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#1 Old Today at 12:40 AM Last edited by Tleilaxu3 : Today at 1:32 AM.
Default Male Hair and Mesh/Hair not showing ? SOLVED, THANKS !!!
Just going to say I've been looking for a few days and have downloaded all of the Peggy hair/meshes from the links below.
I will include a pic. of what male hair I'm looking for.
Will also include the links I've checked thoroughly to see if that particular male hair is there.
No luck yet.

First 2 pics are the hair I'm looking for.

Third Pic is from the last link I am posting here.

The site shows the right photo but no way to download the content from ?
The links that I've already downloaded meshes from (Sims Cave); didn't have that hair.

Also downloaded all the male meshes/hairs from the Peggy link at PMBD.



" Inama Nushif "
Original Poster
#2 Old Today at 12:49 AM
Also checked out this mesh/ hair from a downloads folder and it appears to be the same as the in-game hair ?
Or is it just not showing up correctly in my game ?
Anyone recognize this mesh ?
I tried to download all of Peggy's male hairs from 2007 and cannot find Mesh 0067.
Thanks in advance for any help.

" Inama Nushif "
Mad Poster
#3 Old Today at 12:57 AM Last edited by simmer22 : Today at 1:09 AM.
The hair is the same for all the pictures. The blonde hair in the 3rd one is a bigger version of the 6th thumbnail in the second pic (striped sweater, same pose, same text/font - it's just the original preview of the blonde hair).

It's this one: http://paysites.mustbedestroyed.org...fts/october_07/
The mesh file is in the "01" zip.

Peggy's numbering of hairs is completely off the rails (some have 3 numbers they go by, no idea why), but the "special gift" hairs are much easier - it's in the "gifts" section at the Booty, and you look at month and year, usually says which ones in the pictures.

I think Peggy used to have a free section, a pay section, and monthly "gifts" for donators.
Original Poster
#4 Old Today at 1:11 AM Last edited by Tleilaxu3 : Today at 1:32 AM.
I wanted to ask about the mesh numbered 0067.

Yes ! This is it.
Correct hair and a nice variety of colors.
Thanks again, simmer !!!

" Inama Nushif "
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