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#1 Old 5th Apr 2012 at 5:30 AM
Default Adam's Best Performances!
Hello Glamberts!

I noticed this group is a little quiet, so let's get loud and rowdy! We'll begin by sharing some of our favorite performances of our dear and beloved, Adam. It can be anything, American Idol performances, talk show performances, or tour performances! I'll start:

I loved the ''Fever'', ''Music Again'', ''If I Had You'' ,and ''Soaked'' performances from his Glam Nation Tour (I didn't go, I got the DVD) . I also loved when he performed ''Better Than I Know Myself''' on Ellen, epicness!

So, your turn! Don't be shy!

P.S. Also was in love with the ''Black or White'' (favorite MJ song!), ''Ring of Fire'' (forget what Simon said!), and ''Mad World'', from American Idol.

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