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#1 Old 21st Feb 2019 at 7:50 AM
Default How to Download from
Hi. Don't know if I'm posting this in the right place but, oh well...

I've been trying literally three weeks to register with and I never got the confirmation email. When I try to send a message to the administrator I get an error message that I can't send it because I haven't registered. Can't register because I'm not getting the email. Basically, I'm running in circles. is a Russian site and maybe that's the problem? Anyway, I'm hoping someone can provide some guidance. This is bugging me to no end. (First world problems, lol)
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#2 Old 14th Sep 2024 at 2:10 AM Last edited by jormor1991 : 14th Sep 2024 at 2:21 AM.
I know this thread is OLD!... but does anyone have a solution to this? I am having the exact same issue as OP.

Edit: I seemed to have stumbled upon a solution shortly after posting this comment and figured I would share if anyone was interested. I was able to successfully register using a Russian email address (I created a free one using Once I used this email address, I was finally able to receive a confirmation email to finish setting up my account.
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