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M4BCreators 12th Nov 2018 7:38 AM

Help Us Build Petlandia, Part 3- the Extra EPs (TS3)
We are beginning the third and final phase of Petlandia- the extra EPs. Petlandia, the empty world, and Petlandia Village, the built world, need only the Pets expansion. We would like to add some buildings for some of the additional EPs. Petlandia is a full world, and as such, any lot added means we lose one lot. The way this project works is, if you would like to create a lot for an Expansion Pack, download the village (link below), and have a look around. Many of the residential lots are available for building, either bulldozed and rebuilt, or by using the house that is already there as a shell for your build.

This is a good way for new builders to be part of the project. We ask that you use only base game objects and objects from the EP that you are covering. For example, a laundry would use base game and objects from Ambitions only. Each of the following posts list an EP and one or more lots for that EP. If you are interested in building/ decorating a lot, quote that post and say where you might want to build. Make sure we confirm that this is available before you start. You can also ask us for a suggested location. Remember to say if you want to build from the ground up, or use the current house as a shell. We encourage you to post WIPs. First post will be edited to include a list of claimed lots. Let's get building!

Petlandia Village link:

Petlandia Lot Table
AddressLot TypeSizeNew Description
1 Meow LaneResidential10x10??
3 Meow LaneResidential10x10??
5 Meow LaneResidential15x10Elixir shop-claimed
7 Meow LaneResidential10x10??
215 Brown Collar Ave.Residential10x15??
43 Calico RoadResidential10x15??
81 Purr RoadResidential10x10??
80 Purr RoadResidential10x10??
1 Claws Ave.Residential15x10restaurant or cafe??
3 Claws Ave.Residential20x15??
7 Claws Ave.Residential10x10??
9 Claws Ave.Residential10x10???
2000 Kitty Litter CircleResidential30x20??
18 Meow LaneResidential10x15??
20 Meow LaneResidential10x10??
26 Whoof LaneResidential15x20??
2 Bow Wow LaneResidential13x25Nectary- claimed
201 Brown Collar Ave.Community25x45festival lot- claimed
11 Meow LaneCommunity30x20community arts center- claimed
Town SquareCommunity64x64Petlandia Town Square- add stage??
2 Dog Leg PathCommunity10x10Gym add martial arts- claimed
22 Whoof LaneCommunity40x40Wolfson's Hospital & Research -add fire station- claimed

M4BCreators 12th Nov 2018 7:40 AM


*stylist/ tattoo artist

M4BCreators 12th Nov 2018 7:42 AM

Late Night

need (can be combined):
*bar (any type)
* bubble bar
*club for bands

M4BCreators 12th Nov 2018 7:44 AM

University Life

need (can be combined):
*coffee shop- CLAIMED
*comic shop- CLAIMED

M4BCreators 12th Nov 2018 7:45 AM

Into the Future

*restaurant with waitstaff and food replicators

M4BCreators 13th Nov 2018 6:29 AM


Any interest in joining this project?

orose 14th Nov 2018 6:28 AM

Quote: Originally posted by M4BCreators
University Life

need (can be combined):
*coffee shop
*comic shop

Thanks for the ping! Could I try my hand at a combined coffee / comic shop? Feel free to suggest a lot for me, I don't have any set preference, though I think I'd prefer working with an existing lot instead of building from the ground up.

attuned 15th Nov 2018 6:40 AM

@orose that sounds great- I will save it for you. As soon as I can I will open Petlandia and see what seems fitting. Do you have any idea how large or small (we have mostly small ) a lot you would like?

orose 16th Nov 2018 8:51 AM

Quote: Originally posted by attuned
@orose that sounds great- I will save it for you. As soon as I can I will open Petlandia and see what seems fitting. Do you have any idea how large or small (we have mostly small ) a lot you would like?

I should be able to make any size lot work- I was thinking about one of the small 2 story lots, because then I could have the coffeeshop on the first floor and the comics upstairs, but it's just a thought. I'm not picky, lol. I can try to boot up the game tomorrow or the next day and take a look too

attuned 18th Nov 2018 4:59 AM

@orose 2 suggestions for possible locations for coffee/ comics shop:

43 Calico Road (10x15)- Tiny Craftsman
81 Purr Road (10x10)- The Sister Townhouse

Both are 2 stories, near town, and seem suitable to me.
What do you think?

orose 18th Nov 2018 7:59 AM

Quote: Originally posted by attuned
@orose 2 suggestions for possible locations for coffee/ comics shop:

43 Calico Road (10x15)- Tiny Craftsman
81 Purr Road (10x10)- The Sister Townhouse

Both are 2 stories, near town, and seem suitable to me.
What do you think?

Let's say the Tiny Craftsman? Just because I'm not sure the routing will work in the townhouse for the barista bar, they were fairly small inside so I'm thinking the 10x15 lot may have a better chance, lol.

attuned 19th Nov 2018 2:55 AM

orose- tiny craftsman is my first choice as well, though I know you are very familiar with the sister townhouse. Consider tiny craftsman claimed by you. I am not sure how much of the build uses items from Pets EP, but it would be great if you could replace any build items from Pets with base game or University items. Then when you do turn it into the coffee shop/ comic shop, please use only BG and Uni stuff. I like that house for a coffee shop because it already has a deck, and if you wanted, you could move the wall in, without messing with the roof, to expand the deck (though this is completely up to you). It would be great to see WIP pics, either on this thread, or start your own. I am planning to post my own WIP pics, as soon as I find some time to build. Thanks!

orose 20th Nov 2018 1:18 AM

Quote: Originally posted by attuned
orose- tiny craftsman is my first choice as well, though I know you are very familiar with the sister townhouse. Consider tiny craftsman claimed by you. I am not sure how much of the build uses items from Pets EP, but it would be great if you could replace any build items from Pets with base game or University items. Then when you do turn it into the coffee shop/ comic shop, please use only BG and Uni stuff. I like that house for a coffee shop because it already has a deck, and if you wanted, you could move the wall in, without messing with the roof, to expand the deck (though this is completely up to you). It would be great to see WIP pics, either on this thread, or start your own. I am planning to post my own WIP pics, as soon as I find some time to build. Thanks!

Haha, yes, I feel like sister townhouse and I are old friends, but the craftsman will definitely be easier for this project. I'll make sure it only has BG and Uni stuff. Glad you mentioned moving walls around, I was wondering how much leeway we had for changing structures of existing builds- so basically minor changes like moving a wall around here or there are okay as long as the basics are the same?
I'm about to go in game now so I'll get started and get some screenshots as I go!

Edit: Question- what lot type do you want me to use? I could do a Hangout (BG), Uni Hangout (UL), Rebel Hangout (UL), Java Hut (UL) or Nerd Shop (UL). I lean towards Hangout or Uni Hangout just because they don't have open/close hours, but I can do whatever works best.

attuned 20th Nov 2018 2:10 AM

Johnny Bravo gave us permission to change anything, so change whatever you want, including exterior walls, windows, doors, wallpaper, landscaping, even the roof, or the footprint. It is your project now.

I was thinking about the lot type also. IIRC, EA messed up the java hut lot type, by giving it closing hours, while the coffee bar is 24/7. I think hangout would work best, especially since with two types of venues on one lot, it won't be assigned both lot tags anyway.

Johnny_Bravo 20th Nov 2018 12:15 PM

I've had these homes just a simple shells, and gave them to you guys as a blank slate, basically. Do whatever your creativity pleases to do

attuned 21st Nov 2018 1:40 AM

Thanks Johnny, and feel free to claim a build, if you are ever so inclined.

orose 21st Nov 2018 2:12 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Johnny_Bravo
I've had these homes just a simple shells, and gave them to you guys as a blank slate, basically. Do whatever your creativity pleases to do

Thanks Johnny! I'll have the first round of screenshots ready soon. :D

attuned 21st Nov 2018 4:01 AM

orose- Johnny reminded me that his tiny craftsman shell is available for download here: in case a clean slate is a better starting point. He did not build this for Petlandia, so it would still need to be checked for any non BG/ Uni build items.

orose 17th Dec 2018 1:39 AM

*waves* I'm back and should have some screenshots within the next day or two- my computer decided it didn't want to run TS3 and due to finals I didn't have time to diagnose and fix it. The good news is that my last final of the semester is over and I finally had time to fix my computer today. (Drivers. Sigh. Why is it always drivers?)

Edit: *sigh* or not. now it's overheating. *headdesk* I'll be back.

attuned 19th Dec 2018 12:22 AM

No worries, orose. The holiday season is busy for everyone. I don't think anyone has pictures to share.

fascisthater 20th Dec 2018 5:03 PM

Laundromat-if wanted
8 Attachment(s)
I built a laundromat on a 10x10 lot @ 80 purr road of petlandia village. It just uses base game and ambitions. If you want it let me know and I will send your choice of either package or sims3pack in compressed zip.

attuned 23rd Dec 2018 7:09 AM

2 Attachment(s)
@fascisthater Thanks for the laundromat. I think you missed these instructions from the first post "If you are interested in building/ decorating a lot, quote that post and say where you might want to build. Make sure we confirm that this is available before you start." The reason for this is that there are several of us that manage the group creators account, and so sometimes a lot, or lot type, may already be claimed. We are also in the process of reevaluating the lots that are available.

The lot you chose, 80 Purr road, is not available. We do have several other 10 X 10 lots, so this shouldn't be a problem. When I get a chance to open my game, I will give you a list of alternatives.

I like the laundromat itself. The colors are great and it has a good layout. The building is a bit boxy, with a very simple roof. While this may be realistic, it is not something that is usually accepted by MTS, unless there is a compelling reason. A shape with more interest is needed, such as seen below.

I also want to make sure you understand that the lot will be uploaded with other lot(s) that are also for the Ambitions EP. You will be listed as the creator, but it will be uploaded by the M4BCreatorrs account, as an add-on for out Petlandia Village world. If you would like, you can upload your lot (as a package is preferred), and I will look at it in game. Thanks again, and please post any questions.

fascisthater 24th Dec 2018 8:47 AM

Regarding Laundromat
1 Attachment(s)
I"m sorry attuned if I gave you the impression that I was claiming 80 purr road without any prior clearance. That is just a 10x10 lot where I built it (I usually state in my uploads where I build lots). I was just offering a laundromat lot since you said in pm that those were still available. You or the people making decisions on lot placement can place it wherever you want if you decide you want it. I did give this building a different roof to make it look more like a barn and recolor the supports, but I didn't alter the interior. I did notice though that 80 purr road and 81 purr road have fences at the edges of the lots but were not completely fenced in. You would probably know better if these gaps in fencing still allowed normal routing. I use game version 1.67 but don't know if everyone in group uses that version or if there would be conflicts with 1.69 lots. If you do want this building, do I post it here in this thread? Little worried that if I posted on the main site a building that may work in this quaint little weird world but not in most normal worlds, that people might think I took a ride on the crazy train.

attuned 27th Dec 2018 1:36 AM

fascisthater- yes, the version with the new roof is much better, and fits the town well, thank you.

You can zip the library file, and upload it right to your post, or you can PM me a link to a file share site where you have uploaded it. If you would like a Sims File Share invitation, let me know and I will PM an invitation code to you.

Thanks again!

attuned 30th Dec 2018 6:35 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Hi @fascisthater I looked at your lot in game and it looks good. I have two suggestions, which you are free to take or not, it will not affect our acceptance of your lot.

1. (see pics) you can CASt the edge of a floor tile. It doesn't usually matter, but when you can see the edge, like in the overhang at the start of your roof, coloring the edge gives it a finished look. I used a shade similar to the exterior on the first pic, and then a white for contrast.

2. Usually it is recommended to use windows and doors in similar styles. While different, mix and match styles can work, it is a bit more tricky to pull it off. The doors on the laundromat are very modern, and the front window more traditional. Since shops that aren't showing their wares in the windows don't really need windows, I suggest deleting the front window. The glass doors provide plenty of light.

I also realized that if a builder is not using a shell from a building that is already there, then downloaders can place it on any same or larger size lot. I think we can offer those lots with or without suggested locations.

fascisthater 30th Dec 2018 9:30 AM

@attuned I'm glad you like the building. As to suggestion #1- I didn't think it was even possible to color the edge of a floor tile and it was always something that bothered me as well(so thanks for informing me). I will be sure to do that. I will also look at different styles of door and see if there are better fitting doors with base and ambitions. I don't have any preference as to where you put the lot so put it where you like.

attuned 31st Dec 2018 6:17 AM

The revised laundromat looks good! Thank you.

orose 4th Jan 2019 8:44 AM

Here's a quick progress update on the Black, White, and Read Cafe by interior designer sim Gabi and her architect friend Alesha.
Should be done soon, it's just decorating now. I had to switch out a few of the structural elements since some were from Pets, but I'm happy so far.

attuned 4th Jan 2019 8:32 PM

orose- love love love the update!

attuned 4th Mar 2019 7:22 AM

7 Attachment(s)
New salon, TAME

And the lots for the Ambitions Upload are just about ready:

Artimal- art center with sculpting station and woodworking, plus consignment shop and time machine
Dirtbuster- laundromat
TAME- salon and tattoo parlor (pictures below)

I was thinking about calling the upload Ambitious Additions - what do you think?

SimmyRN 5th Mar 2019 3:55 AM

Love the idea, attuned! I've changed computers twice recently and thought I backed up my nectary and fire department revisions. However, I'm still looking for them to take screenshots. I really hope I can find them as it would be the third time if I have to build them again. Sigh … Sorry that I haven't been more involved lately. I've taken a bit of a break with lots of RL things going on. Glad to see work is continuing on this project!

UPDATE March 18th - Yay! I found them. I’m play testing the fire station. I wasn’t able to go to the building and get a job but it worked fine with computer and newspaper. Is that usual? So far I added fire station to the hospital/research lot, converted towers apartments into live show, and added martial arts equipment to gym. Ran into trouble trying to add basement to building on foundation for nectar racks/nectary. Need a building without foundation. Any suggestions? Or I could empty a lot. I’ve been thinking about a building for a Late Night bar too. What other lots do we still need or want? Weren’t we thinking the large empty lot for a Festival lot? Pictures coming soon...

orose 20th Apr 2019 11:45 PM

Hey guys, I ended up taking the last several months off games as my dad was hospitalized and combined with my caregiving for my grandmother I just didn't have time for anything else. I'm dusting off the cobwebs on my save file as we speak.

attuned 23rd Apr 2019 1:29 AM

@orose welcome back! I was getting worried about you. I hope your dad is well again, and your gram is doing okay.

No worries about the Petlandia build. We have no deadline. Whenever you can, we would love to see wip pictures.

orose 24th Apr 2019 9:06 AM

@attuned thanks ^^ yeah, just been a really hectic several months in a row, but things seem to be leveling out now, fingers crossed. I'll throw some pictures on in the morning :D

attuned 29th Apr 2019 12:00 AM

10 Attachment(s)
@fascisthater here are some pics for Dirtbusters.

fascisthater 29th Apr 2019 7:16 AM

@attuned -Those look great! You take very good screenshots.

M4BCreators 6th May 2019 3:58 AM

The first collection of extra EP lots has been submitted to the queue. Thanks everyone!!

attuned 6th May 2019 4:12 AM

@SimmyRN sorry, just noticed your last post. I can find you a tutorial for putting a basement into a building with a foundation. Another idea would be to create a basement, a true wine cellar, with an entrance that is separate from the building. You could have an small or large enclosed space that leads to the stairs down to the cellar.

tutorial for building basement with foundation:

Yes, we were thinking of placing the festival lot on the large empty lot on the cat's north side . I thought you were building it, but if you would rather not, we can find another volunteer.

Looking forward to your pictures!

fascisthater 6th May 2019 9:25 AM

@SimmyRN- I'm sorry I missed your edited post also. I made a lot that had basement stairs with foundation(Federal Legacy). The
tutorial attuned provided looks good and there is also this video by PolarBearSims ,but it does use CFE to lower walls to foundation level.

attuned 8th Aug 2019 4:04 AM

I have been unable to reach you by PM (perhaps your mailbox is full?) Do you need any help?

SimmyRN 14th Oct 2019 2:48 AM

Wolfson Station - Fire Station Added to 22 Whoof Lane
17 Attachment(s)
With Norn's permission, Wolfson's Research Station at 22 Whoof Lane has been converted into a Fire Station for Petlandia Village. A third building was added to house the fire truck. It still has the Research Center and Hospital Rabbit Holes in the basement. The first floor of the front/entrance building features a common area for the fire fighters with kitchen, dining, and living room areas as well as the stairways to the basement level. The first floor of the back building has the fire station office and reception/recreation area. A skills and activity center is located on the second floor of the front/entrance building. The second floor of the back building is the fire fighters' barracks. Outdoors is a BBQ, garden, water tower, and fishing pool. Base game and Ambitions items only.

Sims come and go from the Rabbit Holes without any problem while fire fighters pursue their profession. The only known issue may be that it is necessary to go to the lot to join the fire fighter profession. I don't believe there is an option to join the fire fighter profession on the "pie" menu when the lot is clicked on in Town view. THIS NEEDS TO BE VERIFIED, PLEASE. Also need someone to verify that all Pets items, wallpapers, etc., have been removed. Thanks, SimmyRN

Lot Size: (will add)
Price Unfurnished: (will add)
Price Furnished: (will add)

Credit to Norn for the original lot.
Thank you to all members of Mentoring for Builders and contributors to this project.

attuned 14th Oct 2019 3:52 AM

The lot looks great!
The missing item from the pie menu sounds like a lot tag issue. If you post a library copy of the lot, I will test it for you

SimmyRN 16th Oct 2019 3:31 AM

Quote: Originally posted by attuned
The lot looks great!
The missing item from the pie menu sounds like a lot tag issue. If you post a library copy of the lot, I will test it for you

Thanks, attuned! I realized my zipped version of the lot didn't attach to my post for some reason so I added it. How do I make a library version to post? I looked in my library folder and didn't find the lot so I assume it is one of the long strings of random letters/numbers listed.

attuned 16th Oct 2019 10:10 PM

Simmy, the sims3pack is fine. I thought the library file would be easier since you wouldn't have to export it, but I can use the sims3pack also.

attuned 22nd Oct 2019 4:02 AM

Simmy- I tested the lot and as far as I can tell, it is base game and Ambitions stuff only.
Seeing it up close, it is a really lovely and functional fire station.
I also play tested it, and it works just fine.
Great job!

As for the lot tags, yes, science and hospital map tags only. To join the firefighters career, the sim has to use the computer, newspaper, or you have to send them to the lot and then click on the fire station. The fire station choices are not available from the town view. I do not know of a work around for this, but perhaps someone else does.
You might want to consider offering two versions, one with and one without the rabbit holes in the basement. Alternately, you can include a note about deleting them if you only want a fire station.

Victor_tor 22nd Oct 2019 9:24 AM

Guys, as Iremember from Sims 3, the lot assignment and rabbit holes are replacing each other on map view. Because first one need to set lot to visitors allowed or disallowed. So I suppose this idea of combine two will lead to that thing that lot would be hardly achieved for visitors, not for working staff. I can't imagine how it would work when rabbithole on the firestation lot got a fire. I'd prefer to collect all rabbit holes on one lot. So-called town sqare with great size i guess but with rabbit holes. Something like business plaza. This combination of firestation and rabbit holes need some more testing.

SimmyRN 23rd Oct 2019 4:18 AM

Thank you for checking, attuned! Thanks for your comments Victor_tor! I've had a fire fighter working at the station and she responded to fires elsewhere in the neighborhood when the fire alarms in the station went off. Do rabbit hole lots or the fire station have fires? I think I've only ever seen them on residential lots. Or, am I not understanding your concern? I agree that the rabbit holes seem to take precedence over lot assignments. I've not experienced any problems other than not being able to select the fire fighter profession from the "pie" menu. More testing never hurts, though. The rabbit holes are easy enough to remove so I believe a note in the upload about not being able to select the profession from the "pie" menu would suffice.

Victor_tor 23rd Oct 2019 8:13 PM

Not sure actually with all my suggestions about fire station. I just remember all in peices and currently don't play SIms 3. But I found proof at sims wiki that says rabbit holes can has so-called evil_plot_backfire_disasters at specific levels of firefighter profession track.
I believe they could work fine even being placed on fire station lot. Good job

Victor_tor 15th Nov 2019 10:58 AM

Guys I had nudged by one person from discord to install Sims 3. And now I came here to ask one question.
I had an interest to your project and still have it. I have one idea for its 3rd part I can try to realise myself now. I would like to convert my Starlight Paws for your project.
As I porbably noticed from Guidelines I need to choose pets and one EP I can use there and I prefer Pets and Into the future. That can become something like alien house for your Petlandia. Something like house of good invadors from outer world. Just tell me what do you think of this? Do you support this idea or this is too much far from village theme?

attuned 18th Nov 2019 5:10 AM

Hi @Victor_tor
Apologies for the delayed response. I am the founder of Mentoring4Builders, and one of the co-founders of M4BCreators, the creator group for Mentoring4Builders. Your Starlight Paws is adorable and if you would like to recreate it for TS3, that's great! A few things to note: the project is Base game plus 1 EP, so either ITF or Pets, but not both. We don't have any ITF lots yet, and I would welcome them. The lot would also need to be for one of the size lots we already have in the Petlandia World, which you can find in the first post.

The third thing is that the M4BCreators group is for group uploads, so if you took someone else's lot (with permission of course) and furnished it yourself, that would count- for example, SimmyRN remaking Norn's Wolfson's Research Station to add a fire station. If you uploaded your lot in combination with someone else's lot, like fascisthater's and my Ambitious Additions, that would also count. But to remake your own lot is not really a collaboration with another builder. If you still would like to do this by yourself, I would suggest uploading it to your account at MTS, and I would add a link to your lot on the Petlandia Village download page.

The other choice is to remake a lot we already have in the world, built by someone else, or find another builder who wants to upload a lot for Petlandia in combination with your lot. Let me know if I can be of help, or answer any questions.

Victor_tor 18th Nov 2019 5:49 PM

Quote: Originally posted by attuned
Hi @Victor_tor
Apologies for the delayed response. I am the founder of Mentoring4Builders, and one of the co-founders of M4BCreators, the creator group for Mentoring4Builders. Your Starlight Paws is adorable and if you would like to recreate it for TS3, that's great! A few things to note: the project is Base game plus 1 EP, so either ITF or Pets, but not both. We don't have any ITF lots yet, and I would welcome them. The lot would also need to be for one of the size lots we already have in the Petlandia World, which you can find in the first post.

My building is not suites your guidelines itself if so. It occupies 20x20 size. But really. What's the reason to make a Pets add on selective in 3rd part of your project? It breaks the back story of those island totally, isn't it? It has all properties dedicated to pets and there is no any building without pet objects. What do you see Petlandia become if pets would be so necessary?

Quote: Originally posted by attuned
The third thing is that the M4BCreators group is for group uploads, so if you took someone else's lot (with permission of course) and furnished it yourself, that would count- for example, SimmyRN remaking Norn's Wolfson's Research Station to add a fire station. If you uploaded your lot in combination with someone else's lot, like fascisthater's and my Ambitious Additions, that would also count. But to remake your own lot is not really a collaboration with another builder. If you still would like to do this by yourself, I would suggest uploading it to your account at MTS, and I would add a link to your lot on the Petlandia Village download page.

I understood now your point about your project as group. I had few time to see throw buildings today. Birdie Apartments by @SimmyRN seems to be cool but I still find it's better to furnish those one with TS3 Night Life. Auntie's cottage by @Norn and @Johnny_Bravo Hamster Square were cought my eye. First with cosyness, second - with vast yard I absolutely adore in any building (just like big yards)! Sooo as resume, I would like to make any if those two to become a property for robo cats and fill it with high technology

Quote: Originally posted by attuned
The other choice is to remake a lot we already have in the world, built by someone else, or find another builder who wants to upload a lot for Petlandia in combination with your lot. Let me know if I can be of help, or answer any questions.

Wet Whiskers Pool by @Crowkeeper is the only I see can see merged and could be placed together with Starlight Paws just because both are in modern style. But it occupies such a prime zone, so I prefer not to move that actually.

Sorry guys for such invasion when mention you in posts. I really need some feedback hehe :p

attuned 19th Nov 2019 4:57 AM

It may be a bit difficult to understand your meaning at times, so please bear with me. The reason for the 1 EP only was to allow it to be downloaded by as many people as possible. The more EPs used on a lot, the fewer people can use them. We thought that players can always add pet accessories to a lot by themselves. If you want to use more than 1 EP, the lot can be uploaded to your account and we would add a link for it to the Petlandia Village download page.

A lot size of 20 X 20 is not used in the world. We have 15 X 20 or 20 X 30. Again, if you want to upload to your account, matching the lot size is less important.

If you are saying you would like to remake Square Hamster, please ask Johnny_Bravo if he would be okay with that. Auntie's Cottage is not available to remake.

We would not add any lots that are already uploaded with the world, to a new upload, for example, Wet Whiskers Pool. If you want to upload a lot with someone else, it would need to be a new or remade lot, not one already in Petlandia. Ambitious Additions is 3 lots made with base game + Ambitions EP. Perhaps @fascisthater would be interested in helping with a ITF lot?

attuned 20th Nov 2019 12:30 AM

I have thought about your request, and as long as @SimmyRN (creator of the world Petlandia) agrees, you can use Pets and ITF, as long as you use a lot size from the world, and include another builder.

Lot sizes available: 10 X 10, 15 X10, 20 X 15, 30 X 20

I think a ITF restaurant would be a lovely addition also.

Victor_tor 20th Nov 2019 7:52 AM

I did not want to set myself as mean. I jut want to figure out the guidelines. Or not even the guidelines. The goals of Petlandia 3rd part.
I am ready to take part but i see it in 2 ways:
make absolutely new building with author if the old one made by him before could be demolished.
Refurnish existing one, but using pets plus one ep. And i am asking for this pets ep as extra because existing house can has already parts of building or furnishing made in Petlandia 2nd part.

Can I go any of those ways? Or any one? This would help me to run this project. Please tell me, which way you let me go, or not any of those. This could help me to figure out if I can run this project.

I has all eps and sps. Even those obnoxious from Katty Perry. I am not friendly to any building extra programming, but can use velositygrass stencil remover as exception. Not any others.
Vic ^_^

attuned 24th Nov 2019 7:06 AM

Hi Victor
*yes, if you want to build with Pets and ITF, yes
*it needs to be a project with two builders
*you can furnish a building by another builder -OR-
*you can add your lot together with a lot by a different builder

Victor_tor 2nd Dec 2019 9:28 PM

10 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by fascisthater
This is a crude preliminary lot that shows basic exterior concept for Petlandia that needs much refinement if you want to use it Victor_tor.

Oh! This is a turtle! But why is she suddenly has no legs. May I reply here with WIPs? Was made turtle's legs today and I tried to use another roof covering to make it look more "turtle". Your templates are stay in bushes and in eterance area. I showed it in separated picture. Also changed facade patterning and it turned to creepy by my hands. I would like to know your ideas about facade colour. And now it's your turn to make changes.
Vic ^_^

attuned 3rd Dec 2019 5:14 AM

Looks great so far!! Love the turtle concept, and the flower bed legs that Victor added.

fascisthater 3rd Dec 2019 5:19 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Victor_tor
Oh! This is a turtle! But why is she suddenly has no legs. May I reply here with WIPs? Was made turtle's legs today and I tried to use another roof covering to make it look more "turtle". Your templates are stay in bushes and in eterance area. I showed it in separated picture. Also changed facade patterning and it turned to creepy by my hands. I would like to know your ideas about facade colour. And now it's your turn to make changes.
Vic ^_^

Wow! You have decorated this in a short span of time. I don't know how functional this will be without the rabbithole in basement though and am not certain the No Visitor Allowed lot type I originally had will be compatible with using food replicators and wiill probably have to change it to Visitors Allowed. It did have legs just not feet(not sure if wanted land turtle or sea turtle) but I do like the feet you made for this. I guess you see this as a children type of venue by your decorations? I will look over your lot and keep some things and change others, but I probably will not be able to respond to you as fast as you were able to me.

Edited- I didn't think you kept rabbit hole in your pictures but glad you did as well as stairs into basement (sort of hard repacing stairs through basement once removed). I did see you move rabbit hole in your version though. The rabbit hole needs to be oriented like my version in previous pictures because there is a back door to it that sims sometimes come out and if they cannot get back to stairs they are trapped. I removed a lot of the invisible floor tiles on shell (kept a few at top) also because before I even uploaded my version to this thread I noticed that circular windows would shift slightly downward when placed on lot with different orientation and would not want same to happen to that many objects.

Victor_tor 3rd Dec 2019 9:54 AM

I tried to make the most in short time was possible to have a room for editting if you dislike something. I planned to place only flowerbeds, but stuck and spend all night with furnishing joy.

Agreed. Visitors disallowed won't let sims to use all its features. To switch it to type of visitors allowed property is good reason. Food replicators and fridge from ITF are different then other EPs. I placed them without any mods here, they acessable from catalogue but still has a great interest how non playable sims would use it. If they'll not, better to replace by grill and made all lot as small park. Then it would work.

Please check about seats that could be placed to electronics. I guess one of arcada games on 2nd floor jungle needs it and I still don't know how ITF portable pc works. It's a ball and has very small slotting, it's placed on entrance check-in desk. Does it also need a chair as any other desk? Does anybody know this?
I'll make a test family for next time to see how it works and routes and wish you do the same.

All lot furnishing is for family restaurant. And I wish it to stay in such state.ssims would come with children and celebrate costume and present parties. Furnishing need everything for have a party become good. Maybe it would need to have a wardrobe too.
And no need to respond fast. It makes me hurry but I need to calm down in one day at least after sleepless night Lol.
I am very glad you like this building. Thank you. Vic ^_^

Victor_tor 3rd Dec 2019 10:12 AM

Reply to Edited- i wanted to furnish underground level but guess will not. Please place rabbithole in right way.
Yes for me circular windows (aka eyes on head) were bit down too. Do as you wish with tiles. And everything for best quality. Best wishes. Vic ^_^

fascisthater 5th Dec 2019 11:45 AM

35 Attachment(s)
@Victor_tor - I made some changes to lot and checked for floating tiles and routing issues. I moved rabbit hole again after playtest during which it was slightly off but did not playtest again to see if they get stuck leaving rear door. I changed lot type to visitors allowed. I hope the changes I made did not upset you I just tried to make it look better and improve routing. I made second floor more of kids type area for parties. The sims would not use the tube elevator to go to second floor without prompting(I have not played into future much- so do not know if this is normal behavior). I placed the walls and floors we used in the basement so it might be easier to find if you wish to make changes.

Edited. I think I might have spotted an issue with one the front shoulder sculptures that I missed cause it seems dark.

Norn 5th Dec 2019 1:45 PM

This lot looks like a lot of fun! It fits Petlandia perfectly What a lovely idea.

Some thoughts:
Agreed, in Screenshot 7 you can see that the upper Statue at the turtle's leg is dark. It needs to be moved a tiny bit out of the wall so that outdoor lighting is applied to it again. I guess in the basement the many different floor tiles and wallpapers are just for building and will be removed when done?
Not sure if I like the streetlamps you picked though. Maybe try some simpler ones? Or the ones used in Petlandia?

Victor_tor 5th Dec 2019 8:39 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Many different tiles will be removed with lot finish
Petlandia lampposts looks more green, but they are same, Norn. I'd rather stay those with acorn lanterns but make them matching colour scheme.

Victor_tor 6th Dec 2019 1:20 PM

1 Attachment(s)
ok first report caused by my feelings.
Those thing like WC in dinning area as well as trash bin a making a bad inviroment (green ink). That not means sims will not use them. No. But seating in restaurant near those stuff in real life make them less atractive. And I guess some players, not sims, won't like it. Should I remove them or move another separated rooms?
When playing in Norn's Northeney I had some time to see how ITF kitchen works. It works fine without counters at all. Sims are having ready meal from food replicator stove and use fridge for having snacks. I marked with purple ink those stuff that is useful in kitchen. Others are seems to be just decorative. Can be deleted or stay just for decorative purposes.
Sadly you removed all toys for tods.
@fascisthater, did your sims u use for playtest were climbed second floor to have a meal there?

fascisthater 6th Dec 2019 11:43 PM

6 Attachment(s)
@Victor_tor -my sims did not go to the second floor without telling them to use the tube elevator. I mentioned sims not going to second floor in my last post but was perhaps it was not clear to you. I tried to keep some stationary toddler toys like the one seen in screenshot 33. I originally had building block station against the wall but a sim couldn't sit at arcade table and tried moving one space out and still did not work so removed it. Toys that can be moved seem like a bad idea since they can create routing issues. I placed some all in one bathrooms downstairs because visiting sims would not go upstairs and use those.

I will work on this and post pictures for solutions to problems.

Edited. I made a few changes to address issues you raised as well as a few other things. I took some screenshots and created a new file if this helps. Children seem fine for this lot. However, toddlers are probably not suited for this lot because of the many issues they pose(I hope this doesn't deter you). 1. -They have to have an adult carry them onto the lot and will probably not be brought by NPC families. 2. -They are generally considered chaos incarnate for social groups when they cry or have dirty smelly diapers. 3. -While I and those with a sadistic sense of humor may find streched toddlers endlessly amusing, I don't think most want to see this happen when their toddlers order a meal.

Victor_tor 8th Dec 2019 6:39 PM

11 Attachment(s)
I have tested in life mode with Funke family from tray. I noticed now why it takes so much time to go here with toddler . The most close residence with toddler crib is kinda far and cost 100K+. When arrived to lot it spawns two waitress. They work there not 24 hours but I did not found there worktime. Althought at night you can still enter the house and serve cooking yourself. That was really wondering.

List of bugs captured with screeenshots one by one:
1) Turtle toy had lost his shield (Yes, it's a turtle, not a green unicorn )- was not actually a bug fixing, just something of my author's features
2) Roof pattern does not match size and color of wall texture
- fixed and repainted
3)What this tube is, it was not working in life mode - don't know what to do with this
4)The entrance teleporter caused a lot of issues. First: waiters are spawning in this room and then cause some traps, second: they don't work autonomously with cliccking go here at 2nd floor - replaced by spiral stairs and sofa replaced by ITF loveseat
5)This place was caused traps by waiters too but sims go throw it fine if use NRAAS Go here replacement - i don't know if it should be fixed, only by replacing tube from point (3) and searching for new place for WC booth *sigh*
6)Visitors steal ITF PC ball in inventory - replaced by stationary form
7)Floor seams - fixed
8)2nd floor is used to have its own food replicator to make sims throw away plates - fixed
9)I placed back this turtle activity table. Probably will not used a lot, cause there is no any of toddler cribs in nearby houses. But just make a sence of this lot Turtle feature - was not actually a bug fixing, just something of author's features
10)Wrong pattern direction - fixed
11) (Previous post screen) Norn mentioned lampposts - fixed to match it to Petlandia

New features (sorry, no pics here):
1)I was removed hawaiian painted rug and made a green grass in corridor with plants. Sims can pass it but well its narrow. Up to you to let it be or not. Just keep the grass there please. Tiki styled pattern here is out of place. It's absolutely another style
2)Added a turtle in terratium - please check if it can be transferred with package.
3)One turtle spawning point is added
4)Plants by enterance were replaced by holographic and turned on - please check if it can be seen n buy mode
5)Coloured lights in corner glass cases
6)Misc moves and tweakings to make symmetry and add a variety.

fascisthater! New paintings are really nice, but if someone know how to turn on hologram paintngs in community lot, it would be a great help!

attuned 9th Dec 2019 4:27 AM

I love a collab- always seems to bring out the most creativity, and your lot is no exception. It looks great!
ITF elevators/tubes often do not work on imported lots, and have to be manually replaced by downloader. Try replacing it and then test if it works.

fascisthater 9th Dec 2019 8:10 PM

17 Attachment(s)
@Victor_tor I took some screenshots of lot and wanted to get your feedback on some things I have changed. I did see the two spawners you placed on both sides of building. I have not playtested the playground area but as long as the routing works I have no inclination to make changes to that area. The holographic plants were a nice change you implemented. There were some issues though with some of the changes you made. I was aware of the shell pattern not looking the same but it is only because the more reticulated pattern I could get with floor tiles did not have a wallpaper with enough color channels to replicate.

1.The pattern on shell is fine repeated as long as it is restricted to the shell and not the legs - Otherwise it looks too same/repeaty (also darker pattern on legs somewhat obscures your leg sculptures). I will show pics to demonstrate and give you choice of options(pictures are labeled option 1,2,3).

2. The plants in the narrow hallway are a routing issue as they constrict the space available to just one tile and also obscure the corner display you created. I removed the plants and put down some carpeting but am open to what you would prefer as long as routing not affected.

I did remove floorlamps I placed because they also somewhat obscured your corner displays and I added gnome display and light effect because were smaller/less obscuring.

I did notice issue with the plant area on second floor and not sure how to fix or if it can be fixed -flowers look fine during daytime but at night are darkened even with lights around(tried placing a floor lamp in center of area but even that did not improve so removed it)

Victor_tor 9th Dec 2019 11:09 PM

3 Attachment(s)
1. Oh! I just figured out you idea about legs. My bad I did not understood it earlier. Sorry. If I choose, I'd prefer to see option one with such side painting because this roof painting gives marvelous illusion of shape, while 2nd and 3rd options gave an imagine that shell is having cylindrical shape. I fact turtle's shell is not a cylinder. It's a lense.
Try to figure out if those places in pictures I attatched here could be painted with one finishing type. Maybe there is even a reason to paint legs how they were in very first version from post you was deleted here. Anyways they are great looking.
2. Cool. Let it be with blue and pink floor squares and gnomes in corners.
Try to move flower bushes closer to flowerbed center. If that's not make them lightened at night, try to replace them with green bushes without fowers or remove at all. I guess that's because flower bushes and leaf bushes are having in game different shading.
Cant wait you'll share your edition and let's make this building to finish.

Victor_tor 10th Dec 2019 1:10 PM

4 Attachment(s)
Great. I have noticed myself wrote about lamppost colour fixture, but actually did not made. That was my mistake. sorry. Also was cleared pattern palette at basement. That's the only two reasons for verision 7.
@Fascisthater you was right about clear appearence around the lot. Make screenshots please. I know you has full clear world. I was made three screens today on its place. It has a huge banner nearby, so Petlandia is bad place to make screenshots for showcase.

N.B.: mother can sit in taxi with toddler only when she has a baby carriage in her inventory. So you needs Generations to travel with toddler by car. Grounbreaking Sims 3 logic.

Victor_tor 11th Dec 2019 10:09 PM

Le it be The Tasteful Terrarium you send me some time before. If someone has another suggestions, please post. I think we need to have a joke about turtles in description. I see it something like
"Enjoy this turtle featured restaurant. It has turtle toy, turtle chairs and turtle turtle! Even waitrons here are turtle. Come on try the slowest service ever and have your cooled down snack!"

fascisthater 11th Dec 2019 10:34 PM

I think suggestions from other group members are always welcome. I will check back and try to formulate a description based on input here (and If I see any coming in couple of days). I will then PM you to get your agreement on description. Do pictures look OK though?

attuned 12th Dec 2019 4:17 AM

1 Attachment(s)
It looks really great- I love it!! The pictures are very good also. My only suggestion is that if you are using picture 6 as the thumbnail and first picture, perhaps set it so the left rear foot is included, with less grass at the bottom and all of the shell at the top. Something like this, but with the left rear foot and all of the shell showing. Love the name also!

Victor_tor 12th Dec 2019 9:39 PM

Fascisthater, first of all you need to follow MTS screenshots guidelines when upload. They are here. From first look I can say that would be better to make all top views (screens from first to third) when rotate a view on 90 degrees. It will make a lot area more fit to screensot boundaries.

SimmyRN 13th Dec 2019 1:38 AM

This is adorable! Great job and collaboration!

M4BCreators 13th Dec 2019 3:41 AM

20 Attachment(s)
Here are the screenshots for Wolfson's Station. Please feel free to use them to prepare the upload for the lot. Thanks very much for your assistance! SimmyRN

attuned 13th Dec 2019 5:24 AM

@Victor_tor The screenshots by fascisthater are fine and definitely meet the upload requirements for MTS. However, Victor has a point, when taking overheads that are wide, it is best to orient them so the widest part is horizontal, matching the widest part of the picture itself. I don't think you need to change them for this upload, unless you want to.

As your project is nearing the end, please make a final decision on title, description, and screenshots, and upload them all here so I can fight the wizard calmly and serenely upload them to the joint account. Great work- thanks!!

fascisthater 15th Dec 2019 5:18 PM

21 Attachment(s)
@attuned -Here is the the Tasteful Terrarium upload. I hope to make this easy for you to just copy and paste into appropriate sections. It is a community lot zoned as visitors allowed. Lot size 30x20. Furnished price:228823, Unfurnished price: 42388. Tags- NoCC, Petlandia,restaurant,future,community,turtle. I guess use screenshot 6 for thumbnail. ETA-version 1.67


The Tasteful Terrarium was built for the Mentoring4Builders Petlandia Village as part of the Petlandia expansion project by Victor_tor and fascisthater of the M4B group. It uses the Pets and Into the Future expansions and contains no custom content. It can be used in Petlandia Village or any other world.

Note:This is a package file lot- Place in your library folder The Hogan's Diner rabbithole is located in the basement of this lot.

Welcome to the future of Petlandia where pets are both real and robotic. Likewise, restaurants of the future such as the turtle themed Tasteful Terrarium serve food that is both real and replicated. Who knew reconstituted food could be both delicious and nutritious. The Tasteful Terrarium provides diversions for the young and young at heart while excelling at having fast and finicky replicators with turtle slow service. So be sure to reserve your seat today.

Community lot-Visitors Allowed
Lot size 30x20
Furnished price:228823
Unfurnished price: 42388

Thanks to the Mentoring4Builders group for their input on this project. Thanks to MTS for providing a platform to share creations.

attuned 16th Dec 2019 5:52 AM

Thanks fascisthater and Victor_tor- what a fun upload and how perfect for Petlandia!
And fascisthater , thanks for making the upload process as pain free as possible, just one question: do you mean " fast and finicky replicators" (added c to finicky)?
(and it is your upload but I love Victor's line about "come in and have your already cold food today (or something like that)).

Also, I have custom instructions for installing a library package file instead of a sims3pack, which I will change for your upload. I keep meaning to share this with the group, for those of us who upload with package files- making a mental note to do that soon.

ETA: the pictures look great

fascisthater 16th Dec 2019 8:30 AM

Quote: Originally posted by attuned
Thanks fascisthater and Victor_tor- what a fun upload and how perfect for Petlandia!
And fascisthater , thanks for making the upload process as pain free as possible, just one question: do you mean " fast and finicky replicators" (added c to finicky)?
(and it is your upload but I love Victor's line about "come in and have your already cold food today (or something like that)).

Also, I have custom instructions for installing a library package file instead of a sims3pack, which I will change for your upload. I keep meaning to share this with the group, for those of us who upload with package files- making a mental note to do that soon.

ETA: the pictures look great

Yes, I meant finicky with c (do too much copy/ paste and not enough spellcheck) but corrected it(thanks). His suggestion was : "Enjoy this turtle featured restaurant. It has turtle toy, turtle chairs and turtle turtle! Even waitrons here are turtle. Come on try the slowest service ever and have your cooled down snack!" and that is why I suggested for patrons to reserve their seat today.

attuned 17th Dec 2019 5:06 AM

I will add theme hashtags, but I don't see any for theme "the future" going back through 2019 and 2018. There are "adventure and travel" or "space".
Also, are you both in agreement that this is ready for upload? - it looks ready to me

Victor_tor 17th Dec 2019 8:05 PM

Here the full table. Theme future was at february of 2016. Hash was #themefuture. I don't wanna add there anything else. It looks finished from my point.

attuned 18th Dec 2019 4:50 AM

Sorry guys, started the upload wizard and realized that I do not know if I can upload screenshots from this thread. In the past people have zipped the screenshots together and uploaded them here. Then I can download the zip file and upload the screenshots from my computer. Maybe there is a way to redirect the wizard to this thread, since the pics are obviously already uploaded to MTS, but I could not figure it out. Does anyone know if this is possible?
If not, @fascisthater if you still have the screenshots on your pc, would it be possible to zip them together and upload them here? The alternative is that I download them from your screens that are in this thread and then upload them again, but it degrades the quality quite a bit.
Let me know if anyone has any suggestions. Thanks!

fascisthater 18th Dec 2019 11:13 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Quote: Originally posted by attuned
Sorry guys, started the upload wizard and realized that I do not know if I can upload screenshots from this thread. In the past people have zipped the screenshots together and uploaded them here. Then I can download the zip file and upload the screenshots from my computer. Maybe there is a way to redirect the wizard to this thread, since the pics are obviously already uploaded to MTS, but I could not figure it out. Does anyone know if this is possible?
If not, @fascisthater if you still have the screenshots on your pc, would it be possible to zip them together and upload them here? The alternative is that I download them from your screens that are in this thread and then upload them again, but it degrades the quality quite a bit.
Let me know if anyone has any suggestions. Thanks!

@attuned- Here are pictures of Tasteful Terrarium in zip file. I hope this works for you.

M4BCreators 20th Dec 2019 7:31 AM

Tasteful Terrarium submitted to the queue!!
I will let you know when I hear anything
fascisthater- you can delete the pictures and lots that you have uploaded to the thread as attachments

Victor_tor 20th Dec 2019 8:05 AM

Does I need to delete all my pictures and lots here too? I am trying to play this world now with family I made for cafe playtest and Ambitious Additions installed. It looks great but has not lot enough for Artimal. If I need to place both Terrarium and Artimal, I need to demolish at least o ne of others beautiful lots I abslutely adore. ^_^ It took some time for me to find those one house that has a place for mom, dad, two children and one tod. I found it, it's nice but... eww... it has no yard. I really wish to refurnish The Square Hamster by @Johnny_Bravo now and maybe find some space for Artimal with least lot sacrifice. ^_^

fascisthater 20th Dec 2019 9:18 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Victor_tor
Does I need to delete all my pictures and lots here too? I am trying to play this world now with family I made for cafe playtest and Ambitious Additions installed. It looks great but has not lot enough for Artimal. If I need to place both Terrarium and Artimal, I need to demolish at least o ne of others beautiful lots I abslutely adore. ^_^ It took some time for me to find those one house that has a place for mom, dad, two children and one tod. I found it, it's nice but... eww... it has no yard. I really wish to refurnish The Square Hamster by @Johnny_Bravo now and maybe find some space for Artimal with least lot sacrifice. ^_^

I don't know if you would need to delete all pictures. I would remove the files for the lots though since those are not the finished versions and attuned has sent our project to queue for moderation. The art center attuned created was a conversion from the pets building so you could place there if you wished.

Johnny_Bravo 20th Dec 2019 10:12 PM

And I'm sitting here, wondering why I get a 2nd @notification.

I haven't really been following up, but wouldn't it be possible for Victor to edit the Square Hamster, and then be uploaded under the M4B group?
That way downloaders could choose which home they'd like better.
This'd apply for other buildings, too.
Petlandia mix & match or something.

attuned 20th Dec 2019 11:12 PM

Victor- fascisthater is correct, just delete the old lot attachments. When I said pictures I meant only the zip of the screenshots that fascisthater had uploaded for me to help with the upload process. MTS prefers that you delete the download files in threads once they are no longer needed. I like the progress pictures to remain, since it might help someone in the future.

Hey @Johnny_Bravo we’ve missed you. I think the @ mention system is a bit wonky now as it is being revised. I offered Victor the Square Hamster, but then he and fascisthater decided to build a new lot, a great collab, turtle themed, futuristic restaurant. It will hopefully be available for download soon

SimmyRN 27th Dec 2019 4:54 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Sorry, I didn't think about not being able to use screenshots posted in the thread for uploading. I thought it might work if I posted the pictures under M4BCreators. Here's a zip with the screenshots. I hope it's helpful. Thanks very much for your assistance!

Victor_tor 27th Dec 2019 11:18 AM

@johnny_Bravo can you say where the name for The Square Hamster is come from? It's not looking like hamster and my imagination is drawing abstract pictures about this name ^_^

Johnny_Bravo 27th Dec 2019 11:54 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Victor_tor
@johnny_Bravo can you say where the name for The Square Hamster is come from? It's not looking like hamster and my imagination is drawing abstract pictures about this name ^_^

It was not my idea, attuned came up with it

I think it fits, kind of looks like a hamster laying on on it's belly.

attuned 28th Dec 2019 3:05 AM

Congratulations fascisthater and Victor! Thanks for helping to “grow” Petlandia. If there is anything you want to change, now that it’s published, let me know. Perhaps we should change the first in line picture, and add some others if you like?

@SimmyRN I know you are busy, so I was going to find a work around for the pictures. Thanks for uploading them and making it easier. I will get the fire station uploaded this weekend.

M4BCreators 31st Dec 2019 6:09 AM

Wolfson Station submitted to the queue

Victor_tor 4th Jan 2020 3:16 PM

If you let me to make it, I'd like to refurnish two or three houses to make them work for big families from 6 to 8 sims and then share it under your label. I want to use Generations and pets, and name it Generous Additions (the name close to Ambitious Additions)

Victor_tor 5th Jan 2020 8:32 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Victor_tor
If you let me to make it, I'd like to refurnish two or three houses to make them work for big families from 6 to 8 sims and then share it under your label. I want to use Generations and pets, and name it Generous Additions (the name close to Ambitious Additions)

Or maybe I can't finish it. Oops. I am not sure.
Congratulations on Wolfson station being uploaded! I have a question about it. How did you made it Ambitions only compatible?
As I know all lots in Petlandia using Pets add-on. How did you wiped all Pets add-on objects from there?

fascisthater 5th Jan 2020 9:57 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Victor_tor
Or maybe I can't finish it. Oops. I am not sure.
Congratulations on Wolfson station being uploaded! I have a question about it. How did you made it Ambitions only compatible?
As I know all lots in Petlandia using Pets add-on. How did you wiped all Pets add-on objects from there?

They just made a lot with base game + ambitions expansions. Petlandia requires that you have the pets expansion but the lot itself does not. That way people who do not have the pets expansion but who might have the ambitions expansion can download the lot for use in a world besides Petlandia.

attuned 6th Jan 2020 6:17 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Victor_tor
If you let me to make it, I'd like to refurnish two or three houses to make them work for big families from 6 to 8 sims and then share it under your label. I want to use Generations and pets, and name it Generous Additions (the name close to Ambitious Additions)

I actually love this idea. The only issue is that not every builder wants their lot redesigned by someone else. If you still want to do this, list the houses you are thinking about using, either here or send me a PM. I will look into permission for you. I do know that Johnny Bravo gave permission for his lots to be redone.

And speaking of Johnny Bravo, I had forgotten that I suggested the name Square Hamster. I think someone said "The Acorn" but Johnny wanted something more pet- like. Johnny Bravo suggested the name for my lot- Artimal, that was uploaded in Ambitious Additions. Collaboration!!
Quote: Originally posted by Victor_tor
As I know all lots in Petlandia using Pets add-on. How did you wiped all Pets add-on objects from there?

Wolfson Hospital and Research Center was built by Norn for Petlandia, using basegame and Pets. When SimmyRN decided to use it for Wolfson Station, SimmyRN replaced any Pets objects with objects from Base game or Ambitions. Then I checked the lot for SimmyRN, by clicking on every object and seeing where it was from. It doesn't take as long as it sounds like it would, since the buildings are empty.

Victor_tor 6th Jan 2020 11:00 AM

Quote: Originally posted by attuned
I actually love this idea. The only issue is that not every builder wants their lot redesigned by someone else. If you still want to do this, list the houses you are thinking about using, either here or send me a PM. I will look into permission for you. I do know that Johnny Bravo gave permission for his lots to be redone.

The second issue that I can't redesign houses of every builder. I got a permission of share&redisign from Johnny_Bravo and Cutsocks. Extra permission from you and SimmyRN would be nice as well. All others I see will need an exclusive permission directed to exact house. That's a mess for me.

Quote: Originally posted by attuned
And speaking of Johnny Bravo, I had forgotten that I suggested the name Square Hamster. I think someone said "The Acorn" but Johnny wanted something more pet- like. Johnny Bravo suggested the name for my lot- Artimal, that was uploaded in Ambitious Additions. Collaboration!!

So interesting! Was nice to know that!

Quote: Originally posted by attuned
Wolfson Hospital and Research Center was built by Norn for Petlandia, using basegame and Pets. When SimmyRN decided to use it for Wolfson Station, SimmyRN replaced any Pets objects with objects from Base game or Ambitions. Then I checked the lot for SimmyRN, by clicking on every object and seeing where it was from. It doesn't take as long as it sounds like it would, since the buildings are empty.

Oh. Does that method also must have for residential houses refurnishing? Square Hamster has stall for horses and many other objects that need to be replaced that way. If it's necessary.

attuned 7th Jan 2020 3:38 AM

You said you wanted to make the lots with Pets and Generations, so you could leave the objects from Pets.
I will get the permissions for you, just tell me which lots you are thinking about using. I know most of them anyway, because I asked a while ago.
You can use Johnny Bravo's lots. You can use my lots. Cutsocks didn't build anything for Petlandia. I will check with SimmyRN. Anyone else?

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