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Wartooth 2nd May 2010 5:30 AM

And guys, btw, what's the agree | disagree helpful | funny | love thingy at the bottom? Someone explain!! Please!!

Also: how to make contacts? I wish I knew, for sure... it would be really great to know. Yeah, defaults too, those are important, I need to figure out how to make default eyes. *goes and searches up*

lovetadraw 2nd May 2010 3:35 PM

Okay, for contacts just take your texture and alpha for the eyes , and put them on an exported "make up" project. If you need more help, I can make mini screen shot tutorial.

Defaults... Here's where I learned,8005.0.html
Same goes for skin too, i think.

giggle, it's funny, you really like more blended highlights. Every time I ask you say that.. Funny. Personal preference, I like a very strong striking highlight. but it does sap some realism.

Ebonova 2nd May 2010 6:44 PM

Yeah. Strong highlights don't really help to make it more realistic. Also, another thing you should/could do is add more colors or details to the eye to make it more textured. Right now, they look pretty solid, and that's not really a good thing. Your 'My Eyes (The ones in my very own face)' were by far the best ones, and that's because they were really detailed and interesting.

Don't get what I'm talking about?
Let's compare your eyesets...

Ok, so these are your Real Eyes. They're OK, but they're pretty much solid colors, with only a bit of texture. Good, but nothing special.

Life Eyes were better, at least you tried to put in some texture. You could have used a smaller brush and/or blended though. But that's not what we're looking at right now.

Now THESE are some decent eyes. You have lots of blending, highlights, shadows, and little flecks to show texture. You should be going for this look every time.

See what I mean? You want to get better at making eyes, not stay the same. And you were really improving! So I suggest you work hard to make a really great eye. It'll be worth it :D

lovetadraw 2nd May 2010 6:47 PM

I'll see. I like -shady-'s sparkling eyes. They have detail, but I find that if i go crazy it's not so good. Hmm....

Still, I'm finishing up, so suggest colours now!

Ebonova 2nd May 2010 7:24 PM

Maybe you should try two or more colors in an eye. Blend it together a bit.

Wartooth 3rd May 2010 2:27 AM

Ugh!! Minerva was rejected.. but i start a new eye set called "Ethereal Eyes" they are not meant to be remotely realistic, just... just pretty and sparkly. Who gives a *#%&(*#&@%)( about realism anymore? (sorry, going on a spazrantravefun.. i'll be back to normal in a bit)

I guess they'll be named for the Greek or Roman goddesses or something. Or maybe the Norse ones.

lovetadraw 3rd May 2010 5:05 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Okay, Here are just plain blue eyes. I studied a picture of my BFF, she has blue eyes, anyway, they were quite monotone. Still, other shades will be more colourful. Still need work.

I'm not feeling the creative energy anymore. I can't do these right. Uhh... Maybe I'm trying too hard? Maybe I should force my self to take a break from eyes?

Maybe I should default/contactify my LTD eyes? (eyes based on the ones in my very own face)? It would give me something to do. I still need to finish that Miki Sim.

lovetadraw 4th May 2010 12:14 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Forget what I said, this will taunt me till I get it right! I need to squeeze them a bit so they look right. And fix the pupil.

Ebonova 4th May 2010 3:51 AM

Ehh... they're ok. Good texture, but they're still missing something.
And, no, I don't think you should contactify your eyes. No offence, but that's a bit cheap. Defaults could be OK, but no contacts.

lovetadraw 4th May 2010 4:22 AM

Why no contacts? The nice thing about it is you can use the eyes on sims you've already made.

Ebonova 4th May 2010 7:21 AM

True, but I still think that it's a bit too much. Or if you REALLY want to do contacts, only make them for the natural colors. And don't make defaults. You have to choose, one or the other.

lovetadraw 4th May 2010 3:40 PM

I was going to upload them into the same thread if I do. that way people can choose. I already use defaults of someone else's eyes, but I also wish I had contacts, but they never made them. whatever.

Vampire_aninyosaloh 4th May 2010 3:49 PM

Hehehe! *watches Alex' avatar again and again* xDD

lovetadraw 4th May 2010 5:33 PM

Yes, It is a good avatar.

I hate to whine, but...
I hate the CFF, it takes too long! Please help...

Wartooth 5th May 2010 2:00 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Ugh! Mystica eyes rejected (GRRRR) but Simple Eyes accepted, the opposite of what I expected (woah that rhymes. scary). Here, I need some feedback on these.

I made them using Nina's tutorial on YouTube (just search bar "aninyosaloh" and it'll be the first one I believe, realistic eye tutorial or something like that)... they are almost the same thing as her eyes, but hers get accepted... and mine get rejected...

Hjelp meg! (Help me!!) please!!

Ebonova 5th May 2010 2:01 AM

It ain't working for you.

@Nina- HAI NINA Yesh. My av is preety.

pinkykitty 5th May 2010 2:28 PM

I agree. The eyes would be waaay prettier without the cross-shaped shine...and congrats on your Simple eyes's approval!

btw, I also uploaded some eyes, called Dreamscape, but there are only 4 colours, I was super lazy plus some computer problems
you can see them here

Vampire_aninyosaloh 5th May 2010 9:00 PM

I think we're only three here now.. lol... *glares at wartooth/ebonova*

pinkykitty 5th May 2010 9:40 PM

...yep...ughh, I can't believe they were all the same person...

lovetadraw 5th May 2010 9:55 PM

Whoa, What the heck? This is.... weird... Um... Good god... Mj(whatever) and all of them were one person? This is freaky! Darn, and I thought I had personality issues!

FYI, Miki is off, let's keep our fingers crossed.

pinkykitty 6th May 2010 2:14 PM

good luck, lovetadraw!

lovetadraw 9th May 2010 12:07 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Gosh darn! They want the actual chin! And an eye lid crease. mmmmm...

Those pictures took a long time.... Well.... I AM NOT GIVING UP! They want a big chin? and eye lid crease? FINE!


pinkykitty 9th May 2010 11:29 AM


hope she gets approved once you make the changes

Vampire_aninyosaloh 9th May 2010 12:32 PM

Good luck, dear! ^^

lovetadraw 9th May 2010 2:15 PM

Thanks, it might be a few days. I usually work on stuff during the week while my brother's at college, other wise he's on here all day.

I'm going to start on a skin tone, maybe. To go with my Elf eyes I never uploaded.

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