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#1 Old 11th Jan 2011 at 1:11 AM
Default Designing games
Although it's been a long time, I've always liked making my own entertainment. I've made 3 PnP games, an old west game, a modern day cyberpunkerish game, and then my pride and joy a sci-fi space epic which I never truly finished.

I never had my games published, but my friends and family loved them. Game nights used to last till the wee hours.

Attached is a small little bit of my space game. It's just random bits more or less made into webpages, double click the "index" file and everything should be accessible from there. Links are in green, hit your back button to go back to previous pages. Most links should open a new page. I have a burned cd full of info on this game, but it's the one I want to get published so I don't release anything but teases of the game itself.

My other 2 games have long since been lost. A page here, a chewed up jump drive (i hate dogs now) and the data is gone.
Attached files:
File Type: rar  game stuff.rar (84.5 KB, 7 downloads) - View custom content
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