#101 Old 22nd Mar 2010 at 10:18 PM
^Yeah. She told me and I was like, "Ehh...fml."

#102 Old 23rd Mar 2010 at 12:26 AM
person1: okay. we go to same class, and now we are friends on facebook too, you still like me, and I still LOVE you. Please remind me why are we still not talking?
You're peace of shit. That's why. That's why I love you, too. *went to see mental therapist*

See i have no choice but be isolated
Forced to extract the heart
Pushed aside
Made segregated
Left alone
#103 Old 23rd Mar 2010 at 3:41 AM


Try and guess who they are. slkgjs.
Mad Poster
#104 Old 23rd Mar 2010 at 3:48 AM
Person #0:

(this is a poem, lol)

Hey Daddy,
How are you doing?
Do you remember my name?
Do you remember my face?

Do I know you?
Or are you just a dream?
Someday I must wonder
If you're dead or alive.

Hey Daddy,
Do you know how it feels?
Did you look into my eyes and see your reflection?
Or do you even remember the daughter you once held?

Do you know me?
Or am I just a part of your past?
Someday do you yearn
Do you think of me at all?

Hey Daddy,
Where are you now?
Do you have a new wife, new kids?
Or do you close your lids each night and scream?

Do you love me?
Or am I just a photo in your wallet?
Someday can we talk
Or will you pick up the phone?

Hey Daddy,
Please let me know this one thing,
I know it might be sad,
But that day when I left your home,
Did you know who I would become?

*insert bittersweet applause*

Angie/DS | Baby Sterling - 24/2/2014
This account is mostly used by my sons to download CC now, if you see me active, it's probably just them!
#105 Old 23rd Mar 2010 at 3:58 AM
Person 1: TALK TO ME. Just because we might have different interests doesn't mean we can never speak to each other again! Last year I thought you would be a friend that I would keep in touch with my whole life. Who knew that we would never freaking talk again. For no reason.

Person 4: Shut the f*** up. Go ahead and tell random girls that you like them while your girlfriend isn't in the room; I don't even care.

Person 8: I still miss you. No matter what anyone tells me... I was one of the only ones who saw you for who you really were. How are you? How's life? We haven't talked in so long, even though we never talked in the first place when you were still here.

Person 9: You were the perfect teacher and so nice, I just can't believe you're leaving my school in the middle of the year. Whoever becomes your replacement, will not be as good at you.

"Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."
- Douglas Adams (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)
#106 Old 23rd Mar 2010 at 4:14 AM
Person 16: Hello again, I'm getting very tired of you. Yes, I'm overjoyed that you made up with our friends since it makes life so much easier, but I am SO ticked at you right now! I didn't want you to ask Nick out for me! I'm not positive you did, but I'm pretty damn sure! He hasn't acted weird around me or anything, but still! I repeatedly asked you not to, but yet you did. I don't know if I'll be able to deal with you in high school. I want to make a fresh start there, hell I'm even going by a different name it's that much of a fresh start. I'm not quite sure if I want to be your closest friend there because I don't want your bitching and feuds and my past to come up. Just back off! And I'm tired of you always coming to me when you're going to smoke or buy your damn weed. Yes, you SHOULD be scared! It can ruin your fucking life! I don't care what Angie says about it! She is the main root of that problem anyway. If you can't respect my wishes then you might not be in my group of friends in the future.

"And if you look out of the right hand side of the aircraft, you'll notice that the right wing is on fire."
Call me Dei
#107 Old 23rd Mar 2010 at 4:30 AM
Yes I'm back already.

Person 1: Ok, so, I say hi twice, another one of our (half)friends goes over to you, and then you still leave without saying goodbye? UGH stop you're making me panic. And get away from person 10 (I think) already. He's annoying.

Person 2: Omg. LSKJFDOSIT That's all I have to say to you right now, (name).

Person 13: We're two 13 year olds on the other side of the planet. We don't actually MAKE you stay up all night, you know that right? Go to bed, dude.

Gaaaah. I need help.
#108 Old 23rd Mar 2010 at 7:42 AM
Person 1: I love you.

Call me Meg

lately i want everything
every star tied to a string

av credit
Mad Poster
#109 Old 23rd Mar 2010 at 5:41 PM
Person 26: Lie: I decided not to switch classes because I don't like several people in the other geography class. Truth: I'm not switching because you're the only thing that makes geography bearable and without you it'd just be pointless and stupid. So there.

Person 15: NO, it's not the blonde dude. Seriously.

Happiness is anyone and anything that's loved by you.

My name is Jessica, but I answer to Jessie, Jess, Candiiee, Candy and Cand. :P
#110 Old 24th Mar 2010 at 2:37 AM
Quote: Originally posted by cupcake12winx
Gaaaah. I need help.

Everyone here needs help That's why we post here.

Person 4 (again): I'm getting mixed signals from you. Do you like me, or are you just flirting with me because that's your personality?

"Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."
- Douglas Adams (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)
#111 Old 24th Mar 2010 at 3:14 AM
person 1: Fuck you. I mean seriously Fuck you. I have never done anything mean to you and yet you contstantly act like a bitch to me, calling me names, and being downright negative. I hate it. so Fuck you. really. just stop.
person 2: listen, your my friend, but really you just whine and complain over the smallest things. your incredibly spoiled and never care when I am upset. You just act oblivious to my feelings and go blabber on how terrible it was that your mom didn't buy you the abercrombie sweater you wanted. You always have to have all your clothes from some random brand name store and are constantly shopping during class. It buggs me. What also buggs me, is the fact that we've know eachother for 7 years, yet on my birthday I didn't even get a Happy Birthday, yet, when it's your teacher's birthday you bake her a freaking cake. I didn't even get any acknowledgment. I'm sorry but that's just cold.

Person 3: hey. I love you (in that friend way) we've been together for years. I love you and your personality and how you can find a way to trip on perfectly flat ground. falling 34 times in one game of bowling is not normal, but it's what makes you you, and I love that. I'l always be here for you tweedledee.

Person 4: hey it's me I don't think you ever notice me, but I notice you and I have a huge crush on you so yeah.

Persons 5 and 6: hey. I just want to say thanks so much for coming to my school's play. It really touched me and Tweedledee's hearts to see you guys there. And congratulations, you two were the only friends to actually come to the show, so thanks.

Person 7: Hey brother. you annoy me so much, and you annoy me more and more and I don't understand how mom always takes your side. I just don't get it. but either way, whenever you decide not to be a moron, I can really have fun with you and I love is.

Person 8: Hey sis. I love you okay? you know that right? sorry for always messing with your hair and hugging your head.

Sirius Black: Escaped Azkaban, Outran Dementors, Outwitted Ministry, Killed by Drapery
Where I've been hiding...
#112 Old 24th Mar 2010 at 5:51 PM
person1: put it back!!! put your profile picture back!!! Now!! It was sooo pretty!!! *gone really seriously mad*

See i have no choice but be isolated
Forced to extract the heart
Pushed aside
Made segregated
Left alone
#113 Old 24th Mar 2010 at 8:30 PM
Person 1: Fuck you, no seriously, fuck. you. Who the HELL are you to tell me who to be friends with? I'm not abandoning my only one, true, friend because you say so. Again, fuck you.


#114 Old 24th Mar 2010 at 8:53 PM
person 3: thanks for the support

person 2: stop yelling at me I hate it. I'm not your slave nomatter how much you might wish it. and fyi you are NOT my bff, so don't tell people that, okay? I swear just leave me alone!

Sirius Black: Escaped Azkaban, Outran Dementors, Outwitted Ministry, Killed by Drapery
Where I've been hiding...
Lab Assistant
#115 Old 24th Mar 2010 at 10:55 PM
People of group 1: I don't care that I quit track. I know you think I'm a horrible person and that I'm a slacker, but I don't think it's healthy to do something that you positively abhor. I do feel bad, but I'm SO HAPPY I quit. It's like getting out of a worsening situation. But stop being so dang disappointed in me. It gets really irritating when person after person is like, 'OMG you quit track? I hate you. You suck.' Really. Get over it. My decision and not yours, and frankly, it doesn't necessarily affect you.

Person 1: I don't care if you are a teacher, but I understand if you're disappointed in me. It makes sense and I just hope that you'll get over it. It was something I had to do and even if you are the head coach, you should know that I'm not doing anything to help the team anyway. Besides, I have other responsibilities and track, well, athletics is less important that music and academics.

Person 2: You're great. Thanks for being there and telling me what I've been thinking all along. You're a good friend and I'm sorry we got in that fight a while back. I just wish it'd be easier to trust you again like I had before, but it won't be so simple. I wish it weren't this way.

Person 3: You give me goosebumps and you look like Jim from the office. But you're a lot more handsome. I only wish you'd think the same with me.
#116 Old 25th Mar 2010 at 7:46 AM
Person 12: "Well, I don't care what you want." Thanks, dad. REALLY, THANKS. I'M NOT FUCKING GETTING UP AT NINE SO SHUT UP. In fact, I'm determined to go to bed late just to make you stop.

My issue with that: The reason I love staying up at night is that I don't have to stare at homework. If I get up at nine I have to start doing homework at ten. If I get up at noon I do my homework then and then I have the entire night to goof off. I WISH THEY'D EFFING GET THAT I DON'T WANT TO GET UP EARLY!!!!!!!!!!!! Actually, they GET it. They just don't care. Real nice parenting. >.>
Mad Poster
#117 Old 25th Mar 2010 at 7:41 PM
Person 16: Thanks a lot for telling everyone. I know it's not literally everyone, but one of those three WILL tell. You know, I really did think you wouldn't tell anyone, and I'm really mad now. YOU'RE MEANT TO BE MY F*CKING FRIEND, YOU'RE NOT MEANT TO SPREAD MY SECRETS, YOU B*TCH!!!!!! You'd better hope they don't tell anyone, or you'll wish you'd never been born. Seriously. I. Will. Kick. Your. Ass.

Happiness is anyone and anything that's loved by you.

My name is Jessica, but I answer to Jessie, Jess, Candiiee, Candy and Cand. :P
Top Secret Researcher
#118 Old 25th Mar 2010 at 8:17 PM
^ omg. same situation here .

Lab Assistant
#119 Old 25th Mar 2010 at 8:17 PM
person 1:
fuck you!!! thats all i have to say to you, because your not worth living!

The Only Way To Make A Computer Go Faster Is To Throw It Out A Window
#120 Old 25th Mar 2010 at 8:42 PM
person 2: look, I know you don't want to admit it, but your NOT a tomboy. Tomboy's don't wear brand names everyday, shop at Victoria's Secret during science, wear tiny mini dresses to every formal,try to find the 'sluttiest' halloween costume every year, and refuse to lay on the grass because they don't want to get grass stains on their clothes. Face it. your not a Tomboy your just good at tennis, and one sport you play doesn't make you a tomboy. GET REAL! and also, what was with that during lunch, huh? I have ears you know. I mean really, you say you don;t gossip and then 15 minutes later your talking trash about me, not even ten feet away! What is with you. And I mean come on. look, I don't want to be the one to break it to you, but your just not going to become an actor if you 'don't have enough patience to memorise lines' okay, so stop acting as is your going to be famous.Your not. and FYI, your not a good singer. okay? In the words of Simon Cowl: "you sounded like cats falling off a skyscraper". I mean, I don;t say this to your face, because I know that would hurt your feelings, and that's the last thing I want to do but... That's the truth. And aso STOP BRAGGING ABOUT EVERYTHING GREAT IN YOUR LIFE!!!!!!! Can't you tell I don't like it? I know I'm just jealous, but when my family was going to Atlantis and I told you,I could tell you weren't enjoying the subject and I never talked about it again!Use your eyes girl! I have feelings you know!

Sirius Black: Escaped Azkaban, Outran Dementors, Outwitted Ministry, Killed by Drapery
Where I've been hiding...
Mad Poster
#121 Old 25th Mar 2010 at 8:45 PM
Person 2: I've done with you, go to Hell. I can't put it any clearer than that.

Person 27/28/29: I'm begging you please just forget about it and don't tell anyone. Please. I'll even stop insulting Person 1 if you just promise me that.

Person 30: I'm sorry it's taking me so long to decide whether I like you, how much I like you and that kind of thing. You have no idea that I'm trying to decide that, but by the way I am. I guess you could say I'm afraid of the drama it'll cause if anyone finds out I like you, and that's so, so stupid because I know I shouldn't care what people think, but I still do. This is the first taste of popularity I've ever really had, and if I'm going to blow it all on you then I want to at least know that... well... that you're worth it. I'm sorry but that's really the nicest way of putting it. By the way even if nothing happens between us, you're a really nice person, you're so clever, you're a great friend and you're really considerate, and for all that I like you at least a little, for once in my life just because of who you are on the inside, not on the outside.

Happiness is anyone and anything that's loved by you.

My name is Jessica, but I answer to Jessie, Jess, Candiiee, Candy and Cand. :P
#122 Old 26th Mar 2010 at 12:01 AM
person1: do you know that there's no person in a world who with I can talk about my love for you anymore? Everybody want us separated..........:'( World it peace of sh*t.....

See i have no choice but be isolated
Forced to extract the heart
Pushed aside
Made segregated
Left alone
#123 Old 26th Mar 2010 at 12:23 AM
person1: Don't believe the things you tell yourself so late night and, you are your own worst enemy, you'll never win the fight just hold on to me and
I'll hold on to you, it's you and me up against the world.....

See i have no choice but be isolated
Forced to extract the heart
Pushed aside
Made segregated
Left alone
#124 Old 26th Mar 2010 at 12:28 AM
Almost everyone I know: You don't know me. You have no clue what I'm going through. It seems like I have an easy life, because I have a family, a house, and enough money to get by. But that doesn't mean I'm happy. In my mind, nothing is right. Nothing is the way it should be. And I haven't gone a day without crying for a couple months now. So don't try to tell me that I'm not working hard. Don't try to tell me that I'm a lazy ass slacker. I'm TRYING. It's really hard to do anything when all I can think about is what I could've done better. NOBODY FUCKING UNDERSTANDS ME.
#125 Old 26th Mar 2010 at 12:33 AM
supacolva: I understand you. They push you so much. And I believe you're trying so hard. My parents and my teachers calls me lazy ass slacker too.
They are asses.

See i have no choice but be isolated
Forced to extract the heart
Pushed aside
Made segregated
Left alone
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