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HEAVEN-SENT 3rd May 2010 11:36 AM

anmi or manga

Zinthos 3rd May 2010 11:55 AM

Really bad mimes. She looks like she's doing that "I'm in a box" thing. xD

lethifold 3rd May 2010 12:22 PM

Bloody Beetroots. 1 2 WOOP WOOP!

HEAVEN-SENT 3rd May 2010 12:23 PM

a girl i use to like at college

DollyRot 3rd May 2010 3:17 PM

Mandy Moore

KyleTheArtist 3rd May 2010 8:29 PM

Brain. I haz it :3

Zinthos 3rd May 2010 8:33 PM

When my cousin and my uncle used to watch Spongebob and say the lines before the characters.


Ebonova 4th May 2010 7:33 AM

Clopin addicts

lethifold 4th May 2010 7:59 AM

An episode of Supernatural.

KyleTheArtist 4th May 2010 7:13 PM

Mary Jane from spiderman

Zela 4th May 2010 7:42 PM

It's hip to be square. Best t-shirt in my wardrobe.

Zinthos 4th May 2010 9:37 PM

How amazingly and unexpectedly hot Draco Malfoy got in POA.

lethifold 5th May 2010 12:14 AM

^I KNOW RIGHT?! om nom nom, he's so delicious.

Uhmm, this weekend and the fact that the dance tent at the music thing I'm going to will be SICK!

Ebonova 5th May 2010 2:05 AM

Granger Danger from AVPM

Wartooth 5th May 2010 2:15 AM

Edit: Alex, you beat me

Death and fun.

Ebonova 5th May 2010 2:12 AM


Frowny Toki faces

Wartooth 5th May 2010 2:18 AM

When suicide is fun... [usually] never.

Ebonova 5th May 2010 2:18 AM

Is that a piece of Toki's ear in the upper right-hand corner?

KyleTheArtist 5th May 2010 2:25 AM

oooh, what does this button do?*set on fire*

Ebonova 5th May 2010 2:30 AM

Choppy animations

KyleTheArtist 5th May 2010 2:33 AM

Stick on fire

Ebonova 5th May 2010 7:25 AM

'Derp' is spelled wrong

lethifold 5th May 2010 8:47 AM


KyleTheArtist 5th May 2010 10:18 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Ebonova
'Derp' is spelled wrong

Well actually, Durp, was around 1st. So technically Durp and Derp are right.

Broken Image.

Jaylo 5th May 2010 1:24 PM


lethifold 5th May 2010 1:25 PM

Those cats in the window of almost every store I went to in Tokyo.

HEAVEN-SENT 5th May 2010 2:42 PM

a half unwrapped bananna lol

fthomas 5th May 2010 5:52 PM

Cat Woman xD

Zinthos 5th May 2010 10:12 PM

Dodgy shampoo adverts.

HEAVEN-SENT 6th May 2010 9:44 AM

colouring in

PharaohHound 10th May 2010 9:01 PM


KyleTheArtist 10th May 2010 9:28 PM

3 Musketeers. All for one and one for all!

PharaohHound 10th May 2010 10:06 PM

Finally going to see "How to Train Your Dragon" tonight!

Zinthos 10th May 2010 10:10 PM

How much I miss Amy Pond's sensual hair.

PharaohHound 10th May 2010 10:20 PM

^ Me too, but, but, it's BEATLES! If you ask nicely sometime next week I'll bring Amy back then (I've got some different versions of that avatar to test drive!)

Let's see, your avatar reminds me of how much of a pain in the ass traditional animation is to make. :P

Rabid 10th May 2010 10:18 PM

The fact that I sometimes fastforward those painfully trippy scenes with Bono when I watch Across the Universe.

PharaohHound 11th May 2010 4:10 PM

This smiley:

minus. 11th May 2010 4:39 PM

"See how they run like pigs from a gun, see how they fly." I love that song.

PharaohHound 11th May 2010 4:39 PM

^ I've had it stuck in my head for, like, three days, so I figured I'd icon it.

Your avatar: I want that shirt. Now.

KyleTheArtist 11th May 2010 7:23 PM

Can't buy me looooove...everybody tells me so, can't buy me love, love, loooove!

Mmh, Beatles. I miss listening to them, with daddy

Zinthos 11th May 2010 7:49 PM

For some reason, how hungry I am.

KyleTheArtist 11th May 2010 7:51 PM

Topsy turvy.

Zinthos 11th May 2010 8:54 PM

How much I need a good laugh right now.

kustirider2 11th May 2010 10:37 PM

Headbanging? (Raving, IDK what that really is )

PharaohHound 11th May 2010 11:22 PM

That episode I managed to catch the other day where Kim had a total crush on Seven and it was really awkward.

Zinthos 11th May 2010 11:30 PM

Complete and utter nonsense. I've watched that about 20 times and it still makes NO sense whatsoever.

PharaohHound 11th May 2010 11:48 PM

^ That's the point. The song was written on an acid trip, it's not supposed to make sense. :P

The fact that the differences in text colour irritates me, for some weird reason.

Jaylo 11th May 2010 11:54 PM

*brain explodes* i have to say it reminds me of someone on drugs (not that I've had any...)

DollyRot 12th May 2010 12:59 AM


KyleTheArtist 12th May 2010 1:11 AM

rotting...slowly, and somehow sexy o_O

Zinthos 12th May 2010 4:54 AM

How I should be writing that fanfic. *stumbles off yawning*

schitzwa 12th May 2010 7:47 AM

Disney Cinemagic.

HEAVEN-SENT 12th May 2010 3:24 PM

facebook display picture

Zinthos 12th May 2010 6:33 PM

People pretending to be tigers. :P

Elena Swan 12th May 2010 8:21 PM

HoND's Hero

HEAVEN-SENT 12th May 2010 8:36 PM

the vampire diarys

Zinthos 12th May 2010 9:08 PM

@Elena: :lovestruc

Silly pictures people have on FB. :P

minus. 12th May 2010 9:18 PM

How I've been neglecting Disney lately.

Elena Swan 13th May 2010 8:27 PM

@HEAVEN-SENT: The book is "Fallen" by Lauren Kate

THE BEATLES!!!!!!!!!

kustirider2 13th May 2010 8:32 PM

Being cold.

minus. 13th May 2010 8:48 PM


HEAVEN-SENT 15th May 2010 10:11 AM

@Elena Swan -- i know i have read it =D

a album cover

Zinthos 15th May 2010 10:35 AM

Funny expressions people have if you pause movies. Disney must get off on making people look funny in every frame.

HEAVEN-SENT 16th May 2010 12:49 PM

weird things you do with your bestfriends

meggie272 16th May 2010 2:04 PM

Photoshoots you do with your besties where you make retarded faces and hang off each other.

Zinthos 16th May 2010 2:05 PM

Silly old westerns.

meggie272 16th May 2010 3:06 PM

The Emperor's New Groove (not sure why)

KyleTheArtist 16th May 2010 6:23 PM

Dancing in the rain

Jaylo 16th May 2010 7:11 PM


fthomas 16th May 2010 7:20 PM

Toys x)

candiiee 16th May 2010 7:34 PM

Converse trainers

fthomas 16th May 2010 7:45 PM


Jaylo 16th May 2010 7:49 PM

the little train that could

meggie272 17th May 2010 10:24 AM

My friend's artwork. She loves drawing cutesy Manga stuff like that. (She's good at it, too.)

lethifold 17th May 2010 10:33 AM

Border patrol.

meggie272 17th May 2010 1:53 PM

Duct tape.

fthomas 17th May 2010 10:11 PM

Cancer and Love.
(Cause it reminds me of the guy in the film 'My sister's keeper', who has cancer and dies.. )

Zinthos 17th May 2010 10:20 PM

Amazing shoes.

meggie272 19th May 2010 10:08 AM

Disney classics. (I still love Hercules).

Rabid 19th May 2010 9:34 PM

James Dean.

minus. 19th May 2010 9:54 PM

Aviator sunglasses.

Zinthos 19th May 2010 9:53 PM

@meggie: Hercules is a film of epic proportions. Meg is my second favourite Disney heroine EVURRR.

Anyway, yes. The current Countdown champion's hairdo. It's like... a Beatles hairdo. Rofl.

meggie272 25th May 2010 4:44 AM

^^ I love Megara

Redheaded midgety people.

lethifold 25th May 2010 8:03 AM

The profile picture on Facebook of a friend of mine.

cancerously 25th May 2010 9:20 AM

the website

PharaohHound 25th May 2010 1:51 PM

Beatles song "All You Need is Love", for some reason.

HEAVEN-SENT 25th May 2010 6:40 PM

doctor who

minus. 25th May 2010 7:08 PM


HEAVEN-SENT 25th May 2010 7:18 PM


Zinthos 25th May 2010 8:13 PM

@Meggie: MEGARA IS LURVE. Some people don't like because she's thin, but she's so spunky and funny and has an amazing voice and she's a great singer. Anyway, she's only thin because Disney drew ALL the characters in the film to match the art on Greek vases, which portrayed women in that way.

Anyway, yes.
Random adverts for American shows that make you go "lolwtf, whose going to watch that?"

meggie272 27th May 2010 11:50 AM

G Ward (the mental health block in our hospital)

HEAVEN-SENT 27th May 2010 11:57 AM

james bond

PharaohHound 27th May 2010 1:20 PM

Desperate Housewives. I dunno, just kind of looks like something they'd use for a promo.

HEAVEN-SENT 27th May 2010 3:26 PM

london in the furture

thedivineone 27th May 2010 3:30 PM

Magazine Photo-shoots xD

fthomas 27th May 2010 3:52 PM

Lulz xD

HEAVEN-SENT 27th May 2010 4:32 PM

P!nk ..................

LoonehWannabe 27th May 2010 11:42 PM

Small peoples.

PharaohHound 28th May 2010 12:09 AM

Uh... a distinct lack of an avatar.

Rabid 28th May 2010 1:27 AM

The blimp in Up.

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