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Original Poster
#1 Old 16th Mar 2013 at 1:29 PM
Help creating for the first time?
Okay... I'm lost.

My goal is to create new hairstyle meshes for TS2 (female, mainly) but I don't know the first thing about meshing!

I'll need firsthand info before I understand.

So here's my questions... be prepared.

How do I connect Blender to TS2 to begin? How do I easily begin with creating meshes? What are the most important parts of Blender used for meshing? How do I save the creation? How do I get it to save the hairstyles in the different color panels instead of the Custom Hair section? How do I use the same mesh but get it in multiple colors? And setting up the bitmap images?

I'm super new, and don't know ANYTHING about meshing and Blender, but I would really like some help. Make it easy to understand plz!

And yes, I already have downloaded Blender.

FIND ME AT www.platymouseplace.webs.com KK? GOOD! YAY!
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Original Poster
#2 Old 22nd Mar 2013 at 8:56 PM

FIND ME AT www.platymouseplace.webs.com KK? GOOD! YAY!
Mad Poster
#3 Old 22nd Mar 2013 at 10:36 PM
Tenshii has a nice tutorial here, and another one here. They're for clothing - but you probably should start out with them as hairs are very difficult to mesh, and there's often have a lot of stuffeths to fix in SimPE with hairs. If you don't know the first thing about meshing, let alone how to use the mesh program, you should probably learn how to edit meshes before you learn how to mesh from scratch. SimPE isn't easy to work out, either.

When you're done with those, take a look at the tutorial section for bodyshop meshing/modding here at MTS.
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