#35151 Old Yesterday at 8:45 PM Last edited by Sokisims : Yesterday at 9:05 PM.
Thank you, it was very useful!
Didn't I know you could only use one color?
#35152 Old Yesterday at 10:39 PM
They pick the color according to some of their properties. Like all even numbered sims are one, and odd numbered the other. I asked how it was chosen some time ago, but I didn't get or missed the answer.

I was lucky that the waiter at my Crypt O' nightclub in Downtown randomly got the black variant, and the One-Twenty-Five Cafe got the golden. Maybe you can make another waiter and get lucky.

I think there are more of these variant clothes. Like the military outfit, which can be green or sand color.
#35153 Old Today at 1:48 AM
I have twin teen boys in the teen military career and one got green and the other got sand. Kind of annoying but the odd/even thing would make sense.
#35154 Old Today at 5:25 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Gcgb53191
While "burying" a sim, I realized her husband's headstone was missing.

Can someone give me the link or directions on how to respawn it again? This has happened before but I cannot for the life or me remember how I retrieved them.

Bumping this so it doesn't get lost.

Would running Hood Checker retrieve graves? I think that's worked for me in the past. Anyone else use it for that?

"Thinking of you, wherever you are. We pray for our sorrows to end, and hope that our hearts will blend." - Kingdom Hearts

XPTL Mod Archive | Change a Mod's Mesh into a CC Object | Increasing the Game Difficulty | Editing ACR 4 Your Age Mod
aka Kelyns | she/her
Mad Poster
#35155 Old Today at 5:34 AM
Pretty sure it has that as a function, yeah. It asks you where you want them all to go.

This reminds me to ask: How would I go about troubleshooting Hoodchecker? It won't run for any of my neighborhoods any more. When it first happened I assumed that neighborhood was borked in some way, but it seems unlikely that every single neighborhood I have is borked in a way Hoodchecker can't handle.

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
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