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#1 Old 22nd Nov 2024 at 6:23 PM
Default 'Natural' Deaths
Saving Julien Cooke's thread from derailing (unless someone has a way he died XD) and because I'm curious.

What sim deaths have you seen naturally (i.e. with no 'assistance' or bugs)?

I'd guess that most everyone has seen old age, so not counting that (yes, I know that you havent seen it, AndrewGloria :P).

Quote: Originally posted by ws2003
For fire one of my sims did a kitchen chaos and killed off 2 household members. she did it twice lol. I meme that she's horrible at cooking

I managed to kill off several sims by not realising that a barbecue might need a fire alarm. That was chaos, but the dead sims were successfully pleaded for and the dog was found (he saw the fire and ran away).

Quote: Originally posted by iforgot
Ironically, I have to mod my games to make them a little more disaster prone, I find in my game nothing bad ever happens by itself, even with autonomy on.

Yeah, my sims don't tend to get into major trouble and I always have free will on.
Mad Poster
#2 Old 22nd Nov 2024 at 6:35 PM Last edited by simmer22 : 22nd Nov 2024 at 10:01 PM.
Can't remember if all of them resulted in death, but it's extremely likely - the situations happened, anyway - Fire (from for instance cooking, christmas trees, or fireplaces), overheating/spontaneous combustion (hot tub), starvation, electrocution, sunlight (vampire), old age.

I'm not 100% sure, but there's a chance I've had a satellite death happen without provoking it. Potentially also cowplant attack (I usually fence them in if I use them, so they're rearely unprovoked), wishing well, and bees (a vacation gone wrong).

Likely more, but I can't remember the spesifics. I've tested out several of the others to see what they look like (mods) or cheated down motives/similar and put sims in various situations, but haven't had them happen without cheating. Most of the time it's been intentional, for testing purposes (I generally don't save). I don't like when sims die unintentionally, so the times they have it's been an odd case of poor management with lots of sims, especially if there's one or more who just keep getting into sticky situations.

These days I mostly have free will off, so they don't get into too much trouble (but the occasional fire happens - thank goodness for sprinklers!).
Forum Resident
#3 Old 22nd Nov 2024 at 7:08 PM
Satellite, fire (the train set), starvation, electrocution. Also disease (food poisoning), though that was with the realistic sickness mod that I have installed when playing an apocalypse challenge.

I am Error.
Mad Poster
#4 Old 22nd Nov 2024 at 7:35 PM
Aside from old age, I've seen fire, drowning (misplaced pool ladder), sickness (though I use mods that affect the severity), and drowning/starvation (a glitched permanently-swimming dormie resulted in the game getting confused about the animation).

I also once had an unexpected death-by-childbirth, but that probably not count - I'd actually modified it to 100% chances for testing but forgot to swap the file back when I was done.

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#5 Old 22nd Nov 2024 at 7:51 PM
I never get any deaths without assistance. The Elixir of Life is so widely available. Even if I deliberately start a fire, it takes a long time. They lose a lot of value and be miserable, but not die for a long time.
#6 Old 22nd Nov 2024 at 7:56 PM
I have some mods that affect this, and can't remember which ones exactly, but I do know I have a mod that allows Sims to die on community lots and visiting playables to die on other Sims' lots. I have taken out a lot of my "death" mods like more dangerous fires and realistic sickness, so now I see very few deaths by fire and no deaths from illness.

Most of my deaths from unnatural causes are:
- Fire, usually from fires set by the arsonist burglar, which can get out of control, or which are caused by lightning strikes that don't get put out by the rain and then spread
- Starvation, usually of pregnant Sims, usually a direct result of my neglect
- Cowplant - with my mods, if you don't gate that thing in, visitors will get eaten, including playables and the nanny
- Electrocution - when fixing the TV or computer, although it's more likely they'll set a fire and die that way
- Spontaneous combustion - rare, but I've seen it; when I first started playing, I saw it a lot in Riverblossom Hills, but I think there might have been a bug ???
- Heatstroke - I saw this a few times when I had back-to-back summers in Strangetown before I put in air conditioning
- Getting stuck - Sometimes visitors or Sims on community lots get stuck and I just let it happen; eventually, I guess they starve
- Fright - I specifically remember seeing Olive die this way once after getting scared by ghosts like three times in a row, but I think it's pretty rare

I never play vampires now because they ALWAYS die even though I have all the mods to make it easier.

I have never seen death from flies or rally forth. I've only once seen a death by satellite, and that was when my son was playing, not me, but I never have them cloud watch because I forget. I have never seen a death from drowning that wasn't maliciously caused by removing the pool ladder.
Mad Poster
#7 Old 22nd Nov 2024 at 7:59 PM
I learned a lot about keeping sims alive in Sims 1, where sims were electrocuted, burned, drowned once, and nearly but not quite starved (I realized I wasn't going to be able to solve the hunger/exhaustion loop and quit without saving). Most of that knowledge remained good in Sims 2, which has similar routing protocols and death types. By far the majority of accidental deaths can be eliminated with careful routing, or at least allowing two tiles of access and multiple exits.

I've talked before about how one of the first things that ever happened when I played Strangetown was accidentally starving pregnant Vidcund to death. I didn't know about patches and I only had Deluxe in at the time; since then it has become much harder to starve sims, because it takes so long, but I also, when I play Strangetown, don't do anything else till I've remodeled the house to do away with the routing fail that prevented my saving him.

Early in Drama Acres I got a shock when I got a notice about Red Onions's death by satellite as he stood at the telescope. I had picture-in-picture on and assumed that significant events would include sim death! I don't remember if I'd heard about falling satellites before. Anyway I counted that as unfair, turned off picture-in-picture which never seemed to show me anything actually important, quit the house without saving, and have never had a legit satellite death since. If I did I would have to allow it as fair since I'm aware of the possibility now. I still tend to not tell couples to cuddle under clouds or stars, but I don't panic if they do it autonomously, and I've gotten blase about telescope viewing.

I had one accidental fire death in SSU Drama Acres. I generally make sims repair their own stuff if they need mechanical skill and have time for it, and wasn't worried about electrocution in the sorority because the only straight-up electrocution death I've ever had was in Sims 1. Tri-Var had everything handy that an electrocuted sim would need to survive, and no girl was ever alone in that building, so there was always someone on hand to plead with Grim if the worst did come to worst. What I hadn't figured on was an electrocution starting a fire! Ivy Copur was fixing a computer in one of the small upstairs room, and when the fire started it blocked her way to the door. I had another girl call the fire department while Ivy tried to put it out, but she kept panicking and by the time the firefighter arrived she was already on fire. When Grim showed no one could get around the firefighter, standing in the doorway, to plead. So poor Ivy died, and now computers get sprinklers above them if I have to put them in a confined space.

I am also much more aware of lightning fires than I used to be before the Great Thyme Fire. Lightning set a bush on fire while the family was having breakfast and I ignored it because the rain would put it out. But there was a lot of vegetation on that lot and the rain stopped. By the time the schoolbus came the outdoors were a raging inferno and I had four teens and an adult to wrangle trying to put it out, and the doorway got fire on it, so when Spring Thyme heroically ran through it to call the fire department she brought fire inside and it burned her up. Grim then came and stood in the doorway with his back to everyone trying to plead for her. The fire department was blocked by the school bus and car pool. Really it was miraculous only one of them died; when the fire department finally got access they mostly extinguished sims while all the vegetation burned up. Spring made a really angry ghost, too, nearly killed her dad when he got alien pregnant. Eventually one of her sisters got ahold of a bone phone and resurrected her, but by that time she had gone from the oldest, on the verge of college, to the youngest, with three married sisters and an obsession with her old boyfriend, who after an extended period of mourning had married and had a kid.

I have always been a benevolent player, but I did not call that hood Drama Acres for nothing.

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
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Mad Poster
#8 Old 22nd Nov 2024 at 8:31 PM
I've seen (excepting the old age) murder by gun, starvation while pregnant, death from childbirth-(that's the medieval
game) suicide by knife, lightning strike.

Hey you said natural death-murder is not natural but death from murder is...

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#9 Old 22nd Nov 2024 at 8:49 PM Last edited by Bulbizarre : 22nd Nov 2024 at 9:55 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
turned off picture-in-picture which never seemed to show me anything actually important,

Most of the time for me, the picture-in-picture usually pops up for absolutely no reason. I even click through to see if there's roaches or a nearby fight but nope.

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#10 Old 22nd Nov 2024 at 9:36 PM
I've had fire, satellite, cowplant, drowning, vampire death by sunlight, electrocution, rally forth and flies. So many flies! (I love cleanbots, and they break often! )

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#11 Old 22nd Nov 2024 at 10:25 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Charity
Saving Julien Cooke's thread from derailing (unless someone has a way he died XD) and because I'm curious.

What sim deaths have you seen naturally (i.e. with no 'assistance' or bugs)?

I'd guess that most everyone has seen old age, so not counting that (yes, I know that you havent seen it, AndrewGloria :P).

I managed to kill off several sims by not realising that a barbecue might need a fire alarm. That was chaos, but the dead sims were successfully pleaded for and the dog was found (he saw the fire and ran away).

Yeah, my sims don't tend to get into major trouble and I always have free will on.

Actually I haven’t really seen old age death not in 2

Usually back then the adults went all on fire and the kids got taken by the social workers. Also I’m p sure I had sims whose lore: they were already dead or resurrected or immortal or were related to the grim reaper

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#12 Old 22nd Nov 2024 at 10:49 PM
I did have death by satellite once, I remember my sister an I had just started a new save and she created this Sim which autonomously started looking at the sky as soon as we moved her into a lot... Three seconds later we saw the Grim reaper approaching ^^'' obviously we quit without saving lol

Most of my Sim nowadays die of old age, although every now and then I have the occasional fire which kills them off - I was very close yesterday as one of my Sims who just graduated went to close to one of the NL flamethrowers. Thankfully her sister was part of the family and manage to save her (normally I don't resurrect Sims ingame, but since she was about to became an adult and move back to Pleasantview I made an exception).
#13 Old 23rd Nov 2024 at 4:01 AM
Quote: Originally posted by sim4fan1
I did have death by satellite once, I remember my sister an I had just started a new save and she created this Sim which autonomously started looking at the sky as soon as we moved her into a lot... Three seconds later we saw the Grim reaper approaching ^^'' obviously we quit without saving lol

Welcome to the sims! This is your new home, these are your sims and.. oh.. uh.. woops. Would you like to start again?

#14 Old 23rd Nov 2024 at 6:06 AM
Hmm, not that many, honestly. About all I can remember are a starvation death that I didn't save (pregnant Sims with multiple important motives low are a pain), the odd cowplant om-nom-nomming a visitor, a fright death, and a Murphy bed squish.

WARNING: Professional Lurker Alert!
Quote: Originally posted by DooMStalK
You know, a lot of people have ended up in the hospital with embarrassing injuries because they thought their vacuum "blows"

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#15 Old 23rd Nov 2024 at 11:12 AM
Quote: Originally posted by FranH
I've seen (excepting the old age) murder by gun, starvation while pregnant, death from childbirth-(that's the medieval
game) suicide by knife, lightning strike.

Hey you said natural death-murder is not natural but death from murder is...

By natural I meant not from mods, cheats, or intentional murder by the player. XD

Also, wait, bees can kill sims?
Mad Poster
#16 Old 23rd Nov 2024 at 11:59 AM
I am smarter now (and I think my Sims are smarter too) - but I lost sims to almost all of the natural causes when I started playing all those years ago.

The died from fire, they died from lightning, they died by satellite, they died by fleas, they starved to death - no drowning, I gave them ladders for the damn pool.

I think the game has improved itself, though - but my Mr Silke certainly survives everything, and walked around happy as a clown when he was struck by lightning the other day
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#17 Old 23rd Nov 2024 at 12:21 PM
I have always been obsessive with placing smoke alarms/sprinklers, so my sims are usually safe from fire. They don't get allowed to go in hot tubs in lightning storms and I've rarely had them hit by lightning otherwise.

Don't think I've ever had a house filthy enough for flies. Ironically, not even the house that I used for testing my roach mod got filthy enough, despite trash piles everywhere.

I did mod death by satellites out. It just seemed too silly.

I remember once when I had sent a sim to hospital (Chris Hatch's hospital mod), the orderly doing his rounds suddenly started walking around in 'I have been hit by lightning' boxers and shocked hair etc. It wasn't storming and he was inside.
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#18 Old 23rd Nov 2024 at 12:31 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Charity
By natural I meant not from mods, cheats, or intentional murder by the player. XD

Also, wait, bees can kill sims?

Only Sun&Moon bees, I lost a sim on the day he was made to just that.

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
~Call me Jo~
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#19 Old 23rd Nov 2024 at 1:23 PM
Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
Only Sun&Moon bees, I lost a sim on the day he was made to just that.

Ah, I was wondering if my sims had just been extremely lucky when they got the 'chased by bees' tour result. XD

Edit: Wait a second, they said it was from a vacation gone wrong?
Lab Assistant
#20 Old 23rd Nov 2024 at 3:05 PM
The only real accidental death for a playable sim I can recall was back when I first played. I made all my sims watch clouds as I decorated and one of them got hit by a satellite. The lag on my computer made me think they exploded
Mad Poster
#21 Old 23rd Nov 2024 at 4:00 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Charity
I did mod death by satellites out. It just seemed too silly.

There are other variations (falling piano, for instance - though the silliness may be equal)
#22 Old 23rd Nov 2024 at 5:03 PM
Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
There are other variations (falling piano, for instance - though the silliness may be equal)

I miss the Sims 3 meteorites, they were pretty good for clearing areas of excess sims.

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#23 Old 23rd Nov 2024 at 5:46 PM
Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
There are other variations (falling piano, for instance - though the silliness may be equal)

Yeah, I saw one for a falling anvil lol.

Quote: Originally posted by iforgot
I miss the Sims 3 meteorites, they were pretty good for clearing areas of excess sims.

I never saw one personally, but I saw a video of one that fell on a school and murdered all the children. :O
Needs Coffee
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#24 Old 23rd Nov 2024 at 10:08 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Charity
Ah, I was wondering if my sims had just been extremely lucky when they got the 'chased by bees' tour result. XD

Edit: Wait a second, they said it was from a vacation gone wrong?

I didn't see the post. If a sim died after being chased by Maxis bees after getting off the helicopter tour I would say they probably died due to starvation since sims don't take care of their needs while running around, so that is always possible. Unless there is some super rare chance with Maxis bees that I don't know about.

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
~Call me Jo~
#25 Old 24th Nov 2024 at 2:37 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Charity
I did mod death by satellites out. It just seemed too silly.
Hey, those de-orbiting satellites have to go somewhere, and while I'm sure the folks at the SimNation equivalent of NASA do rigorously calculate their trajectory so they fall harmlessly into the ocean (or at least an unpopulated area)... sometimes they miscalculate. And of course, sometimes that de-orbit isn't planned, in which case all bets are off.

WARNING: Professional Lurker Alert!
Quote: Originally posted by DooMStalK
You know, a lot of people have ended up in the hospital with embarrassing injuries because they thought their vacuum "blows"

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