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#1 Old 4th Dec 2017 at 12:02 PM
Default custom rigging in Sims 4 lets talk....
hey guys I decided to try making animated objects, custom rigs, custom meshes so far I have stumbled on many strange issues in the process and some I still can't solve. so I figure lets have a place for Sims 4 Rig talk offer advice and solutions to common problems with things we Blenderers make for the game.

currently I have a rig that I exported out of Sims 4 Studio and made changes to. learned that all the bones have to be placed in the Studio using numbers and yes! math

I am so pleased I managed to get all the bones to show up in the studio in the right place... so I excitedly exported it out and loaded it up and blender. to my dismay the rig is opposite all the x ,y & z's, for every up it goes down, forward goes back.. I think you get the picture here. now this is going to make it hard to attach any mesh to and animated it so that its not going where it shouldn't.

have you been there? Did you solve it? if so a shout out would be nice. :lovestruc
Test Subject
#2 Old 20th Sep 2023 at 9:06 PM
Default Did you ever figure your issue out?
Quote: Originally posted by luvmebby
hey guys I decided to try making animated objects, custom rigs, custom meshes so far I have stumbled on many strange issues in the process and some I still can't solve. so I figure lets have a place for Sims 4 Rig talk offer advice and solutions to common problems with things we Blenderers make for the game.

currently I have a rig that I exported out of Sims 4 Studio and made changes to. learned that all the bones have to be placed in the Studio using numbers and yes! math

I am so pleased I managed to get all the bones to show up in the studio in the right place... so I excitedly exported it out and loaded it up and blender. to my dismay the rig is opposite all the x ,y & z's, for every up it goes down, forward goes back.. I think you get the picture here. now this is going to make it hard to attach any mesh to and animated it so that its not going where it shouldn't.

have you been there? Did you solve it? if so a shout out would be nice. :lovestruc

I am trying to learn how to rig a outfit for blender. But I can not find any tutorials on it. Maybe you found something?
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