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Brunnis-2 17th Nov 2018 10:37 PM

I had a horrible dream last night that I downloaded Tinder because my husband left me for Alexa Bliss, without any warning - just upped and left. I tried to get him to talk to me and he kept walking away from me... then Tinder happened. My god, it was awful. TINDER FFS!

sailorplanet97 17th Nov 2018 10:57 PM

i had a dream again when it comes to famous

i got famous again but this time it was horrible
because i had to tell them a story about something with a old schoolmate of mine i never got along with it
and while telling all the people the story most people tried to hide away from me so i was all alone with a old schoolmate of me.

and a while later they all tried to pick a fight on me, like everyone was against me or something
i don't blame them from runaway (sort of) since it was a sad story about something.

and right before i woke up i tried to draw a pen*s without anyone seeing me but it didn't work since a couple of people saw that
thank god it was just a dream

PANDAQUEEN 18th Nov 2018 12:47 AM

In my dream, the snow that piled up quickly piled up 3 feet deep. Good thing the van and my mom's car, Jellybean, a two door sedan, got their winter tires.

I woke up next to Lee, which I noticed he had quite a bit of chest hair. Any hairier and he could have been wearing a sweater, even if he said he was shirtless. He gently touched my face and said "You poor sweetie. Your acne hasn't calmed down." (IRL, I suffer from adult acne.) He gets up and asked me to sit up. He went into our bathroom (technically it's mine, but he has claim to the sink and medicine cabinet on the right side) and brings out the acne medicine. He covered the pimples along my jaw and chin. I said "Thank you, Darling." He then said "You called me Darling." I said "Only fair." I decided to take a bath. I locked the door of the bathroom, got the bath prepped, got undressed, dropped a bath bomb in and just eased back and pondered in my head "What am I going to do? With the way my check is paid and dispensed, I don't know if I will be able to afford the gifts for my parents and Lee. I know the contract says he gets the 26th off as per Boxing Day tradition. But how am I going to tell him I care a great deal about him as my fiancé?" Lee knocked on the door. "Honey? Are you okay? I heard whining like you're going to cry." I said "It's not a big deal, it's money related, more specifically, my paycheck. You'll worry about yours and I'll worry about mine." He left and went downstairs (our top step is squeaky and will squeak if you step going up or down)

After getting cleaned up and perfumed from the bath, I got dressed and took a deep breath and relaxed. Lee knocked on the door to my room (Eventually it became our room after much time to bond) and I said "Come in, Lee." I was dressed in a white dress, hits about mid thigh, had those "cold shoulder" sleeves. He asked "Are you ready for dinner?" He sort of eyed me just because I don't normally wear dresses. He said "You clean up very nicely... and you smell like citrus." I told him "Thank you. Now, do you have money for the toll booth? (To enter\exit the state of New Jersey, you have to pay a toll. From my experience, this is the only way to keep Washingtonians out, particularly the cheapest ones. The money goes towards the public upkeep of New Jersey.)

The restaurant was located in Easton, PA. It's about the furthest east you can go before heading to New Jersey.

He got the car parked and I went inside to confirm our confirmation of reservations. He was dressed not unlike Lupin the Third. My question is why does Lee dress like him every time we're on a date?

During dinner, he made a confession "My wife died in a road accident. My daughters are in college and my son is in boarding school and they keep asking for more money." I said "That is life. However, you have me now. My grandfather's got a sharp eye and you seem like a good guy to me. My grandfather hopes you can provide for me. You may be 20 years older than me, but I know that most men grow old but never grow up. Think back to your old boss John and his toy collection. He's was in character, the basis for Andy because a lot of John's surviving toys includes a pull string Casper the Friendly Ghost doll who still says "Can I stay with you?" With a scratchy voicebox. You worked with John for nearly 25 years, your wife died clearing her head and your kids are in school environments that require on-campus dormitories. You need a shake up. I can teach about anything you want to, but were afraid to ask" he said "I want to learn more about you. Besides the fact we banter amorously and I am usually the big spoon when spooning and stuff of what seems to be a forbidden love."

I woke up and didn't speak until around 11AM

sailorplanet97 18th Nov 2018 10:11 PM

i had a scary dream.

i was in a abadoned house that was very old. they had 4 big stairs in it. but it smelled bad and the house wasn't cleaning at all.
i had to be carefull at the stairs. (my parents and 2 friends of them were in there too)

later on i went outside with my sisters until we almost got attacked from 3 men's or something.
we run away and hided somewhere untill then.

and then we came home safely and told everyone we were almost attacked
what a horrible nightmare i was having last night

sailorplanet97 20th Nov 2018 6:44 PM

yesterday i had a dream about sims 2

i was a chearleader or something and then i bumped into kasia and shauna (from it's just high school)
i don't know what i did there but everyone including a few old schoolmate of mine liked it

then i run into the forest or something and my best friend found me, and then we were walking home together or something

however today i woke up a few times and got different dreams but i only remember the last one

today i got a dream i was into a mario world and had to get 8 red coints to get a star.
my parents were in there too, and right after i got the star i teleported into earth and was in spain in benidorn but we got lost right after that
we needed the garmin so bad to get home

what a weird dream what i was dreaming about

PANDAQUEEN 20th Nov 2018 11:21 PM

Last night IRL, I went to the ER. Got probed, scanned, stabbed 10 times to attempt drawing blood for a sample and stabbed an additional 3-4 times to get a line in for saline (Turned out I was suffering from dehydration). My father and I didn't leave until after midnight leading into today. I eventually fell asleep after I was helped up the stairs.

My dream was just me in bed waking up to snow. I heard Lee woke up in his room and he walked in, in a flannel robe and he says, "I heard you were in the hospital last night. Do you want to talk about it?" I undid my pajama top (I had a bralette on underneath) to show the damage done and the unbandaged puncture wounds and merlot-colored bruises were enough to shock him. He held me and said "You poor little girl..." I told him "I got stabbed 15 times before I was able to to give blood and receive saline." He held me and he cuddled next to me. "Don't cry, the worst of it is over. Your boyfriend, Lee is here." I said to him "I'm thirsty." He helped me with my pajamas and I kiss him good morning. We went downstairs and he gave me a milk drink with a high enough vitamin and mineral concentration to wake me up. He rubbed my back as I drank up the milk. He said "Starting to feel human again, sweetie?".

simmer22 20th Nov 2018 11:46 PM

I think I dreamed I was watching Youtube videos last night, becuse I woke up in the middle of a Seth Andrews/TTA video (possibly because I binge-watched them last night). I'm not sure, because I got distracted by the fact that my phone had errored out on one of my alarms and I'd overslept by half an hour...

(And just a little btw/fyi, the OCD part of me cringes a tiny bit at the grammar of the heading - it's either "have a weird dream" or "have weird dreams")

PANDAQUEEN 22nd Nov 2018 8:31 PM

It was weird. All my female friends from high school were back at our old campus in their early 30s. But the staff was replaced with people I remember. John Lasseter was the principal and there was a uwabaki locker (uwabaki are special indoor shoes used in Japanese secondary schools) Mr. Lasseter gathered everyone on the field and I was to reintroduce my self.

Lasseter-sensei: I know it's weird being called back to attend school, but your records were erased by electromagnetic bombing. I'm afraid the uniforms are a given. Now today, we have a famous student who started in 2003 as a sophomore here. Please welcome out latest freshman, Kimberly Arose.
Me: Thanks...fellow classmates, I want my next 4 years to be worth getting back the diploma I was deprived. I hope you can forgive any rumors I may have incited.

It was during 1st period (Film Class) that Lee Unkrich was the teacher. Everyone found out my connection to him being my boyfriend. Unfortunately, I enrolled under my father's mother's maiden name and he never heard about it. I ran out of class and to the library to hide.

My dream ended with me still struggling with myself today. It was strange that got that far.

I guess part of my dreams was I heard the news that after 20 years in Japan, the final season of Sailor Moon will debut in the US 23 years after its Japanese debut.

Long story short, this didn't go as usual.

I haven't had a dream like this where my affair was out in the open. But I better keep my guard up. I just recently had to use cross hashmarks as a symbol for excusing me for the ER incident. Either way, my dreams never included my high school and it being outfitted to fit both American and Japanese types of school. Of course, back then, we had a stuntman and acrobat club vying for jobs in Cirque du Soleil and the Shen Yun revue.

I continued my dream at home at the old house in the foot hills. Lee was cooking me udon from the Bellevue Uwajimaya. He said "You never told me about your grandmother beyond her advocacy of equal rights for your disability." I said "You never told me you were sent to work at the girl's school I was going to." He said "It's not like one of your little girl friends is going to take me away from you. Besides, you are a great deal of joy to me." I saw a van in the driveway from a top florist. The florist handed me about 365 pure white roses in an arrangement of a heart. Lee said "I still haven't forgotten our first meeting." I kiss him sweetly and said "I may not be able to to deliver flowers, but the birthday boy deserves a kiss from his love."

The next morning, he drove me in to the front of the school and I met with the other freshman. Homeroom, I was working on writing down various recipes for 2nd period (Cooking and Baking). Our homeroom teacher, Mrs. Darla K. Anderson handed out a notice to file any relationships with other people, including between 30 something students\the teachers with the human resources department which replaced the principal's disciplinary office. On the other side of the hall is the nurse's office.

Man, either way, now my dreams are not making any sense. Going back to high school with only the girls I attended high school with and we're all in our 30s and crew members from PIXAR are teaching integral skills that many of my female peers were denied and the fact my beloved Lee was teaching us editing skills and my mad dash to hide in my last resort of books and I would spend hours in the biography\autobiography...

To be honest, in this situation, I would rather Lee homeschool me.

PANDAQUEEN 27th Nov 2018 1:36 AM

Last night was wonderful. Lee rubbed my back gently. He cuddled close and sweetly whispered "I've been meaning to say this...I love you as humanly possible." I turned to him and ask "You want to get married?" He said "Will your family accept me, because we're diometrically opposite of each other?"

P.S. Normally it's the women who proposed to my father's male family members when it came to marriage. My grandfather was proposed to by my grandmother. Where do you think I get such audacity and the ability to guilt trip?

November 27, 2018
He said "Yes" to the proposal and we went back to sleep. We talked in our sleep, which my parents heard from down the hall. Instead of spooning, we were face to face. He smelled like regular bar soap, I smelled like fruit and flowers.

It was a sweet dream to dream about Lee.

sailorplanet97 28th Nov 2018 7:57 PM

i had an weird dream about bread

my 2 aunts were there with my mom's best friend.

we eat something and one of my aunt went into my business and asked what i eat
i got irritated of course and while i was stressing out i decided to pick 5 breads instead of 2
and i did milk to my breads

damn that was a weird dream

PANDAQUEEN 1st Dec 2018 12:16 AM

It was nice to be in a dream with Lee.

He cuddled up with me because I was shivering. He said "Did you go to bed hungry, sweetie?" I was tired and hungry so I gently shook my head yes. He took me downstairs and he started by feeding me a truffle from a Swiss firm to get me started. He looked in the fridge and he cooked some leftovers and I ate what he cooked up back to normal.

He asked "What's wrong, sweetness?" I said "I gained 8 pounds because of my stress eating. That's why I was starving. I was so flipped out over gaining even a 1/10 of a pound." He said "I was wondering if I could find a way to help you." I said "Find me a treadmill with no incline whatsoever and a Fitbit for Christmas gifts and I will start New Years Day." (Lee and I would be in a warm cuddly embrace while everyone is staying up late.) On New Year's Day, I would allow for him to tie back my hair (he had two daughters before meeting me) and get me started on the flat treadmill with my Fitbit all prepped and on my wrist. He usually gives me gift cards to Amazon during Hanukkah.

(Actually, in my family, we observe the 8 Nights of Hanukkah, the 12 Days of Christmas and Epiphany in a 3 week block of cheer. As conflicting as it may sound, it works. And in spite of my last name, my mother is Jewish. My father is Catholic. However, we can't use candles or oil for the menorah. We had a long haired cat who caught fire and we put her out, albeit she had ended up crispy and a rule added to the house "No open flames.")

sailorplanet97 1st Dec 2018 7:51 PM

i had this super weird about my ex boyfriend in a dress from my mom's

i was on the computer or something when i heard something, i looked at the window and saw my ex boyfriend and challenged himself by sneaking out and looked for the dress from my mom's
he then told me he dares to sneak out and take a dress from my mom's clothes with him or something

and then i had a dream about something scary about Halloween: i was walking somewhere where i saw a vampires, skeletons, pumpkins and however
and then a scary man told me i could never come out of the house or something because it's a mase

i went to this scary house in the dark where i couldn't see anything, i went to the stairs (i went upstairs) carefully since it was dark.
but it turns out it wasn't a maze but something in the dark, i guess the scary man tried to scare me away or something

and then i had a dream when i didn't knew what days it was and told the same scary man it was thursday,
but this scary man told me it was saturday.

and then i woke up and looked at the day and it turns out it was REALLY saturday

sailorplanet97 3rd Dec 2018 1:03 AM

i had this super weird dream about something again

i was in a hospital for the results or something.
but then i heard someone speaking japanese but it turned out it was someone i lost almost 5 years ago (that someone died of cancer)

i asked my mom if she was death or something.
she answered she got born again, but in my dreams it brings way too many memories back in the past.

we were playing in the playground but there was someone who wasn't into the pictures as kids

because my old best friend (who isn't to our family and friends) was in the playground too.
but we maked so many memories in my dreams as kids

it almost feels like going back to the time as kids in 2007/2008 or something (when my best friend and i spended the time with each other, when my other old best friend wasn't in the picture yet) when we were in Turkey expect in my dreams there was a place in playground that didn't exist

PANDAQUEEN 3rd Dec 2018 4:34 AM

Lee and I made out in bed and he held me close. He asked "Are you okay, sweetie? Your heart is beating a little fast." I said "You are the only man who has captured my heart so fully. I'm not dying. However, you and I belong together and I want you to know that I love you and miss you so much when you go to work." He said "I can text you during downtime and ask how your day is going." Okay. This is going great. But soon the phone rings. It was Bill talking about a Earth like planet. I said "Bill Nye, please hang up!"

sailorplanet97 5th Dec 2018 2:07 AM

i had a dream about a hospital again

but this time it was super weird, i was in a hospital for i don't know why
my ex-boyfriend (also my best friend) was there too and he was worse then i was.

he was into a coma or something. the doctors were talking about me and my ex-boyfriend sharing the same room or something just to get back together
but we didn't end up being be together as a couple

PANDAQUEEN 5th Dec 2018 5:07 AM

Lee let me in after the Heavens open up and drowned me on dry land. He asked, "Had a nice time walking?" I said "Can it and let me get into dry clothes!"

Normally, I don't snap at my lovers, but I had to strip naked in my bathroom, dry my hair and put on new clothes. I came down stairs in my favorite underwear set and an orange hoodie, brand new. I zipped up the hoodie, my hair still damp, I asked "Lee, honey bunny...did you buy me this orange hoodie?" I heard him say "I did and you look cute."

He sat down and gestures to cuddle in his arms. He asks "Since when am I your honey bunny?" I said "You deserve some pet name." He said "You deserve me...Snow Rose"

G20 5th Dec 2018 9:50 AM

The past few weeks I keep dreaming about a zombie apocalypse... lol, not *just* an apocalypse, but a zombie one.

sailorplanet97 6th Dec 2018 7:43 PM

i had a dream about my ex boyfriend again but i don't remember a thing about it, expect we were a couple again in my dreams this time (unlike the hospital part, 2 days ago)

i remember we were a couple for 3 years and 3 months till i had to tell him i didn't had feelings for him in months anymore
we were already drifted apart so i guess it was a good thing to tell him about me breaking up with him 2 years ago, it just seems like yesterday.

we promised to stay friends though since i didn't want to lose him as a friend, but this dream maked us together
thank god it was just a dream or else i would be confussed by now (yes i'm still single)

sailorplanet97 6th Dec 2018 11:59 PM

i just recently noticed but i put this post last year hahaha and it's still not dying (most of my post are dying )

PANDAQUEEN 7th Dec 2018 12:09 AM

Lately, me and Lee are getting to the point where we're not bothered by one of us already in the bathroom in my dreams.

It's weird when you reach such a mundane milestone.

But he let me used the toilet while he took a shower in the master suite. Unfortunately, I forgot to wait until he finished showering to flush. Either way, I brought out the ointment and rubbed down the burned spots.

He said, "Maybe I should take a bath..." I said "I'll consult my uncles about fixing the plumbing"

(The house I live in was built by my 3 uncles, some male family friends and my grandfather. The interior design was done by my aunt LuAnne until her diabetes became a ruling factor in her life and my grandmother started going down hill with her Parkinson's (my aunt cared for my grandmother until my grandmother's passing in 2014). Needless to say, a lot of the house was under renovation in summer 2017.)

He said "You may forget some things, but I love the fact you are usually on top of things and you are great with our kids. Vance made it to Swim Team, Joel is on the Science Club's Programming Team, Flanigan is on the Cooking Club's Future Sous Chef's, Esther is a Peer Counselor, Umberto is working in the Library as Assistant Librarian, LeeAnn is part of the Gardening Club, Gloria is Ice Skating and is ready to debut and Sylvia is the head of the Arts and Crafts club. At age 14 and freshman, they look great!" I said "What about Peter and Eva?" He said "Peter and Eva, at age 7, are proficient in 10 languages, can solve formulas, can code various routines into computer-driven machines and choreograph a penguin chorus line." (In a previous dream, I mentioned how epic of a fail a penguin chorus line would be because penguins don't have knees.)

Bigsimsfan12 7th Dec 2018 12:25 PM

I dreampt I had a daughter, she was about to turn 1 and we were walking home from somewhere carrying cake supplies. I don't know why but I decided to make a vanilla cake, but use Strawberry Angel delight as frosting (to be honest that sounds delicious, but I doubt it would set right). I was telling her she'll be back in Nursery soon and she was saying that she didn't have to, because her friend told her she didn't. I was thinking about how cute it was. Then it skipped to me talking to neighbours, presumably sometime after her birthday, because I had 3 different left over cakes I was giving out to them and I was saying 0"We have 3 May babies in our house, so we have more cake than we know what to do with right now" - which is totally a possibility in real life, seeing as both me and my Fiance are born in May, and our baby is due 3rd June but will probably be early.

Then I had another dream, where I was at a camp making everyone make butterscotch angel delight. Like loads of people, and I tried everyones. The best ones were the ones my Dad made, and Homer Simpson. Ok.

Then I had another dream (aka I stayed in bed really late today) where it was this Christmas, and my siblings (aged between 7-14) were excited to see my baby bump and stuff and they were talking to the baby, and I had a real bump (I really hope it comes along more in the next few weeks, but also I'm glad I can still move around fairly okay for now) and they were excited and my little sisters were jumping round.

PANDAQUEEN 7th Dec 2018 1:29 PM

During the night, I had a strangest of dreams.

Snake from Metal Gear Solid (in his 30s, as I had been told he suffered from aging faster than normal. Funny, a woman who ages slower than normal meets a man who ages faster than normal) was sitting in the kitchen and a codec comes up.

Otacon: Snake! Beware of that woman!
Snake: Who, this woman in the matcha green jacket?
Otacon: Few people know her real name, but she is PANDAQUEEN, heiress to an empire built by her grandfather, a scientist and non-combatant during the Korean War. Her father was the 5th of 8 children and worked for tech giant Microsoft in numerous departments. She herself has the same level of intelligence as even some of the best university professors and was the first grandchild, so she inherits first.
Snake: Impressive, but I heard she's connected with guys like Bill Nye, Dana Carvey or Lee Unkrich.
Mei Ling: No surprises there, she has interesting taste in men and you just mentioned the men born in the year of the Ram. She was born in the year of the fire rabbit and those men were born in different years of the Ram. 1955 was Bill and Dana's birth year and 1967 was Lee's.
Snake: I don't see how playing into a superstition is going to help me...
Colonel: It may be your only hope.
Snake: What do mean?
Colonel: Her vocal cords, lungs and mouth are a deadly weapon. When she was very young, she could let out shrieks that were on the verge of stopping hearts. She also has a shout that clear paths in the snow. I would allow for you to seduce her, if need be, to keep her from bringing the house down.
(End codec)

sailorplanet97 9th Dec 2018 3:40 PM

i had this super weird and a bad dream at the same time

my parents and i were at the motel in an another country and asked if i'm allowed to go outside walking somewhere.
they said i can, so i walked somewhere or atleast i thought so, but instead of that i took the bike and be gone ASAP

i cycled really fast, and then i saw a train track that went down really fast
i tried to make it before it was really down and almost got hit by the train

the drive tried to stop the train, everyone went outside wondering what just almost happened with me
and then i bumped into my cousin who was by the train and asked what i just almost did

i guess i tried to kill myself in my dreams
my parents got dissapointed in me by going to the bike

PANDAQUEEN 11th Dec 2018 11:11 AM

Went shopping with Lee. For some odd reason, my parents hired Erik Estrada to help me and Lee with our rooms. He was wearing sunglasses, a baseball cap and a surgical mask. Although Erik wasn't trying to attract attention, I told him, "Take those off. You look ridiculous." He held his ground saying "I don't want to be mobbed by fans."

I said to him "This is not the 1970s, so I doubt women will flock to you like birds to sunflower seeds." He took them off and he began helping me and Lee find bedding and pillows. He got me silky soft white bedding and 7 fluffy pillows (I have a queen bed) and he paid for it as well as Lee's grey sheets and 2 large pillows but Erik was spotted and he was automatically outed that he was spotted in semi-rural New Jersey with some odd ball couple buying bed sheets.

Bigsimsfan12 11th Dec 2018 10:30 PM

Fever dreams are the worst.

The first dream I was naked for some reason and there was blood coming out my YouKnowWhat. Then suddenly I sneezed and a weird baglike thing came out... of there... I was crying because I thought I had miscarried, so I was looking at the bag that is still hanging out of me, and there was my baby! I was like "oh my god I miscarried!!" so I freaked out but then the baby moved. She was a girl, with curly hair. I tried to push the bag back in gently to keep the baby warm and then I went to hospital. Where, for some reason, I had identical twin doctors... who were really bad CGI Hiter's in white morph suits... They basically acted as clowns while I'm freaking out and they're pretending to hide behind a Christmas tree. It was weird. I woke up terrified.

THen I had another dream, this time I was emailing someone, and for some reason I had naked pictures of myself on my phone (I have no idea why. Also my body in this dream was weirdly disproportioned, where my waist was huge and my breasts sagged) and instead of emailing someone some important uni work, I emailed them a naked picture! Luckily it didn't send to them... it sent to EVERYONE in the world apart from them. I was mortified! I have a completely rational fear of people seeing me naked, so this was terrible. I kept getting emails back of people calling me a whore and a slut and telling me I should be ashamed, everyone kept emailing me asking how I could do it by accident and how I was looking for attention. Again, I woke up and I was terrified.

It was about 4am, I couldn't get to sleep after that until about 5-something. Then I had to wake up for work at 6:30. I've had a constant headache all day.

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