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Quote: Originally posted by sturlington
In Oakbook, I had Kaylynn the maid become Cherry Custer. I changed her last name to Custard. |
Mortia has some ambient sound speakers on her tumblr. I've started using a lot of Sun&Moon's mods so I put the cattle noises in the barn and the chicken noises in the chicken yard. I was worried they'd be too loud or annoying but they blend perfectly into the background and add a lot to my farms.
Not sure if anyone has stumbled upon cityof2morrow's tumblr but they are doing some great things with modding and cc and will have some more great projects in the future as they keep releasing their finished projects.
An older download, but here's a overpowered solar panel. Useful for when you want a Sim to receive money instead of a bill (e.g. 'insurance payments' after a family member dies).
Just be careful not to overdo it, as that can result in a enormous bill! |
4 Attachment(s)
@kestrellyn uploaded a version of Smarter choice of parent for entering college cinematic to use other relatives if both parents are dead/absent.
From a test hood, Dora Ottomas accompanies David after both parents got smushed by satellites: |
I'm glad you like it!
Functional 'Air Fryers'?: https://jacky93sims.tumblr.com/post...-for-the-sims-2
(Actally air fryers are NOT fryers but kind of oven... but there are frozen fried food for air fryers) |
Another older download, the The European Sun apartments. It's CC-free, surprisingly compact, and each of the apartments has a unique layout and feel. I put one in Downtown and am moving four of the premade families (Cooke, Ramaswami, Gavigan, and Traveller) into it. Makes me wish that we weren't limited to four households per building.
Probably everyone already knows about this, but it's totally new to me: SimCat or Sims 2 Categorizer tool by SimWardrobe, allows you to edit categories, price, description and various other things of any custom object without fiddling around in SimPE.
Apparently it crashes when handling items from certain creators, CycloneSue is one that is known to be a problem, but the majority of files are perfectly fine. You can get it here (now I look just above me, I think this is actually the link in Bulbizarre's siggy ![]() https://simfileshare.net/folder/87850/ |
Pick'n'mix has an object relocator program as well:
https://www.picknmixmods.com/Sims2/...tRelocator.html Plus one for CAS items (which has thumbnails if you load them up in Bodyshop first) https://www.picknmixmods.com/Sims2/...tOrganiser.html Both of them can do batch changes. I have noticed that if you change some things (not entirely sure which) in the Object Relocator, if you open the item up in SimPE after, it gets a "not committed" text in the OBJD resource. Not sure if this is common when an item is edited outside SimPE, but I'd guess that could be it? I've seen this occasionally for various random objects (got no clue how they've been edited), so I'm not sure what prompts the message. Could be the same for the Categorizer tool, too (haven't tried). |
Quote: Originally posted by simsfreq
More specifically, it doesn't like files that were Compressorized with jfade's tool. Personally, Sims2Cat is also useful for tracking down where an item went in the catalog as you can run it at the same time as game. |
Ooh great tip! And handy to know about compressorized items.
Scroll down a bit: Pile of books that sits on endtable and works as a FT bookcase. The animations will be a little weird, though.
Quote: Originally posted by simsfreq
A good way to check for Compressorization is open it up in SimPE and see if the resources are in blue text. There is another method of compression, but I don't see that used very much. Editing compressorized files in SimPE has been known to have issues too, if you don't re-compressorize the file. I changed the price of a sofa and it crashed the game. |
Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
Did you change the price in SimPE or with a different program? I don't think I've ever had the game crash after changing prizes or doing other changes in the OBJD, not before or after compressing, or after recompressing (I use the Compressorizer). I delete the cache files before going ingame, which could be preventing crashes. |
Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
With SimPE. |
Not much of a find since it's my own post, but this seemed the most appropriate place to post advertisement of a tumblr creation. I released my alternative to simulated sales, which allows you to set different sales models for different businesses. For example at my car dealership the sales are simulated, but at the farmers market, they are real
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I was curious why you kept asking about different shopping mods.
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Yeah the shopnosaveitem question was related to this, I was going to incorporate it but when I tested I found it doesn't work to begin with, and I was wondering if it was a me-problem or the mod really is broken, but thanks to whoward I had an alternative way to achieve the effect I was after so it no longer matters
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Quote: Originally posted by gummilutt
Thank you for this! Another mod to go in my ever growing collection ![]() I did a precursory check for compatibility with hatch's T&A (since it's what I use) by checking against the modified objects file and your additions in SimPE, from what I could see, it seems compatible - or at least shouldn't cause issues for T&A stuff. Did a quick play test, no errors and it seemed to be working as intended (settings visible, townies got no items in inventory after sale based on setting, business owner still got paid etc). This will be super useful for me! My recent hood has all stores (clothing, greceries, bars etc) owned by playables (or will be). One thing that concerned me was clothing stores; I really didn't want my playables to end up with tons of clothing that doesn't fit in their wardrobe that can't be removed. ![]() So it's in my mod collection now, if I hit any snags I'll let you know, but I can't see anything that screams issue to me. (If I don't say anything, that's a good sign, it means it's working without issue. ![]() So yup, thanks again! :D. |
I enjoyed this video by Ani Bats. She goes behind the scenes on how she sets up a neighborhood with townie families. She's doing downtown and moving in all the downtownies. I've been liking her Pleasantview series, so it's fun to see her thought process for how she decides who will be related and who lives with who.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3X70ozYnBY |
Sun&Moon has done it again:
Flowing Fabrics This set followed the simplified processes of turning wool all the way into garments for sims to purchase. They will have to collect, clean and weave wool into thread and fabric. If they'd like to take their craft a step further they can gather natural sources of dyes and extract them to then dye their fabrics. With access to fabric bolts they may make garments and if they also have access to materials such as tanned leather products and fur they can make a wider variety of garments. http://www.medievalsims.com/forums/...p?f=240&t=11109 |
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