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#1 Old 16th Jan 2025 at 7:20 AM
Default How can I make Sims immobile but able to perform stationary interactions?
I have this idea for a mod involving Sims cloning themselves to travel, then decloning to combine skills/relationships/etc. I want the cloning mechanism to be a replacement for normal movement (it's a custom plant+machine-based occult that is rooted into the ground and acts like a clonal colony).

Is there any way to fulfil these criteria?
1. Sims with this trait should not be able to "Go Here" in any form or route to any objects unless they are very close
2. Sims with this trait should still be able to sit down in chairs, lie in beds, etc. if they are on a tile where they can do that without walking
3. The solution doesn't block all interactions and recreate them from the ground up.

I've came up with a few possible solutions, but haven't tested any of them.
- Blocking Go Here type interactions might also block routing (this is the easiest solution but I'm not sure if routing is considered as a GoHereSuperInteraction or as a part of the interaction the Sim is routing to)
- Slotting them into something, but then #2 is harder
- Giving them a custom posture with no way to get to any MobilePostures, but then #2 is harder
- Giving them a walkstyle which doesn't actually move (I don't know how walkstyles figure out velocity though, and also this has the downside of filling up the queue with interactions that require routing, that you have to manually cancel)
I've also noted that in SpinningPlumbobs' Expanded Mermaids mod, the Sensitive Scales tail-on-land mechanic kinda does this, but it essentially just uses a continuous timed interaction that goes to the front of the queue and can't be canceled. This isn't ideal since I would presumably have to code every single interaction that I want available to go in front of it (like Thermokinesis in the mermaid mod; I want almost the full suite of stationary interactions including any added by other mods so this isn't practical), and also the interaction queue would constantly have a stray item in it.

If the solution requires Python that's fine; I plan on using Python for some of the more advanced decloning features anyway.

Note that I haven't even started this mod, I'm making this post early so I know if it's even feasible to do this before I start.
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