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just a girl
Original Poster
#1 Old 14th Oct 2021 at 9:53 PM Last edited by Lamare : 31st Aug 2024 at 3:54 PM.
Default Music Preferences Mod: Favorite Radio Stations, Stereo Ownership
I don't know how to name it without sticking everything in one sentence

The story. I was playing one sim and thinking: this is totally the kind of guy that listens to classical music for fun, and he probably even knows waltz. And then I thought, it'd be cool if sims knew their preferences and listened to appropriate music, without me having to remember too much and control their every step, since I play a lot of sims.
So I made this mod, and I offer you to try it out. I tested it a little bit, but I still might tweak some things based on your feedback and my own gameplay, and fix bugs, if there are any.

Sims may have favorite and hated radio stations! Dancing, listening and working out to their favorites is a bit more fun and a tiny bit less tiring. Sims are more likely to dance to the music they like rather then dislike, and sometimes may switch stations by themselves. As a bonus, they can "own" stereos so that no one else turns them on and plays something DREADFUL.

Plan Of Attack
1. Make sure you have any EP/SP starting with Pets or later. I can only test on UC, but I've put some effort into compatibility, and hopefully haven't missed anything.
2. Download one MAIN package. You must have it.
3. Pick and choose any number of additional files. They are optional, but recommended. For now, I divided everything into three packages, but I can split them into even smaller parts.
4. Run HCDU or a similar program after downloading. The mod contains overrides, but most conflicts with other mods may probably be resolved by load order.


(hopefully you'll help me fill out this section with some)
The mod may conflict with other mods that modify stereos, various dancing interactions and their autonomy.
⦁ Most conflicts you'll probably be able to resolve by load order. For example, you have a mod that restricts slap dancing autonomy and then you have my "autonomy" mod that makes it dependable on favorites. Decide which feature you want more and let that mod override the other (should load later). If you let me know, I will consider merging them (unless they totally contradict each other).
⦁ Some conflicts may be trickier. If another mod adds new interactions to stereos, one of the mods might not work.
⦁ Feel free to post your reports or questions in the comments. I might be able to do something about the conflicts.
Known conflicts:
- No Dancing In Silence by TwoJeffs that makes dancing on toes impossible without the music (the mod that is loaded last wins).
- BO's Less Dance on Toes that also modifies dancing on toes autonomy (the mod that is loaded last wins).
Doesn't conflict with:
- HB_randomStereoStations that makes newly bought stereos start on a random station when they first turned on. I use it myself.


Main. Get one of these. The difference is what station sims turn on if they have no favorites (see Turning On).
- Music_Preferences_MAIN_RandOrFave
- Music_Preferences_MAIN_PrevOrFave
Optional. Get any, none or all of these:
- Music_Preferences_AddonMotives - for different fun gain and energy drain (see Motives Effects).
- Music_Preferences_AddonAutonomy - so that autonomy is affected by preferences (see Dancing and Listening).
Mad Poster
#2 Old 17th Oct 2021 at 6:15 PM
That issue with always getting the same type of music on new sterio units always bothered me and it was always a royal pain to have to switch manually and to make sure it wan't on the wrong station.
just a girl
Original Poster
#3 Old 17th Oct 2021 at 8:27 PM Last edited by Lamare : 28th Nov 2021 at 1:25 AM.
I updated the autonomy file to discourage sims 1) from dancing on toes without the music and 2) from dancing smustle/solo/hula/slap/together to classical music. It's discouraged but not outright banned.


Quote: Originally posted by TadOlson
That issue with always getting the same type of music on new sterio units always bothered me and it was always a royal pain to have to switch manually and to make sure it wan't on the wrong station.

If you’re only interested in not having salsa on all newly bought stereos, I recommend HB_randomStereoStations: https://hexagonal-bipyramid.tumblr....-aka-im-sick-of (although they excluded BV and FT stations for some reason, but the mod works fine).
#4 Old 5th Dec 2021 at 10:31 AM
Default Conflict report
This mod conflicts (surprise surprise) with midgethetree's ListentoMusic-inclCJdanceadvertisingtweaks. Can I fix it with load order?

File Type: BHAV
Procedure Name: Interaction - Dance Smustle TEST
Group ID: 0x7F4F06CA
Instance ID: 0x00002046
Packages Containing This Procedure:

File Type: TTAB
Group ID: 0x7F4F06CA
Instance ID: 0x00000084
Packages Containing This Menu File:

File Type: TTAs
Group ID: 0x7F4F06CA
Instance ID: 0x00000084
Packages Containing This Menu Strings File:

My new downloads are on my Pillowfort
just a girl
Original Poster
#5 Old 5th Dec 2021 at 12:51 PM
Oh, thanks, I didn’t know about that mod, but now I want it too! Unfortunately, the conflict can’t be fixed by load order. I’ll see what I can do.
Lab Assistant
#6 Old 18th May 2022 at 12:37 AM
I’ve been using this mod for awhile now and I adore it!! ❤️ Only one glitch I’ve noticed so far in many rounds of gameplay, one of my toddlers began autonomously dancing to the radio, but since he was a toddler he used the adult animation which caused him to hover in the air shuffling his feet like an adult dancing for the first time. I don’t assign music preferences to my toddlers, only child and up. I’m guessing this mod caused it but I don’t know for sure. Thought I’d pass along the feedback!
just a girl
Original Poster
#7 Old 19th May 2022 at 5:53 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Delijume
I’ve been using this mod for awhile now and I adore it!! ❤️ Only one glitch I’ve noticed so far in many rounds of gameplay, one of my toddlers began autonomously dancing to the radio, but since he was a toddler he used the adult animation which caused him to hover in the air shuffling his feet like an adult dancing for the first time. I don’t assign music preferences to my toddlers, only child and up. I’m guessing this mod caused it but I don’t know for sure. Thought I’d pass along the feedback!

Thank you @Delijume
I'm also not sure, 'cause I haven't touched the animations, and in my rounds of gameplay, toddlers dance sitting on their bottoms, including those who can walk. The game picks animations based on sim's age, and I haven't changed that part. Hm... But, in case I broke something and don't see it (which is totally possible) or there's some kind of conflict in your game, try removing Music_Preferences_AddonMotives.

I'll keep an eye on toddlers.
Here's my latest dancing team - Two Sets Of Twins From Hell
#8 Old 8th Aug 2022 at 4:25 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Delijume
I’ve been using this mod for awhile now and I adore it!! ❤️ Only one glitch I’ve noticed so far in many rounds of gameplay, one of my toddlers began autonomously dancing to the radio, but since he was a toddler he used the adult animation which caused him to hover in the air shuffling his feet like an adult dancing for the first time. I don’t assign music preferences to my toddlers, only child and up. I’m guessing this mod caused it but I don’t know for sure. Thought I’d pass along the feedback!

I'm reviving a (slightly) old thread because I hope to test this mod out soon. Pretty sure you are referring to the error related to Toddlers who are shy doing the "shy Adult" dance where they look down at the ground and shuffle their feet. And yes, they float for a second or two as if they were a child or older. I think this error shipped with the game, and is not related to Lamare's mod.
Test Subject
#9 Old 4th Sep 2022 at 11:10 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Delijume
I’ve been using this mod for awhile now and I adore it!! ❤️ Only one glitch I’ve noticed so far in many rounds of gameplay, one of my toddlers began autonomously dancing to the radio, but since he was a toddler he used the adult animation which caused him to hover in the air shuffling his feet like an adult dancing for the first time. I don’t assign music preferences to my toddlers, only child and up. I’m guessing this mod caused it but I don’t know for sure. Thought I’d pass along the feedback!

I agree with you
#10 Old 20th Feb 2023 at 5:02 AM Last edited by aelflaed : 24th Feb 2023 at 3:31 AM. Reason: conflict notification
Hi Lamare...hope you are still around sometimes! I enjoy using this mod, and others you have made.

... fway has recently published a trait-controller which puts music tokens into a sim's inventory. Their mod doesn't notice preferences assigned with yours, so I am changing each token manually, if I had already given that sim preferences with your mod.

Do you think you might at some stage make your mod work with the controller? fway is working on a music mod which may be similar to yours, but it wouldn't hurt to have more choice, and yours is already working well.

Just a suggestion!

ETA: (a few days later, not sure whether to make a new reply or not!)
I've found another conflict, less obvious this time. BoilingOil's VacationActionsLimited, the Hula and Slap dance autonomy presumably.

My new downloads are on my Pillowfort
#11 Old 8th Nov 2023 at 11:32 AM
@Lamare can you share with us how one can let Sims pick their favorite radio stations in-game?
Lab Assistant
#12 Old 8th Nov 2023 at 1:07 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Softlism
@Lamare can you share with us how one can let Sims pick their favorite radio stations in-game?

I can help with that. Just have the sim selected, click on any radio, and you’ll see a new pie menu option for “Preferences…”, then “Favorite Station…” or “Hated Station…” You can select more than one station in either category. The only way to remove them once selected is with the option “Clear All Preferences” which appears when you have at least one preference selected.

Happy simming!

Edit: Also worth mentioning the preferences will stay in place even if you buy a radio to select their preferences and delete the radio afterwards.
Test Subject
#13 Old 8th Nov 2023 at 1:16 PM
As above, you click on the stereo, however, it may only work on vanilla electronics.

In my experience, it seems to be showing the options on CC stereos cloned from vanilla ones (esp. the small ones that go on tables)
#14 Old 18th Nov 2023 at 1:09 PM
I get stereo-related object errors, probably caused by this stereo: https://www.thesimsresource.com/dow...lder/id/161160/
And it plays random radio station if I let a Sim switch to their fave radio station.

Does anyone know how I can make this stereo work with Lamare's mod?
Test Subject
#15 Old 30th Jul 2024 at 9:41 AM
@Lamare Hi! Thank you for the mod. I have conflict with Simler90 Electronics mod. Anything I can do for them to work together?
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