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Vent Thread (Girls Edition v2)
New Thread!
![]() My boyfriend took my phone at school and won't give it back, so now I'm gong to have to drive all the way to his house to get it. -___- |
Yay, new thread!
I keep sneezing really messy sneezes, it's so gross. D: |
I spilled mustard on one of my favorite sweaters. I'm soaking it in cold water, but I don't think it's going to come out. So frustrating.
I got in crap from the manager for not having my headphones plugged all the way into my iPod when I was in a coffee shop and the speaker was on. I played the entire of Metallica's Death Magnetic for the entire shop to hear, and I'm not allowed back. WTF?!
EDIT: I didn't do this intentionally >.> I was just rocking out. |
I hate allergies. It's gotton so bad that it hurts to breathe, and I sound croaky when I speak.
SO TIRED. I don't even know why...
And, random mini!vent - The second Ratchet & Clank game for PS3 sucked. Ugh, why did I even bother to play that? And another thing I just thought of. I love my drama group leader, she and her kids are like family to me, but sometimes her need for everyone to be "happy" gets ridiculous. The script she wrote is supposed to be a send up of reality shows like "America's Got Talent", and her "happy ending" is that the competition ends in a tie, everyone wins! So friggin stupid, everyone tying debases everyone's individual effort. If I entered a competition (something I had prepared diligently for) and the judge said to me, "you know what, I don't care how anyone actually did, I just think everyone should be happy. It's a tie between you all!", I'd be incredibly pissed off. Are reality show judges needlessly cruel? Certainly, but that doesn't mean that competition itself makes people unhappy. Argh, I've gotta perform this, I can't keep thinking about it too much or I'll just get more annoyed by the whole thing. |
So my mom decided that our school play was making me fail my classes, so she made a deal that if I aced my next two tests I could rejoin. Unfortunately it's the week before the show. I've aced my tests now, but it's too late to rejoin after all my efforts.
And now I just can't stop crying. |
Jaylo: Oh, that's terrible! I'm really sorry! And after all your work
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I've been generally over-emotional for the last few days as I will be moving interstate on Monday. It's my birthday in two weeks and I wont have any family to spend it with ):
8.8 magnitude earthquake in Japan, just 382km out from Tokyo. I hope everyone there is alright
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If you want to monitor any aftershocks http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthqua.../quakes_all.php is a brilliant site, all the info .. wish I'd known about this site earlier so I could have known the full details on Christchurch and not worried so much.
I've got friends who are in Tokyo right now and I'm getting updates from them, and I'm also tuned in to ABC News 24. There's been 10m high tsunamis sweeping across the north of Japan, wiping out entire towns in seconds. Ugh, this is so horrible.
Holy crap on a stick. I'm watching the news about the quake/tsunami right now. This is by far the scariest thing I've ever seen... I really hope your friends are okay, PixCii, as well as anyone else in Japan.
I hope your friends are all safe, Pixcii. I'm following the news online, might go and turn the telly on now actually. Mother Nature seems intent on being mean to the world it seems. I feel so bad for the poor folk caught up in this.
Eh, this just all scares me so much. I hate to sound selfish, but it's made me so paranoid about earthquakes as I live in California. Hawaii just had a small quake too 0_o..
EDIT: Apparently there's a tsunami warning from central California up to Washington... I'M IN CENTRAL CALIFORNIA?! I'm just north of the southernmost area of the warning. Hoo my. I'm scared now. I wish my friend was online >_<. |
We have a Tsunami Watch here in Santa Monica, my boyfriend said he talked to a lifeguard who was trying to tell everyone to leave the beach. He said the lifegaurd told him that no one is taking it seriously, and he has to keep repeating telling them over and over. I heard somewhere that it could reach 6 - 9 feet. People are also on the Santa Monica pier watching the waves. Some people are just dumb -__-
Fuck them all.
I don't want to be the perfect, holy person tht my church and parents want me to be. I'm sick of them comparing me to my sheep of a brother and perfect friends. Why can't I be my own fuckin' person?! |
Quote: Originally posted by Dreamydre
Some people are just asking to be taken out of the gene pool. |
I agree. I'm a bit scared now to see actual footage of what's happened. From what you all have described so far, though, and from what else I've heard, it sounds terrifying! I hope Japan will survive (even though I know hundreds of people have already died), and that the West Coast will be okay.
Gosh, the tsunami is unbelievable.
Minor vent: what song do I have stuck in my head? "Tits & Ass (Dance 10, Looks 3)" from A Chorus Line. I seriously wish this song would die. |
It really just hit me how terrifying and horrible this disaster is. I was watching the news footage from yesterday and... my god. I never realized water could be so destructive. To see your entire life, your home, your family, wiped out in a second while the water just moves on by...
The footage coming out of the quake/tsunami zones is incredible. It's amazing how destructive nature can be.
Miniature vent: Who on earth decides to announce their huge party just an hour before it starts? It's so infuriating. |
My dog has had ACL surgery on both of his back legs. His hind end has always been a little stiff because of it, but lately he's been in so much pain that he can't lie down comfortably. The vet has one more medication to try, but if it doesn't work, we'll probably have to euthanize him because no dog should have to live in constant discomfort. I'm so worried for him. Every time I think about it, I practically start bawling then and there.
I lost $20.00 at the Santa Monica pier today, it blew over the pier and into the water, I hate windy days!
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Daylight Savings Time. Need I say more?
Quote: Originally posted by cupcake12winx
At least they're smart enough to put it over a weekend. If it took place over a weekday, I would just die! (Or fall asleep in Science. Believe me, I've been close.) :P |
Quote: Originally posted by Kailacat
I hear you, I'll fall asleep in Maths. Believe me, IT HAPPENED. I have a lot to vent about. Firstly, my mother won't let me use the family computer, because she's playing Zuma's Revenge, so I'm stuck with the laptop, on which I can only play Heroes of M&M III, Counter Strike and TS2. I got bored of the first two and I'm too lazy to turn on TS2. Secondly, I've run out of coffee. *frustrated frown* |
For once I'm actually glad to come back to university after a weekend at home. We had the 24 hour news channels on virtually the whole time I was there. It's so awful. Everybody I know in Japan is okay, but a close friend text me today to say that her sister (who's in Tokyo) is okay but has 11 friends missing and one already dead. I can't imagine what it must be like there. It's the way it's not just the earthquake either, but the earthquake, then the tsunami, then the nuclear power plant problems. It just seems like they're getting knock after knock. And that town in which almost 10,000 people are missing...I don't even know what to say.
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What's even scarier about the earthquake is that it moved Japan itself 8 feet to the east, and even more, shifted the Earth's axis four inches. I have new respect and even more fear for earthquakes now.
Now it seems that my optical drive issues are just minor compared to the fact that my old school in Aussie has its Japan trip right now for all Japanese class students. I seriously hope they're okay, if they even went. Jenna isn't taking my calls.
Somebody said to me that the earthquake in Japan had "happened at such an inconvenient time" for her. No, just no.
So, the play I was kicked out of earlier is, I'm pretty sure, cursed. We're doing Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat, and the girl who plays Judah (she gets a song and she does a bunch of stuff) her leg "snapped" and all the muscles on her calf stopped working and she can't even bend over...
Oh god I hope she's okay.... |
I'm trying figure out why my period is three days late? It's not like I'm stressed out, but I dunno what else it could be, and I am 99.99% sure that I am NOT pregnant!
After a year and a half of putting it off I finally decided to do the right thing and install anti-virus software on my laptop... It did not go well -_-
2 hours it took me to install the stuff, get blue screened seven hundred times and restore the system! - there goes my early night. Now then back to the ICT coursework |
Quote: Originally posted by Dreamydre
It might just be feeling jumpy? 3 days isn't too much for it to be late by. |
Quote: Originally posted by Dreamydre
It's been a month here. Happened before. Not pregnant. Have no possible fathers. No one night stands. Not this month. |
This reminded me that mine is a day late ... and bringing that up means I'm likely to get it overnight now
![]() Dreamy, try not to fret about it too much. Worrying about the fact that it might be a pregnancy can cause 'aunt flo' to up and dissapear for the month, as can stress, though i see you said you havn't been stressed out. If it hasn't turned up 2 weeks after the due date (even with your 99.9% certainty) then go and get a prego test, to be on the safe side. Speaking of periods, lovely things that they are, I know mine is coming due to the fact that I've had bloody sore boobs for the last two days -.- . That's not my issue at the moment though. I've got a killer headache which is making my jaw and teeth hurt too. I just got asked by a friend why I don't use the pill or some other birth control to make dealing with the effects of Aunt Flo easier. I know using that sort of stuff can affect fertility levels in women so I havn't ever really liked the idea of using those sorts of things (maybe i'm just a traditionalist when it comes to that?) but when I was very sick in 2009 and doctors were trying to figure out what was wrong with me I had an ultrasound and they found inflamed lymph nodes on my ovaries and I was told that there is a possibility I might not be able to have children one day. Thinking about that, I would rather live with all the side effects of these periods, the cramps, headaches, fatigue, constant heavy flow and random body pains, than live without the possibility of having kids. Call it a test of character, if you will. Maybe it will help one day when it comes to ripping my hair out because my gorgeous loving 4 year old son has gone and drawn pictures for mummy on the lounge wall and my beautiful baby girl has spit up her breakfast and managed to tip the rest of the bowl onto the floor. |
Jesus Christ, pardon my language, but HOLY FUCK NOW A VOLCANO ERUPTED?! My god, what did Japan ever do to mother nature?... All they need is a tornado and hurricane and they will have had all the disasters I can think of all at once.
My original vent is so stupid I'm not even posting it. |
Quote: Originally posted by Geah
I'm on the pill and it does virtually nothing for period pain etc. for me, at least. The only positive apart from the obvious is that it means I know when my period's about to start and I can go several months without having a period if I feel like it. I have to have a blood test. I am not looking forward to it, or the results. |
Wanna hear something funny? I did get it overnight *Yay*
^My old doctor wanted to put me on it because I was getting it every two weeks, and it would last for about 8 days each time, being a constant heavy flow too of course. Thankfully the two weeks thing has stopped, I'd still choose not to go on the pill if it hadn't though. |
Minor vent.
One of my dogs, Nala, keeps following me around. Now, normally I'd be thrilled to have a dog following me around, as one (Nala) is obsessed with my mom, another (Olivia) is afraid of me for lord knows what reason, and the other (Angel) just doesn't care or gets bored. However, I don't want dogs in my bedroom, much less on my bed, as this is one of the few dog hair-free rooms in the house, and I don't want it all over my stuff. I put her up here on the bed, put her in a little dog bed, and she still walked over to me, even walked on my freaking laptop. I don't know why she's suddenly following me... her tail's down, her ears are down. I'm thinking she's just really lonely because my mom's at work, my dad's sleeping and my sister is halfway across the state and her room (with a giant, comfy bed) has its door shut. |
more play related venting then Japan venting.
So today I went to retrieve my costume from the room, and found out who replaced me in the play. Ilyssa. This is the girl who I've dreaded might take my place. She's teased me since the 4th grade when we first met, and we almost all out brawled last year before her older brother (graduated) came to break it up. I hate her with a loathing passion and now I'm even more sad about this whole situation. Why would they put her in? I sincerely wish it was anyone than her. She's got a fake tan, too much makeup to count, and just an awful personality. Call me prejudice, but one day after school after a particularly bad bullying I could hardly stand for crying and feigned sickness so my mom wouldn't find out. And in Japan related news, my teacher's son is stuck in Tokyo. He's trying to get out of there but can't and I feel so bad for her. HEr ex husband is in Shioko (I think that's what it's called, I'm not too sure) so she's just been worried sick. And oh gosh on the volcano, seriously how can things get any worse? |
I just hit a glass jar aginst my hip extremely hard. It had sugar in it and I wanted to loosen it up, so for some reason I thought I'd slam it against my hip, right on the bone. It's so painful!
I am so tired. I slept at 10:30 and woke up at 8. I was fine for a couple of hours then I got very tired, drowsy and got a headache, I don't get it, I slept well and I eat well, why the hell am I tired like this?! I can't study and I can't memorize a thing! Not to mention I am in a very deadly mood and bored.
On another note, I fear that Japan might just disappear the next time I open the news. |
I have a huge test for Psychology today. It's not that they're especially hard, but you have to write three essays in just under an hour, and it's just painful trying to fit it all in.
Daaaah, writer's block.
Nevereverevereverevereverever end task on Windows Explorer. It is NOT the same thing as Internet Explorer (shudder) and will hinder your ability to do ANYTHING because you just end task'd on the freaking ENTIRE OF WINDOWS.
THIS IS WHAT PEOPLE CALL MUSIC TODAY?! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CD2LRROpph0 Warning: do not listen if you do not like nasal voices.
^ WHAT. IS. THAT. It reminds me of iCarly on crack.
I can't find two matching socks! The floor is freezing and I am not wearing an ankle sock and a toe sock, thank you! |
FRIDAY, FRIDAY, GOTTA GET DOWN ON FRIDAY! My god, that song is absolutely hilarious! Seriously though, I heard it on Monday night, and I've been singing it all week.
Today has actually been one of the worst days of my life:
Quote: Originally posted by DigitalSympathies
Perfect description. I mean, what kind of lyrics are "FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN" and telling the days of the damn week? She can't sing for shit, auto-tuned or not... Oh. She rhymed bowl and cereal, too. And what's with the random rapper at the end? 0_o I could go on for hours, dissecting every second of that freaking song/video. That song. Is in. My head. Get oooouut... |
I have my blood test today. Ugh. I hate needles.
Quote: Originally posted by TheCreeper
Quote: Originally posted by cupcake12winx
VENT: I just got over one cold, I don't want another kthxbai |
My knee has swollen up and is so incredibly painful. I love being uncoordinated. I took a picture if anyone wants to see how lovely it is.
^Eeew. That's a good one. :P
Wow, I actually don't have anything to vent about myself, but the day is young... |
I'm hungry.
Quote: Originally posted by cupcake12winx
Well shit, I always thought Saturday came BEFORE Friday. Thanks for clearing that one up, Rebecca! I'm finding it incredibly hard to hide my irritation and distaste from someone. I wish people would understand that there is only so much shit people will take before they no longer want you in their lives, or can even stand to be in the same room as you for that matter. |
Quote: Originally posted by cupcake12winx
Hahahaha, I like died when that song said "Gotta get down to the bus, stop. Gotta catch my bus. I see my frrrieeeends!" 0.o |
Fricking planes keep scaring the crap out of me.
I feel horrifically sick, I've been crying all morning for no real reason, and my knee is still throbbing like a bitch, but I still have to go to school. I just want to curl up with my cat and have a Harry Potter movie marathon, because I really don't know how I'm going to cope at school. flakjsdfs
Why is it every Disney movie I want isn't available anymore.. rawr. I only want like, three, too.
Everytime I eat fresh pineapple my upper lip bleeds. I know I should stop eating it, but I love it. I just wish my lips loved it too.
Why do so many of my dreams end with me being chased by someone with a gun? I always somehow avoid every bullet, but it's fucking creepy.
I had a horrible night last night. I cancelled my plans because I could hardly move my leg, I was exhausted, and I was crying constantly for no reason. I was really looking forward to sleeping in, by my neighbour decided that trimming his hedges at 7AM on a Saturday was a better option than letting my street sleep in. He's always such a douchebag.
ETA: And now Barnacle Bay won't install, no matter what I do. Ugh, this is infuriating. I'm sure EA are punishing me for not paying $20 for their neighbourhood, but still! |
I've been on Google for about an hour now and I still can't find a fucking tutorial on how to mod Sims 2 Lighting! Somebody help me! D:
How does one get "replaying the first three seasons" from "playing four one-hour-long specials summarizing the first three seasons"? Seriously. This person on another forum is getting everyone's hopes up, they're all going to be disappointed when they get four hours of material instead of forty.
Oh, yay, my period just came five days early. This is great.
Damnit, my friend got the Dora theme song stuck in my head. -_-
EDIT: Well, some of you may have heard of something called a "supermoon." (If you haven't, go look it up.) Some people say it causes massive disasters, others say all it does is maybe mess the tides up a bit. Well, it's 11 at night on "supermoon night" and nothing's happened.. aside from some freaking wind. Which I hate. |
the guy i like, who also happens to be my bestfriend, told me he has feelings for me too, but "wasn't ready" for something serious yet. This was about 2 weeks ago. Now I found out he's having sex with a girl he met last week. |
Quote: Originally posted by cupcake12winx
Yeah, my friends freaked out a lot on this. One of them called me in the middle of the night to tell me she felt an earthquake going on, but, surprise! no fucking earthquake. ![]() |
This girl won't leave me alone. We used to be pretty good friends, but then I realized what a backstabbing bitch she really was, and tried to cut off all ties with her, but she still claims we are "besties" (her term, not mine). It's infuriating, because I really want nothing to do with her. She says horrid things about me behind my back, and I don't care about what she says, it's the fact that she can turn around and pretend to be so nice and lovely to my face five minutes later.
My father gets on my ever lasting nerves. Does anyone else ever get tired of nagging parents? He calls me complaining because my sister uploaded photos from my surprise party (the photos I uploaded here ) on Facebook, apparently our step-mom saw them and told him. So now he's trying to get my mother to ground me for having alcohol at my party -__- Dad we are both ADULTS now, you have to let us make our own decisions for the best or the worst and on top of that I definitely did NOT drink, my sister did but wtf she's turning 21 this year. The man seriously has to stop babying us, he gets on my nerves so bad and I'm not in the mood!
*repeatedly bangs head against desk* I'm bored of my dissertation now. It's boring me. Booooring.
Meh, Monday. I hate it. I want more weekend.
Quote: Originally posted by el_flel
Amen. Five weeks to go until mine is due. |
I cannot get over the fact that the neighbour 5 doors down's dog nips me ONCE and they have to freak out and say they're going to put it down when they egg their dogs on ALL THE TIME! And then my dad finds out that they have a daughter my age. Great.
My dreams. My fucking dreams. Last night I had one about a giant sea monster coming on land and eating everything. We got it to come into a room, and apparently what calmed it down was full attention. Everyone paid attention to it, then I felt this really creepy feeling like, in my brain. It was looking at my brain. Then the dream ended.
THEN I had dreams that were about MTS. Someone had hacked into my account and left stupid messages all over the forum. I got banned. It creeped me out, I thought it was real... OH and then I also had one where I think I was Harry Potter, and someone was trying to kill me. I was on like a wooden structure, and bits of it kept falling out from below me. That's all I remember. Now my volume control thing on my laptop won't fucking get off the screen, so I have to restart the computer.. |
Quote: Originally posted by Phoeberg
I was bored so I looked up reviews for TS2 and TS3. A lot of people complain that there's too much "sexy stuff", like the woohoo. The fuck? It's rated TEEN for a reason, stupids. Someone else also said it's educational in that it teaches you how to cook... if that was true, I'd be a master chef by now.
Morons. |
^That's kinda funny seeing as it's a game which simulates real life. Almost everyone will 'woohoo' in their lives, lol.
Makes me laugh that people are so shocked by sex when it's the very reason they exist in the first place.
Quote: Originally posted by cupcake12winx
![]() People are such idiots, you have to laugh. |
^ Directions for Baked Alaska:
1. Reach into fridge and take out several random ingredients and wooden board. 2. Randomly chop stuff, slicing off a finger or two in the process. 3. Pour into bowl and mix into a strange-looking mush. 4. Pour into pan and put into oven, checking every two seconds. 5. Pull out Baked Alaska, set on fire and serve! Durr. |
I have to post here...My boyfriend will be mad at me for not telling him, but i'd rather save him the worry he'll no doubt hold while he has so much on his plate at the moment.
I havn't been feeling so flash the last few days. This period just gone was one of the worst ones i've had, not so much flow wise thankfully, but painwise, almost unbearable. My period mostly left on Saturday (it's Monday night now) but i havn't stopped feeling awful. I've hardly eaten since saturday night's half-assed attempt at eating dinner..i managed about half of it.. in that time i've eaten maybe 4 muffins because the smell of food makes me want to run and hide. I've had no appetite since Saturday either, and i'm headachey, unbearably tired and just sore. Last night my stepdad came home from his weekend away and he said he turned my light off at 8:30 and i was already asleep..i didn't wake up till 9:30 this morning and i'm still exhausted. I really want to eat, but i can't. and I want to feel awake and not like my fork is too heavy to pick up or my head is too heavy to hold up .. argh jkhdkfjghdu |
I've done something to my left wrist. It really hurts whenever I bend it. I must have twisted it yesterday somehow.
My alleged "almost-boyfriend" forgot my birthday and decided not to talk to me today. It's kind of funny, though. I haven't had teenager-like boy troubles in ages. It's almost uplifting to feel like other girls my age.
My game keeps on freezing, going to a black screen and then to a blue screen whenever I try to film. fdljflaljksklakl I THOUGHT I FIXED THIS.
My wrist is really hurting now, but I can't think what I've actually done to it. Plus it's 8.45pm and I really need to pack for going home tomorrow, but I don't want to. I really cannot wait to go home though!
I know it's wrong but I feel terrible after eating anything. I want to just throw up or cry or something. I've been psyching myself out ever since I got here I think . . . eating meat is just unbearable now. The disregard people have for food is amazing, I just feel so terrible eating something because I feel like a leech. Like I'm polluting the earth somehow.
. . . Great. My dad just walked in and read the entire thing. Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckittyfuck. |
There are 15 books in this series and I can't remember more than two title names?! Oi.
EDIT: Fuck, now my sister has her door wide open so I can't awkwardly attempt to get into my room (it's blocked by a twin mattress and its wooden frame) to find a book from said series. And a semi-related vent, WHY does she insist on putting this goddamn box on a chair outside the room I'm currently in?! It looks like a box full of trash... for god's sake, there's a McDonald's bag on top. EDIT 2: Someone on a forum for an online game said, and I quote, "... some dude said: 'He looks like the "dark" version of me.'" And called that racist. He said he's now afraid to finish leveling his character because he's afraid someone will be racist again. WHAT THE HELL?! All the "offending" dude said was that OP's character looks exactly the same, just with a different skin tone. THAT'S NOT RACISM? Racism is being discriminated against because of your skin color, not a random, completely non-insulting remark about a virtual character. Goddamn political correctness. |
My boyfriend has the worst attitude this week and won't return my texts. I'm not in the mood for immature little boys this week.
Quote: Originally posted by cupcake12winx
Racism is thinking one race is better than another . . . most people have it wrong. Political correction can bite me. |
One of my friends last night told me that he's in love with me. He said he would never act on it unless I was single and that it was something I wanted. But still. Argh.
He knows I love my boyfriend and would never so much as consider looking at anyone else, let alone being with someone else. How do I handle this? I obviously don't want to hurt him by acting different or turning my back entirely on him, he is still my friend. But something has to give, I can't lead him on or give him other ideas in the future. |
My dad is going off his face because I told him Im going to a public school for year 11 & 12 (which is college where i live)
As if I'm staying at the school I'm already at! |
Ugh, my sinuses hurt so much! Dx I don't even know why, I don't have allergies or anything.
I seem to have acquired a really, really bad knee injury, and I may need crutches. D:
Babysitting 7 year old Twin Boys is not my style. They are turning my hair grey, someone save me ! They're names are Connor and Joni. So Joni goes and gets two cups of water, one for him and one for Connor. After Connor drinks his, Joni starts laughing and then tells Connor that he did something to his water. Apparently he pulled his pants down and swished his "pee pee" around in Connor's cup of water... ------> -_____-
And I'm babysitting them until 7 tonight. By then I'll have thrown them in the dumpster ! ! edit: Oh and while I'm venting, lemme tell you about my freakin' FATHER. Because I had alcohol at my surprise party I am now supposedly barred from going to anymore parties. According to him, during Spring Break I can sit at home and twiddle with my thumbs while my friends are having fun. Of course I can't NOT talk back to my parents especially in this case because: 1. It was a SURPRISE party, how the hell was I suppose to know they would have alcohol? 2. I am EIGHTEEN, I am a legal adult and I'm going off to college in less than 5 months. Are we serious? Let me make my own decisions. I swear I don't know anyone who has a father as strict as mine! And he's always been this way with me, growing up he always let my older sisters off the hook but me and my little sis have ALWAYS had him breathing down our necks, yelling about something. And what makes it worse is that my mom claims she's not getting into this but whatever my dad says goes. I guess he'll just be disappointed because my friends and I have already planned to go to a party in Santa Barbara during Spring Break, and we've been talking about this since January. Sooooo, unless he can superglue me to my bed he might as well be talking to himself! |
^ Just leave. You're legal, therefore you can make your own decisions. Go out, have fun, and they have no legal right to tell you what to do. And if they tell you to leave, weigh the options. Your freedom, or confinement. I left my mum's and I'm better off now than I was before.
My vent: I swear that the next time somebody barges into this room without knocking, asking or saying "I'm coming in!" I'm going to LOSE IT. Give me privacy! |
^ When you put it like that the choice sounds obvious, but some people don't have the option to just up and leave.
And what Dreamy is asking for is to stop being babied and to have her decisions respected, not to get chucked out of the house or to leave home just yet by the sounds of it. |
This is so petty, but the guy I like (who happens to live 3 hours away) only goes on Facebook once every couple of weeks, and that's the only time we get to talk, and I missed him tonight by about ten minutes. Ugh, this is so aggravating
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