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403880 14th Dec 2009 1:27 AM

What Do You Like About Me??
What do you like about me?
If you don't have somthing nice to say a reccomend you don't say anything at all, shurly your parents tought you this, didn't they?

AnimalMad 14th Dec 2009 12:14 PM

Honest answer? OK.
I think you're rude and like to falsely accuse people.
You upset people and think you've done no wrong.
Honestly, it's no wonder you're unpopular.

tree4me 14th Dec 2009 12:16 PM

You want to know what I think of you? I think you are egotistical and rude, and think that accusing others of infecting your computer with viruses that you can't have POSSIBLY got from MTS.

Also, I also think that you are CHILDISH, not just with your English, but with your attitude. Your avatar suits you.

To everyone else: Sorry about this post, but what needs to be done needs to be done.

VoiceIHear 14th Dec 2009 1:19 PM

I'd have to agree with Liz and Alfie on this one...

NightmareCandle 14th Dec 2009 3:44 PM

I agree with them also

TaylorGuy 14th Dec 2009 6:03 PM

Quote: Originally posted by cassslas1996
I agree with them also
I also agree with little...grrrrr

Kiara24 14th Dec 2009 7:52 PM

*hugs 403880*
I just think you feel alone and lost...
Please don't kill me people!

candiiee 14th Dec 2009 7:55 PM

I agree with Alfie and Tree, but I'm staying out of this. *hides*

Zela 14th Dec 2009 7:57 PM

Eh. I don't even know you but Jessie's judgement is always great.

J. M. Pescado 14th Dec 2009 8:33 PM

I think you are stupid and you suck. I mean, you have NUMBERS as a username! That's even more stupid than having numbers *IN* your username! Does being this stupid come naturally, or did you have to practice to become so?

Vampire_aninyosaloh 14th Dec 2009 8:41 PM

Do you really wanna know what I think of you??

You act as a childish, selfish and bossy person who thinks that is best than th rest of the world. That's is shown in your profile and in every single post you have. Apart from accusing me I saw that you also accused XMSims of giving virus to you. I've been downloading from MTS and XMSims since last year and I never got a virus. You can't tell people "don't download from xxx site" when you don't have evidences that you got virus from them. I'd like to know in which kind of sites you enter to get so many virus.

Also you should learn to think on other people and don't try to dominate them, because people are not your pets and you're not better than anyone. All the people is equally equal and you don't have the right to act like you do. It was honest from you deleting the group where you had that punishments thing, and I applaud that.

But please, if you really want people to see you as you see yourself, try to be nicer and don't accuse them of stuff they don't do. And also try to treat them as you treat yourself.

NintendoLover13 14th Dec 2009 8:54 PM

I'm going to have to agree with the majority on this. :/ I'm sorry. Anyways I've had experience with tons of viruses on my computer like I've said, but we got them repaired instantly. What I have to say about that is, viruses come in and effect files. They might not have came from -that- particular file, if you've done a virus scan and it said that's where it's located. It was located there at the moment but that's it. I don't think you can actually figure out where it came from unless you go to the sites that say "reported risk website, pursue at on risk" or something I like that. You can't really do much about viruses but accept them. It's not like you can blame people for giving you the common cold or a flu, it could possibly be them but you never know. Thanks for your time, and I hope you consider your behavior, there's always room for change Thanks for your time. ^-^

Rapsheba555 14th Dec 2009 10:28 PM

Well, frankly I think you're abusive and rude. You insulted an excellent creator in an attempt to smear their name, which only backfired. Not only are you abusive, you also apparently have no sense of how to do a corrupt act correctly, which in your line of work can't be good.

I thoroughly agree with Nina. I've seen that you're creating, and if you're continually insulting other creators with "facts" you KNOW you can't back up, you're not going to be very popular around here.

I've been here a while, not a really long time, but long enough to know how MTS works. People here will see through your attempts to smear other users, and you're not going to like the consequences when they do finally see through you.

403880 14th Dec 2009 11:25 PM

Well I don't care since I already go through worse at school I'm just wondering...

Kiara24 14th Dec 2009 11:53 PM

403880 if you did something wrong you always can say sorry, not all people can do that and I really hope you can!

tree4me 14th Dec 2009 11:57 PM

Quote: Originally posted by 403880
Well I don't care since I already go through worse at school I'm just wondering...

You just don't get it, do you? You have besmirched the name of a fantastic creator and great friend, AND a site. This is -not- about popularity, it's about YOU being a GENERAL COW to someone many people on this site respect. Remind me again, how many OTHER sites do you go to daily, or rather, how many VIRUSES do you GET daily? Aninyosaloh, again, couldn't have possibly infected your computer with a virus, so why call her a "Virus Qween"?

By the way, it's "Queen", sweetie. Work on your English. Seriously.

403880 15th Dec 2009 12:00 AM

Numbers in my usename, you want me to change it? It's my username and it can be whatever I want. I wouldn't call an other user "stupid" and "suck" if I were you...

Quote: Originally posted by J. M. Pescado
I think you are stupid and you suck. I mean, you have NUMBERS as a username! That's even more stupid than having numbers *IN* your username! Does being this stupid come naturally, or did you have to practice to become so?

Rikachu 15th Dec 2009 12:57 AM

Quote: Originally posted by 403880
Numbers in my usename, you want me to change it? It's my username and it can be whatever I want. I wouldn't call an other user "stupid" and "suck" if I were you...

Apparently you've never seen any of Pescado's posts.

But, in all fairness, you had no write to PM Nina saying that its -her- fault your dad's PC got viruses. The average person visits multiple sites a day, and some of those have viruses in the coding. Even if it "went away" as you said it did after you removed her download, it doesn't mean her download caused it.

Also, seriously, learn to spell.

VoiceIHear 15th Dec 2009 1:03 AM

Once again I have to agree with Liz. But you're not one to talk, in the end, you're just as bad. Especially with questions like 'Are you ugly?' in the Yes or No thread. I mean, seriously, what sort of question is that? You have accused a brilliant creator of giving you a virus which you simply cannot prove.

Noone on this site takes kindly to that, users here like to be repected, and like Raps said, people will see through your attempts to bring people down, if they haven't already.

And just as a sidenote, viruses don't tend to 'just go away'. =/

*cough*some enlish lessons might help too

EvilOverlord 15th Dec 2009 1:16 AM

Quote: Originally posted by 403880
Sooo. What do you think of me???


You don't want to know what I think of you

403880 15th Dec 2009 1:47 AM

One the nicest comments so far. I like you.

Quote: Originally posted by EvilOverlord

You don't want to know what I think of you

403880 15th Dec 2009 1:49 AM

Well it did not go away since its one of those 10 critical vrisus's in one virus and my spelling is not so bad, I spell worse when I am sad.

Quote: Originally posted by RiBlan
Apparently you've never seen any of Pescado's posts.

But, in all fairness, you had no write to PM Nina saying that its -her- fault your dad's PC got viruses. The average person visits multiple sites a day, and some of those have viruses in the coding. Even if it "went away" as you said it did after you removed her download, it doesn't mean her download caused it.

Also, seriously, learn to spell.

EvilOverlord 15th Dec 2009 2:22 AM

Quote: Originally posted by 403880
One the nicest comments so far. I like you.

oh god, I was afraid of that

403880 15th Dec 2009 2:54 AM

Afraid of being nice?Or at least, nicer

Quote: Originally posted by EvilOverlord
oh god, I was afraid of that

EvilOverlord 15th Dec 2009 3:19 AM

The I like you part. I don't enjoy the feeling of like

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