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squaretable 14th Apr 2013 8:16 AM

the Lovely British Summer
Or lack of it! I mean, we've not even had a proper spring this year! I'm not hopeful that our summer is going to be any sunnier thaan normal ( I'm from Surrey, and the leaves haven't come on any of the trees yet, at all! I mean I look down my tree-lined street and see the forest behind my neighbours house, and the only tree I can see lflowerimg, budding, is my cherry tree!

So anyway how bads the spring been where you are, and do you think the summers going to be good (I admit I'm a bit pessimistic about how its gonna turn out... Alas.)

Ferguson Avenue 14th Apr 2013 1:16 PM

The only leaves I see on the trees are from the ivy. Admitedly the fields and crops are no longer drowning but there's not much in the way of growth or hinting at spring. Although we've had an unusualy large amount of fog over the past few weeks in my part of Essex. Most evenings have been thick with fog, which just makes everything seem even more beautiful and creepy. Especially as when I look out of one of my bedroom windows, all I can see is the yellow light of the rectory reaching through the thick fog and darkness of dusk. But other than that you can't really see much due to the thick fog. Although we have had quite a few sunny days where the temperature has helped make it almost feel warm like spring/summer; such as yesterday although the skies clouded over and it rained My birthday is in August and I'm hoping to have a beach party, unless it's raining... Although I recon we'll have a scorching hot summer after all this messed up weather. Although I'm not a fan of hot climates, anything above 28C is too hot for me, so I like to head to the beach at Frinton to be cooled by the cool sea breeze

squaretable 14th Apr 2013 5:05 PM

Oh, cool! I live on the north downs, south of London, and its really sunny (wierd, it was really foggy and my mums car seemed like it had been driving round the Amazon by the amount of mud the Dartford tunnel and the M25 had caked all over it...

I went into the garden today, and there was leaves on one of the trees, (well probably more) so ispring might have finally come, just hopefully the snow won't return (I live near the south coast for a reason)

Well anyway, if the summer fails here, I've got a 2-week holiday near Lisbon to look forward too! (Wonder if the half term will be nice....)

Artimis 14th Apr 2013 9:35 PM

M25 is invented by bemons according to Good Omens and the great british summer is just rain and more rain.

Tanky 14th Apr 2013 10:36 PM

Well today up north we were up to 15 degrees! Positively Barmy!

Ferguson Avenue 18th Apr 2013 6:53 PM

The other day when I went for the morning bus to college the fog was really thick, it was kind of like 'Silent Hill'... But then the past few days have been quite bright and sunny reaching the barmy heights of 15c or 16c! But then this afternoon we had a sudden storm with thunder lightning and RAIN! It was awesome although ended so suddenly

Ferguson Avenue 16th Jun 2013 4:20 PM

We may have to send out a search party to try and find the summer or where it went

Ferguson Avenue 3rd Jul 2013 6:40 PM

Summer?!... Is that you?!... Where are you?!... Why have you left us?! I promise we can change if you come back to the UK again

squaretable 7th Jul 2013 10:50 AM

OK, so its been so sunny since Friday, I've spent the majority of time doing revision in our north-facing living room, rather than in our south-facing garden. In fact its been so hot, I've been sleeping SHITLESS! (A rare occurance for me, I assure you.)

Ferguson Avenue 7th Jul 2013 8:45 PM

I fell asleep in the garden and got a bit singed... And now I have to go back to college tomorrow looking considerably burnt Luckily I had put sun cream on so the damage wasn't too bad. But when it's hot a night I just don't sleep, hence why I was able to fall asleep in the garden today.

squaretable 7th Jul 2013 9:42 PM

Oh, right. That isn't good...
I've been indoors today, at my nan's in Romford, Essex. well mostly, I took a trek to the park half a mile down the road, played pooh sticks, and went back (my brothers and cousins were there) My aunts, uncle, nan, grandad and my mum and dad thought we'd taken a dip in the amazon!
Anyway that said, hopefully it will be cooler in the week!

Artimis 8th Jul 2013 12:46 PM

It has been sunny and hot for the last few days, unusual, probably it will loads next as it always rains in the summer.

squaretable 8th Jul 2013 11:13 PM

Haha! I know right! But I'm going to have to put up with temperatures up to 28°C til Friday, with most of England, Wales and the Scottish borders having to deal with similar hot weather.But we will be having a downpour next week (probably), like you said, so I might as well make the most of this.

Artimis 10th Jul 2013 12:40 AM

I just now want too be sunny but not this hot. I cannot sleep in these heat well and buses are awful in this weather.

squaretable 10th Jul 2013 11:55 PM

I go to Spain for this heat! I don't want it in this country!
And yeah, I (fortunately) haven't taken a bus yet, but my nights have Ben restless. :P

Ferguson Avenue 11th Jul 2013 11:48 AM

The summer seems to have left Essex. It's cold outside, I had to have an extra blanket on the bed last night. It looks like it will rain outside. I hope it's not Autumn already. Scratch that, it just took a little while to climb back up to the wuthering heights of past days...

squaretable 19th Jul 2013 4:07 PM

Ok, I'm leaving for Portugal in one week (how unpatriotic of me)
However I will back two weeks after then.
Finally some cold!

Ferguson Avenue 19th Jul 2013 8:31 PM

It's been so hot where I live that we've even had a wild fire in one of our fields. It almost took one of our houses with it, one of the oldest houses on our lane too; right out at the end, almost completely encircled by fields of dry wheat and barley. It started because one of the tennants thought it would be a good idea to have a bonfire in the morning and leave it to burn through the rest of the day whilst no one was home. He's from South Africa too, so he should have known better. My Dad was furious and I think he's considering evicting the tennant and his family. But seriously, on a day like this where it's practically 30c outside, who decides it's time for a bonfire?!

squaretable 20th Jul 2013 1:27 PM

You're a Landowner? Didn't know that!
Well the clouds have set in now, where I live. Which considering I put all my non-sunny clothes away (Jeans, long sleeves shirts etc.) it's a slight pain, so it's really chilly an breezy and drafty, and I'm wearing shorts and a TShirt. But it was glorious yesterday, out in Brighton and it was 19C at 11:30! Brilliant!

Ferguson Avenue 20th Jul 2013 3:25 PM

Quote: Originally posted by squaretable
You're a Landowner? Didn't know that!
Well the clouds have set in now, where I live. Which considering I put all my non-sunny clothes away (Jeans, long sleeves shirts etc.) it's a slight pain, so it's really chilly an breezy and drafty, and I'm wearing shorts and a TShirt.

I'm a farmer's son actually, we have a relatively modest farm of just over 400 acres.
I know the feeling, luckily I haven't put away my winter clothers, so I'm able to just got to my wardrobe and get out a nice thick jumper and pair of jeans. Admitedly, it was very humid this morning, and looking at the current weather forecast, it looks like next week temperatures shall be back up in the mid 30s, although with a great chance of thunderstorms. So it could be interesting...

squaretable 21st Jul 2013 11:25 PM

Well, it's become sunny again, and by the looks of it, the thunderstorms are arriving just as I leave to go on holiday (Win!)
However I hope it goes away, because to the end of August, we get our bags together again, as we always do, and drive up the A13 past Colchester, and to be fair, being in a cold, wet, windy caravan ent much fun. (God forbid the trip might get CANCELLED!)
400 acres.... No idea what that is, but I guess it's a fair amount... I think my nan's house and garden is 3/4 of an acre if I remember right... (It's a bungalow just off a dual carriageway coming out of London, but it's set back quite a way)
Anyway Im going to Thorpe Park (you know, big theme park southwest of London, tall Rollercoasters) tomorrow with the school, hopefully it'll be sunny!

Artimis 23rd Jul 2013 10:46 AM

We have storms now here.

Ferguson Avenue 23rd Jul 2013 11:04 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Artimis
We have storms now here.

Wasn't it awesome last night? There was lots of wind and rain; a proper storm. I had my windows open all night, the curtains were blowing everywhere, I never realised how much I missed the sound of the rain.
Now all we need is thunder and lightning :lovestruc:

squaretable 24th Jul 2013 7:42 AM

Its not been raining where I am, in the daytime, but at night I thought it was keyboards typing.., turned out it was rain! But I just put my head under the duvet and went to sleep.

Ferguson Avenue 24th Jul 2013 8:56 PM

It was hot again today, almost up to the 30s, and now that i've passed my driving test, me and some friends went down to the beach. Now I have to clean my car tomorrow to get all the sand out of it

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