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#1 Old 14th Aug 2014 at 10:10 AM
Default Sims Pre-Release Picture Bank
For a while now I've been contemplating starting up a photobucket account chock-a-blocked with pictures of each Sims installation before release, meaning that there will be a full bank of what the games were originally going to be. Maybe it will come to use in 10 years time when there's not much about The Sims 2 around!

So at the present I've only got The Sims and The Sims 4 - I'd especially like a lot on The Sims 2 as that is the one that seems to have changed the most. If you can, please post as many pictures of the games pre-release as you can! Thanks

You can find what I have so far here: http://s1371.photobucket.com/user/UndeadEuan/profile/

(ps: sorry if I have posted this in the wrong section )
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