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#1 Old 17th Aug 2018 at 4:29 PM

This user has the following games installed:

Sims 2, University, Nightlife, Open for Business, Pets, Seasons, Bon Voyage, Free Time, Apartment Life
Default SimPe message: "Warning: a Sim was found Twice!"
Hi everyone!
I've tried to search this porblem in the forum and on Google but I couldn't find any answer to this particular thing.
So, I use SimPE to create careers and sometimes to change Sim's surnames (for example when a couple who is not married has a child an they take their mother's surname instead of their father's, I change it to the father's). A few days ago I opened simPe, went to "Neighbourhood/Neighbourhood Browser/Sim Browser" to change a surname and after I saved the changes I got this error message:
Package: Z:/Documents/EA GAMES/The Sims 2/ Neighbourhoods/N004/N004_Neighbourhood.package
File: Sim Description (AACE2EFB)-0000

Warning: A Sim was found Twice!

I don't understand what might have gone wrong cause it's pretty unlikely that two sims in my game have the same name and/or surname, since I always give them new/extravagant names that I haven't used before, but happarently something's gone wrong.
If anyone knows how to fix it, I'd appreciate it a lot.Many many thanks in advanced!
(I apoligize for my english, but I'm not a native speaker, I'm italian).
Mad Poster
#2 Old 17th Aug 2018 at 5:58 PM
It's not about the name, it's about the ID number. Each sim is supposed to have a unique ID number, to which all the data concerning a particular sim is attached. In this case, that would be the alphanumeric string in parentheses. It looks like random alphanumerics because that's how the number is expressed in hex code.

How you managed to generate a second sim using the same number is a puzzlement, especially if all you were doing was changing the surname. If this happened to me, I'd restore the back up I made before I ever opened SimPE, because I never open SimPE without backing up first. If you have such a back up, I recommend that as the easiest solution - assuming that the problem originated in this SimPE session, which is not necessarily the case.

If you don't have a backup, if the backup has the same problem, or if you just want to understand what's going on, the thing to do would be to find the column with these numbers in it (Instance Numbers? Sim NID? I never look at that part because hex code breaks my brain. You'll find it.), arrange that column so that the two identical numbers will be together, and scan for them. Once you find them, you can see what sims they're attached to, and that should give you more information. If you can't figure out what the next step is on your own (I doubt I could!), you come back to this thread, explain what you found, and hope one of our techie people will come along and make suggestions.
(Nothing wrong with your English that couldn't be attributed to typos, by the way.)

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
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#3 Old 18th Aug 2018 at 3:38 PM
Well first of all, thanks for taking the time to answer.
I thought about the "backup" solution right after, even tho I think my last backup was done exactly a month ago. On the positive side, I'm glad I've got one and it's a month old only. I mean, I've been working a lot of hours since then so I didn't really have the time to play, which means I didn't make any noticeable progress in the game.
I know you can create backup files using SimPe, but I've never even thought about doing it that way (silly me!) so the backup I'm talking about is just the entire "EA GAMES" folder copied in an external hard disk. Logically, I'd say it's still supposed to work, but from now on I'll do it with SimPe, it's probably better.
So, since I know that the Neighborhood that has been "corrupted" is N004, I suppose I can just go on EA GAMES\The Sims 2\Neighborhoods folder in my external disk where I have the backup, copy the N004 folder, then go on Documents\EA GAMES\The Sims 2\Neighborhoods where the game is installed and paste the N004 folder and when asked to replace it I click on Yes.
I'm sure that backup isn't corrupted, since the problem showed up like last week or something. Does this make sense to you or am I just gonna mess it up again?

Instead, I can try to complicate my life even more by trying to find the error in the way you described. The only thing I'm not so sure about, is how I can do it. I understand what you're saying, I just don't know where to find those things you listed on the SimPE menu.
I load SimPE and then what? Where do I need to go to find/search those numbers? What do I need to open?
If I need to open the Neighborhood, I can already say that it won't let me do it. The Error/Warning message will keep repeating itself ever and ever and the only way out is the old beloved Ctrl + Alt + Del and force close SimPe.
If I can do it without opening the Neighborhood, I'd really really appreciate if you told me how do do it. :lovestruc Unfortunately, I'm not an expert so I need things to be explained step by step... my bad
Thanks a ton for your patience!!
Mad Poster
#4 Old 18th Aug 2018 at 3:53 PM
Don't click on replace! Remove the N004 folder and then copy the back up over. Overwriting will leave in anything new and you wind up with worse corruption than you started.

I always back up by copying. It just seems more secure.

Hm, if you can't open the neighborhood at all I don't think it's possible to troubleshoot. I'm not really techie, but I'm good at poking around till I find something that works. Instead of opening SimPE and trying to load the neighborhood, try opening the N004 folder and opening the Neighborhood package file. If you have package files associated with SimPE it will open, or try to, with the neighborhood already loaded. If you don't have package files associated with SimPE, your computer should ask you what program you want to view the file in.

If you can open it like this, and can then open Sim Browser, the column to look in for the duplicate numbers seems to be GUID. If you click on the header of that column, the GUIDs should be arranged in order, so that the two duplicates will be right next to each other.

If you can't open SimBrowser, there's search functions under Tools. I've never used them, but that's what I'd poke next.

I hope someone more knowledgeable comes along to advise you soon, as this about exhausts my usefulness on the subject.

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
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#5 Old 18th Aug 2018 at 5:01 PM
Default That's what I've done so far...
There we go, I tried to open the neighborhood separately as you told me, but it still won't stop with those warning messages.
So I launched SimPE and simply went for the "Scan Folders" tool. I'm gonna post pictures of what I've done, they're pretty self explanatory.
I still think using the backup copies is yet the best solution cause I see no other way out.
#6 Old 19th Aug 2018 at 4:33 PM
The 'Warning: A Sim was found Twice!' is usually two sims with the same Neighbour id, unfortunately SimPe's Sim Browser does not give us easy access to the Nid and the value shown in the extended browser is wrong (it's always zero). Most often the Nid matches the sim's instance value but it doesn't have to. The only way to check it is to use the Hex Editor where it is usually at bytes 0x01DA and 0x01DB. Unless you already have a good idea of which sim is the problem trying to check the Nid of multiple sims with the Hex Editor is not really viable and since relationships and memories link via the Nid changing one wrong would be disastrous. However the only way to fix it is to find the duplicate, confirm it does not use the same GUID as the correct sim then change the Nid with the Hex Editor to match the instance. If the duplicate does have the same GUID as the original then there's no choice left but to delete that sim from the 'hood.
Test Subject
#7 Old 29th Feb 2020 at 4:05 PM
Hi! I know it has been a while, but how did it go? I have the same problem right now and sadly don't have a recent enough backup. I was doing the same thing, changing last names on sims when I suddenly got the repeating error messages. So I think it might have something to do with that. I think I know what sim is causing it, so how exactly do I use the Hex Editor to fix it? Where can I see the Neighbour id and how do I use that information in turn to find the duplicate? Do I have to change the Neighbour id of the duplicate or could I just delete it without causing corruption? (because I don't want two of the same sims in my game). Assuming I've done things right - I used 'Scan folders' and there I could see that the sim I think I've accidentally duplicated didn't use the same GUID as any other sim. I'm not an expert at SimPE, but mainly use it to get rid of memories I don't like and change names - so if anyone could provide a step-by-step guide for dummies I would be forever grateful!
Top Secret Researcher
#8 Old 29th Feb 2020 at 9:04 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Fiffi852
Hi! I know it has been a while, but how did it go? I have the same problem right now and sadly don't have a recent enough backup. I was doing the same thing, changing last names on sims when I suddenly got the repeating error messages. So I think it might have something to do with that. I think I know what sim is causing it, so how exactly do I use the Hex Editor to fix it? Where can I see the Neighbour id and how do I use that information in turn to find the duplicate? Do I have to change the Neighbour id of the duplicate or could I just delete it without causing corruption? (because I don't want two of the same sims in my game). Assuming I've done things right - I used 'Scan folders' and there I could see that the sim I think I've accidentally duplicated didn't use the same GUID as any other sim. I'm not an expert at SimPE, but mainly use it to get rid of memories I don't like and change names - so if anyone could provide a step-by-step guide for dummies I would be forever grateful!

Well one thing you could do going forward is to use the Memory Manipulator {you can get it from the same site as the Sim Manipulator} for removing memories and you could use the Sim Manipulator for changing names, or you could use the Sim Blender for changing names. Using the mods avoids the issues you get using SimPE.

for info on changing the Mac Open File Limit check out my post here http://www.insimenator.org/index.ph...html#msg1628939
Curiosity killed the cat,
but satisfaction brought it back.
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#9 Old 3rd Mar 2020 at 5:07 PM
Quote: Originally posted by lordtyger9
Well one thing you could do going forward is to use the Memory Manipulator {you can get it from the same site as the Sim Manipulator} for removing memories and you could use the Sim Manipulator for changing names, or you could use the Sim Blender for changing names. Using the mods avoids the issues you get using SimPE.

Thanks, I have been using those as well because it makes it easier in game. I was mainly in SimPE to begin with not to make changes, but grab potrait pictures of my sims for a family tree, and thought I might as well make those changes in SimPE while I was there. Had no idea it could cause this much issues though, otherwise I would've kept using the mods only. Anyway, what's done is done. So if anyone know a way to fix it from here I would be glad.. I've been playing this neighborhood for generations and wouldn't want to lose it...
I haven't dared to boot up my game after this - afraid that it will damage it further. Does this only cause problems with using SimPE or does it corrupt the game itself as well?
#10 Old 5th Mar 2020 at 2:28 PM
What is you highest EP/SP? There is a way to find the sim's Nid in the extended browser and avoid using the hex editor but it requires temporarily replacing the WantTuning.package, a core game file.
Test Subject
#11 Old 9th Mar 2020 at 12:19 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Chris Hatch
What is you highest EP/SP? There is a way to find the sim's Nid in the extended browser and avoid using the hex editor but it requires temporarily replacing the WantTuning.package, a core game file.

I'm using the Ultimate Collection. Okay, how do I do that? It won't damage the game by messing with the core filles? (so I've heard at least)
#12 Old 10th Mar 2020 at 2:13 PM
Yes, messing with core game files certainly can mess everything up if you're not careful, best not to.
I just updated SimPE to display the sim's stored instance value on the Sim Description (SDSC), named 'Neighbour Instance'. That is the data SimPE uses to compare if the same sim exists more than once.
The value, ignoring the leading zeros should always be the same as the sim's Instance value. It's not game breaking if it's not but it is serious if more than 1 sim have the same value.

You can get the updated SimPE from
Field Researcher
#13 Old 16th Aug 2020 at 1:17 PM Last edited by Soapsim1 : 16th Aug 2020 at 4:38 PM.
So this message just showed up for me too. I have installed the updated version of SimPE Chris linked to and have scoured the Sim Browser twice over for a duplicate instance number (all sim kinds selected, including uneditables). I've used the hood export function, imported the txt in Excel and let it check for duplicates of the NID. Nothing. Is it possible that the warning message is just a fluke?
I've downloaded the SimPE source code to search for where the warning is set, hoping that I could make it return the duplicate Neighbour Instance in question, but nothing turns up.

Edit: well, I guess it's no fluke. Social worker just showed up twice in a row at a frat lot with four YA sims to yell at them for no reason. Game has gotten something confused for sure. I'm stil none the wiser about the duplicate sim, however. It's the Oresha-Hoh-Var frat lot with the three guys that make up that group, plus a YA Johnny Smith (all from cleaned hood templates, and with no such error previously). All their instances seem unique to them. Hood checker is not turning up anything related to this either.

Edit 2: found the source code checking for duplicate instance. The warning message should have a second part that displays the SimID that is found to exist twice. I don't understand why I don't get to see that in SimPE then (it's not hidden under "details").

Edit 3: The formatting of the helpfully hidden warning message did clue me in on looking at the GUID after all as well, as the code seems to suggest it's checking both for duplicate Instance AND for simID. I eyeballed the sim browser again sorting by GUID and I think I've found the duplicates. A baby dog and an adult male sim? Their Instance numbers differ but GUID is unique. Both have no character file.

Edit 4: Deleted both and the warning message is gone, so they were indeed the culprits. I suspect it was caused by the pet adoption menu crashing on me the first time I wanted to adopt.
Test Subject
#14 Old 26th Sep 2020 at 1:19 AM
Hey, I have just same problem, but in Sim Description all sims are unknown. How do I find duplicate sims? How to fox it?
Needs Coffee
retired moderator
#15 Old 26th Sep 2020 at 8:32 AM
You could try running Hood Checker and select remove, but at some point, corrupted hoods can't be saved. The best way of keeping hood health is don't do things that cause corruption https://sims.fandom.com/wiki/Game_g...ding_corruption, make backups and run Hood checker regularly. https://modthesims.info/d/456523/ho...ry-11-2013.html

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
~Call me Jo~
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#16 Old 8th Jun 2024 at 2:35 PM Last edited by Kahla : 9th Jun 2024 at 12:17 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by Soapsim1
So this message just showed up for me too. I have installed the updated version of SimPE Chris linked to and have scoured the Sim Browser twice over for a duplicate instance number (all sim kinds selected, including uneditables). I've used the hood export function, imported the txt in Excel and let it check for duplicates of the NID. Nothing. Is it possible that the warning message is just a fluke?
I've downloaded the SimPE source code to search for where the warning is set, hoping that I could make it return the duplicate Neighbour Instance in question, but nothing turns up.

Edit: well, I guess it's no fluke. Social worker just showed up twice in a row at a frat lot with four YA sims to yell at them for no reason. Game has gotten something confused for sure. I'm stil none the wiser about the duplicate sim, however. It's the Oresha-Hoh-Var frat lot with the three guys that make up that group, plus a YA Johnny Smith (all from cleaned hood templates, and with no such error previously). All their instances seem unique to them. Hood checker is not turning up anything related to this either.

Edit 2: found the source code checking for duplicate instance. The warning message should have a second part that displays the SimID that is found to exist twice. I don't understand why I don't get to see that in SimPE then (it's not hidden under "details").

Edit 3: The formatting of the helpfully hidden warning message did clue me in on looking at the GUID after all as well, as the code seems to suggest it's checking both for duplicate Instance AND for simID. I eyeballed the sim browser again sorting by GUID and I think I've found the duplicates. A baby dog and an adult male sim? Their Instance numbers differ but GUID is unique. Both have no character file.

Edit 4: Deleted both and the warning message is gone, so they were indeed the culprits. I suspect it was caused by the pet adoption menu crashing on me the first time I wanted to adopt.

I am facing the same issue, tried to check in sim browser list the guide numbers, but could not find any duplicated, how did I don't see any duplicated GUIDs have searched multiple times, but I see some without character file and instead of adult or other type it has numbers, how can I delete those if they don't have any user file name to delete directly in the folder?
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