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iforgot 4th Sep 2023 1:26 PM

So, I was looking for a particular type of object from Sims 1 for Sims 2 for dancing. It turns out the only one that I could find made for The Sims 2 was made by Sims Wardrobe, which apparently shut down.

Anyway, I found most of their mods here:

And so, if anyone else is looking for them, here you go, it also includes Sims 1 mods! :-D

Bulbizarre 4th Sep 2023 1:35 PM

Check my signature - judging from the date of a lot of those files, they actually come from the archive I posted back when SW/Paladin's Place first went down.

I wasn't able to get any of TS1 mods though - they were missing from the site when I downloaded all.

iforgot 4th Sep 2023 6:36 PM

Oh, my bad! To be honest, I usually skip peoples signatures without reading them, old habit :-/

Bulbizarre 4th Sep 2023 11:25 PM

Here's the thread from back when it happened:

Fun fact: The original link from post #7 doesn't work because I was a nimwit at one point and accidentally deleted the folder instead of another one.

Debby1957 6th Sep 2023 10:23 PM

When I posted about Sun&Moon's Flowing Fabrics in comment #2850 I guess I was so excited about the new mod from them I didn't notice they updated their "Gone Fishin'."

Gone Fishin' 2.0


This fishing set is intended to allow a sim to catch a variety of fish based on their body skill rather than their badge skill/season/bait type used. Of course all fishers have good days and bad days so they may also pull up some trash, seaweed or some treasure along with the intended catch.

Changes From 1.0:
1. Optimization of textures: most made smaller, many items repositoried.
2. Food Points Amounts: All fish used to be worth the same amount of food points. Now they are varied depending upon fish size.
3. All items unlocked in the catalog for purchase if so desired.
4. Converter Crates/Fish Stand have been converted to decorative (requested per beta testers) as their functions have been combined to a new station, they share the same GUIDs as the original versions.
5. Filet knife has been eliminated from the set, as it's function has been put into the new station.
6. A variety of new stations and fish acquistion means. See below.

They also added salt water fishing and salt water fish.

TadOlson 7th Sep 2023 4:02 AM

@Debby1957 -That's perfect for my Pleasantview game since it's taking place in the early 17th century.

Debby1957 7th Sep 2023 6:06 AM

Quote: Originally posted by TadOlson
@Debby1957 -That's perfect for my Pleasantview game since it's taking place in the early 17th century.

I had you in mind when I posted both of them.

simsample 11th Sep 2023 12:44 PM

I love this mod:

FranH 11th Sep 2023 2:00 PM

Quote: Originally posted by simsample
I love this mod:

I do too-in fact so much that I contacted fway-(who made the mod to make a personal trait of 'unstable' trigger a change in the pixel's personality and interests every time they go to a community lot) to see if they'd be interested in linking this mod to the 'insane' or 'unstable' trait to make it a higher possibility for it to happen.

I think it would be awesome for those traits to actually work with this mod.

I hope he considers it, too.

Bulbizarre 12th Sep 2023 1:07 PM

This is older, but this tutorial is very helpful for making a less cluttered catalog:

simmer22 12th Sep 2023 4:40 PM

^ Very useful, and is recommended for a more streamlined CC folder.
(and some more tutorials for CC organizing/fixing below, in case anyone needs it)

Personally, I'm not too big on the collection-only collections, because they only make me forget I have stuff, so I mainly keep those for the items that either really clutter up the catalog (very big sets that can be kept hidden), and some OMSPs (the angled ones). It also annoys me that collection-only items can't be picked up by the dropper tool. Collections can also be a bit slow to load. Most of the time I prefer to find stuff via the catalog. They do come in handy for things you don't need to have available at all times (and things you don't need available for the dropper tool - I've got some items I prefer to dropper-pick up so I don't have to go through a billion recolors all the time).

Other things that help a lot is just general OBJD editing, for things you still want available in the catalog (and you can do a bunch of other editing in the OBJD, too - price, category, OFB shelf size, quartertile, price, "cheat" for extending footprint...)
Phaenoh has an OBJD tutorial here.

I've recently gone through and edited the OBJDs - both categories and prices, and this one is by far the most helpful. It's a big job for the entire DL folder, but SO much easier to know what you have once it's done. I've put food clutter and pots'n'pans and all that in with kitchen stuff, any clutter that wouldn't look off in a bathroom in plumbing, all kids deco in kids, books in hobby/knowledge, pillows/blankets/etc. in Seating, and so on. Now I can use the Sculpture and Misc section for all the stuff that really doesn't fit anywhere (and it makes it so much easier to find all my hospital CC, because most of it has always been stashed into deco/misc, with a random scattering in Sculptures).

It's also made me realize how much stuff I had that either wasn't showing up, and/or was broken in some or another way (I've fixed most of the items now - the DL folder still isn't sparkly clean, but it's getting there).

I'm also trying to get rid of the randomly named files from house uploads - mostly by localizing the original files, and also seeing if I want to keep the files and maybe also adding other parts of the original set to my collection. This one is by far the hardest one (so much is difficult to find since it's no longer available on the original sites), but I have so far found most of the stuff from one building I really want to clear up.

If you change prices, and like that sets have the same prices but don't get mixed in with other sets, or want some items to have the same prices - keep some kind of document on which prices you've used, and for which categories. You lose track of this really fast (I've lost track quite some time ago, so these days I just check ingame occasionally to see which prices are left).

If need be I also add AL shift (it's a very simple BHAV, I also have a quick "hack") and quartertile to objects, fix thumbnails, edit or delete the shadows (I usually delete it, I'm lazy there and don't use shadows anyway), fix the ingame and OBJD text (so the items show up with the proper text in Clean Installer and ingame - makes it easier to know what the item is), shelf placement for deco, and do other fixes as well if need be.

simsample 12th Sep 2023 6:27 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
This is older, but this tutorial is very helpful for making a less cluttered catalog:

What do you do if you have done this, and now you have so many collections that you can't find anything? Asking for a friend...

Bulbizarre 12th Sep 2023 8:53 PM

Quote: Originally posted by simsample
What do you do if you have done this, and now you have so many collections that you can't find anything? Asking for a friend...

Good question. Re-organize the collections, maybe.

Bulbizarre 12th Sep 2023 10:14 PM

Dining In Comfort - Armchairs as Dining Chairs

The Glassic makes such a nice computer chair!

pianogrinder 13th Sep 2023 8:27 PM

Historical greet expectations
A whole set of new greetings for a historical neighborhood all reworked from the ground up from various sims games.

Bulbizarre 15th Sep 2023 12:07 PM

An adorable collar:

simsample 16th Sep 2023 11:33 PM

Wow! Seeds! Planting!

Bulbizarre 17th Sep 2023 12:14 AM

Quote: Originally posted by simsample
Wow! Seeds! Planting!

Finally, a use for the garden club!

Bulbizarre 17th Sep 2023 4:23 PM

Quote: Originally posted by simsample
Wow! Seeds! Planting!

Thanks to that mod, I discovered this!

TadOlson 18th Sep 2023 7:23 AM

@pianogrinder -That link is perfect for my Pleasantview sims as it would fox the greetings issues with more period suited greeting for 17th century Pleasantview in it's early days.

Justpetro 18th Sep 2023 6:31 PM

The Seeds! Planting! mod looks fabulous!

sim4fan1 20th Sep 2023 11:35 AM

I'm probably late to the party, but the game looks so fresh!

And, I swear, the CAS seems less laggy too...

Bulbizarre 20th Sep 2023 11:38 AM

Quote: Originally posted by sim4fan1
I'm probably late to the party, but the game looks so fresh!

Wingdings here I come!

gummilutt 21st Sep 2023 3:41 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Godleof wrote a really awesome tutorial on how to enable a lot of hidden build mode things, like the walls and floors used in the two uploaded lots they have. The coolest hidden finds in my opinion is the invisible fence (so much cc free apartment potential!) and the brick foundation side as wallpaper. It's a nicer brick than the one we have that for some reason is darker, and it's the one that actually matches the options that has trim. Highly recommend reading and following if you have ever wanted things like the foundation floors available or their sides as wallpaper

You'll find it here in the tutorial section on MTS

To explain the brick thing, I attached a picture I made back when I first realized the lot I had downloaded from Godleof had a shade of brick that I apparently did not have in my game, the one I had did not match the trim but the one they had on that lot did. It's a little all over the place but I am too tired to make a new one xD The area in the middle of the picture with a black line is the brick wall available in vanilla game, which does not match the trim, and I was showing how the walls on the lot the brick did match the trim walls. That's part of the cool thing of all these, it gives you more options to use in builds and it doesn't matter if the person downloading has it too, because the textures are all there in their files they are just hidden from catalog. So they will show, even if the person can't replicate it, like it was for me before Godleof showed me

Bulbizarre 22nd Sep 2023 1:19 AM

Found this googling for more information for 'dress for work'. Putting in the inventory lets specific Sims wear casual clothing to their job.

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