I wonder why they avoided more major themes like Magic as in Makin' Magic and something I'd really love to see, a Space/SF themed EP. Homes on the moon, shopping at a space station... I know people have worked up 'space' terrains and ships and all, but it's not quite the same thing. Undersea would be great too; when I tried out Second Life for a few weeks there was one location that had just beautiful terrain and fish swimming around in an undersea tropical 'paradise.' Would LOVE to see a whole EP like that...
Quote: Originally posted by CarolJude
Well, they've never had anything like that in any of the games. Come to think of it, they don't have ANY "Old World" or incredibly modern, or ANY type of themes. Maxis is... boring. If you have Pets (I don't know if they have that for Mac), the Kim family lives in a truly modern house. The premade description dubbed them as former actors (and for the ma, actress) for "life in the future". |
BV is the last expansion pack i've bought and omg why did i wait so long! beaches! holidays! beaches and................beaches!
I'm just miffed that i can't put beach lots in PV. Why oh why are their roads so far from the water?! |
I'm absolutely in love with seasons. I live in the southeastern part of the US and it rarely snows or gets really cold here, and so I had a fit when it snowed on my lot. Seriously, I took so many pictures, it was pathetic. I built snowmen (this is one thing I've never been able to do in real life), made snow angels and had probably had way more fun than my sims, who freeze way too quickly.
My question is this, though...why do sims roll wants to have water balloon fights when it's snowing, and can they die from it? |
Should I get Seasons or Apartment life?
Oooh that's a hard one...I love both. I'd start with Seasons and then get Apartment Life later.
Well, Seasons really depends. While I love it, the snow lags up my game something fierce (while nothing else does, odd.)
But so does Apartment Life. So if I had a choice, go with Seasons...as stygia2002 said. Fishing! Gardening! Plant sims! Witches really aren't that exciting if you weren't into the Makin' Magic EP from TS1...but if you were, like I am, you would love witches ^_^ Those are AL, just so we're clear. |
Seasons it is! Thanks guys.
Quote: Originally posted by Evanlee
For the same reason adolescent boys do - it's cruel AND fun! I dunno if they can die from it (watch the temperature gauge?) but maybe they can get sick? Your fascination with the snow sounds like mine with water/beach lots. Although I live in a coastal city, I rarely get to see the sea very often and have always wanted a beachfront home (DESPITE living in a coastal city, lol!) It's a pathetic sort of vicarious 'life,' but on the other hand, one gets to create as many different and different-looking homes as they want. (And not have them washed away.) Evanlee, if they still make those Sno-Cone machines for kids, you could get one and shave up some ice and make yourself a mini snowman! You could keep it in your freezer! And then/during/after, you could make sno-cones! |
Sorry, but IMO they just suck. Everything's already been said.
I currently only have Bon Voyage (for beach lots, as everything else is a bore) and Nightlife installed (the latter due to my copy of Double Deluxe). All the SPs suck, I think IKEA and Celebration would of been decent if they had added way more stuff (they don't even fill up a "page"; go check). If you like these "trendy"/"modern" clothes, H&M is great for you. Some people say it's too preppy or cheap. There's certain items you can find only in a particular EP or SP, but they're not worth your $19.95. Some people don't even trust the Sims store. en7en, the famous pagoda creator on here, only has the base game. I should of followed his example. I have everything but now need to get rid of it, and it sucks that I won't be able to use certain lots on here anymore as purchasing them all is a free ticket for CC, but whatever. I'm wondering what people actually do with their old expansions and stuff packs. I seriously want to give everything away to charity, no one is going to buy it from me. |
Quote: Originally posted by 888mph
Oh pooh. I found this hack, and it isn't excessive at all. Blocked just about everything, and it's really rather nice. ^_^ I'd link it if I remembered where I got it. Darn. |
Quote: Originally posted by Prosthetics
It's still useless. I don't care about hobbies. The new cribs, drawing table, and ballet and bohemian outfits are the only good things about it. |
That sounds just about like most of the game, you're talking about. If the only bad thing about this EP is hobbies, then it really isn't that bad.
Quote: Originally posted by Prosthetics
Please, I paid $19.99 for a damn crib and boho skirt (I wouldn't be caught dead in IRL) when it was clearly advertised that the EP was hobbies plus? No thanks. |
So, I'm to take it that you don't like that your sims can walk places without a vehicle? That you don't enjoy having secondary aspirations? That you didn't like any of the new careers? Wow. You must be a hard person to make happy, if this is the case. I'd steer clear of the sims in the future if none of the EP's made you smile even a little bit.
Quote: Originally posted by Prosthetics
No lies here, I'm ranked as the pickiest person ever IRL. Not to brag or anything. If I said it, then that's what it is, seriously. There have been some great responses in this thread; I believe Unregistered00 pretty much took the cake. No one hated on him. |
I need help.
I'm seriously considering buying Bon Voyage (mostly because it's the only EP I don't own.) I've been looking at every single review site that I could, but none of the reviews are detailed enough for my tastes. Pros and cons of Bon Voyage? Someone? Please? |
Well, Bon Voyage adds vacations, cool new stuff, and apparently, you can swim in the ocean (I haven't done that yet, due to a lengthy inability to play my game properly...an issue that just got lengthier <fold arms and glare angrily at the corner> ). It also adds the ability to have all choices for things like university, vacation destinations and the like in each neighborhood so that you don't have to choose just one.
The con, at least for me, is that I'm not that into the whole vacation thing. Other than that, it's a decent addition, though, admittedly, my least favorite EP. But for other people, it's their favorite...so I think it's just a matter of what you enjoy. |
Quote: Originally posted by Prosthetics
In my opinion: PROS -Swimmable sea -Sun tans (now my rich sims look even more glamorous with their suntans and sun glasses) and sun burns!! -Vacation homes for your very rich sims (how cool is to have a nice house by the beach. Think: The Sims Hamptons!) -Actual Honeymoons - Digital Cameras: finally your sims can take in-game pictures and hang them on the wall (good for weddings, children...) CONS -There is not that much to do while on vacation (unless you're into challenges, then you can try and complete all the "objectives"). -Going on vacation is pretty expensive - Actual home life remains pretty much the same (no changes there) |
Thank you!
I have many many sims in my neighborhood who have millions of dollars, so I don't think that the vacation expenses would put much of a dent in their net worth :/ |
Yesterday I almost killed myself attempting to decide between University, Bon Voyage and Seasons. Finally, I went with University and am glad I did. But next time I buy an EP; I don't want to stand in Target for ten minutes trying to decide. So, Bon Voyage or Seasons? I am not interested in Open For Business at all, and Free Time doesn't seen that interesting. Apartment Life, maybe, but it will take some convincing for me. owo My main reason for wanting Season is the outerwear, and partially my main reason for wanting Bon Voyage is the jewelry. Yes, leave it up to a girl to make clothing the main reason she gets something. |
Quote: Originally posted by DM was on fire!
Seasons all the way. Bon Voyage isn't half as fun without seasons anyway. Maybe it doesn't add a new neighborhood like BV, but it adds weather, a whole new clothing category, an option to harvest your own vegetables etc. and so many things that affect your sims' everyday lives, (unlike BV, which doesn't add much to your sims home lives, only the option to go on vacation) ETA: if you want jewlery there are some amazing downloads out there that work without BV because they are categorized as "glasses" e.g: http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=289155&c=1 |
But beware that Seasons will hit your RAM hard, so unless you have a really good amount, your system will pay for it.
Quote: Originally posted by Prosthetics
Or you could just be smart and buy just a couple along with Seasons — plasticbox only has Nightlife (I think she bought it separately, as she is seen using it in creations as early as 2005, before they released the bundled Deluxe in 2007 and Double Deluxe the following year), Open for Business, Seasons, and Pets. She does pretty well. Hell, I wish I were that smart. I wouldn't of bought Pets, Bon Voyage, FreeTime, and Apartment Life (all sold except for BV). Bon Voyage is wonderful with beach lots and hammocks along with a few new building tools and items, but that's the best I can say about it. Bigfoot? Sorry, I don't care about him. Your Sims get one meet and memory with him — sure, you could move him in, but he's dark and ugly — and it only fulfills 1,000 or 2,000 points. The touristy and trip stuff is just useless. |
I really have no opinion on the stuff packs, I like the ones I’ve got and I haven’t bought the ones that didn’t seem interesting to me... So I’m leaving them off this list. So out of the EPs I’ve got:
1 – Seasons. It brings not only a very welcome variation with the changes in the scenery, it brings fun new boosts for each season. And it brings the gardening stuff! I love that part, it’s so much fun. And it means my Sims can support themselves without having to go to work, once they get the garden going. This was definitely the EP that added the most to the game IMHO. 2 – University. I’ve had it for so long that I’ve almost forgotten it’s an EP, but I really like all the goodies that come with it. It always pays to send your Sims to college. True it is rather dull at times, but with a good hack you can put them through college fast and reap the benefits 3 – Nightlife. I don’t go downtown all that often, I must confess, but when I do it’s always fun. 4 – Open for Business.This one I bought mostly because it was on sale... I’ve never really gotten the hang of the business aspect of it; for some reason no matter what I do Sims won’t purchase anything from the stores, they’ll only use that thingy that allows them to use the stuff in the house. Plus, I prefer staying in my lots when I play (going to college being the exception) so starting up shops on separate lots isn’t really my kind of thing. 5 – My least favorite is definitely Pets. I find the pets dull, annoying and in the way. Therefore it’s kind of a waste of money to buy the expansion pack, but still it’s something I can live with. What I find harder to put up with are those annoying strays that come running around all the friggin’ time. The wolves especially. Ugh, I hate them! I also really dislike that the Sims become friggin obsessed with pets once you’ve installed the EP. They keep having wants for pets, they have annoying lifetime aspirations concerning pets... As far as I’m concerned, Pets added nothing good and brought with it lots of bad. The only reason I keep it installed is that I like some of the clothes that came with it, and I’ve got some downloaded stuff that needs the pack. |
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