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#1 Old 5th Dec 2023 at 4:29 AM

This user has the following games installed:

Sims 3, World Adventures, Ambitions, Late Night, Generations, Pets, Showtime, Supernatural, Seasons, University Life, Island Paradise, Into the Future
Default not sure im using these files right
so i found bubblegums plants live longer mod


DLed it and read through the instructions and the discussions to make sure i did things right... or at least i thought i did, so i cleared my 5 cache files and fired up the game, planted my garden and played a few days, the following plants went barren after the normal harvest time

Orange tree, Peach tree, Pear tree, blueberry bush, coca plant, strawberry plant, raspberry plant and blackberry plant

those are all store plants iirc... these are the 3 files of theirs that i have installed


now, if im reading, and understanding, the instructions and discussions correctly those are the 3 that i need and shouldnt conflict with each other, as far as i know none of my other mods effect the scripting that these files effect, so anyone have any ideas why the store plants arent lasting past normal harvest time?
#2 Old 5th Dec 2023 at 3:49 PM
So I created an override for the store plants awhile ago to produce more fruit. All regular and expansions worked but the override I created for the store plants wouldn't work either. I haven't tried to mess with it more but I never got it working. Sorry I'm not much help but that's been my experience with it.

I have altered other store files and made overrides (basketball hoop) and those have worked but it's something about the store plants and trees that just baffles me.
#3 Old 5th Dec 2023 at 5:05 PM
Quote: Originally posted by marydehoyos
So I created an override for the store plants awhile ago to produce more fruit. All regular and expansions worked but the override I created for the store plants wouldn't work either. I haven't tried to mess with it more but I never got it working. Sorry I'm not much help but that's been my experience with it.

I have altered other store files and made overrides (basketball hoop) and those have worked but it's something about the store plants and trees that just baffles me.

My thoughts come from general scripting, so could there be something you might see if you open the store OBJK in s3pe, that is different from other plants?

Shiny, happy people make me puke!
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#4 Old 5th Dec 2023 at 5:21 PM
i have never messed with scripting or used s3pe, knowing my luck i would mess something up beyond repair lol
Forum Resident
#5 Old 5th Dec 2023 at 8:05 PM
Depending on how you have your store content installed, the XML being modified here could be being overwritten by the default quite easily because it's in a file called ccmerged- that can be in the DCBackup folder, Overrides, or both.
You will want to make sure that _storeplants file is installed to the Overrides folder instead of Packages.
If you are using a type of store install that had you place a copy of ccmerged in Overrides, then you'd need to place this mod even higher in priority using the Resource.cfg file- but that's only important if you recall following a step like that to fix store content in the past.

+ as noted by the original mod, if you have a cooking overhaul or similar mod installed it can be overwriting the same resource. You can check conflicts like that with Delphy's Dashboard.
#6 Old 5th Dec 2023 at 10:06 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Silence731
i have never messed with scripting or used s3pe, knowing my luck i would mess something up beyond repair lol

What I'm talking about is not that bad. My basic line of thought is that if I can do it, ANYONE can! S3PE has an OBJK editor. I only mess with little things in the package, not entire script mods. You can change the objects script (what it does) in S3PE by replacing the reference, with another one from TS3.

This is something I was playing with. I'm not changing script, just to show where it is. I guess transmogrifier works in a similar way?

Anyway, I was thinking that this reference was different in the store item, and causing the issue.

Shiny, happy people make me puke!
#7 Old 6th Dec 2023 at 12:21 AM
Quote: Originally posted by CardinalSims
Depending on how you have your store content installed, the XML being modified here could be being overwritten by the default quite easily because it's in a file called ccmerged- that can be in the DCBackup folder, Overrides, or both.
You will want to make sure that _storeplants file is installed to the Overrides folder instead of Packages.
If you are using a type of store install that had you place a copy of ccmerged in Overrides, then you'd need to place this mod even higher in priority using the Resource.cfg file- but that's only important if you recall following a step like that to fix store content in the past.

+ as noted by the original mod, if you have a cooking overhaul or similar mod installed it can be overwriting the same resource. You can check conflicts like that with Delphy's Dashboard.

That might be my issue. I do have the ccmerged in the overrides folder. I might have to try this! I never thought about that.
#8 Old 6th Dec 2023 at 12:25 AM
Quote: Originally posted by LadySmoks
My thoughts come from general scripting, so could there be something you might see if you open the store OBJK in s3pe, that is different from other plants?

I checked but it's basically altering the xml that comes with the store plants. So took the harvestables from the store and ran it through s3rc.exe to break the store hold on it. Then I broke it into packages so I could just get to this file.
But like Cardinalsims stated it might be because I have the ccmerged in my overrides. So I'm going to try that suggestion of making it a higher priority.

It might have worked for me with the basketball hoop because I don't believe that was in the ccmerged I have in my overrides.
#9 Old 6th Dec 2023 at 12:58 AM
Quote: Originally posted by CardinalSims
Depending on how you have your store content installed, the XML being modified here could be being overwritten by the default quite easily because it's in a file called ccmerged- that can be in the DCBackup folder, Overrides, or both.
You will want to make sure that _storeplants file is installed to the Overrides folder instead of Packages.
If you are using a type of store install that had you place a copy of ccmerged in Overrides, then you'd need to place this mod even higher in priority using the Resource.cfg file- but that's only important if you recall following a step like that to fix store content in the past.

+ as noted by the original mod, if you have a cooking overhaul or similar mod installed it can be overwriting the same resource. You can check conflicts like that with Delphy's Dashboard.

Ok back to just say this is the absolute issue. Opened my CCMerged in my overrides. First two XMLS are the store harvestables.

So you are very correct to either modify the Resource CRG or be a renagade like me and just edit the CCMerged (I have it backed up)
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Original Poster
#10 Old 6th Dec 2023 at 1:05 AM
ok, thats all greek to me lol... so assuming i know none of that, would i do what you said in the 2nd to last post about putting the store one in the overrides folder instead of keeping it in my mods/packages folder? and on that note, i browsed through my folders the other day for some reason and i noticed i had no override folder, do i just create new and label it override?

edit: oh wow... just slowly scrolled through my topic and noticed i missed a whole crapload of posts... guess thats what i get for assuming theres not much going on with my stuff lol
#11 Old 6th Dec 2023 at 1:10 AM
So here is what I recommend.
Go into your mods folder
Assuming you have an overrides folder created
Copy your resource.cfg to a safe place on your computer while you test this
On the one still in the folder: Click on the resource.cfg > Open it

Should have this in there
Priority 1000
PackedFile Overrides/*.package
PackedFile Overrides/*/*.package
PackedFile Overrides/*/*/*.package
PackedFile Overrides/*/*/*/*.package
PackedFile Overrides/*/*/*/*/*.package

So here is where you can adjust it

PackedFile Overrides/plantslive1000xlonger_storeplants.package
PackedFile Overrides/*.package
PackedFile Overrides/*/*.package
PackedFile Overrides/*/*/*.package
PackedFile Overrides/*/*/*/*.package
PackedFile Overrides/*/*/*/*/*.package

Give this a try and see if it works

(found this from another tutorial) if anyone knows a different way please let me know.
#12 Old 6th Dec 2023 at 1:16 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Silence731
ok, thats all greek to me lol... so assuming i know none of that, would i do what you said in the 2nd to last post about putting the store one in the overrides folder instead of keeping it in my mods/packages folder? and on that note, i browsed through my folders the other day for some reason and i noticed i had no override folder, do i just create new and label it override?

edit: oh wow... just slowly scrolled through my topic and noticed i missed a whole crapload of posts... guess thats what i get for assuming theres not much going on with my stuff lol

You should have these folders in your mods folder


here is where it talks about it.

#13 Old 6th Dec 2023 at 1:27 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Silence731
ok, thats all greek to me lol... so assuming i know none of that, would i do what you said in the 2nd to last post about putting the store one in the overrides folder instead of keeping it in my mods/packages folder? and on that note, i browsed through my folders the other day for some reason and i noticed i had no override folder, do i just create new and label it override?

edit: oh wow... just slowly scrolled through my topic and noticed i missed a whole crapload of posts... guess thats what i get for assuming theres not much going on with my stuff lol

To your question about adding your own overrides

Follow this and if you get stuck or unsure just reply to this thread and I can walk you through it.


Basically the steps are

Go to your mods folder
Add a new folder named Overrides

Open your Resource.cfg and add the following

Priority 500
PackedFile "Packages/*.package"
PackedFile "Packages/*/*.package"
PackedFile "Packages/*/*/*.package"
PackedFile "Packages/*/*/*/*.package"
PackedFile "Packages/*/*/*/*/*.package"

Priority 1000
PackedFile "Overrides/*.package"
PackedFile "Overrides/*/*.package"
PackedFile "Overrides/*/*/*.package"
PackedFile "Overrides/*/*/*/*.package"
PackedFile "Overrides/*/*/*/*/*.package"

Save your resource.cfg
#14 Old 6th Dec 2023 at 1:31 AM
Quote: Originally posted by marydehoyos
To your question about adding your own overrides

Follow this and if you get stuck or unsure just reply to this thread and I can walk you through it.


Basically the steps are

Go to your mods folder
Add a new folder named Overrides

Open your Resource.cfg and add the following

Priority 500
PackedFile "Packages/*.package"
PackedFile "Packages/*/*.package"
PackedFile "Packages/*/*/*.package"
PackedFile "Packages/*/*/*/*.package"
PackedFile "Packages/*/*/*/*/*.package"

Priority 1000
PackedFile "Overrides/*.package"
PackedFile "Overrides/*/*.package"
PackedFile "Overrides/*/*/*.package"
PackedFile "Overrides/*/*/*/*.package"
PackedFile "Overrides/*/*/*/*/*.package"

Save your resource.cfg

Once you have that done you can just move those packages (the ones you wanted to work) into the overrides.
You can disregard the steps we talked about with altering the resource.cfg to have that package listed in it since you didn't have an overrides folder to start with
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Original Poster
#15 Old 6th Dec 2023 at 1:39 AM Last edited by Silence731 : 6th Dec 2023 at 1:58 AM.
hahahah... did all that what you said and loaded my game and it wiped out my regular garden plants

another problem i just discovered... my spotlight mushrooms wont plant, i click plant from radial in inventory sim walks to spot then shroom poofs from inventory and no plant spot on ground
#16 Old 6th Dec 2023 at 1:46 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Silence731
hahahah... did all that what you said and loaded my game and it wiped out my regular garden plants

Not sure how it would wipe out your normal garden plants as they are not mods.

although you might have to replant the ones you had planted.
#17 Old 6th Dec 2023 at 1:49 AM
Okay once your overrides folder is made.

Take these 2 that you downloaded and move them to your Overrides folder


and remove
plantslive1000xlonger_treesonly - I went and read the mod description - remove this one. If you have the plants live 1000xlonger. The trees only one effects trees only and not the plants so it will conflict with the plantslive1000xlonger.

make sure you just don't copy and paste because you will get a conflict

Then make sure to clear your caches.

You might have to replant any you had to make the mods take effect.
Test Subject
Original Poster
#18 Old 6th Dec 2023 at 2:01 AM
now with the trees only, they said that one wont conflict with the others and it only effects the trees, which i want as well, i know im greedy... i also edited my last post but ill stick it here too just in case it gets overlooked

another problem i just discovered... my spotlight mushrooms wont plant, i click plant from radial in inventory sim walks to spot then shroom poofs from inventory and no plant spot on ground

so ill put all the files in overrides and see what happens

and of course i copy/pasted the store plants file instead of cut/paste lol...... cut/paste this time for sure
#19 Old 6th Dec 2023 at 2:13 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Silence731
now with the trees only, they said that one wont conflict with the others and it only effects the trees, which i want as well, i know im greedy... i also edited my last post but ill stick it here too just in case it gets overlooked

another problem i just discovered... my spotlight mushrooms wont plant, i click plant from radial in inventory sim walks to spot then shroom poofs from inventory and no plant spot on ground

so ill put all the files in overrides and see what happens

and of course i copy/pasted the store plants file instead of cut/paste lol...... cut/paste this time for sure

I think it was confusing the way it reads but I downloaded the files and went through them.

So the Trees only has the data for the plants in it and the plants are in the original coding (meaning they are set at their original harvest times from the game). That file is if you only want the Trees to have a longer harvestable life.
So get rid of it. The one that says Plants1000 has the plants and trees set to be longer.
So you only want the the two Store Plants and Plants1000

I think clearing your caches might fix the rest.
#20 Old 6th Dec 2023 at 4:35 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Silence731
now with the trees only, they said that one wont conflict with the others and it only effects the trees, which i want as well, i know im greedy... i also edited my last post but ill stick it here too just in case it gets overlooked

another problem i just discovered... my spotlight mushrooms wont plant, i click plant from radial in inventory sim walks to spot then shroom poofs from inventory and no plant spot on ground

so ill put all the files in overrides and see what happens

and of course i copy/pasted the store plants file instead of cut/paste lol...... cut/paste this time for sure

This is taken from the mod page

New favors arrivable!
-Tree only version
You can mix the StorePlantMod with any of my other plant mods. It will not conflict.

The storeplantmod is the only one that will not conflict.
The treesonly mod will conflict with the Plants1000 as they contain the same data

So basically it is telling you that you can have either combos

storeplantmod and plants1000 (plants1000 contains plants+trees set at longer harvestable times)


storeplant mod and treesonly (treesonly contains trees with longer harvestable times but the plants will be at default values)

The reason you were having an issue with the regular plants working is because you have the plants1000 and the treesonly mods both in - this conflict as they both contain data for the regular plants.
In a better explanation of how that conflicts. Plants1000 changed the data for plants and trees. The file(mod) for treesonly contains the data for the default values of the plants and only altered the tree values. So because it contains the same information the game doesn't know which one to read causing the conflict.
Forum Resident
#21 Old 6th Dec 2023 at 6:55 AM
It actually looks like the original mod has been broken this entire time, but because it was never affecting Store plants without being an override nobody noticed.
The ID for their XML is for the Plants XML in GameplayData- which doesn't have, and shouldn't have, the store plants it in. You are absoutely right, all of the base game and expansion plants will be removed from the game with that in play.

Just goes to show many mods people download and never get around to seeing if they actually work
I've attached all 3 flavors fixed for you. I replaced their IDs with the store XML ID from ccmerged. Still install to Overrides, and if that fixes the issue I will also drop it in the comments of the mod
Attached files:
File Type: zip  [CARDINAL] bubblegum_14 StorePlantsLiveLonger FIXED.zip (5.3 KB, 10 downloads)
#22 Old 6th Dec 2023 at 1:26 PM Last edited by marydehoyos : 6th Dec 2023 at 1:49 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by CardinalSims
It actually looks like the original mod has been broken this entire time, but because it was never affecting Store plants without being an override nobody noticed.
The ID for their XML is for the Plants XML in GameplayData- which doesn't have, and shouldn't have, the store plants it in. You are absoutely right, all of the base game and expansion plants will be removed from the game with that in play.

Just goes to show many mods people download and never get around to seeing if they actually work
I've attached all 3 flavors fixed for you. I replaced their IDs with the store XML ID from ccmerged. Still install to Overrides, and if that fixes the issue I will also drop it in the comments of the mod

That's interesting how they used the same instance ID for both. So really storeplants would have conflicted as well. Good catch. Makes me wonder if they just changed the names of the plants to match the store ones versus actually pulling the XML from the Store pack.

I'm going to try your file but I only need the store plants one as I have my own mod for regular plants.

If you do comment on it. You might want to mention about it being in that altered CCMerged package because without altering the Resource.CFG or the modified CCMerged in the overrides. The one you created still won't work.

I just replaced inside my CCmerged file your xml since for me it's easier to have that file in there. I also made a change to how many harvestables it produces which was my own goal to alter. I like my plants to produce 10 at time. This way once my fridge is decently full they don't need to garden everyday and I use the Canning overhaul to make preserves. Thanks!!!
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#23 Old 6th Dec 2023 at 9:37 PM
thank you for the clarification... apparently i wasnt understanding what they were saying

and to claify what your fixed version does... does it include all 3, trees, normal plants and store plants... or just store plants?
#24 Old 6th Dec 2023 at 10:24 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Silence731
thank you for the clarification... apparently i wasnt understanding what they were saying

and to claify what your fixed version does... does it include all 3, trees, normal plants and store plants... or just store plants?

It has the store plants file only - the creator of the original mod did not use the storeplants file that came with them so what Cardinalsims did was grab the correct xml file to make the changes and put that download in the zip.

So only place in your mods the storeplants (from the zip Cardinalsims linked) and the plants1000 - put them in your overrides folder.

Plants 1000 contains trees and plants modified
Forum Resident
#25 Old 7th Dec 2023 at 12:25 AM Last edited by CardinalSims : 10th Dec 2023 at 11:12 PM.
Yes, all you need are:

[Edit: After getting some help over at NRaas, I've removed some of the unnecessary steps and provided an updated download in the comments of the original mod.]

If your Store content was installed through the launcher, it uses the ccmerged.package from the DCBackup folder. I have provided a full (safe to use regardless of what store content you have) ccmerged combined with each flavour of the mod in the updated download. Make a copy of ccmerged before you replace it and keep it somewhere safe!

If you have Store content that was converted into packages, ccmerged.package should be in the Overrides folder. Place the fix in that folder too and it will already take priority alphabetically, without need for any Resource.cfg changes.
If the longer plant lifespan does not take effect, you can also use the DCBackup file. Make a copy of ccmerged before you replace it and keep it somewhere safe!
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