#26 Old 28th Feb 2010 at 8:40 PM
Quote: Originally posted by VladCrau
Person 1: Fuck you!!! Just because you're behind a PC monitor, you think you have the right to act like a victim, in a childish attempt to draw attention? And then, have the nerve to say that "it was all just a test"! And furthermore: "All of you should learn never to trust someone over the Internet"
Thank you... thank you for messing up the Teen Club. Just when I thought trolling ended after that 403 incident, you came along...
I bet... no, I hope you're reading this, you fat-burger eating-lying troll! You, and your "friends"! Having the time of your life, eh? If I didn't say it loud enough:

Ahhhhhhaha, how I love posts like this Fat burger-eating-lying troll... HAHA straight to the point.

"Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."
- Douglas Adams (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)
#27 Old 28th Feb 2010 at 9:03 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Beccapixie10
Then you get angry at me for that because I'm 'too trusting' and all the 'people from America' are probably pedophiles.

*narrows eyes*
#28 Old 1st Mar 2010 at 4:21 PM
Person 1: STOP PRETENDING TO BE MY FRIEND IF YOU'RE GOING TO BITCH ABOUT ME! Seriously? GROW UP. I don't care that I only have one true friend, and I'm sorry for not being like you and ditching her for the 'popular' people. I don't need a million friends that don't even really like me, so stop saying I do, hypocrite.

Person 2: I would never wish you ill, but I don't wish you well either. Also, leave Damaris alone, she doesn't like you, respect you, or anything. Stop acting like you're her BF4F xoxo because you're a two-faced little snitch.

Person 3: I love you, I honestly do. I'm sorry if there was a time when I acted strange around you, you are more important to me than does dumb shits. They harrassed us, they deserved to get suspended. Those things they said about you were disgusting, and how one of them tried to use you was just sick. I hope this thing brings us closer together and make us stronger.


Lab Assistant
#29 Old 1st Mar 2010 at 8:59 PM Last edited by psych : 1st Mar 2010 at 11:26 PM.
First, I want to thank PixCii alot for this thread, because I'm getting freaked out so much lately. xD
WARNING! The following content is not suitable for minors, lol
Ok, I'm so freaked out right now, and here it goes:

Person 1: Like we were BFF from early childhood till 4th grade, and since you've become good friends with others, you just ignore me! And you only call me out when there's nobody else to go out with! And when you can't do your fucking homework, you call me! We never talk on MSN or in school, unless you need something..! And you've became such a !@$%&, you're behaving like one, dressing like one, and UGHHH YOU'RE HELLA ANOYING ME!!! You know what?! I can't take you anymore! Just get off my fuckin' sight!!

Person 2: You're just too annoying!! So what if i didn't call you today to hear more of your rumors?? Do you have to be so fuckin jelaous on others and spread rumors about them??!! And YES - I DO pay more attention to my other friends because they don't ANNOY me like you do!! And I'm tired of your gossiping others!! Get the hell off that freakin facebook that you spend your all free time on, stop checking other people's info, photos, relationship statuses, comments, etc, AND GET A FUCKIN' LIFE!!

Person 3: You don't have to unlike me just because I don't like punk ... ! ˇ-.-'
And just because I said 'no' to you when you asked me to be your gf, it doesn't mean you have to avoid me in kilometers, for God's sake!! And say hi sometimes, it won't kill you... ! :S :S

Person 4: No! I'm NOT a satan worshipper!! I just like metal & rock music!! Problem ?!? >:@
But for you.. I am EVILLL and I'm gonna BURNNN you because you are playing disharmony on my NeRvEsSsS...!!

Person 5: You talk too much about boyfriends, crushes, flirts, relationsips and stuff...!! Get a book and start studying!! Or you're gonna fail the fuckin' grade!! So then you're gonna have no use of your cheap miniskirts and make-up!!!

I'm done for today, lol.. Ahh.. It feels alot better.. xD

..I've just read what I've written.. lol I can't believe it
.. xD ... Now im gonna chillax with photoshop and put together some nice clothing for my sims..

Quote: Originally posted by PixCii
Person 29: Back to you! Slut. Should I tell your disgusting boyfriend about Scott? Or James? Or Jared? Or Dale? Or any of the other guys you "just hung out with" when you two first started going out? Sweetheart, get over yourself. You aren't perfect. You should learn that I'm not a nice girl. I play dirty. And even though you're "zomg my bestttt friendddddd!!!111!" I will step on you if it means I will get my way.

Destroy the bitch, you've got my support!

Onii-chaaan! ~
#30 Old 2nd Mar 2010 at 4:18 AM
Person 5: Yep, back to wonderful you. Do you know how many fucking times you say you're going to leave me alone with my school work, but then the next day you come back and then say the same thing again? Too many! If you're letting me handle it, then let me handle it! And, if I have a good grade in a class and have only once missing assignment from it, I don't deserve to be yelled at. Back off.

Person 7: I don't know what happened to you. We were almost like best friend back in Elementary school. Just because you met your new preppy bitch friends doesn't give you the right to spread rumors around me or torture my friends by calling us emo. You've been doing this for almost three years now. You and your bitches of friends need to back the hell off!

Person 8: I know we've only been friends for almost a year now, but why are you suddenly so distant? We get along awesomely and I've spent a lot of time at your house, so whats up? You never invite me to hang out with you, Savannah, Jennah, and Micaela anymore. It's almost like you're pushing me away.

Person 9: Ok boy, how would you like it if I threw chewed gum at you like a two year old like you do to me? Or if I called you a "Gothic freak" and always made fun of you? I attempt to keep my cool and not get frustrated and ignore you, but my patience with you is running out. Either act like a friend, or back the fuck off.

Person 10: Please oh please stop telling me to go out with Zack. It would make me feel so guilty since you liked him first. Even though he turned you down and you like this other guy, I can tell you still have feeling for Zack, so just stop. I now even feel guilty just by looking at you. I don't know if Zack is my kind of guy anyway. Sure I have feelings for him, but they're not very strong. Sure, we click pretty well and he's super nice to me, but please tone it down a bit with the asking.
#31 Old 2nd Mar 2010 at 5:06 AM
Person 1: I love you a lot. You're an awesome actor and I'll always love you!! Hee hee hee
Person 2: You're my B! F! F!, and you care when everyone else doesn't. You rule.
Person 3: We agree on a lot of things which is good. You're also a good friend to me.
Person 4: Y'know if you spent less time with her, I would like you more. Other than that, yup, you're a good friend.
Person 5: Hey, I guess you're nice, except for the Twilight thing, but other than that you're a great friend and you care.
Person 6: Can you please decide whether you hate or love me?
Person 7: Get. Out. Of. My. Face. I don't need people to be constantly being rude to me, thanks. G'bye.
Person 8: You're a rude racist and I hate you.
Person 9: You used to be my friend till you decided you wanted to be popular way back then and ditched me for the "popular" kids. So soon I came to join you, but for a bit, then you decided I was useless and left me again. So you know what? It's over. Bye.
Person 10: Well they usually try to save the best for last, but I think they left the rotten innards for last this time. You're a pathetic, dirty liar who thinks they can get sympathy over the net from innocent, unsuspecting people. You're an ugly TBQ. Fatty cake.

There we go.
#32 Old 2nd Mar 2010 at 5:24 AM Last edited by Ebonova : 2nd Mar 2010 at 5:38 AM.
Person 1: I hope you die.
Person 2: Get out of my face and stop stalking me. I hope you die.
Person 3: I'm emo. Get over it. I hope you die.
Person 4: ...I think I love you... naw. I don't. Well maybe a little...
Person 5: MARRY ME NOW! ...Even tho you don't know me...
Test Subject
#33 Old 2nd Mar 2010 at 9:22 AM
Person 1: I don't know if i'm ready for you to come back again... Last time you tore me to shreds but now you're stable.... I really don't know who you are. We have nearly everything in common... but our values are on complete opposite ends of the scale. Why can't things be simple? what if you hadn't wandered into my life...?

Person 2: I DO NOT LIKE YOU. END OF STORY. seriously, i've made it clear to you more times than I can count. I've TRIED to be polite, but really, you're just annoying. I honestly don't know HOW you got as many girlfriends as you did. PSSSSH get lost, loser.

Person 3: Words cannot describe the fury! I am absoloutely livid and the thought of you makes my skin crawl! you're a creepy loner who has had 2 restraining orders against you and you STLL try and stalk women! one with a GODDAMN AUSTISTIC CHILD! I HATE YOU. GO AWAY. I AM ON THE VERGE OF REPORTING YOU TO THE POLICE! seriously, eff off. I may be known as calm, but that's not gonna stop me pounding your face in...

Person 4: :] you may have done some things in the past, but you are the kindest person I know and you're always there with a smile no matter what mood you're in. Thank you.

Person 5: XD you are the coolest person I know, you're laid-back, and ready to take in all of my whining and blabbering. Thank you for all you're late night counselling-sessions and jokes, you helped me through a tough time

Failure is not falling down, it is not getting up again. -Mary Pickford
#34 Old 2nd Mar 2010 at 2:58 PM
Person 11: I really wish I has the guts to talk to you. I have strong feelings for you and I want you to know that, but I'm afraid to talk to you. The last time we had to talk, you were acting awkward and that caused me to be awkward. You seem like an awkward person in general, but please oh please just talk to me.

Person 12:
We're related. We are supposed to be able to talk, yet the only thing we can seem to be able to talk about is music and the guitar. Please open your mind and find something else you like to talk about. I know I absolutely love music, but I have stuff I want to talk about also, so don't blow it off.

"And if you look out of the right hand side of the aircraft, you'll notice that the right wing is on fire."
Call me Dei
Lab Assistant
#35 Old 2nd Mar 2010 at 5:59 PM
Person 2: (previous post, kthanks?) Okay, you know what, you annoy me. You've done nothing wrong to me, but the shit you pulled with my boyfriend and my other two friends? Not cool, NOT cool. Do things as you were promised, stop thinking that life is a party, you have to grow up and take responsibilities, the whole damn universe doesn't fucking revolve around -you-

Person 6: Oh god, I thought I got rid of you when I took this internship thing, but there you are, or rather, your text message. Honestly, you're a nice guy and a kick-ass artist and I can see your determination taking you places, but please, please, please stop acting like a child? Improvement is always a hard thing to see, especially for an artist, but you ARE and you need to step back and see. Stop acting as if my advice is nothing but nags and nay-saying, there are people who want to see you grow, but if you keep behaving like this, you're going to push them away.

Good things come to an end, because you let them.
You can call me Daisy :)
Lab Assistant
#36 Old 7th Mar 2010 at 10:12 PM
Person 1

I know you hate me...But we really got along on friday! If you would just forgive me? We used to be best friends!!!! Can we go back to that?

Person 2

I hate you so much!!! I'm your friend??? You talk about me while i'm there!!! Don't pretend you don't!!! I could hear you!!! I wish you'd grow up sometimes...

Person 3

Oh My God!!! I hate you the MOST!!! 'y i no you bff?' Guess!!! You insulted me!!! Never said sorry!!! And then you expect me to tell you you'r my bff!?!? Think again!!! That fight we had was dumb...But you were NEVER my best friend...And you never were my friend...So don't think you will be now!!!

Person 4

You Love Paulo Nutini...Or however you spell it...And you hate twilight and THE SIMS!!! How could you hate the sims??? I understand the twilight one...But still!!! You would think I hate her if you'd read that...Shes my BEST FRIEND <333 I would DIE without you there...We Live on msn...And only really eat chicken dippers...And LOVE Michael Buble and I love you for that...

Your my best friend...
My sister...
My partner in crime...
Your my everything<33...

Person 5

You annoy me SO much and on msn!!! Learn to spell!!! And grow up!!! Just cos I don't want on webcam doesn't mean I hate you!!!!

That helped
#37 Old 7th Mar 2010 at 11:21 PM
Person 13: Do you like me? We've never really talked a lot until last night. You acted so much like you have feelings for me. Sure, you were mostly joking around, but don't do that if you're just toying with my feelings.

Person 14:
Gah, you're so frustrating! We get along perfectly. We like the same things. You're really nice to me. Tell me how you really freakin' feel! You said once you liked me, but what about now? Pleaseeee tell me.

Person 15: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, I will never ever, ever, ever, like you. Ever. Stop trying to be like Person 13 (see first one). Gahh!

Yeah, I've been having lots of guy frustrations. Hahaha.

"And if you look out of the right hand side of the aircraft, you'll notice that the right wing is on fire."
Call me Dei
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#38 Old 8th Mar 2010 at 12:29 AM
I think I'm up to Person 31. I have a lot of confusion/hate/love.

Person 31: I am so confused. You're amazing, sarcastic, smart, artistic, funny, and everything I want. You're also four years older than me and my ex-boyfriend, but we can work around that. You say you're going out with someone, but why do you still flirt with me like you're not? Why do you say we should go out for dinner together? You confuse me so much, but I can't just ask you outright. Neither of us are that sort of person. At least your new 'relationship' won't last long. You need a certain type of person, and though this new girl is stunning, smart, and perfect, she isn't the right person for you. She's too...good. I'll just wait for you. I don't mind.
#39 Old 8th Mar 2010 at 4:03 PM
I'm starting over with every post.

Person 1-15: Go die. The lot of you. Oh, and Person #1, Guess what? You're not the queen of the fucking world, so stop expecting me to treat you like royalty.

Person 16: I NEVER. EVER. Said I didn't care. You think if I didn't care, I'd be this angry? She hurt me so badly, you can't imagine. She needs some tough love and I'm sorry if you don't see it.


Mad Poster
#40 Old 8th Mar 2010 at 7:05 PM Last edited by candiiee : 8th Mar 2010 at 8:15 PM.
Person 6: Leave. Me. Alone. Which part of those three words is too complicated for you to get your thick head around? Honest to God, if I had a quid for every time you've made me feel bad I'd be the richest person in England. Why can't you just leave me alone and let me get on with my life? Is that really so hard...? I'm thinking no, since you don't even like me. I mean, why did you flirt with me like all of last year and then get freaked out when you found out I had a crush the size of Jupiter on you...? What the Hell did you expect? Anyway, I'm done with you. I never want to see you again. I have to though, but I'm definitely not going to be nice to you. Good luck in Hell, and I hope I don't see you there. It's bad enough sitting with you in RE. Oh, and if you didn't already know, YOU ARE A DOUCHEBAG!! (had to say it...)

Person 7: I wish I didn't like you, but I do. You are so out of my league that it literally hurts to look at you, plus you're taken, and to be quite honest you and your friends are the biggest bunch of idiots that I've ever met and will ever meet. I hope this is just another fly-by crush, because I don't even want to think about what you'll do if you find out. By the way, why must you and your idiotic friends trample on the hearts of the girls who wind up liking you? It's your own fault, after all - you're a bunch of flirts, plus for some reason you all seem to be really cute. Especially you. In fact that's an understatement when it comes to you... I'm gonna go now... :P

EDIT: Darn, I just realised Person 7 and Person 4 are the same person. :/

Happiness is anyone and anything that's loved by you.

My name is Jessica, but I answer to Jessie, Jess, Candiiee, Candy and Cand. :P
Lab Assistant
#41 Old 8th Mar 2010 at 8:06 PM
Person 6

GO TO HELL!!! I hate you so so so so so so so so so much!!! I wish you'd get over it!!! So I called the wrong number! I may have said 'Hi Mum'!!! But atleast i wouldn't have made fun of you for it!!! I would now!!! Get over the fact I hate you!!! You're not royalty!!! You don't own the world and you don't own me!!! I won't bow down to you!!! You are a twisted minded little brat and your have a sick mind!!! I've ranted about you the longest!!! Cos you annoy me no end!!! And if you read this you'll know it's you!!! You may think (((Name here:L))) is he reason we always fight but shes not!!! She doesn't like you either

Just call me Katie:)
#42 Old 8th Mar 2010 at 11:07 PM
Person 16: Gahhhhh, I'm going to stab you with a pencil if you don't stop! Be more friendlier too!

Person 17: If you play that damn ring tone one more time I'm going to stab you with a pencil too.

"And if you look out of the right hand side of the aircraft, you'll notice that the right wing is on fire."
Call me Dei
#43 Old 8th Mar 2010 at 11:36 PM
Person 1: I miss you, you miss me, can you please tell me why are we still not talking???? It was 3 years ago for fu*k's sake, get over it already!!!!!!!!!!

See i have no choice but be isolated
Forced to extract the heart
Pushed aside
Made segregated
Left alone
Lab Assistant
#44 Old 9th Mar 2010 at 12:03 AM
Person 1

I miss you SOOOOO much Please forgive me for whatever i did...Please??? I just want you to forgive me :'(...i'll give you Jacob...<33?

Person 5

Get over it...why do you hate me??? What did I do to you??? NOTHING!!!!! What the heck is your dad gonna do??? So what if he's with the police...we didn't do anything!!!!!!!!!!

Person 6

I hate you ...alot...I want to kill you so much sometimes!!! If you play that freaking song one more time i'll punch you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How can you expect me to like you?????? you hate my BEST FRIEND...and we hate you!!!

Just call me Katie:)
Mad Poster
#45 Old 9th Mar 2010 at 4:58 PM
Person 8: I miss you. A lot. It's been about a year since we last talked, and you don't think I know why, but I do. Your girlfriend won't let you speak to me, will she? Just because for a bit you had a crush on me, and she's an insecure b*tch. I seriously don't know why you're going out with her, you really do deserve better. And no... that doesn't mean I'll go out with you, but can we at least be friends? Please? Words cannot describe how much I honestly hate the fact that we don't speak anymore. It makes me feel absolutely terrible when you pass me and don't even say hi.

Person 9: I dye my hair. I wear jewellry. My coat is actually a hoodie. I don't care if you're my headteacher - there is technically no uniform rules against that stuff, and the rest of my uniform is impecable. Get over yourself. We're teenagers. We're not going to look smart 100% of the time, no matter how much of our stuff you confiscate. And then you wonder why the exam results are way down... ITS BECAUSE YOU SPEND ALL YOUR TIME WORRYING ABOUT THE UNIFORM, YOU STUPID WOMAN!!!! I will be so glad when you retire, you're the worst thing that could have happened to this school. Oh, and by the way - it is me and my friends that are petitioning for the school cafeteria to be turned back to the way it was. The school cafeteria which YOU RUINED. I'm pretty sure everyone in the entire school will be glad when you leave, even ''your'' teachers.

Happiness is anyone and anything that's loved by you.

My name is Jessica, but I answer to Jessie, Jess, Candiiee, Candy and Cand. :P
#46 Old 9th Mar 2010 at 9:59 PM
person 1 (btw, only person in a whole world with who it's complicated for me to have stupid talk) : Ok, yesterday in school, you were looking at me all the time, you were sitting next to me as often you can, you were HOLDING MY HAND on painting class when you sat next to me to get some rest of painting and when I looked weirdly at you, you smiled at me!!!!!! For FU*K's sake I'm confused! WHY are you doing this?????? I CAN'T do this anymore, be with me again or die and leave me alone, already! I can't............... :'((((((((((((((((((((

See i have no choice but be isolated
Forced to extract the heart
Pushed aside
Made segregated
Left alone
#47 Old 9th Mar 2010 at 10:06 PM
person 1: and i forgot, today YOU WERE CUDDLING MY LEG on graphic class!!!!! I know you're not shy person and you were telling me what you should and what you SHOULD NOT for 4 years!!!!! Why are you not talking now?! What happened now???!!!! You know that i'll do whatever you wish if you just tell me, and why are you not telling me..................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*gone depressed and needs to talk to someone very bad*

See i have no choice but be isolated
Forced to extract the heart
Pushed aside
Made segregated
Left alone
#48 Old 10th Mar 2010 at 3:23 AM
To every person I was friends with at school - I outgrew you. All of you. Say what you want, but all you bitches wish you were just like me kthnxbai.
#49 Old 10th Mar 2010 at 3:44 AM
Person 4: You act really stupid sometimes. And I am sorry, but for crying out loud, you are a middle school boy and you are not mature, so I guess I can forgive you. Also, what the heck? Don't you have a girlfriend, or something? Don't try to tell a girl that you like her by telling your friend in front of the whole class, right over my head. And do you not talk to me because you know I have a super-mega crush on you? Is it really that obvious? Or do you not talk to me just because I'm not interesting enough? Or because I never look like I'm smiling, hello it's my jaw I can't exactly change that until I'm like 16 and can have surgery. Rant rant rant.
Everyone That Knows That I Like Person 4: I don't like Person 4 anymore, really. I'm not just lying to you and trying to stop the constant drama so that I can like him in freaking peace at my own pace. I'm really off and on about who I like, so it's really not worth it to try to keep track of whether I like Person 4 this period or whatever. [LIE]So anyways, I don't like Person 4, I really like some random kid that rides my bus that you don't know.[/LIE]

"Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."
- Douglas Adams (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)
#50 Old 10th Mar 2010 at 3:45 AM
Back to PERSON 3: Ok, seriously? What is that all about? Probably nothing, I guess...
But it doesn't seem like nothing. And whatever it is, it should probably stop. Not that I don't like the attention...but it's wrong. So just leave me alone.
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