#76 Old 23rd Jul 2014 at 2:36 PM
Last night, I dreamed that I had started up my game and opened up Strangetown, which immediately started glitching. So, I loaded up an earlier save and it was glitching, too.

In the earlier save I opened in the dream, I opened up a lot that had Howitzer Grunt in it and, after a popping sound, he was replaced by a white dog. My thought when that happened was "Oh well, it's just Howitzer." and then more identical dogs started appearing until they filled the room and crashed the game. That's when I decided that the saves were fine, the game install was just corrupt and needed to be reinstalled.

(This really brings to light just how unpopular Howitzer is: not only do most of the residents of Strangetown dislike him, so does my subconscious!)

My CC creations, updated April 21, 2015.

My Simblr
Mad Poster
#77 Old 9th Mar 2015 at 8:22 PM
This morning I dreamed I was busily rebuilding a premade urban neighborhood that was chock-full of delightful, appealing sims grouped together in logical ways. They all lived in apartments, and each apartment complex had a theme. A tenement full of poor families (and clotheslines everywhere) was one, and a set of upper-middle-class townhomes entirely occupied by a werewolf pack was another. The rest have gone all dream-blurry for me, but I remember a wealthy, elderly transwoman who lived in a penthouse and had some kind of Auntie Mame relationship going on with the younger people in her building. Plus there were some really rocking community lots, though the ice disco is the only one I remember clearly.

The problem was that each and every apartment building that housed these wonderful sims was incurably awful - not just ugly and suboptimally designed, but unplayable. The builders had been building with move_objects on, with the result that they'd piled things on top of one another willy-nilly so no one could get to them, all of the doors and windows sank into the walls, the werewolves had no usable common area, and the tenement-dwellers had such small apartments they couldn't get into them. So I was having to study each building and family, move everybody out, bulldoze them, and start over from scratch in the same place, trying to replicate the aesthetic of each building, only in usable form. Because the layout of the city was perfect, and I wanted to do the minimum necessary rebuild to make it usable.

When I woke up I was deeply saddened to realize that this place didn't exist. And now I can't remember the names of the sims or anything specific that would allow me to recreate it.

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
Mad Poster
#78 Old 23rd Apr 2015 at 7:43 AM Last edited by AndrewGloria : 21st Mar 2024 at 2:00 AM.
Last night I dreamt that some really nasty Sims were trying to get me alone so they could beat me up. I was trying to stick together with my friends (also Sims) for protection.

I think my Sims dreams are always a bit like that: I'm right in the game with them. I'm never just sitting at the computer playing. Maybe it's the ease with which I can imagine myself as a Sim that makes me so keen to look after them well. Especially if I think I'm going to need their protection!

All Sims are beautiful -- even the ugly ones.
My Simblr ~~ My LJ
Sims' lives matter!
The Veronaville kids are alright.
#80 Old 23rd Apr 2015 at 8:56 AM
I have quite a few dreams of building ideas and have to sketch them out when I get up. I have woken up in the middle of the night laughing at some funny name I thought of, too. Of course I write it down real quick before it's forgotten. Then I tell myself to shut-up and go back to sleep.

When you forgive, you heal. When you let go, you grow.
Mad Poster
#81 Old 23rd Apr 2015 at 1:43 PM
I dreamed of the Newsons the other night. They were real, but they'd been aged out of synch with cheats because of a challenge play going on in the neighborhood. I was Gavin and I was trying to help Gabriella learn to study because she was in danger from the social worker, but she was redlining fun so bad she was having screaming anxiety attacks.

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
Field Researcher
#82 Old 23rd Apr 2015 at 2:28 PM
If I play enough, I start connecting my real life issues to the Sims. Like whatever I dream about, my brain finds a way to make a Sims-metaphor out of it... or I dream like my Sims characters were real people in my life. (I used to have a strong bond to my plush toys, too, why not to virtual dolls lol...)
I think I think too much about this game. o_O
#83 Old 23rd Apr 2015 at 5:29 PM
Last night I had a dream of entering a build contest with 1x1 lots themed to things like OFB, Uni or BV. I can't get used to even a 2x2 lot without thinking it's really huge. Although community lots are mostly tiny, there are bigger ones now just to have more activities in one place.

When you forgive, you heal. When you let go, you grow.
#84 Old 24th Apr 2015 at 4:04 AM
I dream of Rollandia on Aos Zeocratus, the fictional city and world of my Sims where I am mayor and Dictator. Living with my ideal Sim family including a Time travelling 'Butler' and Ghost Maid. And every thought and Dream of this place involves elements from one of the following games I have

Sims 2 (every day life in my fictional world)
Sims 2 Castaway (in the form of the Kiwi Islands, my private getaway)
Simcity 4 (The city of Rollandia)
Sims 2 PSP (Strangeton island in Rollandia's harbour, in SC4 it has 3 cemeteries and a medical research centre)
I think about what my ideal society would be, and Sims too much.
Test Subject
#85 Old 24th Apr 2015 at 8:53 PM
I once had a dream about playing The Sims 2, which sparked my nostalgia for the game, so I bought it (and then got the ultimate collection for free, practically wasting that money). This is the reason I still play it, because I played it very often since 2007 as a kid.

I am the most unsavory charlatan.
Test Subject
#86 Old 24th Jun 2015 at 8:05 PM
I have dreamed about sims sometimes, I like that, I like dream with The Sims
Test Subject
#87 Old 24th Jun 2015 at 8:18 PM
Someday I have a dream about two riches sims twins and two poor sims twins. The riches twins was mean with the poor twins(Sinces their childhood) The rich twins killed the poor twin's parents. Because the rich twins don't wanna see the poor twins happy. And the rich twins kidnapp the poor male twin's twin sister. So the poor twin was sitted on the floor and I went to talk with him. And I explain they was just sims, controled by me, the sim become shocked and he said: Do me a favor, help us.
So I wake up shocked because the dream was so real.
#88 Old 24th Jun 2015 at 8:57 PM
I dreamed that I had been hired to babysit Widespot's Junior Mann. Grown-up Junior Mann.

Apparently, Lana had decided to go from being the power behind the throne to an active participant in the family business and the elder Manns were concerned about leaving their son unsupervised while they were away "at the office." I tried to talk them out of it -- saying that Junior was old enough to take care of himself and how I'm the only child of very protective parents, but even my mom and dad trusted me in the house alone at his age! -- but they wouldn't have it. I tried to protest again as the elder Manns left, but Rich snapped for me to keep the boy out of trouble, then slammed the door. Worst of all, Junior didn't seem at all surprised at or embarrassed by the arrangement. He just shrugged and said he was their baby boy.

Luckily, I got woken up by the phone before I had to drive Junior around so that he could decide what diner, restaurant, or fast food place he wanted to eat at.

My CC creations, updated April 21, 2015.

My Simblr
Mad Poster
#89 Old 24th Jun 2015 at 9:47 PM
I dream of seamless roofs
#90 Old 25th Jun 2015 at 3:02 PM
I recently dreamt of making a new megahood.
And right now i'm thinking of new rules for it! :D
#91 Old 25th Jun 2015 at 3:10 PM
I dream of the servos dreaming about electric sheep
#92 Old 3rd Apr 2016 at 5:27 AM
Today, I dreamed that I was looking at someone's Let's Play of Widespot, where they decided to make the Harts into a Kardashians-equivalent by adding in a third sister. The third sister -- younger than Candy and Rhett, but older than Goldie -- was named Lacey and had Angel's eyes and jaw/chin, but her other facial features were all Valentine. Lacey had a toddler son, who looked a little too much like Hamilton.

I remember thinking that the whole thing was silly and fun -- since the player was presenting it as a reality show parody -- and kept wondering if Peni had seen it yet and if I should scroll down to the comments to see if she had or not before emailing her the link. The name of Lacey's son was never mentioned in the episode I read in the dream, but I kept hoping it would be revealed to be something like "Firey."

My CC creations, updated April 21, 2015.

My Simblr
#93 Old 3rd Apr 2016 at 8:49 AM
I've dreamt that I was a Sim in the Sims' world on many occasions. I remember waking up rather emotional over something happening in those dreams a few times as well.
Forum Resident
#94 Old 3rd Apr 2016 at 10:29 AM
Lots of times. Last night for instance, I dreamed I was in a classroom, we were gonna watch a documentary, and my twin sims Crown and Crab sat behind me. I had a memory from earlier that day, appearently I had randomly asked Crown if I could hold her hand (I could). The teacher asked Crab to go and fetch the rest of the students. He did, but seemed a little grumpy. The dream told me I called them Crown and Crab and that Crab's real name was Chad. And Crown had cut her hair short, I couldn't believe I had forgotten to compliment her on it, and I thought to myself "then I'll have to change her hair in the game too, if that is how she wants her hair!".

I am Error.
Mad Poster
#95 Old 25th Jun 2016 at 9:31 PM
This morning I got up early to go to the farmer's market and crashed a couple of hours after getting back, so I lay down for a bit; but I knew I needed to get up soon to take the cats to a vet appointment. So I'm lying there playing sims in my sleep, trying to catch some cute toddler pics (toddler month is coming, y'all!), when I thought I'd better check the time. But I wasn't at my simming computer, which has a clock above it, so I had to alt-tab out so I could get the time on the computer; and it wouldn't change screen.

At which point I remembered I was playing this game in my sleep and, since I couldn't see the clock with my eyes closed, obviously I couldn't read the computer clock. I spent a little while trying to shut the game down so I could wake up. It took a little while to realize that closing down the dream wasn't actually a necessary preliminary to waking up.

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
Forum Resident
#96 Old 25th Jun 2016 at 11:35 PM
Some days ago I dreamed about some post-apocalyptic gathering, and some people there were sims but I seemed to be the only one who knew, so I was thinking about screwing a little with their heads going "any of you ever felt like you've got a green diamond hovering above your head?".
Later in that dream, I was doing a makeover on one of my sims, along with said sims daughter. Me and the daughter disagreed on what we were gonna do and got into an argument about the matter. "She's my mother, you know!" "Yeah, but she's mine! I made her! I mean, I've known her since she was a baby!"

My favourite sims-dream, however, is from half a year or so ago, in which me and my sim Crab were good friends, riding some sort of tuk-tuk.
Crab: I was thinking about starting to call you "Lush".
Me: To me, you have always been a "Crab".
Crab: Aww, really? *hugs me*
Then a larger tuk-tuk comes by, and ours kinda get stuck in it, causing us to go backwards. A few moments later:
Me: Well, at least now we've got to be out of it.
Crab (sounding amused): Actually... we're not.
Me (laughing): Look dignified, look dignified!

I am Error.
Mad Poster
#97 Old 25th Jun 2016 at 11:56 PM
Not yet. My dreams are weird enough!

Thanks to ALL free-site creators, admins and mods.

RIP Sunni ... truly a ray of light.
Field Researcher
#98 Old 26th Jun 2016 at 12:27 AM
I sometimes dream that I'm actually in the game with the sims I've been playing with, usually after I've been on a several-hour long binge every day for a few days. Like I'm talking to the sims i've been playing with earlier that day haha
#99 Old 26th Jun 2016 at 1:03 AM
One time I dreamt I cashed my whole computer and couldn't get my games back. Does that count?

"Oh look, my grandchild is now an elder. They grow up so fast. Gee, I wonder when I'll finally graduate college." Sims 2
Mad Poster
#100 Old 26th Jun 2016 at 2:05 AM
Quote: Originally posted by DezzyBoo
One time I dreamt I cashed my whole computer and couldn't get my games back. Does that count?

Sounds more like the kind of dreams I have. Or more accurately, nightmares.

Thanks to ALL free-site creators, admins and mods.

RIP Sunni ... truly a ray of light.
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