, tenants cannot enter their apartments by walking through the shop. They have a separate entrance for that reason.
Maybe the confusion was caused by another Adenau house that has the entrance relatively in the middle of the building. I know such a building in RL and iirc I mentioned it in this thread once and there is a hallway in the middle of the building. On each side of the hallway, there is a shop and at the end of the hallway there is a staircase leading to the upper floors with apartments. However, the hallway is not part of either shop, it is part of the shared area of the building.
Original Poster
#225 Old 19th Aug 2023 at 3:08 PM
Hood design
Thank you for your tip! Upon a quick glance, I saw that mainly the main streets are visible, so I can keep that in mind if I want to check street view in a quicker way (and easier to screenshot).
For the sake of ease in building lots, I go for the scenario that Veronaville isn't touristic. In that case, I can create a family with Culinary as OTH who runs a home business as Tante-Emma-Laden. And I can create another household who sells special foods occasionally, like harvestables. I can place a temporary food stand on a community lot with a square. Did your home town also had a physiotherapist office? If yes, then I can build a Business Lot in Veronaville with a massage table as alternative to a physiotherapist. Otherwise, I'll reserve that for Windenburg and/or the Dichterfeld subhood.

Sim character design
What in-game interests would suit for a Sim with affinity for medieval? I was thinking of Culture and Paranormal.
With "adventures", I may meant something like an "unusual and exciting or daring experiences" that extraverted characters more likely would do (e.g. ESFP (Entertainer), ESTP (Persuador)). In that case, I imagine that Romeo can get carried away into illegal activities through some of his friends, like underage smoking, drinking and drugs (I have a weed mod). Some grouchy + inappropiate-trait/rebellious-trait Sims could do arson or shoplifting. Some Sims with Tinkering OTH may enjoy illegal tuning.
I mentioned JBO because I thought it's "meme metal" that non-metal fans would also enjoy. If I look at my own music taste, I was into trance and house in my pre-teen years, and expanded my taste with mainstream pop and urban throughout the mid 00s. Rock and metal were not my taste. "Ballermann hits" + Karnevalmusik sound good for Joachim . Do you remember what kind of personalities your schoolmates were who were into trance and/or techno? Or was it more popular amongst the slightly older generation? (in my country, trance events attract more Gen X people than Millennials)

I go for the Yugoslavic scenario because I want to create family members of Nikolas that live in the same town. Do you know if Marilena was also a common German name for 90s kids? For Daniela, I can rename her with a similar Slavic name (she's not based off a Veronaville Townie).

The names are from TS4, so I expected them to be uncommon. But I can rename Gunther to Günther at least. I imagine Lucas being very young, so I go for the scenario that he still sleeps with his mom. I can try splitting the bedroom into two, but if that doesn't work, I can convert parts of the library into kids bedrooms. In my headcanon, Mila's husband was a sciencey Sim, and the reason of his absence may or may not be caused by supernatural things. Might get complicated when it comes to bureaucracy .

I'll come back to this because I have to take new screenshots first.

Which junkyard items would be suited in the abandoned silo lot? https://autumn-rosesims.tumblr.com/...wnsugarbabesims
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