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#51 Old 7th Jul 2018 at 1:21 AM
Default UPDATE (2018) Ultimate Collection patch also came out on Origin
Just in case anyone stumbles on this looking to do stuff, its an old thread but some things have changed since they came out with sims 4. the blender 2.76b (32) the version I use when combined with the same tools as required for sims 4 works for sims 2 when wanting to import and export. you still have to make new bones (if your doing objects) in milkshape. but you can animate those bones for models or for objects once they are made in blender.
a few resources (off site) because its better organized for the specific task of animating objects and sims

tools needed: Meshing and Animation Tools
Blender tutorial: Making an Animation with Blender
Downloadable Models for Animation
Milkshape tutorial (includes SimPE portion): Making an Animation with Milkshape

adult male and female
teen male and female
child (universal)
toddler (universal)
infant (universal)
Pregnant adult female

hope this helps. my goal is to make animating for sims 2 easy for anyone.
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