Link Ninja
Original Poster
#1 Old 16th Aug 2021 at 10:19 PM
Default Invalid Link for the MTS2 creators who take requests page.
Hey there, I noticed on the official 'Forum Rules and Guidelines' in the Sims 2 WCIF post:

That the link at the end of this line:
"No Requests!
The WCIF forum is not for requesting new content - we do not have anywhere to post requests here. You may find a creator who is willing to do your request for TS2 Creators who take Requests."

leads to an error 404 'not found'

BUT there is a valid page on MTS here:

So I think it just needs relinked.

Edit: is there a reason thread is locked. Does MTS not allow people to offer to make things anymore? From the FAQ section it instructs people to check out those threads of creators who take requests. Just wondering since I was gonna offer up posebox services. But if not that's cool too, there's outside sites I can offer that.

Uh oh! My social bar is low - that's why I posted today.

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