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BOOKWORM ALERT!!! What ya readin?
I know there are some people who love to read in this group so I thought we could have a thread for discussin' what we're reading, having little book rants etc.
I'm reading Small Gods by Terry Pratchett. It's interesting, not as funny as his other ones, kind of philosophical and a little disturbing. Go for it bookwurms!! ![]() ![]() |
I'm reading 'The Host' by Stephenie Meyer. It's quite abstract, and rather hard to get into, but I quite like it.
I haven't read that....got put off by the drivel that is Twilight...is it better?
Quote: Originally posted by candiiee
I loved The Host. I'm glad you're sticking with it. It took me a while to get into it as well but everything eventually begins to make sense and it gets more enjoyable. I just finished "Godmother" by Carolyn Turgeon. Its based on the Cinderella Fairy tale but from the Godmother's point of view. The last chapter surprised me. It was a good read. |
I'm reading "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man," by James Joyce and "You Shall Know Our Velocity," by Dave Eggers. I love Dave Eggers so much; I'm excited to see the new Where the Wild Things Are movie, because apparently he teamed up with Spike Jonze to make it.
Quote: Originally posted by meggie272
Yes, definitely. I think so, anyway. I have read all the twilight books, since I liked some of the characters other than Edward and Bella, but I like The Host a lot more already. ![]() |
Nothing right now
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As I have watched the film 100ds of times, I thought I will read the book which I have been reading ALL weekend with no stops except yesterday for a few hours, I have finished now, which is Twilight by Stephanie Meyer. 2morro I'm gonna start 2 read New Moon. Judging by the covers of the four books, I think Bella will become a vamp in Eclipse.
I'm reading three books ATM.
-Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix -The Outsiders (At home AND at school.) -Night World #1 (At School for SSR) Reading one book at a time gets too boring. |
*agrees silently with cass*
*will re-read 'Stop in the name of Pants' by Louise Rennison when she's finished the Host because otherwise I might get a bit confused and forget about the Host ![]() |
At the moment I'm reading nothing concrete, but I'm just picking up books at random so they're scattered all over the house. Those would be:
- "The Time Traveler's Wife," by Audrey Niffeneger (re-reading it for the 4th time) - "Anna Karenin," by Tolstoy - "The Old Man and the Sea," by Ernest Hemmingway |
"A Short History of Nearly Everything" by Bill Bryson, I'm re-re-re-re-re-re-reading it (yeah, I really like this book.) I picked up my brother's copy of "Great Expectations" and read a few pages, but I'm not really looking for something heavy at the moment (which is slightly ironic, given that "Short History" is actually a much larger book.)
Quote: Originally posted by PixCii
I love Anna Karenina! If you're looking for the best of Hemingway, I would recommend A Farewell to Arms; it is by no means his most notable novel, but I think that it's far better than recognizeable titles such as The Old Man and the Sea and For Whom the Bell Tolls. Pharaoh, Great Expectations isn't a book to expect a fast pace from (my favorite Dickens has always been David Copperfield), but it's quite enjoyable. |
Yay *does little happy popular thread dance*
I am working my way through Discworld books and am on to Lords & Ladies. I've read this before, the elves are ver ver creepy. |
Thanks for the heads up, Rabid.
![]() I've been meaning to read Macbeth again sometime, my second-favourite Shakespeare (first being King Lear). |
The only Dickens I have ever read is A Christmas Carol, and that was pretty good...
I'm currently engaging in some light reading, with The Hogfather by Terry Pratchett.
I'm just finishing up the last book (so far) in the Anita Blake series, Skin Trade. Also finishing up the fifth book in the Argeneau series, A Bite to Remember. I unknowingly started with the fifth one, now I have to go back and get the previous ones XD.
I have started New Moon 2day. I couldn't wait for the film
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Well, the first movie sucked. I'm sure that New Moon will be worse or as bad.
I do not agree. Whenever I think of Twilight, fireworks go off inside me. Seriously.
I'm reading The Shining by Stephen King at the moment. It's really good but kind of scary...
The Prose Edda: Norse Mythology
Now I'm reading "The Joke," by Milan Kundera and "Franny and Zooey," by J.D. Salinger. I try to read one work of contemporary fiction and one work of classic literature at the same time, but I usually have a toe dipped in at least five or six books at once despite my primary focus being on only two.
Hmm, I can't really decide between "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" and Agatha Christie's "They Came to Baghdad". Suggestions? :D
*hasn't read either*
Why choose? At any rate, Hitchhiker's is AWESOME! Seriously, it's, like, the best book ever.
I'm just so eager to read them both that I don't know which one to begin with
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Quote: Originally posted by meggie272
I'm reading Small Gods too! That's just WEIRD. I've only started with it, but it seems pretty good so far. I couldn't get into Thud!, though, which was a little disappointing. |
*is still struggling through The Host*
I'm almost halfway through. |
I had to stop reading New Moon for a while Im too busy + loads of parties and discos + homework + clubs + school = no free time. Hopefully it will calm down soon.
Lol feefifofum XD
I really liked Thud!, but my favourite Discworld has to be Men At Arms. |
my geography assignment. To see if it's good enough.
... It isn't. |
Well I just bought "Lolita" and "Perfume: Story of a Murderer" today, and I think I'll start Lolita tonight.
Right now I'm reading the Time Travelers Wife and afterwards I want to read My Sisters Keeper (:
Quote: Originally posted by PixCii
Perfume is such a chilling book. It's not my usual cup of tea, but I thoroughly enjoyed it- Grenouille may well be one of the creepiest fictional villains to date. |
uhh does anyone agree the book (My Sister's Keeper) seems better than the movie? I'm not done reading it yet but I hear the ending of the book was changed, Anna was suppose to die. I don't think its fair to the readers to change the ending which pretty much shapes the book right?
Quote: Originally posted by Dreamydre
Er, not to be negative, or anything. ![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by PixCii
My dad did "Perfume" with his class, he really liked it. Said the kids (I call his students that, even though they're the same age as me ![]() |
It is creepy- it's about a French serial killer who selects his victims (beautiful women) based on scent in order to bottle their essence and create the perfect perfume. It's a great book, though, and a compelling look into the motivations and insecurities of a murderer.
I've seen the movie of Perfume which is absolutely amazing, and then by chance I came across the book yesterday and immediately snatched it up. Unfortunately instead of beginning to read it yesterday I got distracted by "Lady Chatterley's Lover," by D.H Lawrence.
Quote: Originally posted by Dreamydre
I finished reading it almost 1 month ago and I watched the movie after that.. I was like NO!!! THATS NOT WHAT HAPPENED !!! ![]() It's a good book tho... for casual reading . but I fall asleep on the movie *wonders why she always do that !!! * |
Im readin New Moon by Stephanie Meyer, eating my nail varnish on the way.
Just started reading The Giver by Lois Lowry :O !!! Its very interesting !!
"Julian," by Gore Vidal, and "When You Are Engulfed in Flames," by David Sedaris. I love David Sedaris so much... a friend of mine got to meet him after seeing him lecture at Carnegie Hall, and I'm green with envy
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The Outsiders
& Harry Potter and The Order of the Pheonix |
Re-reading New Moon again. And working my way through the second volume of The Vampire Diaries by L.J. Smith... still. Oh, and Eldest by Christopher Paolini, too.
Hogfather, by Terry Pratchett.
Ho hum ![]() |
Re-reading "Seeing Red" by Frank Beddor. Its the second book in "The Looking Glass Wars" series. The third is coming out next month...can't wait.
Quote: Originally posted by Beata125
Quote: Originally posted by Beata125
Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer. |
Night World 3 by L.J. Smith. At last :D.
Still the Host.
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Just Listen, by...er...someone
"Love and Longing in Bombay," by Vikram Chandra, and "In the Country of Men," by Hisham Matar.
Thief of Time, Terry Pratchett
finally finished the Host, so I'm going to start reading Stop in the Name of Pants
Book 3 (and very soon, 4) of the Sweep series by Cate Tiernan. 3 down, 11 to go. Oi.
Just finished reading "God Is Not Great", by Christopher Hitchens. Very interesting book (yes, I'm an atheist), I quite enjoyed it.
I'm not reading anything.
![]() Except school textbooks -.- |
Quote: Originally posted by PharaohHound
Fascinating book, although I could be a bit biased, being an atheist- I'd really like to see a Christian attempt to refute its points, because that would make it all the more interesting. If you want to read something similar, try Richard Dawkins. |
Yes, I'd be quite interested to see how a religious person would counter Hitchens' fairly compelling work. My dad got out "The God Delusion" from the library, but I never had time to read it then. Suppose I'll have to check it out.
Book 4 of the series I mentioned last time. They're tiny.
Burned by Such and Such name I forgot...
Rereading The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch.
Atonement by Ian McEwan.
The Last Song "Nicholas Sparks".
"Street of Crocodiles," by Bruno Schulz, and "The Story of O," by Pauline Reage.
Mostly Harmless by Douglas Adams.
"Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows," by J.K. Rowling for the millionth time.
The Collected Tales and Poems Of Edgar Allan Poe
I just finished Unwind by....I forgot.
Has anyone read that? |
"Essential Calvin and Hobbes". Yes, the intelligence of my book choices really plummets when I'm feeling lousy. Comic strips are my comfort food.
I stopped reading Atonement because I'd been too busy with school to really focus my attention on it, so I've been re-reading the Song of the Lioness series by Tamora Pierce. I'm on book two at the moment.
I bought The Time Traveller's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger yesterday, so I'll start reading that once I've finished the others. |
Ya know I bought the audiobook for The Time Traveler's Wife, which was a huge mistake...'cause it was actually really raunchy.
>.> I recently picked up an old Tom Clancy book I missplaced. I'm a sucker for a war story. |
I just bought Kurt Vonnegut's 'Timequake'. I really hope it's good.
'Holes' by Louis Sachar. Schoolwork requires me to do so.
"They Came to Baghdad" by Agatha Christie.
"Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead," by Tom Stoppard, and "Invisible Cities," by Italo Calvino.
Nothing. I need something new to read.
Slowly working my way through the end of Inkdeath by Cornelia Funke. (I may have misspelled her name...)
^^ I love Inkheart :lovestruc
The Light Fantastic, by Terry Pratchett |
The Great Gatsby for English
^I love "The Great Gatsby!" It's such an enchanting love story... if you like it, try reading Fitzgerald's "This Side of Paradise." It's a bit more contemporary has a wicked sense of humor.
I'm reading "Snow," by Orhan Pamuk, and "The Torrents of Spring," by Ivan Turgenev. |
Quote: Originally posted by Rabid
I was just about to say that I loved "The Great Gatsby" and then saw you'd already got there first! I actually like "Tender Is the Night" the most out of all Fitzgerald's books. Well "Timequake" was something of a let down. I'm probably going to read "Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters" next, seeing as a friend got it for me for my birthday. It should be an interesting read if nothing else! |
@Rabid @PixCii
Yeah, its a pretty okayish book. Sheesh, if I was Daisy and a man loved me that much I would melt in his arms! |
"Tempted" by P.C. & Kristen Cast
I just finished Cirque Du Freak and Im going to read the Vampire's assistant.
Nothing... but I want more of the books from the Sweep series. Why does it have to be 14 books long. XD
Well, I am rereading New Moon in preparation for the movie. |
"They Beat The Odds", Reader's Digest thingy for school.
just got Dan Brown's , the Lost Symbol.
will start reading later tonight.. |
Quote: Originally posted by cupcake12winx
I thought Sweep was 15 books long? Well sort of, there's that "special" something or other, which is basically book 15. Although I haven't read it. How far have you read? |
"Akhenaten, Dweller In Truth" by Naguib Mahfouz.
Eragon, by Christopher Paolini.
I've come to the conclusion it's a rip-off of Lord of the Rings, contains pretty much every fantasy cliche possible and has a stupid plot. But it's entertaining. And cool. So I'm not going to get too analytical. |
^Should I regret not buying it? I wanted to, but I changed my mind.
^^ Well, I think it's a good read so far, entertaining with lots of fighting and nic eimagery and so forth. I've only read part of the first book so I'm not the best to ask.
The only problem is that the plot is quite cliche and so are the characters...if I looked too hard I'd probably find lots I didn't like. I wouldn't buy it straight away, but I'd definitely read it from a library or something first and if you like it, then go ahead. |
^^^ I always joke that Eragon is Harry Potter meets Star Wars set in Middle Earth. Alright, but nothing particularly new or interesting.
Eragon = Aragorn
Arya = Arwen I wonder where Mr. P got his names from.... |
God, I couldn't get through Eragon. It may just be me being picky, but the majority of the chapters ended with something like
"and suddenly he felt a sharp pain on his head, and fell into darkness." or "he allowed the darkness of sleep to overcome him." or "he lay his head down, closing his eyes and succumbing to the darkness." I mean really! There are better ways to end chapters. |
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