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Woohoo Count Fix

by simler90 Posted 9th Aug 2018 at 5:46 PM - Updated 10th Aug 2018 at 4:10 AM by simler90 : UPDATE 2
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#2 Old 10th Aug 2018 at 3:59 AM Last edited by Simonut : 10th Aug 2018 at 4:09 AM.
This is interest mod, so to be clear if a romance Sims woohoo again with the exact same Sims that he or she have had before, are you saying that woohoo will count as if it was the first?
Even if they have woohoo before. If it work like that than this is great so it will still add up to the count of their wants. I read what you said but still just a bit confuse.
I never really like the fact that a romance Sims have to woohoo so much with different Sims to reach there wants especially if he or she maybe seeing a particular sims more often than the rest.
#3 Old 10th Aug 2018 at 11:46 AM
I must be boring, because none of my sims have ever woohooed with 10 other sims. I need to up my game.
#4 Old 10th Aug 2018 at 2:25 PM
Thanks, this will give my Romance Sims more of a challenge.

With this mod, a Sim has to Woohoo with 10 different Sims in order to fulfill the want.
Test Subject
#5 Old 10th Aug 2018 at 10:35 PM
Haha, is it bad that now that I know about this defect I'm going to exploit it for all my romance sims? I thought for sure it just counted the people, not the memories! Thanks for bringing this up.
#6 Old 11th Aug 2018 at 1:56 AM
This is cool...but I don't want my game to be harder lol thanks for making it for others that do, though!
Lab Assistant
#7 Old 11th Aug 2018 at 2:37 PM
My game has needed this fix for so long - thank you for finally making it!
Mad Poster
#8 Old 15th Aug 2018 at 1:26 AM
I'm really torn about whether to install this or not - I've relied on this bug so many times!

Do you know if installing this will make Lord Darcy's Date counter (which reports on things like woohoo memories, and simultaneous best friends and so on) inaccurate due to it still counting the old way?
Lab Assistant
#9 Old 15th Aug 2018 at 10:04 PM
Thanks, I've been waiting for this fix for years. Does this fix also apply to the "Woohoo with 20 different Sims" LTW?
#10 Old 18th Aug 2018 at 1:22 AM
With this fix, my romantic sims will have to work harder ... Hum,Hum...
Lab Assistant
#11 Old 20th Aug 2018 at 7:25 PM
Thank you! Now this is a challenge for Romance sims.
Lab Assistant
#12 Old 24th Aug 2018 at 12:20 PM
Thanks, this fix is very helpful to make the game more challenging. Does this fix also apply to the "Woohoo with 20 Different Sims" ltw?
#13 Old 28th Aug 2018 at 12:59 PM
Does this also fix vampires not counting towards the "whoohoo x service sims" wants, despite sims getting the "whoohoo'ed a service" memory when whoohooing them?
Mad Poster
#14 Old 13th Sep 2018 at 6:15 PM
Thank you for this. It has drove me crazy knowing my sims have woohoo with the right amount of sims but the game don't think so. I was just wondering ... where is the 10 woohoo, I only get the woohoo with 20 different sims.
Field Researcher
#15 Old 25th Oct 2018 at 9:32 PM
Great work!
On the other hand, it would be better to replace this mod with a better one, have the replacement mod of this remove the need to WooHoo with multiple Sims, because why would my Sim want to "do it" with multiple women? That's infidelity! Duh! And I want my Sims following the Ten Commandments, not the opposite!
Lab Assistant
#16 Old 15th Apr 2019 at 1:14 PM
Edit: I tested if it also affects the LTW of woohooing with 20 different Sims and surprisingly it does. I recently got to the point where a sim of mine had his 16th Woohoo partner, but his memory would count a total of 20 Woohoos. His LTW didn't got fullfilled like supposed to. Maybe this could be added to the description?
#17 Old 4th Oct 2019 at 12:38 AM
I've been torn on whether to install this mod or not, because I often use the bug as an easy way to fulfill the LTW, but I think I'm going to try it. Otherwise, playing with mods like ACR make this want/LTW all too easy. Anyway, I did have a question; like litlegothcat13, I'm wondering if this mod fixes (or if a future update will fix) the woohoo service sims wants. No matter what fixes I've tried, the game never properly counts it and I can never get that want to fulfill. It doesn't affect the LTW or other woohoo wants, just the service sim want. Hope you'll look into that and thanks for the mod!

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#18 Old 18th Jul 2021 at 4:25 PM