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sailorplanet97 12th Dec 2018 3:11 AM

i got tons of different dreams last night and one of them was a seizure i had yesterday
but luckily me i also got a dream about sims 2 but what that was all about? i can't remember though

Bigsimsfan12 12th Dec 2018 2:52 PM

I had a dream where my Fiance cheated on me with his colleague/kitchen assistant. I mean, I know that would never happen for various reasons in real life, and I'm not exactly low in self-esteem that I'd get jealous, but I still have the image stuck in my head. Maybe it's because I'm upset that he always has to work and never gets to be home with me, or maybe it's because I'm still annoyed that she was complaining to me about Adam's work and when I pointed out that he did take out the recycling because I watched him (we work in the same building) but she told me "he obviously didn't or it wouldn't need taking out again today"... even though our work is open 24 hours, which means there's a whole 16+ hours between when he took out the recycling and when she did, where various patients/staff ate and threw their leftovers in the bin. But I degress...

That's the only part of the dream I remember... and also that I was at work... and I feel like there was something about Spyro the dragon in there too but I can't remember specifics...

Brunnis-2 12th Dec 2018 8:07 PM

Last night I had one that I was doing the dishes. The dishes! Exiting times.

There was another I had on Monday. I'm not sure exactly what went on except for the fact I woke up repeating the words, "Feed me!"

PANDAQUEEN 13th Dec 2018 9:56 AM

Does anyone remember the scene in the SpongeBob episode "SB-129" where Squidward breaks the time machine and ends up in a weird dimension where he's all alone and these voices accompany his "alone" with speech bubbles and Squidward tries escaping that dimension?

Place me in his position. Then allow for me to cry it out.

Lately, with my anger issues...the dreams are short, unhappy and not to mention confusing. It's happened before and if I don't solve it, it'll happen again.

HarVee 13th Dec 2018 10:20 AM

I had a dream I was back in Egypt teaching and I went outside for a smoke break and to see what my friends at the local store were up to, and then it started snowing golf ball sized snowballs. They hurt like a mofo and I got injured quite badly. Then I woke up and went outside for a cigarette. It started to snow a little bit, but wasn't sticking to the ground yet.

PANDAQUEEN 15th Dec 2018 2:53 AM

It was weird, but it was a good sign. My mind was in reconstruction mode after that rage episode.

I was going to an all night women's school. There were a mix of male and female teachers. I was taking up Spanish and ballroom dancing. The teacher in Spanish was a man named Enrique who had a beautiful smile and eyes that could stop you in your tracks. He was an older gentleman. When I left the class, I somehow tripped over myself. He recommended I take Richard's ballroom dancing class. So in the passing period, I went to Richard's ballroom dancing class and he saw I was one of the types for improvement. This was an older gentleman with silver hair, a beautiful face, and appears to have some definition to his arms. He helped me up and started me with the basics of following his lead. After that, I decided to go to the Japanese Cooking class and met Kae-chan (as she asked to be call) and I learned to make unicorn spins on traditional dishes, which required veggie dyes and fresh noodle doughs. The Sapporo Miso Ramen we made with the veggie dyes and noodle dough was dubbed the Royal Rainbow Ramen. Kae-chan recommended me to work at Always Unicorn Restaurant, where my talents would be of use.

As I waited for my mother to pick me up, Enrique came to me and asked "How was ballroom dancing class?" I kissed his hands and said "I plan to come back, so sign me up." Then my mother picked me up and she and I picked up bagels from the corner store bagel shop. My mother asked "How was school?" I said "We have dashing older men who make your heart flutter in some classes and lovely women who treat us with respect to us in others. I recently enrolled in the ballroom dancing class and my instructor taught me to first follow his lead. He was sweet. It was my Spanish teacher, Enrique who recommended me the ballroom dancing class. I made rainbow ramen and it was delicious. I am going to apply to Always Unicorn Restaurant on my cooking class teacher Kae-chan's recommendation." My mom said "You are having a good time in the night school. I hope you have more fun tomorrow."

I was laying in the center of the bed, under my comforter, just shedding tears. Alice Cooper came, seated himself on the edge of the bed and said "I heard from your parents you had something of a falling out... let me tell you something. In my 70 years of life, do you think I would be able to keep the friends I started with?

We had our differences, our times had come to depart from each other. But it meant I was meant for new friends. I was told your teachers who favored you were amazed at how much you caught up after that incident that left you at risk of failure and dropping out. You were an amazing student in school they allowed you to graduate early.

I know friendship is your hardest challenge. People grow fast in some areas, grow slowly in some areas and grow at the average speed with what remained. As far as I can tell, I don't think you can salvage your relationship with the friends you hurt. I think you may need to consider talking to other people."

I said "I rarely allow others to reach out to me lately. Why should I allow someone to hurt me after I reach out to them and become friends? In the words of my first friend 'Does not compute.'"

Alice touched my back, rubbed it and said "Give life another chance. You deserve it, too."

I got up, hugged Alice and "I'll try making friends again."

These arguments with myself and my subconscious are trying to get a hold of my life. Definitely considering telling Colleen about this.

PANDAQUEEN 23rd Dec 2018 10:08 AM

In my dream, I went to the Geoffrey's Toy Box that opened in my area. Somehow I purchased the dolls I created under the supervision of Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman as an apprentice and I bought every Pertsch-McGillis series doll. But when I got to the register, I was about $10 short and a strange older gentleman said "Milady, if you please?" It was Erik Estrada...And he covered the $10 that was part of the tax. I was carting these dolls in a hand cart like older women use, and I waited under the eaves of the shop until my mother got her car Jellybean to the curb (It was pouring rain very hard and Erik opened an umbrella and lessened the water damage). I gave him a kiss, he said "Aww, that's a sweet thing of you." I said "I wanted to thank you for the 'pay it forward', Erik." Erik said "Anytime, sweetie. I have to get back to the studio." I said "Even if we don't meet again, I just wanted to say I'm grateful for people's kindness."

I guess this is an improvement from inky black nothingness.

sailorplanet97 23rd Dec 2018 12:27 PM

i had this weird dream and i even thought it happened in real

i lost my mobile, i put it somewhere while going somewhere and when i came back i lost my mobile,
i couldn't find it everywhere, i looked at my school, and some unknown area, i even went home to my parents,
my mom told me she has them some times too

i even looked my mobile on one of my best friends parents house and that's where i finally found them
my best friends mom told me she took good care of it and i was thankfull for that

and when i woke up i thought this was really happening and got confussed for a while

r_deNoube 24th Dec 2018 2:36 AM

@sailorleontine6, I am glad you got your dream-phone back. But more importantly, congratulations on being a Space Pony!

sailorplanet97 24th Dec 2018 1:20 PM

i had a horrible nightmare last night

i had this nightmare that my mom died of drugs (she also lost all of her hair) and not that shortly after my dad died from heartbreak syndrome (or however it's called)
my mom was a ghost and send on her facebook that she died and told me i needed to live somewhere, it was either way live to my sister or my cousin,
i choose my cousin since i get more along with my cousin then my sister

i woke up and literally thought my mom really died thank god she answered that she's okay when i woke up in the morning

then i went to sleep again and dreamed about 2 people who i lost years ago, one of them died of cancer
but in my dream i've been told that she never died of cancer and her husband (who i got along with) told his wife that he regretted killing himself in the first place

i asked them why they were still alive or something, they told me they never died but they wanted to run away from everything or something
it was TOO much for them for like everything, alcohol, smoking, family problems, depressions and however

i knew like right away it was all just a dream because i know they are never gonna back alive again

Quote: Originally posted by r_deNoube
@sailorleontine6, I am glad you got your dream-phone back. But more importantly, congratulations on being a Space Pony!

thank you haha

PANDAQUEEN 30th Dec 2018 7:16 AM

Weird dream.

I was in bed, my head was clogged up due to winter weather, and for the first time in a long time, Dana Carvey came to see how I was. He brought juice, allergy and guaifenesin tablets, supplement pills and I said "Thank you" and he asked "Why don't you think about me more?" as I swallowed the medicine down.

I told him "I'm sorry" and held him. He held me in return. I then told him "There are so many nice guys who are interesting to meet. I have nothing against you. I've seen your watercolor pastel pictures. You at least have a outlet beyond drumming." He said "At least you haven't said a joke about me being a drummer saying something like 'Bang me! Bang me hard!' or something like that."

I said "I would rather know more about you and what you want to do with your life as far as I know. Right now, any relationship of that manner is on hold." He said "Well, your mind is clearly not cluttered." He laid me back down and drawn up the blanket closer and let me sleep in.

As far as my subconscious is saying, it's saying to take it easy and let love find me.

(Edit: Doesn't really help I have a bit of a cold.)

In the early morning, I dreamt Lee kissed my brow and gently woke me up. I said "Lee, you came back..." He said "I heard you were not well, so I came by and brought you some of your favorite chocolates." I said "Set them on the bedside table." He climbed into my unoccupied side and laid flat for about a minute and he asks "You have this bed to yourself?" I said "Yes." He said, "It must be lonely to not have someone to cuddle close on those cold lonely nights. You're lucky to see guys like me come around and treat you like a lady should be treated." He and I cuddled and he said "Maybe someday, this will be more than happy dreams in your loneliness."

Not that it matters, but Lee was one of my on-agains, off-agains since these past couple weeks.

Bigsimsfan12 1st Jan 2019 2:22 PM

I had a really weird dream last night.

Okay the setting - for some reason my parents were still together, which means my 3 youngest siblings weren't born... but for some reason my younger brother also was, but he was my Dad's child. Me and my older sister were in our teens, probably around 14-16, and my younger brother was 11 or so (inconsistent, because he's almost 8 years younger than me, but okay). We lived on the street I currently live on, but the house was different - in the dream the house had big french windows and a porch, and cobble stone walls... I don't remember what that style of house is called, but kinda like the Pleasant house in Sims 2 but kinda not. Anyway. Also there was a flag pole outside, so I presume we lived in America. Okay.

So for some reason I was online and the internet accidentally hooked up to someones CCTV or something, and I saw a crime (not specific what crime, I don't think the dream ever told me) but I took a screenshot of it and showed my sister. Instead of taking it to the police, she for some reason decided to sell it on eBay to the highest bidder. But for some reason, even though it was a screenshot from a computer, in the photo you could see the registration plate of a blue car outside our house, and that the photo was taken from our french windows and there was my parents wedding photo on the window sill. Turns out, the criminals were the highest bidders on ebay, and now knew that I took a screenshot of their crime so they were out to get me.

Luckily, at first they didn't know who did it, but they had used the neighbours blue car to track down the location, and based on the window placement and wedding photo, it wouldn't be long until they tracked down exactly where the photo was taken from and killed/kidnapped us. Suddenly there was a knock at the door, and it was a police man (aka my Fiance, for some reason in a police mans uniform, and with his beard shaved? - it might've been him a few years younger maybe - but damn he looked sexy, I might tell him to shave his beard and buy a police outfit ) He told me he was with the witness protection unit and me, my sister and my brother would all have to get in the car and we'll get new identities somewhere else. I was crying, and worrying about what will happen to my parents, but I followed him and my siblings in single file as we left the house, with our hoods up and I was terrified that there would be snipers for some reason.

We got into the back of his car, and he told us our new names... Dunno why but one of us was called Jenny. I want to say it was my sister. While in the car I was shouting at my sister that we should've taken the photograph to the police and not sold it on ebay, and also texting my Mum "get out the house, you need to get somewhere safe!" because I was worried that they'd track her and my Dad down and think one of them had taken the picture. The police officer version of Adam also took the neighbour's (with the blue car)'s toddler son (note: none of my neighbours in real life have blue cars or toddler sons. This toddler in real life is actually my friend's son) and another kid (who was weirdly Joseph from King of the Hill) because they also had a blue car, even though it wasn't the one with the registration plate in the picture. They told us all we were to pretend we're siblings, and assigned us some parents. I don't remember what they looked like, other than the Dad was white (I think he was also played by Adam for some reason? but 28-year-old-Adam-with-a-beard-not-a-police-uniform) and the Mum was tanned (she didn't actually appear in the dream though), and we were to pretend we were a step-family, to explain the obvious race differences between me (ginger, pale skin) and my new brother Joseph from King of the Hill (Native American).

I pass the house a few times afterwards, because our new 'safe house' is pretty close by. For some reason the neighbours had put up a sign saying "CASSIE DOESN'T LIVE HERE, IT'S NOT 2012" (not a clue what that even means) and eventually hung on the flagpole outside our porch it said "WE MOVED INTO THIS HOUSE RECENTLY, WE KNOW NOTHING ABOUT CASSIE". I'm not sure if my parents still lived there, or if they had moved and the new residents had been hastled by the Criminals, but that made me worry a lot because I knew nothing of what had happened to my parents. It was clear that the criminals knew it was me who took the screenshot though, and that they wanted to hunt me down, so I ran off back to my safe house with my fake family because I had no idea if they knew what I looked like or not.

After that the dream gets very vague, I think a few years pass and nobody catches on. I get use to calling my sister Jenny and can't even remember her real name anymore (literally a part of the dream I'm thinking "What was Jenny's old name? I should be able to remember"). I have a bedroom with a bright purple carpet. I'm now 18, and for some reason I decide to seduce Police Man Adam... and that's where it gets weird, because we were making apple pie and I kept making inuendos (I don't actually know what these innuendos were, just that that's how I was seducing him) and asking him if he had a girlfriend or anything, but he wouldn't stop trying to explain to me how to make an apple pie (even though we were naked and for some reason I was ontop of him... on our stairs? and for some reason he had his ankle caught in the hand rail) and then he passed me a hand mixer...?

Then Adam's alarm woke me up and I told him "I had a sex dream about you. Or it would've been a sex dream... if you didn't keep talking about apple pies the whole time".

sailorplanet97 1st Jan 2019 11:51 PM

a few days ago i had this weird dream my parents got divorced, i have to live with my dad first who has a wife who i liked.
the woman comes somewhere from africa but i didn't really care and they lived close to the forest but still in the area where my parents lives in real
just because it would remind me of the past

and the other times i had to live with my mom who found a husband i disliked and lived where it's TOO crowned
i was back to school again to talk about some stuff, i took the bus and bumped into my old friends

i told the driver i used to live on the street my parents used to live in my dreams (but in reality there are still living on the same street) i don't say the exact street though
the driver said: oh that's funny i used to live there too

i talked to my best friend and then we had some social activity or something we needed to do, later on i came home and started to fight with my mom asking why she couldn't break up with her husband, but she answered that i needed to get used to it and deal with it

and then i went to the forest to need a break from everything, the divorce and my mom's new husband i disliked and everything else

i knew like right away it was all just a dream, but my parents laughed pretty hard on my dreams when i told them about my weird stupid dreams
my dad even asked if his new wife was nice to me when he knows it was all just a dream

Graveyard Snowflake 2nd Jan 2019 2:12 AM

Last night, I had one of the few weird dreams that I actually remember (to a degree).

So, I was running from some people (the reasons elude me) and so I ran into this area/city called "River[something]) and into this school (it was either a school or a building similar to one) and into the bathroom, where I run into some guy in uniform. I explain what happened to the guy (I think telepathically) and he radios somebody saying that I'm innocent.

I honestly don't know what dream world me did/was accused of. I honestly don't really wanna know

PANDAQUEEN 2nd Jan 2019 2:02 PM

And the hits keep on coming!

This time, Erik Estrada came to visit on New Year's Day and he brought me Pokémon, Digimon, Piñata, Youkai, Spectrobe, Experiment and Sushi Sprite pajamas. Now, the pajamas he brought me were the kigurumi type you see in Japanese street fashion otherwise called "disguise pajamas". He brought me two sets of Bulbasaur kigurumi, one in the normal coloration and the other in shiny coloration. Turned out he dropped quite a bit of money for my pajamas of every creature ever. He even requested form changes included...all kigurumi tailored to fit my curvy, zaftig form and it used a zipper instead of the traditional buttons. He brought an Agumon kigurumi, a Whirlm kigurumi, a Jibanyan kigurumi, a weird Foo Dog one (never played Spectrobes, just know it's basically a fossil hunting game with a similar Pokémon concept), a Stitch one and a Penzo one.

Welp...if he's that bent on marrying someone like myself, he better find a nice mansion with a walk-in closet. (He was divorced in the dream and his son is probably on his own, but me and his son probably won't get along under any circumstances).

I should note:
As the days passed, he came by every day with new pajamas until there were no more to work with in each series. Considering the smaller, "less popular" (or in terms of quotation, less prolific) ones dried up first like the Digimon (which featured the Child forms like Agumon), Piñatas, Spectrobes and Sushi Sprites early in the year, it continued until the ones remaining were the Youkai of Yo-kai Watch, Experiments from Lilo and Stitch and the entire National Pokédex of Pokémon. In the dream, as he ran out of different ones, he doubled up the orders to fit the quota of 7 per shipment. It took a full year before I finally said "Yes, I'm going to marry you." on December 31, 2019.

The thing about dreamscapes is, although they aren't multiverses in the strictest sense,
the fact I could have been visiting a universe where I had a dream of being Lee Unkrich's wife was one possible outcome of what happened to weigh on my mind. I found guys like Lee to be sweet with a touch of sick. He admits he's a big fan of the movie "The Shining" and as soon as he became a co-director, he began insert references to "The Shining" in various movies. (Note: Although Toy Story 1 had used the carpet from the hotel in the upstairs hallway at Sid's house, that was from a fan in the art department.)

The brain is pretty much like outer space or the ocean, one of those least researched or least data collected realms where there's less than 10% of data collected for the realms.

Regardless, buying me off is not exactly easy. Cash is king, but if you're giving me gifts, there is a likelihood of it not ending well.

When I woke up, I sort of muttered to myself, "You can't make this easy, can you?" As if my brain was a separate entity.

Bigsimsfan12 2nd Jan 2019 2:29 PM

@PANDAQUEEN I bought Adam and the baby matching Pikachu kigurumis for Christmas. Back when me and my ex were together, for our first Christmas together I bought him a custom-made Patamon kigurumi. It was pretty neat, but seriously set me back a bit when I was a broke uni student lol.

sailorplanet97 2nd Jan 2019 7:15 PM

i had a weird dream about fireworks

i created something from firework, so we were at the restaurant where people usually go out (most of my old schoolmate was there too)
we did ate something though, pizza or fries? and someone who i bumped up from school (old schoolmate) asked if he could use my mobile for music
i answered yes, so this person was a DJ for a bit

in that meanwhile i created my own firework with something in it, and when this DJ person was done playing music he almost forgot to give my mobile back and i screamed to this person for my mobile
he then almost forgot and said: oh yeah that's right, and he gave it to me

and then after i was done with all the stuff i gave my created firework to my aunt, uncle and their kids but i sneaked out (nobody saw it though)
but instead of that i made the paintings all the time instead of my own created fireworks

my aunt picked the paintings up and did the same so i got the card at the same time haha

i must be distracted in my dreams because i thought i maked my own fireworks but instead of that i painted all the time
oh well atleast i got something back in my dreams LMFAO

i never get dreams about fireworks but now for the first time (1 day after the new year) i did

PANDAQUEEN 2nd Jan 2019 9:17 PM

Quote: Originally posted by sailorplanet97
i had a qwird dream about fireworks

i created something from firework, so we were at the restaurant where people usually go out (most of my old schoolmate was there too)
we did ate something though, pizza or fries? and someone who i bumped up from school (old schoolmate) asked if he could use my mobile for music
i answered yes, so this person was a DJ for a bit

in that meanwhile i created my own firework with something in it, and when this DJ person was done playing music he almost forgot to give my mobile back and i screamed to this person for my mobile
he then almost forgot and said: oh yeah that's right, and he gave it to me

and then after i was done with all the stuff i gave my created firework to my aunt, uncle and their kids but i sneaked out (nobody saw it though)
but instead of that i made the paintings all the time instead of my own created fireworks

my aunt picked the paintings up and did the same so i got the card at the same time haha

i must be distracted in my dreams because i thought i maked my own fireworks but instead of that i painted all the time
oh well atleast i got something back in my dreams LMFAO

i never get dreams about fireworks but now for the first time (1 day after the new year) i did

That is a great way to define chaos. My version of the word's definition is "A flight of stairs, a tennis ball and a 8-week old litter of 5 Cornish Rexes." (Cornish Rex? It's a breed of cat. Lightly fuzzy, extremely active.)

This afternoon, during my downtime while my father went for a walk, I had time to dream. Erik Estrada brought me to his palatial mansion after I got married to him on February 29, 2020. He was wearing a white tuxedo and my clothes were basic casual with numerous cutouts in the sleeves and I wore cutoffs, with 3 inch platform sandals with a veil of rainbow tulle and sheer silk. I was in awe of his home. He said, "I have been handsomely rewarded for my work. Not only did I play a police officer on TV, but I worked as the real deal. Not to mention, I take side jobs and take the best opportunities when presented to me."

He showed me to my room and laid me down, I removed my veil, he removed my sandals and drew the curtains closed. He said "Rest while the delivery people bring your belongings." I told him "I want to talk..." He sat down and I sat up. I began brushing my hair and said "Erik, have been so kind to me and I wonder what your life was like with your last family..."

He started talking after clearing his throat. "I was in love with a wonderful woman...we had a son...we had a beautiful family...but somewhere along the way, after my son left, my wife left me a note, saying she was trapped in a marriage without love or even a simple gesture of affection...she left me" I said "You poor thing..." as I stopped brushing my hair and grabbed his hand. He asked "What's wrong?"

I told him "I could never do such cruelty to say we are through in an impersonal way. If I wanted to say it was over, I would tell you right to your face." He saw tears running down my face and took out a pack of tissues and wiped the bright blue mascara running with my tears.

It was a weird dream but he probably was reason enough to dream: the mere concept of conversation within a dream to somebody willing to hear me out and I do likewise.

When my father got back from his walk, he went to lie down. My dad had a busy day.

But the dreams are like "I marry interesting men." If I am subconsciously saying "I want to marry an interesting man." I have no will to fight some undeniably obvious concept.

Of course, they wouldn't be exactly like the men of my dreams.

PANDAQUEEN 7th Jan 2019 2:15 PM

Lately, it's been an okay few days.

Lately, Erik Estrada came and brought me some ibuprofen, guaifenesin, Benadryl and ginger ale. As I took the medicine, he said "How are you feeling today?" I said "Fine. Just let my fever break. I probably need about an hour."

An hour later, he took my temperature with one of the applied-to-forehead type thermometer and he said "You look a lot better." I said "Erik, do you think I should stay in this marriage? I know you actually had 3 kids and a few wives before me. I know you are a lousy liar. But regardless, I can't lie to save my life. The only time it saved my life was when I was the new kid in Monroe, WA in my high school years. The only people who called my bluff were the faculty."

He held me close, asking "Did you get hurt by someone? It's okay. You can tell me." I told him it was my assistant, an emotionally aggressive man who would make me cry at day's end because he'd always yell at me. My parents had to have him removed and eventually the school's staff placed him elsewhere. Erik held me and said "I can't believe he hurt such a sweet young lady like you." I said "I turned 18 during my last semester and I never saw him after my 18th birthday."

I woke up. It was an odd dream. I normally don't tell people about my lies or my past, unless he's cute or she's asking me to be honest.

Why can't I get a normal dream?

Johnny_Bravo 7th Jan 2019 7:31 PM

Went into an underground garage, which was waaaay too huge for the house it sat below. There were posters for some band saying something about free entrance. Turned out to be some strange contest instead. The first goal was to drop my hair dryer (which popped out of nowhere, ofcourse) in a certain way which I sort of managed. I failed nonetheless and when I asked why, the response was 'who the hell drops his hairdryer?'

I mean, yeah..sure that's logical but I was baffled still when I woke up.

simmer22 8th Jan 2019 12:15 AM

Had a weird one today. Dreamed I was on a school trip, did some shopping and sightseeing, then I kinda needed a bathroom, but the only available one was in a pizza restaurant, so I sat down and ordered food (because you need to be a customer to use the toilets), but the service was slow and bad, though I did get some pizza eventually... and somewhere in the middle of it all I woke up - because of course I needed the bathroom IRL. Weird how several of most interesting dreams have ended up that way. I kinda wanted to know the rest of it...

sailorplanet97 8th Jan 2019 7:49 PM

i had this weird dream about paradise (kind of) expect i was a kid

i was somewhere in paradise inside and i eated somewhere but then all of my co-workers came so i had to hide me somewhere
but instead of that, my mom found me NAKED, it was so embarassing

i guess i danced myself off, and my mom asked why i hided me somewhere where nobody could see me and i told her i didn't want everyone to treat me as a child
then i got somewhere else, and that one was a hotel and the area was just great with a swimmingpool, all inclusive and everything else in it

damn that was a weird dream i was having last night

PANDAQUEEN 10th Jan 2019 9:55 AM

My father dropped me off at the hair salon. I came in just in time to be seated, I told the stylist to bleach my hair, tone the brassiness to silver and then dye it in a rainbow. I texted my father that I will be a while.

As got my hair prepped for bleach, she asks how long I have lived in New Jersey and I said "For the first 9 years of my life I was from New Jersey. I was then moved to the Seattle area for about 20 years and we came back to Jersey about 2½ years ago when we realized there wasn't much left for us." (No sense in lying) She asked the dreaded question introverted singles dread most: "Seeing anybody?" I said "There's an older gentleman I see sometimes when he's touring." (Hard part was trying to not let them call my bluff.)

I ended up waking up to icky cat farts. Much worse than icky dog farts. (My cat sleeps by my head.)

During my afternoon nap (I recently reached the age where naps are no longer protested but welcomed?) I took a long walk. I kept going, past city hall, past the post office, past the general store and when I reached the sign, it was a sandwich board like outside a café. It was for a progressive spa and they were offering new clients a package deal for $35 of all the services in a a la carte style. I followed the signs and entered the cleanly designed building. I piped up with an "Excuse me, may I sign in?" and the guy at reception mistaken me for my mother (when I answer the phone, I have been confused with my mother and vice versa). I told them "I'm not Victoria. I'm her daughter Kymchee, as she likes to refer me to. I am here as a new client." The receptionist said "We offer massage, skin, nail and hair at this location." I picked out the services and waited to be served. I waited quietly, reading a magazine of hair color applications. I was going to ask for my hair to be bleached, dyed a creamy tan blonde and have a number of colorful streaks painted through.

I got called back for massage. The protocol was the same as elsewhere: Strip down to your comfort level and put on a towel. I was one for the traditional nothingness and the masseuse came in a couple minutes after I got on the table and began to work on the fatty hump, which I joke I can shift left to right. She was asking if I have a boyfriend or girlfriend. I said "I have a boyfriend. He's just recently went through a divorce and I just happened upon him" (Unfortunately, I rather initiate conversation, so I would bullshit my way through the fact they initiated.) She asked if there was an age difference. I said "About 38 years my senior and he's a Pisces." She asked what he does for a living. I said "He's a retired police officer from Idaho and he's also in show business." As she worked out the final kinks, she asked "Is he nice to you?" I said "I plan on marrying him, and he's allowing me to propose. He's the nicest guy I met in a long time. Reminds me of the boy who kissed me on my 16th birthday, who was the first boy to kiss me ever."

After the massage, I got dressed and I waited for a chair in the hair salon, I looked at a English edition of the Egg fashion magazine from Japan. (1. I don't know if it's still in circulation\publication and 2. The models are completely dolled up, right down to their dark tans, which are painted on with the expensive self tanner). I got called back and once again, had to bullshit my way through the stylist. She bleached my hair and asked "Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?" I said "I have a boyfriend and he's sexy for his age." She asks "Does he help at home?" I said "I cook, he cleans." Then came the creamy tan dye "Does he want kids?" I said "I think it's just going to be us two." Then the streaks "Do you share a bed?" I said, "I thrash in my sleep, he sleeps in the room next to mine, because the last time a man tried snuggling next to me, I kicked him in the crotch and he spent the rest of the night on the couch with a bag of ice on his buttons. Sad to say, I attract divorced men."

After my hair was done, l sat in the waiting area and read a magazine doing their annual nail art special. They called me back to a tanning booth.

I didn't need to talk, but the paper string bikini was giving me a wedgie. I decided on extra dark and given I once had a stain from soy sauce and that I am pale as a sheet, I would have been on par with the Egg models. They sprayed me down and I was about the same color as a grain of white rice in a ramekin filled with soy sauce.

Afterwards, was the last hurdle. I called Erik to come pick me up from the spa. I was then called to the chairs and I had neon yellow done for both sets of nails and the questions came "I have a boyfriend, his name is Henry, he's an older gentleman who enjoys my company and he's been watching over me lately. He's got a perfect smile while I am missing a back tooth, but we haven't gotten to the point where I allow him near that part of the mouth. He's very sweet to me and we're going to get married once I propose. I mean, why should guys have all the fun? My grandma proposed to my grandpa, my mother proposed to my father, we usually let the women have the say in my family. But the way I act, it's like keeping a dummy in suspense and Henry deserves to know if I want his heart..."

After I left the nail salon, Erik was waiting in the waiting area. I saw two of the Coca-Cola bottles in the fridge, both with our real first names: Henry and Kimberly (I paid with part of the remainder of the $50). We rode down Main Street slowly (on an average day, traffic is nil.) In the white Ford Mustang, (It was bought with my money from a junkyard and it was retrofitted with an ecologically sound engine that didn't impede on its iconic style) I sat in the back. I let out a heavy sigh and said "Erik, you're a sweet man to me. You've been doing a lot more than I expected. You help me through the days and I am releasing you from being just a manservant. I want to marry you." He said "Really?" I said "I may be seen as a mere child with a delicate constitution, but I have been thinking. You've must have dropped some serious cash to give me all those pajama onesies like those collectible monsters. You've probably given up something." He said "I stopped manscaping." I said "Wow." He said "I will marry you."

Weird, but it gave me a basic idea of what to do next in the TS3 game.

PANDAQUEEN 19th Jan 2019 1:17 AM

Been a long week.

I recently stole a couple of pillows from the living room (they were retired from the master bedroom after a number of changes since we moved in on September 16, 2016. Keep in mind I eventually got a bed frame to accommodate my situation. Not like I'm going to be sharing the bed with a cute guy and Gemini. If anything, Gemini usually needs to give her seal of approval on men to see if they are "lapworthy" and I am a fitful sleeper)

Lately, it's a mundane setting. My dream is me going to a private couples therapy with Erik. Erik complains of my weak stamina in house cleaning and I spend too much time sleeping in bed. I complain his body hair either tickles or scratches and he ignores my plea for him to wear a t-shirt when sleeping. The list went on of petty differences that cause friction ranging from any form of intimacies, to house chores, to our hobbies to how we make money (I work with singing to corn and other seasonal crops in different song styles and music, as with all sounds, are integral to my life. I was given a grant and I supplied the music and as an added bonus, I played Simon and Garfunkel for the cows to increase the milk production for the increased milk demand. Erik...he is busy working with the real California Highway Patrol with donations to a funereal funding service for patrollers who died in action. As far as I could tell, he does give back to the real deal after playing a part.)

The therapist left me with Erik and he gently brushed back my hair and kissed my cheek. "Erik...that was...sweet of you." I said, as I was trying to speak. He said "Hush, hush, sweet Kymchee..." We cuddled on the couch and he carried me out, over-the-threshold style. He took me home and tucked me in and did the chores needed.

Pideli 19th Jan 2019 5:37 PM

Well this is what I dreamt last night:
I ordered cats online from China. The company was proud that they were able to offer very cheap shipping by packing the cats in very small packages. But when they arrived, all three cats were dead, there were only skins in them. So I was pissed off and thought to film and send back to the company to get the money back but I had already thrown the skins into mom's trash bin.

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