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#1 Old 19th Aug 2023 at 1:20 AM
Relationship condition for pets? (Mod Constructor V5)
I am making a mod using mod constructor v5 that's basically for a playable "Bonehilda". The mod adds a trait into the game that makes it so when other sims are around the sim that has the trait they become scared until they get to know that sim with well enough. I got everything to work as intended but there is one thing I didn't think about which is pets. The pets also get scared which wouldn't be a problem but I can't figure out what condition to modify or add that would make them not scared anymore after a certain point. The way I set it up for the people is that once a sim builds up enough of a relationship with the sim that has the trait, so much so that they are considered friends, they are no longer afraid anymore. I have no clue how to do that with dogs. I tried just doing the same thing that I did with the normal sims but it didn't seem to work and I have no clue why. In the broadcaster that sends out the buff that makes the sims scared I added a relationship condition that makes it so anyone that is friends with the sim with the trait isn't affected so they don't get afraid. I did the same thing except with pet relationships but when I tested the mod nothing changed at all. Was hoping to get some help trying to figure out how to do this right or if I should be approaching this in a different way.

Here are some links to images that show how I have the broadcaster setup:
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