Mad Poster
#26 Old 22nd Nov 2024 at 11:55 AM
That makes me think. Removing the ladder from the pool has become a Sims joke. Did it start with Sims 2? Or did it start with Sims 1 and Skip Broke's death was a nod to the joke?
#27 Old 22nd Nov 2024 at 1:19 PM
It was in TS, though I don't remember what came first, drowning or burning to death. (Probably the latter, because it is achievable at the start; you had to have some money to get a pool.) What I do remember is that everybody was fascinated by these discoveries and that 'hoods all over the world were soon left empty.
#28 Old 22nd Nov 2024 at 3:47 PM
The question becomes, has anyone had a sim die in a pool accidentally? I mean you basically have to force most deaths, the exception being fire and old age (and sunlight, if vampire).

(And, I do mean a genuine bona fide accident, they didn't intend their sim to die in the pool)

Mad Poster
#29 Old 22nd Nov 2024 at 3:52 PM
Nope. Never had a drowning death.
Mad Poster
#30 Old 22nd Nov 2024 at 4:03 PM
Quote: Originally posted by iforgot
The question becomes, has anyone had a sim die in a pool accidentally?

I think the only time was when I had a very unfortunate family in TS3. I either made a single dad or the wife died and I just decided to go with the flow. Then the dad caught fire while cooking. I tried to put him out in the pool, and... well... didn't work out. Probably because of low motives.

Been a while, so I'm a bit unsure if he died of the fire on his way to the pool, or from low motives/already being close to death in the pool, but it was one of the two.

Apart from that time, I don't think I've had sims die accidentally from a pool, no. It's always been an "accident" (and a lengthy one at that). In TS4 I even had to put fences around the pool, because they've figured out how to climb the edges... (I was just testing, didn't save )
Mad Poster
#31 Old 22nd Nov 2024 at 4:10 PM
Ah, thread drift. A kid drowned in Sims 1 because I was doing something in the house and didn't notice that someone was blocking the pool ladder and the kid couldn't get out. I was very upset and now I always have multiple pool ladders and lots of space around them.

Also I remember a sequence in a Prima guide that involved Bella and her side piece drowning Mortimer by removing a pool ladder.

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
#32 Old 22nd Nov 2024 at 4:19 PM
Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
I think the only time was when I had a very unfortunate family in TS3. I either made a single dad or the wife died and I just decided to go with the flow. Then the dad caught fire while cooking. I tried to put him out in the pool, and... well... didn't work out. Probably because of low motives.

Been a while, so I'm a bit unsure if he died of the fire on his way to the pool, or from low motives/already being close to death in the pool, but it was one of the two.

Close, but still it seems the fire was the primary cause overall. (Without the fire none of that would have happened)

Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
Apart from that time, I don't think I've had sims die accidentally from a pool, no. It's always been an "accident" (and a lengthy one at that). In TS4 I even had to put fences around the pool, because they've figured out how to climb the edges... (I was just testing, didn't save )

Those rascals!

Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
Ah, thread drift. A kid drowned in Sims 1 because I was doing something in the house and didn't notice that someone was blocking the pool ladder and the kid couldn't get out. I was very upset and now I always have multiple pool ladders and lots of space around them.

Also I remember a sequence in a Prima guide that involved Bella and her side piece drowning Mortimer by removing a pool ladder.

Your first example is a genuine accidental death from a pool, I'm impressed!

The second example would require the player to intentionally remove the ladder, so it stops being an accident. (To be an accident, it must happen without player intervention or planning in my mind.)

I suppose someone new to building might not realise the ladder is necessary, and only add the diving board? Or perhaps using move objects and placing it in an inaccessible location?

It seems quite a hard death to happen entirely on its own and accidentally.

Mad Poster
#33 Old 22nd Nov 2024 at 4:45 PM
Quote: Originally posted by iforgot

Your first example is a genuine accidental death from a pool, I'm impressed!

The second example would require the player to intentionally remove the ladder, so it stops being an accident. (To be an accident, it must happen without player intervention or planning in my mind.)

Yeah, that was me doing two thread drifts at once, the accidental drowning one and the removing the pool ladder joke one.

I think most genuine accidental drownings have been due to a glitch (which I consider an 'unfair' death and don't keep), such as a stuck invisible object blocking the ladder, or a building error making it easy for a sim to get stuck blocking the ladder (which I think was the problem when my Sims 1 kid died; it took me awhile to figure out how to prevent stuck sim syndrome). Sims can be stupid, certainly, but they are pretty good about getting out of the pool when they get tired and hungry.

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
Mad Poster
#34 Old 22nd Nov 2024 at 4:45 PM
Quote: Originally posted by iforgot
Close, but still it seems the fire was the primary cause overall. (Without the fire none of that would have happened)

It's my shortest-lived family ever in any sims game. There were accidents upon accidents (actual ones, the kind I tried my best to clear up/avoid). I don't think they even managed a full day (and this includes the multiple TS4 sims who insists on setting themselves on fire as first-time cooks)

Is it any wonder I set my game to free will off, put sprinklers everywhere there's chance of fire, and avoid other dangers like hot tubs for sims I actually care about?
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#35 Old 22nd Nov 2024 at 4:50 PM
Quote: Originally posted by iforgot
The question becomes, has anyone had a sim die in a pool accidentally? I mean you basically have to force most deaths, the exception being fire and old age (and sunlight, if vampire).

(And, I do mean a genuine bona fide accident, they didn't intend their sim to die in the pool)

No the only accidental deaths i had were starvation and fire.
For starvation idk what happened, i probably didn't check on my starving sim so i didn't know she was hungry and yes i am aware sims wave to tell the player their hungry and autonomously cook food, but i guess said Sim couldn't even eat. Another case i wanted to make my sim hungry via cheats and she died of starvation. Quit without saving after that.

For fire one of my sims did a kitchen chaos and killed off 2 household members. she did it twice lol. I meme that she's horrible at cooking

Lovable, Unpredictable, Programmable, It's The Sims! Hey there sport! What's all the racket?
#36 Old 22nd Nov 2024 at 5:44 PM
The tides of the thread drift may be stirring.

Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
Yeah, that was me doing two thread drifts at once, the accidental drowning one and the removing the pool ladder joke one.

I think most genuine accidental drownings have been due to a glitch (which I consider an 'unfair' death and don't keep), such as a stuck invisible object blocking the ladder, or a building error making it easy for a sim to get stuck blocking the ladder (which I think was the problem when my Sims 1 kid died; it took me awhile to figure out how to prevent stuck sim syndrome). Sims can be stupid, certainly, but they are pretty good about getting out of the pool when they get tired and hungry.

Hmm, it depends what we call a glitch. I mean, if it's the game being dumb for example an invisible stuck object blocking the way, fair do's that's unfair. On the other hand if the player made a build error[0] by placing something in the wrong place, arguably the death is fair, the player made the bed.

I agree, it's one of the few things sims are fairly self saving about.. my guess it's the one thing maxis devs tested this one a lot, for undisclosed reasons.

[0] Or maxis, I once noticed the showers are inaccessible in one of the unedited hobby lots. Nice layout, but sims can't use it.

Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
It's my shortest-lived family ever in any sims game. There were accidents upon accidents (actual ones, the kind I tried my best to clear up/avoid). I don't think they even managed a full day (and this includes the multiple TS4 sims who insists on setting themselves on fire as first-time cooks)

Is it any wonder I set my game to free will off, put sprinklers everywhere there's chance of fire, and avoid other dangers like hot tubs for sims I actually care about?

Ironically, I have to mod my games to make them a little more disaster prone, I find in my game nothing bad ever happens by itself, even with autonomy on.

Well... except for yesterday but that was the nanny's fault. She thought it'd be a good idea to cook food, then walk away from the oven to go watch tv all the while the kitchen is burning down with more dangerous fires, simlars firemod and delayed fire department response times. She's just sat, in the same room, watching TV as it all burns down next to her.

Thankfully fire department got there in time (Fire alarm), and put it out. Oddly, my sim had a 'fight' option on the nanny after. I've never seen that happen for an unknown sim (She has never met the nanny before), what made it weirder is my sim has an almost full 'niceness' bar. Yet, the fight option was available. I guess she heard about the fire. She won the fight. The nanny truly deserved that fight, I had no issue with that.

Quote: Originally posted by ws2003
No the only accidental deaths i had were starvation and fire.
For starvation idk what happened, i probably didn't check on my starving sim so i didn't know she was hungry and yes i am aware sims wave to tell the player their hungry and autonomously cook food, but i guess said Sim couldn't even eat. Another case i wanted to make my sim hungry via cheats and she died of starvation. Quit without saving after that.

For fire one of my sims did a kitchen chaos and killed off 2 household members. she did it twice lol. I meme that she's horrible at cooking

I've had starvation on pregnant sims, fires and vampires go poof in sunlight. (The game is quite unforgiving to vampires in daylight: Go outside and tell that neighbour to stop ringing your bloody doorbell. *Poof* vampire dies. I've built a fence with a lockable gate around the front door now. No more doorbell for vamps.).

I've yet to see any other death happen naturally. So, it makes me wonder if the other death types occur without modding or forcing them.

Mad Poster
#37 Old 22nd Nov 2024 at 6:14 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
I think most genuine accidental drownings have been due to a glitch (which I consider an 'unfair' death and don't keep), such as a stuck invisible object blocking the ladder, or a building error making it easy for a sim to get stuck blocking the ladder (which I think was the problem when my Sims 1 kid died; it took me awhile to figure out how to prevent stuck sim syndrome). Sims can be stupid, certainly, but they are pretty good about getting out of the pool when they get tired and hungry.

I once used moveobjects on while installing a pool ladder and this somehow glitched it and made Sims unable to use it. (No, it wasn't backwards.) I now try to install two ladders if there's enough room for it.

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Mad Poster
#38 Old 22nd Nov 2024 at 6:20 PM
Quote: Originally posted by iforgot
Ironically, I have to mod my games to make them a little more disaster prone, I find in my game nothing bad ever happens by itself, even with autonomy on.

I tend to prefer my sims alive and happy (unless they're part of a story )

TS2 and TS4 sims are for the most part easy to keep alive even without motive cheats (TS4 sims are the easiest, apart from the "zero cooking point = auto fire" issue). Haven't played TS3 in quite some time, so I can't quite remember, but I wasn't too shy of maxing motives there (not because I had to, but more because the game was a bit buggy, and the long distances made it really annoying to get anything done when sims were moving about collecting stuff). In TS2, as long as the families aren't extremely large, they're mostly manageable without the cheat, at least with good routines and a decent house outlay. I mostly do pictures these days, so I tend to do max motives and autonomy off for those. TS1 was a nightmare (but I barely played it, soprobably didn't get enough experience with it).
#39 Old 23rd Nov 2024 at 3:20 AM
Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
I tend to prefer my sims alive and happy (unless they're part of a story )

TS2 and TS4 sims are for the most part easy to keep alive even without motive cheats (TS4 sims are the easiest, apart from the "zero cooking point = auto fire" issue). Haven't played TS3 in quite some time, so I can't quite remember, but I wasn't too shy of maxing motives there (not because I had to, but more because the game was a bit buggy, and the long distances made it really annoying to get anything done when sims were moving about collecting stuff). In TS2, as long as the families aren't extremely large, they're mostly manageable without the cheat, at least with good routines and a decent house outlay. I mostly do pictures these days, so I tend to do max motives and autonomy off for those. TS1 was a nightmare (but I barely played it, soprobably didn't get enough experience with it).

In my case, as a kid I played TS1 a ton, so I was "used to" that level of difficulty. I played TS3 a lot as it worked on my computer until eventually the whole thing went kaput after a few years with the same save. I still have the save, it'll take ~5 minutes to load even on my current computer run extremely laggy for about 2 minutes and then crash with an out of memory error. (That's with modern proton where it automatically enables any 32-bit exe to use upto 4GB of memory instead of the default 3GB, thank god we don't need to go around patching exe's anymore for 4GB memory usage. ). I did try to get into TS4, built a few nice houses but.. I don't know. The sims just felt.. not the same.

In any case, since I've been back on TS2, loving it! Even if it is a bit easy by default. :D

PS: Sorry for derailing the thread.

Lab Assistant
#40 Old 23rd Nov 2024 at 3:37 AM
Never played Julien, surprisingly, he often got lost in the townie shuffle when I focused on juggling a dozen families. But he was often a welcomed guest who enjoyed a good smustle when the radio was on.
Field Researcher
#41 Old 24th Nov 2024 at 4:34 AM
I've played him twice.

Way back when I started with this game, I was in Pleasantview of course. I was trying everything, started playing all the bin sims, and then it was Julien's turn. He was settling in, when Ivy Copur came by. Since he was a cook, apparently, I had him whip up some grilled cheese. And of course there was a fire, and I had not figured out fire alarms yet, and so Julien was engulfed. I believe Ivy got away. But that was it for Julien. 15 minutes of sim fame.

Since then I have fire alarms in every kitchen.

My next neighbourhood was Nova. I figured Julien deserved a second chance, and so was the founding Popularity sim. He did quite well, but was something of a sleazeball. He slept with a number of married women, and wound up getting promotion after promotion in the cooking career as a result. Eventually he got fat and married his highest bolt in town. Who was one of the Slobs. They were heart farting happy, moved into a big house, and had two rather normal kids. The moral is that good thing happen to those who really don't deserve it.
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