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simsample 4th Sep 2020 2:23 AM

@fascisthater Post a new image to caption! 

fascisthater 4th Sep 2020 5:42 AM

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simsample 4th Sep 2020 12:17 PM

That's a Sims 3 image, but still funny!
Caption for the above: Sunset Valley, moments before the 2020 tsunami.

New image to caption:

grammapat 9th Sep 2020 3:07 PM

O My gord
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Quote: Originally posted by fascisthater

That's what you can do in sim3?

Caption: Ralph kicked the Cleaning robot till it broke..thumbs up! His mother-in-law was on her way; Ralph hopped she would get out of the taxi - just long enough to stomp on some bugs - and leave with all her suit cases, and maybe a case of nausea.

simsample 20th Sep 2020 11:21 PM

^^Ned was cringing at the back of the picture, ashamed at the dress sense of the rest of his family. How could he be related to people who would wear H&M?

Image to caption:

crazyangrysim974 21st Sep 2020 7:18 PM

Caption of the one above: "Sometimes I wish I do not see."

Caption this one:

grammapat 24th Sep 2020 1:54 AM

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You invited me to spend the night but never let me get any sleep. And NOW your're carrying your fat old wife to bed?!

simsample 12th Oct 2020 6:23 PM

^^*bonk bonk* "Oh why won't this kid fit through the window?"

crazyangrysim974 16th Oct 2020 12:05 AM

^^ Oh how I love flexing to this bath!

grammapat 16th Oct 2020 1:57 AM

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I'm so bored with this dorm. Will the cook clean up the bowl of food before that stupid cheerleader drowns? Most excitement all day.

That's an axe in his head. Sorry, I'm too lazy to enlarge pic

grammapat 18th Oct 2020 1:58 AM

Quote: Originally posted by simsample
^^*bonk bonk* "Oh why won't this kid fit through the window?"

I thought sure someone would say something from Michael Jackson
so you disagree that there is a well-known story about him holding his child (Blanket?)...well actually it wasn't out a window, it was over a balcony

grammapat 19th Oct 2020 6:14 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Lamare
"Must... reach... the plumbob!"

My pic:

I can't open--is it just me?

simsample 26th Oct 2020 12:21 AM

^^Something smells fishy about this murder! Or maybe the smell is the grim reaper's feet?

jotaerre 27th Oct 2020 12:21 AM

No fire here, lets get another kind of fun.

grammapat 31st Oct 2020 1:00 AM

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"What!? You're flirting with me? You're under arrest buster, and I'm adding a charge of trying to influence an officer"

simsample 3rd Dec 2020 1:44 PM

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You're going to have to move over a bit, I can't get through in this tutu!

raise20puppiesorkittens 3rd Dec 2020 9:00 PM

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"I can't believe I wet the bed again. I wonder how many Simoleans Kaylynn will charge me for laundry this time."

CrystalFlame360 4th Dec 2020 5:23 AM

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"Haha, watch as I make this window disappear before your little eyes! This is why you don't skip on the bills!"

*doesn't realise that it can be replaced later*

Not very funny, but I tried; for both the caption and the following image.

grammapat 5th Dec 2020 12:44 AM

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"Nya nya"? Oh boo hoo. Beat it ya dumb kid/

Sims2Christain 25th Dec 2020 10:04 AM

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I could be watching that movie right now rather than fixing whatever this is!

natbsim75 25th Dec 2020 7:17 PM

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Dog: "Little girl, can you feed me first and become rich later?"

Annaminna 25th Dec 2020 8:50 PM

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Mortimer: "This is how rats flee from drowning ship."

simsample 27th Dec 2020 3:23 PM

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Doris: Your eyes sparkle like bright constellations!
Fred: What? I can't hear you, my ears are full of snow...

grammapat 29th Dec 2020 4:04 PM

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Hurry up or I'll use this brush on YOU!
Yes, thank you; the right shoulder please.

Sims2Christain 3rd Jan 2021 10:21 AM

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Look at me, I told you I won't let you get hurt didn't I? We're almost at the road now anyway

AnMal 3rd Jan 2021 12:08 PM

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Host 1, whispering: If we just pretend not to see it, it might go away
Host 2, whispering: Do you think it's... you know... carnivorous?

grammapat 3rd Jan 2021 4:27 PM

Quote: Originally posted by grammapat
Hurry up or I'll use this brush on YOU!
Yes, thank you; the right shoulder please.

...except the next picture was the repairman running off the lot with the toddler...
and the poor man in the road: "OMG! I just fell on a cement curb from...100 feet? Anything broken? Nope, but SOMETHING is wrong".
opps can't get pic...

grammapat 3rd Jan 2021 4:37 PM

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Sorry have to double post...

Noa1500 6th Jan 2021 6:57 PM

^ second lunch is never a mistake!

Sorry I got no pics from my end

Sims2Christain 7th Jan 2021 4:55 AM

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Quote: Originally posted by Noa1500
^ second lunch is never a mistake!

Sorry I got no pics from my end

Got you covered

grammapat 9th Jan 2021 7:31 PM

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It's my new fishtank-in-the-floor, cool aye?

Peace 10th Jan 2021 12:45 AM

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Yes i know the house and the puddle besides us is on fire but dude I smell like a homeless mans butt!!!!

AnMal 10th Jan 2021 3:42 AM

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"They say if you watch that videotape she will come for you. You have seven days..."

grammapat 15th Jan 2021 3:25 AM

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OMG! THIS big!

Sims2Christain 11th Apr 2021 8:28 AM

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I feel that there is quite the lack of brains in this building.

simsample 11th Apr 2021 9:59 AM

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^^The bus seed is planted, I hope the greenhouse is big enough!

PS Thanks for resurrecting this, I forgot all about this thread!

grammapat 12th Apr 2021 3:55 PM

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The humans have glasses, just to show how smart they are. But I'm the only AI, the REAL brains behind this group!

Sims2Christain 27th Apr 2021 11:46 AM

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I bet they look real silly right now, they won't know what fashion even is.

grammapat 6th May 2021 7:45 PM

Men In Black board meeting: Cereal..again?! Doesn't anyone know how to cook? Why don't we have a cook? And a housekeeper! We are the Best of the best, highly trained, ruthless...I'm not getting paid enough for this kind of nonsense...There's a train outa here at 6..

Sims2Christain 11th May 2021 12:38 PM

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Another picture to grace this thread with

simsample 11th May 2021 1:45 PM

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Does the batbox have a cure for being stabbed in the back with a plumbbob?

grammapat 11th May 2021 7:58 PM

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WOW! Are you a lobster? I just LOVE lobster! Plated with rice, just so!
No, NO! I am NOT a lobster! I'm a chicken...uh, no I'm not actually a chicken..I

Apparently Adam 16th May 2021 7:05 PM

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Quote: Originally posted by grammapat
WOW! Are you a lobster? I just LOVE lobster! Plated with rice, just so!
No, NO! I am NOT a lobster! I'm a chicken...uh, no I'm not actually a chicken..I

When I tell someone my music taste.

grammapat 16th May 2021 9:15 PM

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What?! The fridge is on fire?!!! Hay! Hay YOU! What am I supposed to doooooo?

Sims2Christain 22nd May 2021 2:51 AM

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When they're born they'll be an overachiever I just know it!

grammapat 8th Jun 2021 3:53 PM

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I'm grateful I have a job, but I sure wish those humans would make a car that I could drive with these size 24 feet...

Sims2Christain 24th Jun 2021 11:22 AM

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a lot of dead air around here...

Pideli 24th Jun 2021 4:25 PM

"Previously on LOST..."

grammapat 7th Jul 2021 2:40 PM

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Quote: Originally posted by Sims2Christain
a lot of dead air around here...

I think you captioned your own picture
For Pidelli's pic: "be glad you can't see my whole twisted body".
And MY pic to figure out...

simsample 1st Sep 2021 1:47 AM

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@grammapat "You totally DID make holes in my favourite bandana with your stupid spiky hair!"

grammapat 2nd Sep 2021 12:00 AM

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A cat's thoughts:" I don't mind licking my own butt. And I hope the big guy is watching so when I lick him on the mouth he will have a sputtering fit. That should be sa fun as when I dropped a live mouse on him while he was sleeping!"

simsample 3rd Sep 2021 11:51 PM

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"I have a degree from Cowsplat College, and I'm telling you that the bed isn't tiny, it's just very far away!"

Peace 5th Sep 2021 1:28 AM

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"Ummm when the sun comes up I am out of here! This place is a madhouse!"

melbasims 5th Sep 2021 6:52 PM

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"My therapist told me to look on the bright side - there's at least four floor tiles not covered in garbage!"

grammapat 6th Sep 2021 2:49 AM

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I'm from the thought police; are you thinking rude thoughts that have upset this woman?

simsample 6th Sep 2021 11:06 PM

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Dude, I've just had a shower- I am certainly not going to spread my legs so you can clean there.

Peace 7th Sep 2021 6:04 AM

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"No not like that! Both hands! You need both hands to make.... watch me... JAZZ HANDS!!! Yes i know you are a garden gnome but you can still be jazzy!"

melbasims 4th Oct 2021 5:27 PM

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"Don't you just hate it when newspaper ink smudges?


grammapat 5th Oct 2021 2:53 AM

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I'm not touching that dangly-down thing"...said by either one.

simsample 5th Oct 2021 2:25 PM

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*Boink *Boink Why won't this darned kid fit through the window?

Sims2Christain 8th Oct 2021 11:31 AM

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I knew I should've stayed home today...

Peace 16th Oct 2021 10:05 AM

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"Purple Rain, Purple raiiiin... wait... i said purple rain not purple bath water! Who owns this game? I need to speak to the manager!!!"

simsample 16th Oct 2021 11:33 AM

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Low cost Matrix meets The Sims!

grammapat 17th Oct 2021 3:29 AM

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..back off punk, or I'll give you some more injuries...

sscc 27th Oct 2021 5:28 PM

*runs against the door* MY LEG!!!

my picture is nothing special but..

grammapat 28th Oct 2021 4:36 PM

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UM, sparkly plate food is the best. What's with the sparkles anyway? Now I don't care that my big TV is broke, and my stinky cat is tearing up my couch..

Sims2Christain 30th Oct 2021 12:07 AM

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An exemplary theme you have here! I'm sure you'll win that prize!

(still on the Island theme)

grammapat 8th Nov 2021 4:27 PM

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Look, lava! In TWO places! The volcano's about to blow! Or maybe this HOOD is about to blow...

Peni Griffin 12th Nov 2021 2:38 PM

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"Look up the number online like everybody else, lady! I've dieted so much I need these phone books to support my midriff."


simsample 12th Nov 2021 3:49 PM

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Where the heck did I put that leaf I dropped?

grammapat 13th Nov 2021 1:37 AM

adding a picture
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Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin


I was expecting an explanation involving being run over doing push-ups in the street
and my "explain this" picture...can you find the "problem"?

Peace 29th Nov 2021 2:18 AM

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"Why are you staring at me? Have you never seen chest jewelry before? Its new from simborkedfashion.sim. You should get you one! We could be twinsies!!"

Secretgirl55 1st Dec 2021 2:55 PM

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Christa didn't realize the horror that would ensue when she introduced Sylvia the cat to Brenda the chicken... The feathers did fly...

Peace 10th Dec 2021 11:27 PM

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"OMG you did WHAT? Seriously?? The Cow and the Llama?!"

simsample 11th Dec 2021 8:17 AM

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Hi, I'm your taxi driver. How far do you want me to go?

Secretgirl55 11th Dec 2021 4:45 PM

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"I'm kind of bummed out..."


"My new date just doesn't get how into music I am"

"You just have to show him how into it you are, and maybe he will be more interested..."

"I tried that and it just pushed him away..."

"What did you do?"


Peace 20th Dec 2021 7:01 AM

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"i would like to talk to you about your car's extended warranty"
*sigh* OMG take me off your calling list.

Secretgirl55 29th Dec 2021 6:36 PM

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"So your baby is obviously unwell, tell us what's going on"

"I'm a witch by trade and I mistook the frogs breath for formula, then this happened..."

"My best advice is give the youngster 2 spoonfuls of worms wart and call me in the morning"

grammapat 30th Dec 2021 3:19 PM

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"I'm tellin ya it was right THERE! A big thing in the sky! It sucked a man clean off the ground "

didyouevenmakeasound 20th Jan 2022 3:54 PM

"This wasn't in the job description."

grammapat 25th Jan 2022 8:04 PM

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Quote: Originally posted by didyouevenmakeasound
"This wasn't in the job description."

"Wow, a store with fully-stocked shelves!" {That's a referral to the empty shelves in US grocery stores}

simsample 3rd Feb 2022 7:47 PM

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I really hate this new line of maternity clothes...

grammapat 5th Feb 2022 6:13 PM

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Yea, I know about "do your own thing", but I still think people should get married before they start a family.

simsample 5th Feb 2022 7:20 PM

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I think I've found the problem... your armpit smells of feathers and you have a pillow in your backside.

grammapat 8th Feb 2022 12:13 AM

Quote: Originally posted by simsample
I think I've found the problem... your armpit smells of feathers and you have a pillow in your backside.

==Gave me a laugh, remembering "Your mother is a (what was it? a gerbel?) and your father smells of elderberry"

simsample 8th Feb 2022 12:20 AM

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"I fart in your general direction, you mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!"

grammapat 8th Feb 2022 5:34 PM

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Exactly! And for your picture: "Yea we are all good friends here. But blue hair is stupid. MY hair is umm cutting edge:.

simsample 8th Feb 2022 6:22 PM

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OMG! My thumb is humongous!

grammapat 27th Feb 2022 4:23 AM

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I am NOT an alien, they are white and have wiggly tentacles like this.....

LauraPamplonaS 22nd Aug 2022 3:53 AM

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"One, two, three, one, two, three, and twirl!"

"Come on, the song ended 10 minutes ago!"

simsample 14th Sep 2022 10:48 PM

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@LauraPamplonaS "I'm going to ignore the fact that the sky is purple, there are stars in the daytime and my trousers defy gravity. Because- look! There's a bird!"

pianogrinder 15th Sep 2022 12:31 AM

Quote: Originally posted by LauraPamplonaS
"One, two, three, one, two, three, and twirl!"

"Come on, the song ended 10 minutes ago!"

I love that purple sky. I use it all the time for my fantasy lots.

simsample 15th Sep 2022 1:00 AM

@pianogrinder Make a funny caption and then post a funny picture. Got any good screenshots?

simsample 22nd Sep 2022 11:57 PM

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As there have been no more funny captions, I'll post another:

AnMal 23rd Sep 2022 9:17 AM

"Nah, I don't know what Viking punk rave metal fusion is, mate. But have you heard 'East Riverblossom Fiddle Band'? Their version of 'Three Lake Slap Dance' is a right gas!"

simsample 23rd Sep 2022 10:15 AM

@AnMal ! Post a picture, AnMal!

AnMal 23rd Sep 2022 11:23 AM

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Oh dear, I'm getting old (Mr AnMal says "Getting?!"). Forgot to actually put the picture in! Here it is:

simsample 23rd Sep 2022 6:13 PM

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Me too AnMal! Today I forgot what I was doing half way through making a cup of tea.

Caption: *whispers in ear* 'Excuse me old chap, do you realise thta green fur is out of fashion?'

LauraPamplonaS 24th Sep 2022 4:06 PM

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"Told you we were living in a simulation."
"That thing in the sky? No! That's just climate change. Oh, you and your conspiracy theories!"

grammapat 29th Sep 2022 3:20 AM

If you move that piece, you're dead"
Sorry, no Windows 11 computer is useless. Can't install game. sob

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