Mad Poster
#51 Old 5th Jun 2009 at 8:02 PM
Well, I HATED Riley because he used Buffy for sex, sex, sex, and then dumped her for no good reason. His "career" was more important than everything she had given him. I always hate anyone who hurts Buffy, including Joss Whedon who treated her like hell in Season 6, just (I think) because he was made at Sarah Michelle Gellar! But Riley was just a placeholder; he really didn't have the charisma to keep up with Buffy. Now Spike, he was the one for her!! But, of course, Joss Whedon thought he was too "evil" to really be a true match for Buffy....note the hate for Joss Whedon??? But actually I love his stuff, including Firefly...just get mad at him sometimes.
Field Researcher
#52 Old 6th Jun 2009 at 3:01 PM
Riley was truly beyond boring and annoying.
What I find funny is all that talk about how "they communicate better without words" and all the episodes this was supposed to be illustrated in... for me that came across pretty much exactly the opposite.
Riley and Buffy's relationship felt doomed from the start because in episode after episode it was clearly pointed out just how much those two did NOT COMMUNICATE. Oh sure they could rip each other's clothes off , but they never really talked, at most they lied to one another or fought. Plus to me Riley came across as a guy that needed to be in charge, not really equal to Buffy but superior, while Buffy rarely treated him as an equal in anything. Gee, what a surprise that they broke up! XP Very realistically done, though.
Aaaand... well he was just so boring! :P
Field Researcher
#53 Old 6th Jun 2009 at 4:32 PM
Ya. Riley bored me to death, all through Season 4, I was so happy he left in Season 5. Yay. I actually don't like Buffy all that much either. She's not my fave but not my least fave. Somewhere in the middle but somehow leaning to the fave more.

Know what I mean?
Mad Poster
#54 Old 6th Jun 2009 at 11:33 PM
LOL - no, what do you mean??? Just who do you prefer over Buffy on the series?

And BTW have any of you heard that someone (I can't remember who right now) is considering making a new Buffy movie - a reboot - so nothing from the original cheesy movie and NOTHING from the series, no SMG, no one, not even the same characters from the TV series! I was kind of shocked/surprised/outraged when I read this. If I can find the reference I'll post it - somewhere on Yahoo entertainment news. But what do you guys think?

And also any ideas on where to get the David Boreanaz sims by Stefan. His site is gone and he's not on WNF anymore. I did a WCIF at The Sims Cave for his stuff, so maybe...but he probably hasn't released it as yet. My own Angel sims are woefully lacking in similarity to Angel.
Forum Resident
Original Poster
#55 Old 7th Jun 2009 at 1:08 AM
About the movie OMFGGGGGGGGGGG yes I actually started a thread about it (not on mts though)
Copy and pasted:

There's going to be a Buffy movie..
But Joss is not involved.
In fact, none of the actors on the TV show will be in it.
Fran Rubel Kuzui, the director of the original Buffy the Vampire Slayer film plans to make a second film that isn't related to Joss's much-loved TV series at all.
They plan to create a new incarnation of Buffy but not trample over the existing series. They want to make a more darker ,event sized version with franchise potential.
Right now, they are just in the beginning phase of sitting down with writers and getting takes and ideas.

Thoughts? Feelings?
They're picking out a whole different cast and IMO the film is going to tarnish the reputation of Buffy that Joss worked so hard for.
Not to mention the original movie really, really sucked.

[center]Link. Link. Link.

Ryuchan! You are alive!!
Mad Poster
#56 Old 7th Jun 2009 at 9:03 AM
Thanks for the link, Straightroad. I'm totally outraged about this really stupid plan. Firstly the original movie (tho' I stand by my scifi/fantasy movies no matter how ratty they are) absolutely SUCKED!!!!!! Eventho' I loved Donald Sutherland in it and of course the whole originality of the concept of a little, blonde vampire slayer was so innovative, it was way too campy for me. I hate campy!! I had read that Joss Whedon totally distanced himself from the movie, he thought it was so bad.

So doesn't Joss Whedon own the rights to the Buffy "franchise'? I can't believe he'd let someone else butcher it. He seems to be pretty passionate about his creations even writing graphic novels about Angel and Buffy after the series were cancelled. Buffy never got the respect it deserved from the mainstream entertainment industry and I can't believe any remake of it would respect the story at all.

And what would Buffy be without her scoobies? Do they plan on a whole new group of scoobies (...gag...Luke Perry, PeeWee Herman...gag...) and if so, why? Why not make movies with the established Buffy group? I miss Xander, Anya, Dawn, Giles, Spike...and even the smaller roles. I still don't understand why spin-offs with Giles and Spike never took off. I think they would have had a success at least among fans.

Anyone have any comments?
Field Researcher
#57 Old 9th Jun 2009 at 10:06 PM
Booo! I want another Buffy movie with all the old people! I miss Willow, and Buffy, Dawn, and Xander, and Giles, and Anya!
Field Researcher
#58 Old 12th Jun 2009 at 8:30 AM
Straightroad, silly... we talk over email, of course I'm not dead. XP I've been sick a lot though as you know, so I haven't logged into MTS much.

To go back a little to what jj1010 wrote, Buffy was for most part not exactly my favorite either. In fact most of the rest of the female cast came in before Buffy on my list; Willow, Tara, Faith, Anya... But season 5 Buffy, at least once the Riley crap had been purged, now _she_ was awesome! I loved Buffy during that whole thing, unfortunately season six pretty much killed her, making Buffy the least likeable I had ever seen her. *sighs*

A new movie. And one that does NOT have SMG, Hannigan or the others? Oh my... and the first movie DID SO VERY WELL after all. *sarcasm*
What could they possibly be thinking? The only people that will be even remotely interested in watching it will be the most dieheard fans of the TV-show, and those fans won't like that kind of remake. Right?
Now I for one always found the original movie funny in some strange way... the way you might find a really crappy B movie hilarious in ways it was never meant to be funny, I guess. And after watching that movie I was waiting for the TV-series to start up for a long time, but even though my initial go at the TV-series when it aired was less than successful, lets just say that I was NOT disappointed that it really had nothing in common with the movie besides the name of the main character. :p
Forum Resident
Original Poster
#59 Old 12th Jun 2009 at 9:17 AM
Oh you're the one who's constantly sending me random emails, Ryuchan!! xD

I never quite liked Buffy much..I thought she was a good role model, yes, but not someone particularly likeable as say, Xander or Giles.

No matter how many people try to convince that nothing could ever tarnish the ingenuity of Joss Whedon, I know that if/when the film comes out, people will associate it with the TV show. The crapness of the film will make the TV show look even better, but people would judge the film on the series.
Field Researcher
#60 Old 15th Jun 2009 at 2:04 AM
Buffy was to ... I don't know. I have to agree with you though, Ryuchan; she was great in the end of Season 5. I liked her in Season 1 and sort of in Season 2 though.

Straightroad: People will dislike the movie and for that dislike the show; even though they are two different things.

Ahh! I wish Buffy had a season 8 and 9 and 10! Moar Buffyz!
Forum Resident
Original Poster
#61 Old 20th Jun 2009 at 11:00 AM
Has anyone read the S8 comics?
Field Researcher
#62 Old 20th Jun 2009 at 11:41 AM
Quote: Originally posted by edejan
Thanks for the link, Straightroad. I'm totally outraged about this really stupid plan. Firstly the original movie (tho' I stand by my scifi/fantasy movies no matter how ratty they are) absolutely SUCKED!!!!!! Eventho' I loved Donald Sutherland in it and of course the whole originality of the concept of a little, blonde vampire slayer was so innovative, it was way too campy for me. I hate campy!! I had read that Joss Whedon totally distanced himself from the movie, he thought it was so bad.

So doesn't Joss Whedon own the rights to the Buffy "franchise'? I can't believe he'd let someone else butcher it. He seems to be pretty passionate about his creations even writing graphic novels about Angel and Buffy after the series were cancelled. Buffy never got the respect it deserved from the mainstream entertainment industry and I can't believe any remake of it would respect the story at all.

And what would Buffy be without her scoobies? Do they plan on a whole new group of scoobies (...gag...Luke Perry, PeeWee Herman...gag...) and if so, why? Why not make movies with the established Buffy group? I miss Xander, Anya, Dawn, Giles, Spike...and even the smaller roles. I still don't understand why spin-offs with Giles and Spike never took off. I think they would have had a success at least among fans.

Anyone have any comments?
Spin off? there was a spin off???

Mornie utúlië (darkness has come)
Believe and you will find your way
Field Researcher
#63 Old 20th Jun 2009 at 11:46 AM
Quote: Originally posted by straightroad
Well, I haven't seen highly accurate Buffys/SMGs but I think Jirka's version was nice.
Get it Here
I don't think anyone's even attempted Giles or Xander.
I've seen some Willows but again not so accurate.
That's seriously all I know, hope the Buffy is good enough

EDIT Working on my own Buffy sim, she's on her way but isn't all too accurate atm: Click click click

Ahreemm! made xander and giles myself, they're here on this site. Don't know how adcurate they are, but you can see if they're usable

Mornie utúlië (darkness has come)
Believe and you will find your way
Field Researcher
#64 Old 21st Jun 2009 at 8:50 PM Last edited by jj1010 : 6th Jul 2009 at 5:25 PM.
Ooh I'll have to take a look Shiba.

and Straightroad; No I haven't but I want to. I don't know where to buy them though.
Field Researcher
#65 Old 22nd Jun 2009 at 5:51 PM
ShibaSunrise, very nice sims! ^_^
And the spinoffs, well, there was supposed to be a "Ripper" TV-series in which Giles went back to England and such, might that be the one edejan mentioned? (don't know about Spike though)
By the way, did they ever actually film any episodes for "Ripper", or was that canned before they got that far?

Not that, ahem, I personally would have been likely to follow a series based on Giles (or Spike for that matter), I probably would just have seen whatever episode any of the girls from BtVS appeared in like I did with Angel. ^~^
Forum Resident
Original Poster
#66 Old 23rd Jun 2009 at 10:22 AM
JJ, I think it should be fairly easy for you to get the comics from a comic store or something? Especially since you live in Canada, lucky you.

I remember there was talk of a Spike spinoff. A Faith one, too but Eliza declined. (busy schedule or something)
I agree with Ryuchan, I remember downloading those sims, can't believe I forgot xD

Oh and if anyone's interested, I got some very pretty Buffy icons yesterday!
Thought I'd share some
Field Researcher
#67 Old 24th Jun 2009 at 12:05 AM Last edited by jj1010 : 6th Jul 2009 at 5:25 PM.
Eliza got her show just not as Faith.
Dollhouse! By Joss Whedon. She plays the main character, Echo.

Oh and thanks Straightroad for the icons
Field Researcher
#69 Old 24th Jun 2009 at 8:30 PM
I remember there was talk of a Spike spinoff. A Faith one, too but Eliza declined. (busy schedule or something)

That was around the time when Eliza played the main character of Tru Calling, and supposedly that's why she declined. I bet she regretted that afterwards though, as that show went right into the waste basket after they added Jason Priestly to it and messed it up.
Dollhouse though... I've seen nine episodes so far, and I've got to say even though I didn't think I'd like it all that much, I love it.
Field Researcher
#70 Old 26th Jun 2009 at 5:21 PM
Ok, sorry to change the subject but I just want to see If I'm the only one.

She was one of my favorite characters and I was just wondering if anyone liked her too: Glory. I loved Season 5 just because she was in it! Anyone else like her?
Mad Poster
#71 Old 27th Jun 2009 at 9:43 AM
Nah, I couldn't stand Glory but she did wear great clothes. She was one of my least favorite characters - I thought she was just too one-sided. And her minions were so mousey. Even Jasmine, in the Angel series, had some redeeming qualities - I absolutely loved her btw.

I haven't been back here in a while due to total absorption in Sims 3, but re the spin off series. I'm in a group that works (or did in the past anyway) conventions and right after Buffy was cancelled, I worked a con with James Marsters and a few others. He said that Joss had suggested a spin off Spike series to him but over time, Joss never followed up. Same with ASH and the Ripper spin off. He kept putting it off messing around with his graphic novels and other projects and never got anything going. ASH meanwhile got another series in Britain - I think it was called Manchild. I saw a few episodes but I think it only lasted one season.

I think Joss Whedon's kind of ADD - he seems to lose his focus on projects and moves on to new ones. Anyway James Marsters said he would give Joss a few years (already past probably) to offer him the spin off. After that, he thought he would look too old to play a younger ageless vampire. I think he's around 45 now tho' he looks absolutely ravishing anyway.

Sigh...I don't think anything will ever replace Buffy and her crew for me...sob...:b
Field Researcher
#72 Old 28th Jun 2009 at 11:12 AM
I for one simply loved Glory. To me she was hands down the best villain of BtVS. ^_^ Powerful, charismatic and completely nutty... kind of reminded me of Callisto in XWP actually. XD
Test Subject
#73 Old 28th Jun 2009 at 1:23 PM
Hi everyone! Thanks for the invite straightroad. I LOVE Buffy - the best show of all time and I have watched each episode so many times - every time I iron clothes I put a Buffy DVD on, lol.

I agree with everyone who said Riley was boring - he and Buffy so did not go well together. I really quite liked the Initiative storyline though. I loved the idea of a military organisation performing experiments on demons.

And seriously, although it'd be great to have a new Buffy film I can't believe Joss is not going to be involved. Joss Wheadon is the Buffyverse King! I think the film will suck pretty much and it won't satisfy the true fans that's for sure. I like reading the Season 8 comics though but that's canon - I have to buy them off the net though so I don't have that many of them

Anyway, on to my introduction:

Fave Characters: I loved Buffy and she will always rank as one of my favourites - she is the original, the Queen of the Slayers. But my most favourite character is actually Giles - I really just loved him so much. I really liked Dawn even though she was a pretty bratty kid and I couldn't forget Oz. I loved Angel and Cordelia and Wesley - before and after they went onto Angel. As to minor characters I really was very fond of Amy (the witch) and of Quentin Travers (the Head of the Watchers Council) - I have a huge fascination with the Watchers Council so I loved the episodes with Quentin.

Least Fave Character: Riley (as mentioned above), Kennedy (I liked her at times but she was so in-your-face and she was so horrible to Buffy - she made me want to punch her, lol)

Favourite Villans: The Mayor and Caleb

Favourite Episodes: So many to choose from! I loved Once More, With Feeling, Hush, Becomming Pt 1 & Pt2, Checkpoint, Showtime, Touched, End of Days, Chosen, The Gift, Bad Girls, Something Blue... God, I could go on forever but i'll stop there.
Test Subject
#74 Old 18th Aug 2009 at 6:48 AM
Hi! Another Buffy fan here. I love it more than words can say.

Fave charries: Xander, Giles (cause he's so darn British), Spike, Anya and most of all EVIL!Willow. That was awesome.

Least fave: Probably Dawn. I hate it when she screams. It makes my ears bleed. And she's always 'oh the world is so horrible and everyone hates me, I'll just go and steal some stuff'. Whaaaa?

Fave Big Bad: Angelus is definitely one of the best. The whole end of season 2 was so heart wrenchingly brilliant. Then Mayor Wilkins was so funny. He had some of the best lines. But my favourite, again, was Willow. She started off as this sweet, innocent, fluffy jumper wearing good girl, and became (for a short time only) so evil and cruel. What she did to Warren was just When I first saw it I couldn't speak.

Fave episodes: Once More, With Feeling, The Body, Tabula Rasa (hahaha Randy Giles), Something Blue, Chosen, Angel, Passion, Surprise, Innocence, Becoming 1&2, The Gift, Band Candy ("Wooaahh, Summers, you drive like a spaaaaz!" Hahahaha Snyder!), Conversations with Dead People, The Storyteller, Lover's Walk (drunk Spike!), there are so many! I love them all! Most especially Welcome to the Hellmouth, cause that's what started it all
Test Subject
#75 Old 27th Feb 2010 at 2:29 AM
hi i just found about buffy last year because of my friends, but its totally awsome. spike is realy awsome and cool followed by buffy(duh!!!). faith> fave episodes:once more with feeling,hush,something blue,school hard. the chosen ep was sooo sad spike got killed i had no idea that he went on to the angel show until i acctually wached it.

bufftverse is perfect!! vampires who sparkle are just wrong!!

hello,dont take requests. but i just like to make stuff to see if people will like it.
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