Mad Poster
#26 Old 24th Nov 2024 at 2:44 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Charity
I remember once when I had sent a sim to hospital (Chris Hatch's hospital mod), the orderly doing his rounds suddenly started walking around in 'I have been hit by lightning' boxers and shocked hair etc. It wasn't storming and he was inside.

Maybe an X-Ray machine malfunctioned.

All Sims are beautiful -- even the ugly ones.
My Simblr ~~ My LJ
Sims' lives matter!
The Veronaville kids are alright.
Field Researcher
#27 Old 24th Nov 2024 at 5:11 AM
Julien Cope by kitchen fire. Grilled Cheese flambe.
Original Diva, death by pregnancy starvation. Mr Big had died of natural causes, so she was already shaken up. And there was a toddler to look after too. I was a new player, so it was too much for me (and her).
Nanny by trainset.
Priya Ramaswami, computer electrocution. She had no mech points. Hwoops.
A 4th generation Pleasant teenager. Another computer fail. He was an only child so his hippy mum resurrected him.
Satellite death in hot tub. That was so random and wild and shocking I had to go with it. I've had lightning strikes in hot tubs, but none have been lethal
A few Vampirism related deaths. At least two of them were essentially suicides, another was just bad timing.
Andromeda Zone was killed by dessert at University. Her family didn't seem to really care, but I did! I had a friend resurrect her via genie lamp... the only genie lamp in the university hood. (The lamps in the main hood would not allow it. huh.)

The best one. Victoria Morgan was on a dinner date with her husband Cody. She was hours away from eldering up and I wanted her to be at least temporarily platinum. So they were at Londoste and both parties had former (and current) lovers prowling about, so it was a delicate situation. Victoria slipped out to get some air, and started playing darts with an aquaintance. It started to rain. And then there was lightning. And then Victoria was a little grey urn. I was stunned.

Cody married his girlfriend (Marylena Hamilton) the next day. Some Family sims are like that. But Victoria was famous now though, and had a park named after her, and a university residence, and her grandson is the powerful mayor emeritus. The Morgan clan is now huge and she will live forever through them.
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#28 Old 24th Nov 2024 at 4:05 PM
Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
Maybe an X-Ray machine malfunctioned.

LOL. I worked out eventually that I had just seen my first elevator failure.

Quote: Originally posted by saskganesh
Satellite death in hot tub. That was so random and wild and shocking I had to go with it. I've had lightning strikes in hot tubs, but none have been lethal
Andromeda Zone was killed by dessert at University. Her family didn't seem to really care, but I did! I had a friend resurrect her via genie lamp... the only genie lamp in the university hood. (The lamps in the main hood would not allow it. huh.)

Wait, what, how?
Field Researcher
#29 Old 24th Nov 2024 at 5:57 PM
I've had (in different neighbourhoods) death by old age, satellites, flies (using TOL&D), elevator crash, and Murphy bed squish. I use Murphy beds in all my bachelor suite apartments and almost had a heart attack the first time I saw it.
Mad Poster
#30 Old 25th Nov 2024 at 12:07 AM
Quote: Originally posted by G-Mon
Hey, those de-orbiting satellites have to go somewhere, and while I'm sure the folks at the SimNation equivalent of NASA do rigorously calculate their trajectory so they fall harmlessly into the ocean (or at least an unpopulated area)... sometimes they miscalculate.

Someone should make that a chance card.

I'm secretly a Bulbasaur. | Formerly known as ihatemandatoryregister

Looking for SimWardrobe's mods? | Or Dizzy's? | Faiuwle/rufio's too! | Simlogical Archives | smorbie1's Chris Hatch archives
Mad Poster
#31 Old 25th Nov 2024 at 12:31 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
Someone should make that a chance card.

"Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it..."
[Continue to ponder over life's great mysteries] ... [It's getting bigger and heading for your head! MOVE!]

Mad Poster
#32 Old 25th Nov 2024 at 12:46 AM
lol, I was thinking more a career chance card for a Sim-NASA career - where the failure results in it smooshing someone and the Sim getting fired from their satellite trajectory calculation job.

I'm secretly a Bulbasaur. | Formerly known as ihatemandatoryregister

Looking for SimWardrobe's mods? | Or Dizzy's? | Faiuwle/rufio's too! | Simlogical Archives | smorbie1's Chris Hatch archives
Mad Poster
#33 Old 25th Nov 2024 at 3:29 AM
^ That could work, too.
Field Researcher
#34 Old 25th Nov 2024 at 4:21 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Charity
LOL. I worked out eventually that I had just seen my first elevator failure.

Wait, what, how?

Death by Dessert was just flaming crepes suzette.

#35 Old 25th Nov 2024 at 9:08 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
Someone should make that a chance card.
Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
"Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it..."
[Continue to ponder over life's great mysteries] ... [It's getting bigger and heading for your head! MOVE!]

Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
lol, I was thinking more a career chance card for a Sim-NASA career - where the failure results in it smooshing someone and the Sim getting fired from their satellite trajectory calculation job.
It'd have to come from a better writer than me, though. Also, depending on career level, it'd probably be more appropriate for that Sim to lose some days' pay and get demoted a few levels; getting a Sim fired from a level 7+ job for something that's not the player's direct fault is incredibly unfair, and that several Maxis careers themselves do it doesn't make it any less unfair.

WARNING: Professional Lurker Alert!
Quote: Originally posted by DooMStalK
You know, a lot of people have ended up in the hospital with embarrassing injuries because they thought their vacuum "blows"

Mad Poster
#36 Old 25th Nov 2024 at 12:12 PM Last edited by simmer22 : 25th Nov 2024 at 12:27 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by saskganesh
Death by Dessert was just flaming crepes suzette.

I think I've had one from Baked Alaska once (at least a sim catching fire from it, can't remember if they survived) - up until then I did not know Baked Alaska involved alcohol (?) or fire (I'm not entirely sure I knew what Baked Alaska was, because it's not a thing where I live)
Mad Poster
#37 Old 25th Nov 2024 at 12:17 PM
"Baked Alaska
"This icy-hot masterpiece is a testament to dessert engineering. It features cake topped with ice cream, enveloped in meringue, then flamboyantly torched to perfection for a caramelized finish."

I do believe I've had this for dessert:
"Cherries Jubilee
This showstopping regal dessert, created by French chef Auguste Escoffier for Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee, features cherries simmering in a sea of flaming brandy. Where do we sign up?"


All I really remember is that dessert was on fire-I was about 7 and we were at dinner with the neighbors. I'm sure that it was pretty yummy, too.

But how come death by chocolate is not a death!

Receptacle Refugee & Resident Polar Bear
"Get out of my way, young'un, I'm a ninja!"
Grave Matters: The funeral podium is available here:
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Test Subject
#38 Old 27th Nov 2024 at 6:55 PM
Before I knew that the sims died instantly when their hunger hit bottom, I managed to kill a few by letting them use the exercise bike and turn my attention to something else. I was quite surprised, it takes longer to starve to death in ts1.
I also happened to kill a single mom with two toddlers once. She was sick, I got a little stressed and used the max motives devices (the aspiration-award-thingy). Everything went well until I put her to bed, then she dies instead.
In ts1 I also managed to make someone die of disease and for a very long time I thought I imagined it all, until I read that it can happen if you have guinea pigs.
Top Secret Researcher
#39 Old 27th Nov 2024 at 7:03 PM
I might've seen something I can't remember naturally but as far as I can remember, just old age. I've seen others... because I did them intentionally lol. I also have a no fire mod because I had a house fire back in 2012. I know it's been awhile but I still have no desire to see my sims die in a fire like I almost did. No thank you. I actually have mods to increase disease some I think? But I haven't seen death by that either.

My Linktree
Field Researcher
#40 Old 28th Nov 2024 at 12:09 AM
When I was a new player I *almost* killed Matthew Picasso on the exercise bike. I simply forgot about him. When I found him his energy, hygiene, comfort and hunger motives were all red. His family made some chicken soup, and I quickly rotated him between soup and bathtub until he got into the comparable safety of yellow. IRC he did fall asleep in the soup a few times. It was pretty tight situation but he made it through.
Forum Resident
#41 Old 1st Dec 2024 at 7:25 AM
My first family in The Sims 1 starved to death because I completely and utterly failed at creating them and the house. I tried to build the house too big and ran out of money.
Lab Assistant
#42 Old 1st Dec 2024 at 8:33 PM
Oh, this is a fun one. Once upon a time, I was playing my game, with a family of about 4~5 sims, only for my mom to call me down for dinner, so I left my game... running, that is. I'd forgotten to pause! So, when I came back from my dinner, I found out, to my horror, that one Sim started a fire and it escalated to a point ALL of my beloved sims burned to death. I saw the "All of the Sims on this lot have died" Grim Reaper popup and thought my game was haunted. I cried.
Forum Resident
#43 Old 2nd Dec 2024 at 6:41 AM Last edited by KittyCarey : 13th Dec 2024 at 6:08 AM.
I've seen Death by Old Age at various times (I believe General Grunt most recently, straight after his helicopter dropped him home from work).

I've seen Drowning, though it's always been set up by me.

I've seen Death by Fright - Jessica Picaso was scared to death by her husband's ghost.

Fire has also caused death in my game, on purpose and by accident. The most recent was Mortimer Goth burning leaves that got out of control, and I quit without saving on that one.

I've also had Death by dessert - a sim called John Jones made crepes suzette with insufficient cooking skill. Luckily his wife saved his life (and then he went and had an affair with someone else - hardly the way to repay her! They're divorced now).

I've seen Death by Satellite, but only by cheating - it's never happened naturally.

I think that's all I can think of.

Edit: I forgot, I've also seen Death by Cowplant. Wilhemina Wyrd wanted to see the burglar's ghost, so she invited him over and luckily her stepmother has a cowplant...
Mad Poster
#44 Old 2nd Dec 2024 at 11:49 PM
Quote: Originally posted by pinkdynamite
I've had (in different neighbourhoods) death by old age, satellites, flies (using TOL&D), elevator crash, and Murphy bed squish. I use Murphy beds in all my bachelor suite apartments and almost had a heart attack the first time I saw it.

ive never seen death by bed or elevator, or flies (except by mods), and I have a mod that ALWAYS causes satellite death if Sim star gazes. Wish I had more easy death choices. Wish I could create death by lightning in hot tub (for that cheating Sim!), although I could "smite" him/her, they will get out of hot tub to be hit, and then won't kill them (usually)

Oh and death by gueiny? pig; and parrot should be able to bite and cause low ..comfort?

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
#45 Old 3rd Dec 2024 at 12:33 AM
Quote: Originally posted by grammapat
parrot should be able to bite and cause low ..comfort?


Sim: Oh my god, my finger hurts so much, I'm really uncomfortable! Oh my god, the discomfort is so annoying, I can't take this any more! *dies*

Sorry, just a little light hearted humour, don't mind me. I'll stop now.

Forum Resident
#46 Old 3rd Dec 2024 at 1:04 AM
Quote: Originally posted by KittyCarey
I've seen Death by Fright - Jessica Picaso was scared to death by her husband's ghost.

In my game, it was Jessica Picaso's ghost that nearly scared her husband to death instead - he did make it out alive, though. :D

I am Error.
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#47 Old 3rd Dec 2024 at 2:22 PM
Quote: Originally posted by grammapat
ive never seen death by bed or elevator, or flies (except by mods), and I have a mod that ALWAYS causes satellite death if Sim star gazes. Wish I had more easy death choices. Wish I could create death by lightning in hot tub (for that cheating Sim!), although I could "smite" him/her, they will get out of hot tub to be hit, and then won't kill them (usually)

Oh and death by gueiny? pig; and parrot should be able to bite and cause low ..comfort?

Midge made a guinea pig disease for Sims 2.
Lab Assistant
#48 Old 3rd Dec 2024 at 6:42 PM
I've seen death by satellite "naturally", though that was back in 2008 or so-- I hadn't read a game guide or anything so I didn't know this death was in the game, so I used to send my students to the road to make sure they're ready for school, and would have them watch clouds to keep them there. Eventually, one day I looked away and came back and my fave kid in the household was dying and I didn't know why, or why there was an item on the ground. It was confusing, but I learned real fast what happened.

I've seen loads of death by starvation due to things that cause sudden motive drops in generally-- my favourite was once when two townies were fighting over and over on my lawn and one of them dropped dead from the hunger drop. Literally autonomous murder, it was amazing. I do have that one mod that removes the wait period for starvation though.

I've seen a natural death by flies once or twice-- a cursed combination of really poor households (can't afford a maid), really sloppy adult sims, and quads mod making them very busy new parents who didn't have a second to clean. It was pretty exciting.

Obviously I've seen natural death by fire, we all have. It's more common with More Dangerous Fires but I had seen it before having that mod. It's also not too hard to get a natural death by cowplant, I've forgotten to re-lock the gate behind my sim if I've needed to give someone access before. I've seen natural death by electrocution a couple times, but it's always a moved-in townie-- I generally try to maximize scholarships so most of my sims have at least got level 8 cooking, mechanical, and cleaning by the time they're adults, which causes me to forget when an ex-townie spouse might not be a good choice to repair because most of my other adults in the game are perfectly safe to do so. Sunlight for vampires is pretty easy to get naturally, those idiots just won't stay in their coffin, dammit.

I've seen death by miscarriage loads of times before I went and adjusted the mod settings to be lower. I also saw some interesting death by starvations back before my setup was compatible with the miscarriage mod because I used a mod that just caused an extreme motive drop during delivery and it would cause some moms who went in hungry to starve to death, that was cool too.

I have tried various disease mods to get the balance of natural death by disease being possible without being too difficult to keep sims alive when something is going around my hood, so I've seen loads of death by disease when the balance has been wrong (*waves fist at cloud* that ONE disease mod, you know the one), but I have also seen death by disease by accident but not frequently with my current mod set-up, I think I finally have a balance that I like (Simler90's Disease Mod with some custom tuning).

Ummmm.... I have lots of ghosts wandering households at night, but I'm not sure if I've ever gotten a natural death by fright. I've got a mod to modify the chances of Death by Murphy Bed but I still haven't seen it in game-- I don't find myself using Murphy Beds nearly enough. I recently threw them into my uni dorms hoping that I'll see one at some point, but when I am using them they stay down most of the time. Maybe one day.
Mad Poster
#49 Old 3rd Dec 2024 at 8:20 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Charity
Midge made a guinea pig disease for Sims 2.

And I thought the guinea pig disease WAS in game. Does it cause illness/death?

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
#50 Old 3rd Dec 2024 at 9:24 PM
I play a neighborhood with over 300 currently live sims, so I do appreciate an occasional tragic, untimely death. So far, 95% of my sims have died of old age. Other than that, I'd say the most common death has been death by illness, including food poisoning. After that, death by childbirth (with a mod of course), and then a combination of lightening, fire, and hunger.

I always keep track of the way my sims died, and although some times they died of hunger, their deaths were actually more complicated than that. One example is my young adult Noah, who got struck by lightning when she was in the hot tub, then got struck a second time on the way to the house, and she managed to run to the bathroom to use the toilet, but she died of hunger right then and there. She technically died of hunger, but I also blame the lightning. Another was a young adult named Jasper. His house was on fire for a long time, and the family was in and out of the flames for a while. His father did actually die in the fire, but his mom and his brother, along with him, made it out alive. However, he died of hunger while trying to take care of his damaged needs. I had a pregnant sim who let her needs decay by staying in the exercise machine for too long. She got heatstroke, passed out, woke up, and died by hunger, so the heatstroke was kind of part of her death.

In other neighborhoods I've had death by satellite, drowning, frightening, murphy bed, and sunlight as accidental deaths. The thing for me is, that once I saw these deaths happening for the first time, I try not to put my sims in those situations, just because I don't like to purposefully kill my sims. I barely ever tell them to cloud or stargaze; they never go swimming with low energy, I never keep my tombstones around, I never buy the murphy bed, and when I play vampires, I'm careful to send them to bed before the sunrise. However, I do like a random accident sometimes.

I was also really close to having a sim die by hailing, but I caught him while performing the animation of being crushed by the ice, and I cancelled the option--so he didn't die. I sometimes kinda wish I hadn't noticed it so that he WOULD'VE died hehehe. Just because I've never seen it before in my game!!!
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