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#1 Old 2nd Feb 2021 at 4:04 PM Last edited by Victor_tor : 3rd Aug 2021 at 11:47 AM.
Default Plathville (submitted) Thanks for support!
Hello everyone, Well, after Jawusa said me to be more careful with neighborhoods, I decided to create another neighborhood, with less settings that could be corrupted. It's based on of cities in Georgia.

Here is the master post of it with main info and pictures. Hope you'll like it.

This hood is based on suburban city in Georgia.

  • Population: currently I have just one family you can see in the screen. I use it for tests and I want it to stay, cause I plan to share this hood populated.
  • Number of community lots: 12
  • Number of residential lots: 17
  • SPs and EPs used: basegame only (made with AGS)
  • Ground type: Lush
  • Seasons cycle: N/A

  • This neighborhood could has background storyline I did not signed yet.

I have now few questions:
1. There is a chance there are family that could have 9 characters. I have couple questions. First: I was found this tutorial: https://www.wikihow.com/Have-More-T...mbers-in-Sims-2 Is that a right way to create 9th character for family. And could those 9 characters available for players who won't have this mod. Also. How bo you think is better: is there a bood idea? Or maybe that could be better to split this huge family in two. Or maybe make two families of 9 sims (OMG I guess that could be hard to handle). Tell me your opinion please.
2. There are few community lots that has buffet table. I guess it could be nice for throw parties, but I also guess it should be made with mods. Can you tell me any of such mods please? Would this mod use any hacked objects. Well.. I just wanna ask how to make community lots compatible with mod that would allow community parties. Hopw I described it well =/
3. I've been talk to Cindy (aka Pleasantsims). She had some problems when madw her neighborhood JUST base game compatible. I has Origin Ultimate, same as she, and she said that neighborhood can't be made just for basegame. All players who would use this heighborhood, should also have M&G stuff. I don't ttrust her, and guess there is a way to make hood basegame competible with SimPE hex. Please help me to do find out the way.

Hope I described well. Hope I could find out the answers to my questions since they are necessary.
Regards. Vic ^_^

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#2 Old 2nd Feb 2021 at 4:54 PM
There is no way you could make a neighbourhood be basegame compatible except to create it in basegame. Almost every resource type in a neighbourhood has a version number and basegame can't read any of the higher versions, will usually crash if you try. Generally the higher version resources contain more data and store it in different ways to basegame resources.
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#3 Old 2nd Feb 2021 at 5:19 PM Last edited by Victor_tor : 2nd Feb 2021 at 6:03 PM. Reason: Strings found
Quote: Originally posted by Chris Hatch
There is no way you could make a neighbourhood be basegame compatible except to create it in basegame. Almost every resource type in a neighbourhood has a version number and basegame can't read any of the higher versions, will usually crash if you try. Generally the higher version resources contain more data and store it in different ways to basegame resources.

Can you tell me, what is this string about? They said that change of this one can help. But possibly they were wrong.

Won't change of this value help either?

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#4 Old 2nd Feb 2021 at 8:56 PM
No, Vic. You can't do that *sorry* To make it BG, you must use only BG to create the hood. If you can use Numenor's AnyGameStarter with your computer/game set up, then you could create a BG hood that way. But, you'd have to start it over again.

I think this thread is a wonderful idea - hopefully peeps will chime in with some sim-population ideas for you

ETA - I think 9-sim families are waaaay too big. It would be better to have several smaller families and a few singles. But, that's just my opinion.

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#5 Old 2nd Feb 2021 at 10:26 PM Last edited by Victor_tor : 25th Apr 2021 at 11:00 AM.
Default replaced attachements
Oh, C'mon, Cat. I am tired already from those endless sorrow. Each time I do neighborhood, people keep writing: "I am sorry, but you can't..." I can't do that. I can't do this. Right? NO! I can do! And I will!! Try not to write like this. I see it like a wish to make me frustating.

If you don't have just Base Game, Cat, then someone other has, and this simmer could help me.
This hood was made with Numenor's AnyGameStarter, but until I have ultimate version, AGS doesn't allow me to run without M&G so It's turned on in this hood by default. I decided to share this hood in its current state in attachements. It has just one family with all map and lots furnished. If someone with basegame only could help, you are welcome to test it with your game yourself. I'll hope it won't crash.
I will never do this neighborhood again. If it crashes, I'll share it labeled with basegame and M&G, just like how it's done . Even it doesn't has any M&G items.
Regards. Vic ^_^

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#6 Old 3rd Feb 2021 at 12:44 AM Last edited by simsample : 3rd Feb 2021 at 1:42 AM.
@Victor_tor Any neighbourhood that uses a higher gameversion that your current game will not show up in the neighbourhood browser unfortunately. So this will not be useable by someone with basegame only. It just will not show up in the browser. If you only have Ultimate Collection, I don't think there's a way for you to create a basegame only environment, as your files are lacking the basegame executable. You'd need a disc install basegame, and then you could easily use the HoodReplace program to clone this hood into a basegame one.

ETA: Okay, forget what I said- this did show up in the browser. but...

Double Edit: It looks great in my all EP game though:

Very beautiful! :lovestruc

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#7 Old 3rd Feb 2021 at 9:58 AM Last edited by Victor_tor : 3rd Feb 2021 at 10:02 AM. Reason: Extra question
Dang it! Sorry I am a bit in hysteria. I never knew that you had two games. How that could be? Is that a piracy copy. How this could be you have two games at once. Yeah I've learned a lot about hood replace from this tutorial: https://modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=650439 I can deal with it. I know how to do that already. So replacing in other hood is not hard enough. I already made it before.
Can you tell me how this could be done to have two games at once. Maybe I can handle. I am not sure. But I has enough HD space for it. How this could be done? Where can I grab those game that can work in par with official release?
Thank you for testing, Simsample! Excuse me for I did not trust.

Extra question: could base game verson work with Ultimate Collection Relese?

Regards Vic ^_^

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#8 Old 3rd Feb 2021 at 1:12 PM
@Victor_tor I don't have two games, I just have one- the disc installation. I still have all of my CDs and DVDs. The only way to get the disc install would be to buy a copy, I don't know whether you'd be able to find the basegame on eBay or something now. I recreated the basegame version with the AGS, the full game is just running the game the usual way. I don't have the Ultimate Collection installed so I don't know what other files are different, but I do remember from when I had it installed through Origin when it first came out that there was no basegame executable as the included basegame was in a bundle (Double Deluxe I think). So I'm not sure if it would be even possible to have UC run a basegame environment- nor possible to have Sims 2 disc install and Sims 3 UC running together. I uninstalled UC for this very reason- I like to play basegame sometimes.

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#9 Old 3rd Feb 2021 at 3:36 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Victor_tor
Can you tell me, what is this string about? They said that change of this one can help. But possibly they were wrong.

They're wrong. SimPE doesn't show the version number of every resource type but it does use it, the following from SimPE's source shows that if a neighbourhood has been run with even just University EP then basegame won't even be able to read the Family Information.

public enum FamiVersions : int
Original = 0x4e,
University = 0x4f,
Business = 0x51,
Voyage = 0x55,
Castaway = 0x56

The same thing exists for most neighbourhood resources especially the wants and fears where the want trees used won't be the same and may not exist in basegame. You'll be much better off accepting that M&G will be required for downloaders of your neighbourhood and get on with having fun with it.
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#10 Old 3rd Feb 2021 at 10:39 PM Last edited by Victor_tor : 3rd Feb 2021 at 10:56 PM. Reason: mispell
Quote: Originally posted by Chris Hatch
The same thing exists for most neighbourhood resources especially the wants and fears where the want trees used won't be the same and may not exist in basegame. You'll be much better off accepting that M&G will be required for downloaders of your neighbourhood and get on with having fun with it.

I see you are right. I also has Sims 2 base game, but never used it after I got Ultimate Collection. I was wiped tonight it just to see how i works with my own eyes. After all steps from Jawusa's tutorial being done, whatever I did, the neighborhood stood with all decorations but with no lots.
I know Sims 2 is waaay old game and most of players has Ultiamte Collection or even M&G separated, due to its low price, but I steel feel upset about such players like Simsample who are 1/10 of count who could enjoy this hood in their games. That's not their fault they chase a simple layout. I feel that's my fault, as creator, that I can't give them this layout.
Anyways. The addition of packs don't corrupt the game and that makes me feel happy. Since that's not playable in basegame any more, I plan to add couple packs to this neighborhood requirements and update AGS where it's done.

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#11 Old 6th Feb 2021 at 6:25 PM

I'm glad to see that you're willing to create another neighborhood and this one looks just fantastic! I'm proud of what you've made!
Though, unfortunately, it's not possible to downgrade an all EPs/SPs neighborhood into BG... even if you just use BG content.

But hey! Don't give up on this. Many people already have the TS2 UC, so it won't matter much. Your neighborhood stilll has quite some potential, make an use of all EPs! Use all the outfits/hairstyles/furnitures/you name it from other EPs/SPs - at least you're having fun with neighborhood creation, that's what matters!
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#12 Old 11th Feb 2021 at 11:41 AM Last edited by Victor_tor : 11th Feb 2021 at 5:33 PM.
Haha! The problem of add packs to things created is probably the least complicated! Those fact I've seen about features I need to shrink from my Trio Lake hood was much trouble. I can handle this issue. I'll just add Manson and Garden stuff objects in places where avoid it to use. I swear ceiling fans are nice feature for Georgia climate! Fences with columns, rugs and beautiful sidings are the best way to enhanse look of houses, isn't it?

I found it necessary to add stuff from Christmas pack. It really looks great for my churches. And I have three churches of different kind there.

Two other features was made me to add Nightlife as necessary. First: I was used too much parking places, and every single house has here a garage or place for car. Second reason that it will help this neighborhood functional. Bowling was used in storyline I was used as base for this neighborhood, so I replaced arcada games with bowling and made all restaurants full functional. I am in rebuilding now with packs. I'll share you unpopulated hood with list of changes and my test family added if necessary.
Regards Vic ^_^

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#13 Old 25th Apr 2021 at 1:04 AM Last edited by Victor_tor : 25th Apr 2021 at 1:19 AM.
Hello guys, I just tested the file i was attached before in this post and it says neighborhood is cursed by Super Duper Hug Bug.
I've been searched through sites for information. They all said there is no any remedy. This bug is not causing game corruption but spreads in your game like HIV, so if you had not any PREPs fer this, you won't cure it once have got. That was not important before, but unfortunately this had become important after this case.
I noticed once my Sims 2 projects started, they all has low chance to be finished because of global ussues, game corruptions, bug cases. I find myself totally out of luck. Just the sky did not fall on me yet.
Regards Vic

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Mad Poster
#14 Old 25th Apr 2021 at 3:45 AM
Does this mean the nhood is toast? I wanted to give this a try but SDHG? I don't really want that in my game...

Because the earth is standing still, and the truth becomes a lie
A choice profound is bittersweet, no one hears Cassandra Goth cry

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#15 Old 25th Apr 2021 at 11:32 AM Last edited by Victor_tor : 25th Apr 2021 at 12:13 PM. Reason: removed stupid suggestions
I spended few hours yesterday in search of remedy. But all looks like that's not exist. My task now is to find what infected and cut it from entire neighborhood.

Even I am not very popular, I still feel sorry for those 7 players who downloaded this. I just deleted file from this post attachements. If you already had this one, you'll find symthoms fast. They are described in this video. Masadiasims said here the case is usually lots and houses.

I'll upload uninfected neighborhhod once I will find the solution.

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#16 Old 25th Apr 2021 at 11:37 AM
Hi @Victor_tor Put Chris Hatch's SDH test in your downloads folder.
Load each lot, Click OK as many times as needed when you get pop up telling you of the SDH infection.
Save lot, exit.
Do this for each lot, your SDH bug is gone.

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#17 Old 25th Apr 2021 at 4:52 PM
simsample, Yay! It worked. Thank you. I am happy to see advices that really work, but sad such cruel people like Jules girl exist. I was almost ready to reinstall entire game when follow her suggestion!

Ok, I share last version as promised. As I see now in game everything's fine
Here is the list of changes were done:
  • I was remade area from screenshot and replaced EA houses with houses made by me. Thanks CatherineTCJD for point me in good house floor plans. Here are those houses: first and second
  • One house was added so now there are 18 residential houses in total
  • There were added items from Nightlife, M&G and Happy Holiday stuff. So now it is required Sims2 Double Deluxe + M&G.
  • St Joseph's Church was remade to Christ Gospel.
  • Stuck tomstones were deleted (thanks to Jawusa) and SDHG remedy was found (thanks simsample)
  • Various lots were renamed and shrinked in size by Mootilda's tool.

    This is still far from finished. Some houses ase still unfurnished. I plan carefully populate it with neighbors. Also I preparing master post with all lots, sizes an descripions in it. Wish me good luck. I hope nothing fatal would ever happen again. But I found already that Sims 2 creation process need skills both with luck. Often bad circumstanses came up here occasionly.
Attached files:
File Type: rar  NPV1.rar (23.29 MB, 11 downloads)

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#18 Old 25th Apr 2021 at 11:29 PM
Awesome that you were able to get a fix for hug bug. I'm definitely giving this a try now. Will report back if I find any bugs.

Because the earth is standing still, and the truth becomes a lie
A choice profound is bittersweet, no one hears Cassandra Goth cry

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#19 Old 26th Apr 2021 at 1:40 AM
This could be great HarVee. You are very welcome. That would be really great if someone decide to play with this... ahem... pre-release and then report by way with any issues. May I ask you? If that's not hard for you, I wish you to pay attention on diagonal restaurant lot on the right side of this screenshot. I was placed furniture there also diagonally. Since that's not Sims 3 or 4, I guess those diagonal placed furniture won't be accesible by sims. I'd like to know is there enough seats by straight tables for NPC sims? Is there all work? are counters accessible?

Oooh. I'd rather skip now playtest level cause would like to create population first. I could check it myself only when done. Thank you.
Regards Vic ^_^

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#20 Old 26th Apr 2021 at 11:39 PM
Good luck with your hood, Victor_tor.

Just as a matter of info - I have used the UC since its release. The super duper hug bug can be fixed by doing a simple repair in Origin. Your game stays intact; your cc stays intact; nothing is added to your game -
After the repair, you may need to 1. install a new CEP 2. Install a new Scriptorium 3. redo your graphic fixes (depending on your system). (It sounds like a lot of work, but it does not really take that long). )f course, it is only possible if you use the UC/

I found the bug in my game after downloading a bunch of old lots some time ago - not aware of Chris's fix at the time, I decided to make a backup and go for the repair and It worked perfectly.
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#21 Old 27th Apr 2021 at 12:48 AM
Thanks, Justpetro. That's nice you found out your way. And that's nice it fits you. However that's not for me at all. I would need to make extra steps in case of UC repair such as reinstall Global Radiant system, reinstall Any Game Starter cause it got crashed after repair. I also has few unlock mods putted out of packages folder to prevent them from confident wipe out. They would also need to be placed back manually.
That's why Chris Hatch's SDH test was better for me. That's why that was made me to call Jules cruel.

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#22 Old 27th Apr 2021 at 11:07 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Victor_tor
Thanks, Justpetro. That's nice you found out your way. And that's nice it fits you. However that's not for me at all. I would need to make extra steps in case of UC repair such as reinstall Global Radiant system, reinstall Any Game Starter cause it got crashed after repair. I also has few unlock mods putted out of packages folder to prevent them from confident wipe out. They would also need to be placed back manually.
That's why Chris Hatch's SDH test was better for me. That's why that was made me to call Jules cruel.

Mostly, just posted for information, since nobody mentioned it and many players on disks would not know about it. I was, of course, not making a hood. Gunmod's radiance system installs with the Scriptorium, I believe it now is the new one in there (read it somewhere, but perhaps somebody can confirm).
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#23 Old 27th Apr 2021 at 12:32 PM
@Justpetro No need to reinstall or repair your game to get rid of SDH, it won't make any difference as this is caused by an object (Social Download Test) which exists as an offworld item in an affected lot. So it's in your userdata, not your game data.

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#24 Old 28th Apr 2021 at 9:26 AM
@simsample - very strange, since it seems to have worked - if it is still in my game, Chris's test does not find it.
I don't want Vitor's thread to become a discussion on this, though, the problem in the hood is solved - perhaps on another thread, if anyone wants to.
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#25 Old 28th Apr 2021 at 11:24 AM
It would have worked if you deleted the affected lots; it's caused by removing social mods which use the 'Social Download Test' object as a fall back GUID. It exists only on the lot, it doesn't mess up your neighbourhood or your game install. We've had lots of threads discussing this so I won't create another, if you do a forum search there is lots of information.

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