Top Secret Researcher
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#1 Old 10th Jan 2013 at 9:17 AM
Default If you are an Urb fanatic, this is where YOU VOTE for your favourite Urb
Okay, so we all know the nine districts, and who was in each of them, right? I DO! Lets start being down in the darkness:

Central Station:

Scary Mary

Beelzebob Jones

Kidd Chaos

Frag Grrl

Genghis Lincoln

Kicktail Park:

Alley Stile

Rolanda Skye

String Bean

Skid Mark

Trang Hang

The Foundry:

Roxanna Hardplace

Bella Ciao

Crispin Black

Arthur Pop

Neo Flange

Neon East:

Mazuiko Jones

Sara Tonin

Professor Chewy

Venus Moonflower

Loop D. Loop

Cozmo Street:




Diamond Heights:

Cash Monet

Babbette Couture

Sophie Couture

Diva Roma

Pootie Fads

South Side Bridge:

Louie Bricks

Jimmy Two-Shoes

Pamela Sneer

Babs Margarita

Luke Laruffle

Skyline Beach:

Toots Sweet

Lil' Bit

Isis Ice

S.A. Loco

Ridiculous D.O.G

Gasoline Row:

Sharkey Spitz

Duke Headbutt

Jet Rockit

Pork Chop

Suzie Mack

There is all of the people from Urbz. Soooooooooooooo, who was your favourite character? And why?

Let me start. Oh yeah.

ALL TIME FAVOURITE, it is a tie between:

Scary Mary, Bella Ciao, Mazuiko Jones, Alley Stile, and Rolanda Skye: I just love the style, and the attitude that they both had. Even if Bella had this habit to do the "Smoke Trick" social on my Urb, ALL THE TIME. And so what if Bella, Scary Mary, Mazuiko, Alley, and Rolanda got jealous when my Urb talked to others. Pssh! No, but seriously, Bella Ciao, Scary Mary, Mazuiko, Alley, and Rolanda, are just too fucking awesome for their own good. And I love the different personalities that they had I love these ladies the most

Second place, another tie:

Babbette Couture, Sophie Couture, Diva Roma, Frag Grrl, and Venus Moonflower: Alright, so these four are pretty awesome. I got to say myself. The different styles, and personalities are amazing. But what makes these four different from the five that came in first. Is that they will flirt non-stop ((Alright so I lied. Bella, Alley, and Rolanda are like that as well...And Scary Mary will never stop biting you)). Especially, the three from Diamond Heights. They just love your Urb's attention. And if you don't give the attention they want...Well, they will make it known to everyone else. They will flirt heavily, until you give them attention. Fun stuff that is.

The rest were pretty cool, in their own unique way. HOWEVER, when at The Foundry, be ready to be either bitch slapped or be doing the bitch slapping. It never ends pretty there, that is why I try to stay away, even if my Urb is like in love with everyone in the game. Its kind of fun to watch the people bitch slap as they fighting over your Urb. Makes me giggle even now when I am thinking about it :P

Seriously, I had Alley and Rolanda at my apartment ((This is an example)), well, I made my Urb do 'Tuck N Hug 360', on both of them. Well, out of nowhere, that is ALL they were doing to my Urb. And the constant bitch slapping. I was laughing so hard, that I couldn't breathe. And finally, I calmed myself down, and asked them to leave. Two seconds later, Babbette shows up. And I am like:

"What the hey, come in!"

And next minute I know, Babbette is strip teasing my Urb, then Diva shows up. And I let her come in. So now both Diva and Babbette is strip teasing my Urb...I am thinking:


So, which Urb is your favourite?!

"Queen of the Damned seeks knight in shining piercings for pleasure, pain and purring"--Scary Mary from the Urbz: Sims In The City

"A Famous Explorer once said: 'The extraordinary is in what we do, not who we are.'"--Lara Croft from Tomb Raider 2013
Forum Resident
#2 Old 10th Jan 2013 at 6:33 PM
I liked everyone from the foundry. They are more my style.
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#3 Old 10th Jan 2013 at 10:58 PM
They did have some nice threads. I liked what Bella wore the most =^.^=

"Queen of the Damned seeks knight in shining piercings for pleasure, pain and purring"--Scary Mary from the Urbz: Sims In The City

"A Famous Explorer once said: 'The extraordinary is in what we do, not who we are.'"--Lara Croft from Tomb Raider 2013
Mad Poster
#4 Old 11th Jan 2013 at 3:13 AM
My favourite from Central Station is: Beelzebob Jones
My favourite from Kicktail Park is: String Bean and Trang Hang
My favourite from The Foundry is: Neo Flange and Crispin Black
My favourite from Neon East is: Loop D. Loop
My favourite from Cozmo Street is: Polo
My favourite from Diamond Heights is: Pootie Fads
My favourite from South Side Bridge is: Louie Bricks
My favourite from Skyline Beach is: S.A. Loco
My favourite from Gasoline Row is: Jet Rockit
And out of the villains my favourite is Harry Snivel

Make it idiot proof and someone will make a better idiot.
Steam ID: PadukSteam
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#5 Old 11th Jan 2013 at 3:17 AM
I like the list, daniandan I like it. I totally forgot the villains. I don't know Kiki Blunt was pretty cool. Then again I am into the Gothic style. I liked Harry Snivel. Even if the damn pop-up irritated me, when it was time to pay rent -.-" I, of course, paid all the time.

"Queen of the Damned seeks knight in shining piercings for pleasure, pain and purring"--Scary Mary from the Urbz: Sims In The City

"A Famous Explorer once said: 'The extraordinary is in what we do, not who we are.'"--Lara Croft from Tomb Raider 2013
Forum Resident
#6 Old 11th Jan 2013 at 7:29 AM
Ill do what was done above:

My favourite from Central Station is: Scary (She was awesome. Perfectly my style)
My favourite from Kicktail Park is: Alley (She reminds me of Crystal from the GBA/DS version, which i love)
My favourite from The Foundry is: Arthur (Fun guy, only realistic looking though there. Has a funny glitch too where his head picture will be a different color then his real hair)
My favourite from Neon East is: Venus (I LOVE her hair)
My favourite from Cozmo Street is: Fergie (need i say more? Shes the reason the peas still exist)
My favourite from Diamond Heights is: Cash (Lol)
My favourite from South Side Bridge is: Babs
My favourite from Skyline Beach is: Toots (Awesome clothing)
My favourite from Gasoline Row is: None (There not really my style at all. I like to kick there bikes over) :P
And out of the villains my favourite is: Kiki Blunt. She was cool, but obviously not "BAD". She is there when you first start the game, and her last CHRONILOGICAL appearance you power kiss her, and she liked it.
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#7 Old 11th Jan 2013 at 7:55 PM
Babs was scary. I had a male Urb, and as soon as she walked in. She immediately did the Tango Social Interaction. And BAM, they were getting close and cozy. LOL. But the Gasoline Row peeps, look like their is a stick up their ass when they are walking. I was like:

"Well, if you didn't wear so much leather, they wouldn't have this problem"

Sad people

"Queen of the Damned seeks knight in shining piercings for pleasure, pain and purring"--Scary Mary from the Urbz: Sims In The City

"A Famous Explorer once said: 'The extraordinary is in what we do, not who we are.'"--Lara Croft from Tomb Raider 2013
#8 Old 11th Jan 2013 at 10:24 PM
Scary Mary.....she was my sims best friend.

To see a world in a grain of sand, and heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour.

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Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#9 Old 12th Jan 2013 at 4:07 AM
Scary Mary is the shit. I absolutely love her. I really do ^.^

"Queen of the Damned seeks knight in shining piercings for pleasure, pain and purring"--Scary Mary from the Urbz: Sims In The City

"A Famous Explorer once said: 'The extraordinary is in what we do, not who we are.'"--Lara Croft from Tomb Raider 2013
#10 Old 12th Jan 2013 at 4:10 PM
Me too!!
I remember Scary Mary saying your signature!!!!

To see a world in a grain of sand, and heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour.

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Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#11 Old 12th Jan 2013 at 8:17 PM
I had to make that quote my signature! I just had to. She is just amazing, she is different from a lot of the Sims and Urbz. And I like that.

In the Sims 2 the only time they have a different personality is either by their star sign or due to their points, such on nice or playful.

In the Urbz, they ALL have different personalities, and I love it.

"Queen of the Damned seeks knight in shining piercings for pleasure, pain and purring"--Scary Mary from the Urbz: Sims In The City

"A Famous Explorer once said: 'The extraordinary is in what we do, not who we are.'"--Lara Croft from Tomb Raider 2013
#12 Old 13th Jan 2013 at 4:25 PM
yeah, if the just did the same thing, i would be EVEN MORE happy!

To see a world in a grain of sand, and heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour.

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Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#13 Old 13th Jan 2013 at 11:56 PM
In the Urbz, you NEVER lost ANY interaction, they ALL stayed. You could use it a bagillion times. You didn't need a mod, to keep all of the interactions. You could STILL do ALL of the Romantic gestures.

I love Tuck N Hug 360. I love when it fails too. They just shake their head, and act all lovey dovey when they catch your Urb, they toss them to the ground. Fun stuff.

I think that is what I love so much about the Urbz, is it isn't like the Sims at all. Its different. Even in the Sims 2 on the console, you lost a lot of the interactions as the relationship went up. Not the same with Bustin' Out or Urbz. They always stayed, no matter what the relationship was at. Even if they were pissed off at your Urb, you could still be Romantic...Just ya know, it was a HUGE risk, lol.

I always liked to push the envelope though, even if it was in red, I would try for it. Sometimes it would go, then sometimes it would fail.

But whatever District I started on, I was NEVER against my "family". Take Diamond Heights, where you have to use the "Stink Bomb" social on Diva Roma, I never did. I was like

"I am sooo not going to be mean to my family. Pssh, hell no."

"Queen of the Damned seeks knight in shining piercings for pleasure, pain and purring"--Scary Mary from the Urbz: Sims In The City

"A Famous Explorer once said: 'The extraordinary is in what we do, not who we are.'"--Lara Croft from Tomb Raider 2013
#14 Old 19th Jan 2013 at 11:52 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Eternal Winter
"I am sooo not going to be mean to my family. Pssh, hell no."

Just like me and Scary Mary!

To see a world in a grain of sand, and heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour.

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Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#15 Old 21st Jan 2013 at 4:43 AM
It is all in the truth. I could never do that to the people that I was on the lot with. In which I mean the lot I started on. It was just sad to do so. Though at one point I did do EVERYTHING, and I got every single skin for my XAM, pretty awesome stuff ^.^
#16 Old 22nd Dec 2013 at 11:11 AM
When I first played I went to the foundry first. I think my sim's best friends were Arthur and Neo and he was dating Bella. So for nostalgic sake, those three have my vote.
Field Researcher
#17 Old 27th Apr 2016 at 2:38 PM
My favourites were Mazuiko and Venus from Neon East and the Coture sisters from Diamond Heights, they were also my favourite areas in the game haha~
Top Secret Researcher
#18 Old 18th Jan 2018 at 5:31 AM Last edited by lordtyger9 : 18th Jan 2018 at 5:57 AM.
I am going to name my favourites in each district, because I always had at least on Urb in my crew in each district.

I played both Males and Females, usually the same crew though.

Starting with the one in the Deep.

Central Station: one of my Fav places

I always had Scary Mary and Frag Grrl in my crew and was romantic as well with them. I changed their outfits a little and gave them some tattoos as well. I just love the style, and the attitude

Kidd Chaos I always did the mission with him, poor guy.

Kicktail Park: One of my Fav Places

Rolanda Skye was my favourite with Alley Stile secondary, both in my crew, I would do tattoos and piercings on both. I just love the style, and the attitude of Rolanda Skye.

I did the mission with Alley Stile poor girl, it would take me awhile, but I would do it.

String Bean I had him in my crew because of the mission he is in. I would do tattoos and piercings on him

The Foundry: One of my Fav places

Roxanna Hardplace, she was always in my crew. I would do tattoos and piercings on her. I just love the style, and the attitude she has.

Neo Flange I did the mission with him

Neon East: One of My Most Fav Places.

Mazuiko Jones in my crew, I would do tattoos and piercings on her. I just love the style, and the attitude she hasI would do romantic socials with her

Sara Tonin in my crew, I would do tattoos and piercings on her. I just love the style, and the attitude she has, I would do romantic socials with her

Professor Chewy would always do the mission that he is in.

Venus Moonflower in my crew, I would do tattoos and piercings on her. I just love the style, and the attitude she has, I would do romantic socials with her

Loop D. Loop in my crew, I would do tattoos and piercings on him.

Cozmo Street:

Fergie in my crew, I would do tattoos and piercings on her.

Diamond Heights:

Babbette Couture in my crew, I would do tattoos and piercings on her. Liked her Style. I would do romantic socials with her beyond the mission.

Diva Roma I would do the mission she is in

South Side Bridge:

Babs Margarita in my crew, I would do tattoos and piercings on her. Liked her Style. I would do romantic socials with her

Skyline Beach:

Toots Sweet in my crew, I would do tattoos and piercings on her. I would do her missions Liked her Style. I would do romantic socials with her

Gasoline Row: One of my Fav Places

Sharkey Spitz In my Crew I would do tattoos and piercings on her and was romantic as well with her. I would do mission she is in. Loved her Style and attitude. I would do romantic socials with her

Jet Rockit I would do mission he is in

Suzie Mack In my Crew I would do tattoos and piercings on her and was romantic as well with her. Loved her Style and attitude. I would do romantic socials with her

I would do all of the Missions...100%.

I liked it when one Urb would bitch slap another one because of me, they didn't slap me very much from what I can recall.

I still play every so often, this is one of my fav console games.

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