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#1 Old 11th Jul 2023 at 2:06 AM
Default Having trouble making Story Rewards available for unoccupied residential lots
A couple of days ago I was able to access all the Story Rewards when editing community lots. However I haven't had the same luck with unoccupied residential lots. I was able to access the Story Rewards for community lots by adding them to a custom collection for Story Rewards. But with residential lots, I've only managed to save three Story Rewards to a custom collection. So I haven't been able to access them with unoccupied residential lots. Is there any way I can unlock the Story Rewards so they can be accessed on unoccupied residential lots? Preferably without using the changeLotZoning cheat. I would rather only use that as a last resort.
#2 Old 11th Jul 2023 at 5:19 PM
The changeLotZoning cheat doesn't work in Castaway Stories. An alternative is to load the neighborhood and change the zone type from there.

I'm not sure I understand you correctly; is it that on community lots, all Story Rewards objects are unlocked so you managed to place them, but they appear locked for residential lots?

I remember that the Story Rewards objects' lock status is stored in the NeighborhoodManager.package file (located in the Neighborhoods folder inside Documents). The only solution that comes to my mind other than changing lot zoning is that you try to reach out to someone who has completed the story and can provide their own NeighborhoodManager file. You'd then put that file in and the Story Rewards would all be unlocked.

On the other hand, you could try making a mod to make certain objects available on both types of lots (res and com). Though, I'm not experienced in that area, and even if you follow guides online, you may encounter something different when trying to accomplish the same for TSCS (the first thing that pops on my mind is that the rewards objects may be sorted into a completely separate category, as they're somewhere else other than Barter mode).

DJ. who?
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Forum Resident
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#3 Old 12th Jul 2023 at 10:20 AM
Quote: Originally posted by topp
The changeLotZoning cheat doesn't work in Castaway Stories. An alternative is to load the neighborhood and change the zone type from there.

This is for Life Stories, not Castaway Stories. Also I don't know where to access the Story Rewards in SimPE. I mean I know what package file they are in. But I don't know where to find the data from there.

Quote: Originally posted by topp
I'm not sure I understand you correctly; is it that on community lots, all Story Rewards objects are unlocked so you managed to place them, but they appear locked for residential lots?

I haven't managed to unlock the Story Rewards, both for Community Lots and unoccupied Residential Lots. I have managed to make them purchasable for playable Sims though. By adding all the Story Rewards in the inventory of at least one Sim per household.

Quote: Originally posted by topp
I remember that the Story Rewards objects' lock status is stored in the NeighborhoodManager.package file (located in the Neighborhoods folder inside Documents). The only solution that comes to my mind other than changing lot zoning is that you try to reach out to someone who has completed the story and can provide their own NeighborhoodManager file. You'd then put that file in and the Story Rewards would all be unlocked.

I've already completed the stories. And I was able to access the Story Rewards when editing Community Lots by adding them to a custom collection. However the option to add all but three of the Story Rewards to a custom collection just wouldn't appear, no matter what I did or how many times I tried to use the eyedropper tool. So I couldn't save them to the collection so they would be available for placement in unoccupied Residential Lots.
#4 Old 12th Jul 2023 at 7:15 PM
Quote: Originally posted by C.Syde65
This is for Life Stories, not Castaway Stories.
Sorry – completely missed the tag! I haven't played that game so I'm afraid my knowledge stops here.

DJ. who?
opin suomea, kerro mulle vitsi DM:ssä (ja ole valmis selittämään se)
Forum Resident
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#5 Old 15th Jul 2023 at 5:51 AM
As of last night, I have created a mod that unlocks all the Story Rewards for both Residential and Community Lots. Except for the Floor Disguise rug, as I haven't been able to locate it in the game files.
Test Subject
#6 Old 11th Aug 2023 at 6:43 PM
Quote: Originally posted by C.Syde65
As of last night, I have created a mod that unlocks all the Story Rewards for both Residential and Community Lots. Except for the Floor Disguise rug, as I haven't been able to locate it in the game files.

Hey that is so cool! Can I download it from somewhere?
Test Subject
#7 Old 6th Apr 2024 at 1:44 PM
Quote: Originally posted by C.Syde65
As of last night, I have created a mod that unlocks all the Story Rewards for both Residential and Community Lots. Except for the Floor Disguise rug, as I haven't been able to locate it in the game files.

Can you share it please? Or tell us how to make that mod using SimPE?
Test Subject
#8 Old Today at 2:06 PM
Quote: Originally posted by C.Syde65
This is for Life Stories, not Castaway Stories. Also I don't know where to access the Story Rewards in SimPE. I mean I know what package file they are in. But I don't know where to find the data from there.

Also in what package file they are?
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#9 Old Today at 3:23 PM
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