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#26 Old 28th Apr 2021 at 7:41 PM
Quote: Originally posted by simsample
It would have worked if you deleted the affected lots; it's caused by removing social mods which use the 'Social Download Test' object as a fall back GUID. It exists only on the lot, it doesn't mess up your neighbourhood or your game install. We've had lots of threads discussing this so I won't create another, if you do a forum search there is lots of information.

I did that - I guess that clarifies why the repair worked in my game. Thank you (I have been around for some of those discussions, but can't remember everything at my age ).
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#27 Old 28th Apr 2021 at 8:27 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Justpetro
I did that - I guess that clarifies why the repair worked in my game. Thank you (I have been around for some of those discussions, but can't remember everything at my age ).
Me neither- I am relatively young for a granny but I still forget things about the game. I often search for an answer to a problem I'm having only to find I solved it and wrote a tutorial about it on this site 10 years ago!

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#28 Old 29th Apr 2021 at 6:09 PM
I am not against you to chat here actually. ^_^ But I see when you find out the truth, I am the only who able to see it. Just to notice, that my thread is about my neighborhood, about its pictures and issues on course of construction. Once I will upload this neighborhood, this thread should be deleted. That would fit you to turn your discussion somewhere else because of two reasons. First, your finds won't be deleted, second - you will probably find much support. But please post a link here. If you'd like me to join conversation.

simsample, I saw link to this tool in your New Farpork thread. Unfortunately, I can't download it from there. Sim Surgery Tool that I already had is very different. Please, can you share this tool?

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#29 Old 29th Apr 2021 at 6:50 PM
That link is the Alt Sims Surgery plugin for SimPE, by Theo. I use that because I sometimes use an older version of SimPE. However, if you download Chris Hatch's latest version of SimPE, then the alt Sims surgery plugin is incorporated into the main Sim Surgery plugin so you don't need it.
However, if you want to stick with an older version of SimPE, you can get Theo's plugin here:

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#30 Old 2nd May 2021 at 6:49 PM Last edited by Victor_tor : 3rd Jun 2021 at 8:25 PM. Reason: Solved
Thank you. One more question. Is there any chance to prevent vehicle from appearing with sims first arrive? I just found that driver is spawning. I'd like to share neighborhood without them.

UPD: is this tile with drain from basegame? @simsample I know you did use just basegame. Could you please to see it there?

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Original Poster
#31 Old 8th May 2021 at 12:13 AM
Tile with drain is from Nightlife. I figured out.

Since nobody said me how to get rid from drivers when family first come, I decided to let one family stay in bin after delete those drivers files. I hope they will cover deleted driver sims DNA. Also even with antiredundancy mod I still has three drivers spawning. So... this mod is not working.

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#32 Old 8th May 2021 at 1:07 AM
Pretty sure that if you turn off the special event camera you won't get the drivers spawning.

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#33 Old 8th May 2021 at 9:36 PM
Ohhh! Thank you very much, simsample. First time I see that don't need to download anything that should fix bug. Probably those features are simple like ABC but I did not know that. Every time I put now new family from tray to new house, it's fine. But when I open then neighborhood in SimPE, then I see there unavailable sims in sim description SDSC. Guess I need to make my neigborhood pass HoodChecker, right? I think even I deleted all drivers properly and disabled special event camera, they are still popping up from somewhere as unavailable sims with no character files and red squares with potato man. ANd also now I have a lot of files named Family Unknown. Cause, I expect, Theo's tool delete just character files but don't wipe families from existence.

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#34 Old 9th May 2021 at 12:01 AM
This is a method to completely delete a character. No idea if it's considered 'safe' with all EPs & SPs, this was written way back in 2006.

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#35 Old 9th May 2021 at 1:11 AM Last edited by Victor_tor : 9th May 2021 at 1:27 AM.
Yeah I've seen it. Thank you. I'm following almost same steps. Except step about decimal to hexadecimal conversion. In higher SimPE versions they appear both so there is no need to convert.
And I use Theo's tool cause it removes sim descriptions automatically.

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#36 Old 13th May 2021 at 10:56 PM Last edited by Victor_tor : 14th May 2021 at 5:24 PM. Reason: additional notes
Hello! If you noticed my suburban neighborhood got name Plathville. That's because I decided to follow the plot of Welcome to Plathville tv show. In short: those TV show tells about family of two with 9 children who live far from society. They are having limited technology, limited computers, no video games, eat healthy food (not fast food) and wear second hand clothes. I find this TV show really suits the Sims 2 because it has a lot things that were popular in 90s: bright make-up, short tops and deep eyeshadows. Tbh almost all things that Plath puritas, neglected all modern, like so much.
I share all comparison of all starring characters. My goal was create something alike but not one-by-one copies. I hope they are good enought to look at. Guess the only thing I can do with Sims 2 tools is face tweaking. So feel free to look at those gallery in attachements and comment if you know how to make them better. I used almost all possible tools that seems not necessary to be shared: EA masks and make up, custom sliders and debug clothes.

Additionly: I want to use those BB codes for thread design to make it informative and beautiful. Thanks Sweetdevil for show me those

Regards Vic ^_^

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#37 Old 18th May 2021 at 1:58 PM Last edited by Victor_tor : 18th May 2021 at 3:49 PM.
Side show characters are in line too. I made their storyline pictures. Both with those represented previously, they are the whole Plathville men.
I see starring Plath family also needs such pictures. I think now of how could be done.

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Original Poster
#38 Old 27th May 2021 at 11:25 PM
There is no pictures for today. However I made another version of neighborhood that's completely clean with no any sims in it and share it in attachements. That was made using this tutorial by Jawusa. That means I did not just wiped test sim. I made completely new neighborhood with no sims ever been there and made another four letters code NPU0 (Neighborhood Plathville Unpopulated vers. 0). Minimum requirements are The Sims 2, The Sims 2: Nightlife, The Sims 2: Holiday Party Pack and The Sims 2: Mansion and Garden. It has no Custom Content. I had not seen any issues in it and I plan to share it in downloads.

I am preparing a post now and have a question about minimum requireiments for share (possibly I won't have anough forces to make every single house from all views with floorplans and interiors like was made for threads with houses) What screenshots should I make and how sims should to be represented? Should I share all screens of every single house in neghborhood, or mabe just few of them is enough? Should I share empty Neighborhood in separated thread cause it has lower requirements? I've seen how other creators made it, but I really want to create all myself.

Regards Vic ^_^
Attached files:
File Type: rar  NPU0 22-05-21.rar (11.31 MB, 9 downloads)

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#39 Old 30th May 2021 at 12:28 PM Last edited by Victor_tor : 3rd Jun 2021 at 8:31 PM. Reason: Solved
I found that espresso machine was disappeared from lots and from AGS game buymode catalogue. In full UC game I see everything is fine. Game repair did not help. Does anybody know how to fix this? If not, I will share this neighborhood anyways. And will replace espersso stand with cash register. I fed up already with this obnoxious old fart Sims 2 that always say me what to do and what not to do. - SOLVED
Regards Vic ^_^

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#40 Old 2nd Jun 2021 at 7:56 PM Last edited by Victor_tor : 3rd Jun 2021 at 8:29 PM. Reason: Solved
Hello guys. I have an issue. Two lots of all start to spawn character files. Once I enter and save, it creates one ot two char files and saves it in characters files. - POSSIBLY SOLVED

I tried to clean sims references from usind Chris Hatch's tool. Seems everything is okay, but. When I place some lots from neighborhood on fresh created neighborhood, then open, save and exit, one or two character files appears there. Is there any way to get rid of that.- POSSIBLY SOLVED
Thank you. Vic ^_^

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#41 Old 4th Jun 2021 at 2:16 PM
Do the lots contain bars? And/or chef stoves and all the other restaurant objects? If that's the case, it's completely normal for them to spawn NPCs. What helped me is exit without saving to neighborhood view and then re-enter the lot.

It may not work if you don't have antiredudancy mod installed, so make sure you have that mod before entering the lot.

As for the neighborhood, I'm glad to see that you've uploaded a beta version. Yayy! I'll check it out as soon as possible. It looks amazing so far! :lovestruc
Original Poster
#42 Old 5th Jun 2021 at 11:17 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Jawusa
Do the lots contain bars? And/or chef stoves and all the other restaurant objects? If that's the case, it's completely normal for them to spawn NPCs. What helped me is exit without saving to neighborhood view and then re-enter the lot.

It may not work if you don't have antiredudancy mod installed, so make sure you have that mod before entering the lot.

Oh yes, it has a bar. I was puzzled by situaltion sim was spawned when I'm entering buymode. Once I enter they were stick to lot data with sim references and spawned as completely new sim with all files and all genes after save. Guess words you said there make sense because sim spawned was teen.
Quote: Originally posted by Jawusa
As for the neighborhood, I'm glad to see that you've uploaded a beta version. Yayy! I'll check it out as soon as possible. It looks amazing so far! :lovestruc

I tried to be accurate as even possible. I'd want you to watch through this neighborhood. Please try also check it for fitting MTS guidelines. And. I'd like to know what should I show in screeenshots. I am starting to prepare the thread but did not found any rules how to make it. Should I share pictures of every single house in neighborhood? What pics are necessary. I am worried. A bit.
Regards Vic ^_^

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#43 Old 7th Jun 2021 at 8:48 AM
I think you was right about testing. I did not relate why you delete your post. It was saved in my cache so I read it.
As for neighborhood uploading terms. Better to provide me with links. I found uploading rules inside new wizard.

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#44 Old 7th Jun 2021 at 11:16 AM
As for the creator guidelines, they have slightly changed. So, basically you no longer need to create a thread at the thread preparation section and upload the lot screenshots and all in the comments. You may upload them all in one master post.

You only need to take screenshots of the following:
- at least 1 overview picture of the whole neighborhood
- at least 4 scenery pictures in neighborhood view (ie screenshots at a sim's eye level)
- front view pictures of at least 5 community lots of your choice
- front view pictures of at least 5 residential lots of your choice
- face closeup pictures of at least 5 sims living in your neighborhood.

If you have less than 5 community lots, then you only have to show the community lots you have in the neighborhood.
You may include floorplan screenshots or some gameplay screenshots if you like. But it's not necessarily required.

And for the thread description, you'll need to mention the following:
- neighborhood number
- lots: total number of lots, lot sizes and quantity of each, and price of each lot. This includes residential and community lots.
- sims: number of families, how many sims are in each household, and ages/gender of sims.

I hope this helps, good luck!
(I haven't had a chance yet to have a look into the neighborhood but I'll check it out as soon as possible. I've been busy these past few days, so I couldn't check it out yet, but it looks good so far. )
Mad Poster
#45 Old 10th Jun 2021 at 2:42 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Victor_tor
I think you was right about testing. I did not relate why you delete your post. It was saved in my cache so I read it.

I had not seen that Jawusa was testing. So I either missed that or it was edited in after I had posted. As thread now shows world is to be tested, that solves that issue.
Original Poster
#46 Old 12th Jun 2021 at 9:39 AM
Yayy! Sure that helps, Jawusa. But I plan to share more then minimum anyways. That would make sence I think. Those are great news about "slightly changes". That would make think slittle easier

daisylee, no matter how many players would test. Feel free to look through the neighborhood if you want.
Regards Vic ^_^

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#47 Old 12th Jun 2021 at 2:35 PM
Hey I've had a quick lookaround in your neighborhood and I must say that the neighborhood looks beautiful. The lots look very unique, too!
Though, I've noticed that there are floating trees above the river... so maybe, you might consider deleting those trees.

But other than that, it looks good so far.
Original Poster
#48 Old 12th Jun 2021 at 3:38 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Jawusa
Hey I've had a quick lookaround in your neighborhood and I must say that the neighborhood looks beautiful. The lots look very unique, too!
Though, I've noticed that there are floating trees above the river... so maybe, you might consider deleting those trees.

But other than that, it looks good so far.

That's because I placed the row of trees along the creek, but not single. I tried to avoid it on hills tho. I'll fix it the same way for river banks.
Thank you for take a look. ^_^

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#49 Old 6th Jul 2021 at 9:17 PM

Hello everyone! Finally I decided to share populated version of neighborhood. And following Jawisa's suggestions I edited some trees near the coast line. So they are not floating already and each stalk now touches water surface. I will probably make some more changes in couple days or so. Just edit some descriptions. But I don't plan to change very much from now.

In difference between unpopulated version this one has some extra requirements: alltogether with nightlife you need university and happy holiadys stuff. Both will need Mansion and Garden Stuff indeed.

Currently I am preparing master post and it is saved in upload wisard. I prepare it day by day and fill it with more information. I want to share this neighborhood for current cottagecore theme. Since all plot goes around the family that want to hide themeselves from modern life and technologies, guess that would pass muster.
I will be very glad if you'll see through this pre-release version and will say me if something is wrong there. Hopefully everything is gonna be fine.

Regards Vic ^_^
Attached files:
File Type: rar  NPP1 06-07-21.rar (18.45 MB, 6 downloads)

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#50 Old 1st Aug 2021 at 12:54 PM
Hello guys. Final version of this neghbourhood is available here
I can just hope everything there will be all right. It is my first neighborhood ever shared. I tried to write all story and it took me the week to write thread description. Even if you are not into this TV show, I hope you'll like it for something else.
Troubleshooting here is fine, but reply to those thread would be better. Because I unsubscribe from this thread.
Regards Vic ^_^

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