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Inside of Fridge Door Disappear or Not Moving?
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I have been working on a recolored clone of the "Ciao Time Bovinia Refrigerator Model BRRR" to match the Counter Culture counter set.
I've made a second recolorable subset, so that more of the fridge is recolorable, with a new UV map. I have a glitch, and because this is my first object where I've done anything but a simple recolor, I don't know what I've done. When my sim opens the fridge door, the inside of the fridge door is missing. You can see right out the door, into the lot. It's not transparent looking into the fridge from the outside. There are also suspicious panels barely visible inside the fridge which make me think the inside isn't moving with the rest of the door. As you can see in the picture, the handle isn't moving either. It's part of the new UV map I did. I'm wondering if I did something to the mesh to disable it. Please help! |
without looking at the file i can tell you that it's a mesh issue. the fridge door has no faces on the inside
![]() I also see in your screen shot that the door handle isnt' moving with the door when it opens ![]() |
I think that the inside of the door exists, it's only visible from the inside of the fridge, and like the handle, isn't moving. I'm going to try seeing if I can assign the inside of the door, and the handle to the same joint as the door.
I'm not sure what to do, but I'll tweak and post again if I'm unsuccessful. UPDATE: Success! I have made it work! Thank you so much SimAdict99 and IgnorantBliss - and also JWoods for his wonderful tutorial. I was able to use the tutorial after splitting Maxis' mesh into three sections, and rotating it twice in MilkShape. I also found out the hard way that I should never ever use the "switch z and y axis" option when saving in UVMapperPro. ![]() Thank you all again! |
Check the tutorial section for JWoods' Mesh Tool tutorials, I think one of them is for a fridge
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EDIT: Please don´t look at this, I found out that I forgot to set the StdMatAlphaBlendMode to blend. I´m going to see whether this fixes my problem.
I´ve got a problem with a plant mesh I´ve been creating. The texture map shows up as I want in the package, but in game, the texture´s not quite right. I´ve got no idea why it´s doing that and so I´m hoping for help. ![]() Please don´t tell me to use another base object, because I really need to use a curtain to have a diagonal version. |
pacotacoplayer, the shade subset is not listed on the tsDesignModeEnabled list in Geometric Node and hence is not recolorable. You could try adding it on the list, but it may not work, because state changing subsets (like this one with the lit and unlit states) often don't work like that. If the recoloring doesn't work, I recommend you clone another lamp, one that already comes with a recolorable shade. The Ilistara lamp is one like that.
The lamp doesn't seem to crash my game. Make sure you don't have two copies of it in your downloads folder. |
thanks ib!
My problem posted before is solved, but I already have another one related to joints:
I previously made a car and wanted to alter the smoothing. The horrible thing is that each time that I save the file as 5gd, the car is newly smoothed (not at all like I´d wanted it to be smoothed). Does anyone know how I can evade this problem? |
I don't know if there is a smarter way around it, but I group my meshes in such a way that the automatic smoothing doesn't spoil it. That usually means having to split the mesh into several groups before uv-mapping. Someone else might have a better idea.
Thanks, IgnorantBliss. I found out that this problem only occurs when an .obj is saved as .5gd. The way to get round this is converting the .obj to .5gd using the Meshtool (which doesn´t destroy the smoothing). Afterwards, the .5gd model can be saved again as .5gd without smoothing problems.
![]() The problem is that Milkshape seems to loose all the joint information as soon as a second 5gd. file is imported into an existing one. ![]() |
teddy bear clone problems
I'm completely stumped! I made a playable new sutffy, a cat. First thing I noticed is that when cloning the bear, the current SimPE pulls 2 MMAT, 2 textures and only 2 TXMT, eventhough the Maxis bear has 20 (10 for each state). With an older SimPE it pulls 10 TXMT and 1 MMAT- only the clean state. Anyone have any idea why the missing TXMTs?
Neither clone however work for the carry option. if a child picks up and carries the stuffy it disapears?? Anyone have any ideas? I've looked and I can't see anything that looks out of place or missing. There must be a way to fix this, no? I am attaching both version (just in case there is a definite purpose for the 10 TXMT vs 2. Note they both use the same GUID) hope someone can offer some insight for me. Thanks in advance Alex aka Simaddict99 |
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Does anyone know what is causing these extra bits on the outdoor shadows? The bar stool was actually fine until I imported the latest version of the mesh.
Mage, it looks like you have the same problem as in this post: http://www.modthesims2.com/showthre...660#post1308660.
I spent the better part of the day yesterday looking into the bear clone issue. I did find that not one cloned stuffy anywhere has a successfull carry option. every single one disapears and I tested a lot like boblishmans llama, wind's moo-moo, all of natrobo's dolls/clowns etc. I then noticed that XNM removed the carry option from the pie menu, so I tried the Maxis Bunny bear- also has the carry option removed from the pie menu. hence I have concluded it's not possible to make a clone of the bear with working Carry option and also removed the option from the pie menu.
Still currious about the issue with SimPE pulling only 2 TXMT thought. |
I'm not sure about the TXMT stuff, but, regarding the carry problem, I think it has something to do with the bear having bones, kind of like a body mesh. This thread might help you out
![]() Edited to add: My guess is that the 2 TXMTs should be enough, since the teddy really only seems to have two states, the clean and the dirty one. All the material overrides point to the same TXMTs. |
Thanks for answering jaxad0127. This only happened outdoors and the Maxis "Epikouros" counter that I cloned does the same thing.
I've got the barstool right now |
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Grrr. The barstool looked great. I played around getting more with the eyedropper tool, looking at them from different angles and distances and they were fine then suddenly this. I know I had this problem with one of my very first objects, but I forget what the cure was.
I was right.
The self-referencing happens in line 17 of the "Interaction - Carry" BHAV. I simply imported this one and put your GUID there. Then I made the pie menue functions point to the new private BHAV. If my explanation´s not clear enough, just ask. ![]() I didn´t test your object for lack of time but it should work fine now. |
Edit: well it was too good to be true. still disapears.
guess it's back to removing the carry option from the pie menu. it may very well be a BHAV issue, but there's just too much there, i'm not going to attmept it. i mean even Maxis left it out of the bunny bear option. there must be reason. thanks so much bienchen!! I must have been having a duh moment! i can't believe I didn't try and import the BHAV myself to check this. It's obviously just like the harvestable crops in regards tot he GUID reference. you'd think i've done enough of those to remember it. As to the pie menu, one question though. there are 2 entries for carry. i see you changed the first one to point to the newly imported one, the second still points to the semi global. I should change the second one as well, shouldn't I? Well, guess I'll find out, I'm off to test it ![]() ignorantbliss, yes it does have joints and they are all assigned, without that it woudn't work at all- it be a stiff scultpure ![]() I do see that 2 TXMT's seem to suffice just don't undertand why the Maxis bear uses 10 for each state? Oh well, who am I to quesiton it, lol it works, i'm happy ![]() |
No, you shouldn´t. The Guardian BHAV didn´t have to be changed so it´s best to still use the global one.
Well, every one has dull moments sometimes. This is why I really wasn´t sure first if the problem was in the BHAVs. I know your harvestable plants and I was a bit stunned that you should have a problem with the bear. I´m even more stunned that none of the toy threads mentions that the bear clones don´t work correctly. |
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There's something identical to this blocking custom consoles from having custom controllers. I have an easy, workable solution to it that won't require changing anything if you want the defualt controllers. I could do something similar for this.
Here's the hack if you want to try it out. The controller enabler needs to go in your downloads fodlere and the new bhav needs to go in the console's package, with the reference changed. |
Quote: Originally posted by bienchen83
so was I. this is not my first stuffy. I've made 4 previous ones, all were tested by several beta testers. turns out no-one ever tested the carry option with a child. just child & toddler play interactions and talk through with older sims. Surprisingly also no downloader has mentioned it to date, it seems most players only have toddlers and kids play with them so it hasn't come up. as per my edit above, it still doesn't work so i'm just removing the option from the pie menu. jaxad0127, although I understand the principle behind what you're saying, that's way above my current BHAV knowledge. Mage- I wish i could help but the only thing i can offer is that it looks an awful lot like an exploded bodyshop mesh, and since barstools do have joints could it be a similar issue? |
Well, I´m sorry that it didn´t work. There might be other references to the original GUID in the other BHAV. Perhaps you should check this. Then, I´m really not a good modder. Perhaps someone else can have a look at the code.
I checked. Only three guids are used in the semiglobals, and only one of those is for the bear (the other two are a put down location and the talk through social).
I've had the same problem making other objects holdable. We're just missing something in the object itself. |
Looking at the MMATs, they refer to different GUIDs. The bear itself only has one GUID, I'm not sure what the others are. But they seem to reuse the same TXMTs. |
You can use OW to clone objects via guid. You can use that to find out.
Does no one have an idea how to evade this mess?
![]() ![]() This happens when I convert my obj file to a simpe file using the meshtool. @símsaddict: I found out that there´s another self-referencing happening in the "Function Cleanup" BHAV. This BHAV is called by the "CT Don´t Delete ME" BHAV. Seems that your toy now works fine: ![]() By the way: That cat´s really cute. ![]() |
lol, thanks, sure you can keep it
![]() I hate to say it though, as you put in so much work, but it still doesn't work correctly. I think you misunderstood, or I didn’t explain in enough detail the specifics of the problem. The actual command to carry has always been executable, but failed after the fact. To explain, every clone so far a child could pick up and "carry" it no problem. But f you then tell the child to walk to a certain place while still carrying the stuffy they will walk to the destination point and upon arrival there the stuffy vanishes. This it still does (I just tested it again). By the way, sorry about your UV mess, unfortunately i have no idea how to solve that.
well they can hold it, it just disapears after they actual move while carrying it. Still pretty useless, lol |
well, then I really didn´t understand your problem correctly. I´ll have a look at the package again when I have time.
EDIT: I didn´t find anything so far, so I hope that some of the BHAV modders here on ModtheSims2 will have a look at your package. My own problem is solved now. After splitting up the mesh in several groups, I finally managed to get a normally mapped version somehow. Don´t ask me how I got there. ![]() |
I still don't entirely understand that fix. And it won't help me with my problem either.
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Now I'm officially begging for help.
I've been working on this since the last time I posted about it and I still don't know what is wrong. I made this barstool once and it was fine. It went in and out from the counter fine and looked good. Then I noticed it needed one tiny addition and once I had the new mesh in, the outdoor shadow was the wrong shape (not in a way related to the new mesh). I ran the mesh through the Mesh Tool again and imported it in SimPE. (I was changing the name of the legs group to make more sense (thanks to Ignorant Bliss' tutorial) just like I did the first time when it came out great.) And it fixed the shadow. But. It looked like this picture. I have done everything over and over with the same results. So I started with a whole new clone and remade the mesh but it still comes out wrong. I import the mesh into mesh tool, then the .5gd file, then check overwrite same names in the settings, save and replace in SimPe, then change then name of the legs group to "metal". All I added, when I changed the mesh was a box at the junction of some other components on the legs group. I've tried making it as a box, as a 1 stack, 4 slice cylinder, and as 6 planes. It doesn't overlap anything. Without the box every thing is fine. With the box not only does it look like the picture, the box is actually not visible! I'm feeling really stupid. |
Quote: Originally posted by Mage
It's been along time since I've used the meshtool, but I recall I did have this happen when the new item was larger then the original or the originals bounding area. |
i would like to know how you change the material definition of an object to add reflection. If an expert like IB could answer that would be great! :D/
Quote: Originally posted by SnowStorm
Oh you know that sounds familiar to me now you say it. But this mesh works fine until I add the little box - which in the middle of the object and it isn't making the mesh any bigger at all... |
hey paco i would check with macarossi he just made them awsome reflective doors and windows that are featured and can be found here !
also i have made a seemless window and i am adding a new design to one of the states ...my question is if i add a subset to the cloned window with its own material can i still borrow the texture from the original object so i dont have to make completely new recolors and just use all the colors and recolors of my original window while still having the object pull the material from my new window for the subset i added ????? |
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I'm no expert, Pacotacoplayer, but until Bliss gets here, one easy way is to substitute a shiny material definition for the one you have.
1. Open an object that has a shiny material you like and select TXMT's and right click on the one you want and choose "export". Save it to a folder where you can find it again. 2. Then open your new object and choose the material definition you want to change. In the Properties tab in the plug-in view select "stdMatBaseTextureName" and highlight everything in the "value" field. Right click and copy. Open any word program like Notepad and paste what you just copied. 3. Right click on the file name and copy. 4. Right click on the file and choose replace. In a few moments you will be asked if your really want to replace. Click yes. Commit. 5. Highlight the filename and use ctrl-V to paste in the name you just copied. Then go back to what you pasted into the word program and copy it. 6. Paste this into the stdMatBaseTextureName value field. Commit. 7. Go to the file list tab and paste the same thing as in my picture. Commit. |
WHAT THE HELL? AM I MISSING SOMTHING? is it just me or do the tutrials not make any sense? i understand tehre old but ither its becuase its 3:30 in the morning and i need some sleep or its talking crap or bits are missing. It tells you how to clon a object. Does not tell you how to find the object in teh first place. And teh tutrails that you download dont work becuase they wont open in any program! lol
well does anyone know anyotehr place with some better tutorials (unless its just me being stupid becuase i need sleep, ok i will go to bed, see if it seemd any better when i have had some sleep! lol) |
You need a program like winrar, alzip or 7-zip to open rar files. Object Workshop is quite self explanatory, but there are other tutorials that cover just it.
ok i figured out the repository technique minus one detail and cant figure out even with the posts about it what im doing wrong....I got the window working exactly how i want it the frame picks up the material from the original window and the ac unit i added pulls its own texture from the new window the only problem is the color options are for some reason not showing up for the new window only the original and there were 8 recolors made for this window that i want to be able to select for this new window ...im including both the new window and the repository window so any help would be greatly appreciated .....
I just took a quick peek. You forgot to add the "tsMaterialsMeshName" entries for all the GMNDs. without these the linked subset can not be recolorable.
Quote: Originally posted by jc84144
OK, first you need to be a lot more specific about which tutorials exactly you're talking about, otherwise it's impossible to help with any particular tutorial. Second, all the downloadable tutorials are either packed into a ZIP or RAR, and you need a program like WinRAR to open them. With many tutorials you will find a PDF file inside the ZIP or RAR. For that, you will need a PDF viewer. But, since I don't know which tutorials you're talking about, I can't be sure what the problem is you're having. |
ok i must be losing my mind i cannot find the damn post i used for making a slave object and now i dont know exactly what to put in the tsmaterialsmeshname do you think you could explain simaddict ?
@tigmom: you need to copy the Cres name of the master object (without the _cres ending; you´ll find it in CRES, cObjectGraphNode), then open the Geometric Node of your slave object, the TSMaterialsMeshname there and paste the cres name in the second line of the existing string. In the first line, enter the GMDC name of your model. If you have more than one mesh group, you´ll need to add lines.
ok i added the tsMaterialsMeshName to all the GMND's , for each gmnd i added a frame and a glass reference to the original mesh and it is still not working and also there seems to be a shadow problem or something because if i put the window in one way say north side out for example it appears white how its suppose to look but if i put the window in the other way it appears gray any ides on that would be helpful but i really need this to show the recolors first and foremost .....
tigmomx4, where's the AC unit going to get its color from when it borrows its recolors from the regular window? Have you mapped a part of that texture for the AC, but there current textures just don't have that AC texture yet?
When you're making an object borrow its textures from another, you will also have to link the Shape to the other object. I can't tell from these packages now which one is supposed to be linked to which one, because both have the Shape linked to just themselves, and neither window has a tsMaterialsMeshName block. Did you accidentally upload a wrong version of the windows? Also, the window which is going to be a slave should have the MMAT, materials and textures deleted from its own package, since it doesn't need them anymore. The shadow problem is probably caused by the kind of lighting windows use, where one side of the window (say, north) is in the light, then the other side (south) is going to be shaded. To avoid this problem, you should split the AC unit into two separate meshes, the part that's pointing north should be in the north frame, and the part that's pointing south should be in the south frame. |
the original window seemlessdoublehungopen is suppose to be the repository and the ac one is suppose to be the slave ...The ac window has its own texture in it for the acunit and that appears fine in game the only thing i want the new acwindow to borrow is the frame colors of the original open version of this window ....
But since the AC is a part of the frame subset (at least in the version that you last uploaded), you can't make a part of the frame borrow its textures from elsewhere, a part of it have its own texture. You should make the AC unit into a completely separate subset, then it's possible.
oh crap i didnt add the fixed version to the rar somehow hold a sec
the acunit is its own subset in the north gmdc which is how i read from your tut on putting in a subset ....are you telling me i have to make a whole new gmdc and add the acunit in there by itself ??? |
where do you get the templates to recolor a phone when you clone it ? im having trouble recoloring a phone i am making
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No, I didn't mean that. The way it is now in this version should be fine. But the old version had the AC unit in the frame subset, which would not work. When you added the tsMaterialsMeshName blocks to the GMND, you forgot to add a line to each Datalist Extension Reference in the cObjectGraphNode tab. When the last thing on the blocklist has the number "4" in front of it, then you need 4 lines on the Datalist. You need to add one line to each one of the GMND entries (see the attached screenshot). To add a line, click Add, then click on the new line. In the value box for Index, add the number that comes next in line (in this case I added 4), and in the value box for the box called Enabled add 1 (see the screenshot again). Commit with each edit. Repeat with all GMNDs. pacotacoplayer, phone clones are very tricky objects, Numenor is the only person I know who's been able to make a functional one. I couldn't give you advice on it. The only thing I can say is that the "body" of the phone and the handle are separate objects. |
ok thank you , you are once again anything but what your name would suggest
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phone problems
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i will deal with texturing later. When i combine parts of my phone in wings 3d, and i export it then import it into simPE (after UV Mapping) the phone comes in different parts as if i never combined it. ii attatched the mesh and simPE file just in case to see if someone could find whats wrong
IB the window works great now and is posted ....the shadow thing was caused by me not having the windows installed in an enclosed room, once ii made a complete box they appeared normal thanks again for all your help !!!!!!!
Cool, glad to hear it worked
![]() pacotacoplayer, I don't know if you missed my earlier comment where I said that a phone is a very tricky object to clone, and, unless you're Numenor, chances are you won't be able to make it work. I recommend some easier project ![]() |
well IB, i got it to work. only the textruring is the problem now. ill ask numenor if he can make a phone tutorial
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Does the handset not revert to the original when the phone is being used?
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I´m doing a toddler bed now and have a problem with the part of the frame that should be moving. There aren´t any joints in the original clone and so I wonder how I can tell the package which mesh group (there are two called frame) should move. Thanks in advance. |
bienchen83, from what I remember other people saying about the crib is that it uses the morph kind of animations, the same kind that the shower curtains, beddings and couches do. If you want to keep the animations, you can't replace the moving parts of the frame with a new mesh, but to move around the vertices of the original mesh if you want it to have a new shape. Unless there is some way to replace the mesh now with the new Milkshape plugins. This was several months ago when this was being discussed the last time, it's possible that things have changed since then.
I've being having that tutorial in my to-do list for a long time... I hope to make it sooner or later.
In brief, what your current phone lacks is the handset. Infact, the phone, when placed in game, creates the handset as a new separate object, and stitches it to the main phone body. The process is quite long, because you should clone the separate Maxis handset ("Phone - Handset"), make it "slave" to your phone, and then make some BHAV editing in order to instruct your phone to use your handset instead of the Maxis one. And even if you do all this things, your phone will soffer for the same recolouring problems as the Maxis phones (read the "Special recolour instructions" provided with the CEP documentation). Currently, the only perfectly working phone existing, that does NOT suffer for these problems, is the one I made for the Simstone set. You are welcome to examine it, but don't try to clone it because: 1) it would NOT be fair to whom put a great effort in creating it ![]() 2) it would NOT work anyway ![]() 3) I would know that you cloned it ![]() |
so does this mean you ARE creating a tutorial on phones?
Quote: Originally posted by bienchen83
Bienchen it's a morph like IgnorantBliss said. You do not need to use the maxis rail to get it to work. I've made 3 cribs, all completely new meshes and the rail is animated (great additional benefit of this is the nanny will use the crib). Just export the original Maxis crib GMND and import into Milkshape with UniMEsh plugin. then replace all subsets with your own mesh (make sure to create the 2 morph subsets). Don't forget the comments, then export with uniMesh and replace the GMND in SimPE. if you have any questions that i could help with on this feel free to PM me ![]() |
That's good to hear it's now possible to replace the crib mesh. I started thinking that, since we can now do similar things with body meshes, it could be possible for objects, as well.
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I recently created this chair, and it seemed to work fine, but i tried adding another texture to it through object workshop, and it is now invisible in game.. not to mention that it doesnt have color options still.
i've been having a lot of problems recently with objects not showing up in game (after i take them out of the catalog, theyre invisible) and objects turning out too dark. The original of this (also in the zip) is one of the last objects i made while everything was still working.. I dont understand, can anyone help? |
I have yet to figure out why your chair is invisible, but I do have some other suggestions in general: the polygon/vertex count on this chair is very high, and the texture size large. The recommendation from Maxis is to keep the vertex count per tile around 800, while you chair has as many as 6599. This is definitely too many for a 1-tile object. It places too much burden on people's games, especially if they have several of these objects on one lot. Also, for an object of this size, a texture size of 512 x 512 pixels should be enough. 1024 x 1024 pixels, in my opinion, is too much. Again, the reason being that the bigger the textures, the more the object is a burden on people's games.
:-\ but if you look at the texture, i baked it from 3dsmax, and the actual surface of the mesh only covers a small part of the texture.. and theres nothing i can do about that becasue all the uvw maps are automatic. i could make them smaller, but that would mean the mesh is drawing from the equivalent of a tiny texture image. :-\
ill give it a shot, see if it doesnt fix something. as for the high vertex count, these objects were more or less tests for me, i havent released them and i'm unsure if i will.. i was testing the baked textures and dxt.. but i downloaded the meshes, so they would have a high vertex count. |
Yes, if they are for testing/practising only, it's ok. But, regarding the uv-map thing, there must be a solution for that. I'm not familiar with 3DS Max, but there are many people who create objects for the game with it, and I'm fairly certain there are ways to make the uv-mapping more effective than only using one tiny part of the texture! I know of one tutorial for object making for TS2 with 3DS Max, but also I'm sure there are general tutorials around on how to uv-map with the program.
the way mentioned in that tutorial doesnt allow for shadows or reflections or anything like that.
Being able to edit shadows and reflectivity doesn't depend on what mesh editor you use. The is a tutorial by boblishman in the tutorial about creating correct indoor shadows for your object. Reflectivity mainly has to do with the material definition, which is not connected to the mesh in any way.
no, i meant shadows and reflections in the texture image itself, as rendered in 3dsmax
Oh, well, in that case, I have no idea. When I work on meshes in Milkshape, I just work with the gray shape without any texture, highlights or anything. To find out how to do different things with 3DS Max, I suggest you Google for tutorials.
I have this table I am creating and the mesh and texture is completely finished and viewed through my model viewer it appears to be absolutely perfect.
I have created a desk before this (sometime during NL) However the table I cloned in simpe wont accept my mesh and gives me an error message "The parent Cres was not found. This means that simpe is not able to build the joint hirarchy." The table would not show up in the game either. I looked for major differences in the two surfaces and in the "Resource node(CRES)" one of them uses "joint0" while the other uses "practical" I believe the problem is that I am unable to add a joint to my table mesh (wings3d). My question is can I convert the joint to a practical like the other desk, and will this solve my problem or is there something more which must be done? |
How are you importing the mesh into SimPE? Which table have you cloned?
OFB shelf placement problems with cloned cologne bottle
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I need some help, I've cloned a cologne bottle(the bottle you buy from the perfume stand), made it recolorable, added a texture to it, but here's the tricky situation, why can I only place one on each OFB shelf, normally you're able to place 6 small objects on each shelf?
The bottle works 100% as it should as a cologne bottle, the only problem is the placement on OFB shelves, it only accepts a placement in the middle of a shelf, does anyone know where to change that? I've attached the cologne bottle + a picture of the problem - Please help me! |
frillen, see this tutorial by Numenor
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Thank you so much IB, I'll check this out right away(How could I have overlooked that tut)
![]() BTW here's a virtual beer for your quick reply ![]() |
You're welcome. I'm not much into beer, but I'll pretend it's a Gin & tonic
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I'm sorry to be such a nuisance. I hope my mind isn't really going. I did finally get the barstool the way I wanted it but I still have no idea what the problem(s) was(were).
Any way this is a dining chair. I did everything the same as always - twice. And checked every thing repeatedly both times. When I tried to recolor it the first time I got the regular screen to pick both or one part. But it didn't show me the wood part and didn't give me the wood texture. With the second version same thing except it gave me only the wood texture. I'd be grateful if someone would look at it for me, I can't see what's wrong. Thanks |
Mage, there are a couple of file name issues in the package. The texture name for the iron part ends in "ironr" when I think it's supposed to be "iron", and in the Shape the reference to the iron TXMT is wrong, it has the word "fabric" in it when the actual TXMT doesn't.
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I cloned the speclesurface cardtable that costs 95$
And I imported the mesh as an .OBJ file (in one group) with none of the global options checked and only the pinhead bounding mesh checked. I replaced both the surface and the chrome with my mesh to check and see if even one of them would work but neither did. When using simpe the preview will only show the mesh without the textures after giving the error I explained in the first post. The table reads at a polygon count of 184 so size cannot be a factor. I sure hope I havent made a stupid mistake like last time. |
But it still does let you import the mesh? I'm assuming since it's showing the mesh in SimPE preview?
Thanks for answering Bliss. And thanks again for the tutorial on adding subsets that Iuse all the time.
Those were pretty dumb mistakes. I checked everything quite a few times but when I looked at the wrong names I guess I just kept not seeing it. Thank you so much for helping me so much all the time. I do actually make a lot of objects without needing you to bail me out, but sometimes I just can't seem to get it right. |
Yes, I know it's easy to get blind to your own mistakes
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That makes me feel a lot better. :oD
Yes I can view the mesh in the preview but it has no textures in the preview and it wont show up in the game. I cloned the table again and tried to view it without modifying anything and the textures wont show on it either. I think the joint data is somehow currupting my simpe packages.
Before this project I attempted a recolor of the maxis handheld (cloned and changed texture file only). It had the exact same effect it wouldnt be able to be previewed and when I went in the game it didnt exist however the kiosk showed my gameboyadvance texture on the displays. Whenever my sim bought a gameboy the game said something about the object not having proper joints or something ( its been a while since I checked) |
The linkage inside your package is messed up, SimPE can't find the CRES. Which version of SimPE are you using and which cloning options did you use? I don't know what's causing this, but when I clone the same table, the linkage seems to work fine. I don't think this is a problem with the mesh at all, it's that the Resource Node can't be found when SimPE tries to build the preview. But I can't explain why because I don't know. I would try cloning the table again, making sure you have the default cloning options checked, and the latest version of the program. If that won't do anything, I would report this problem at the SimPE forum, maybe someone over there can tell what's wrong.
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there are 2 issues in your package: 1) one of your subsets is called tablediningformica1x1_chrome. while a lot of Maxis items have subset names with an underscore u may not use them on custom meshes as its causing errors. remove the '_chrome' from the subset name (GMDC - groups tab) and update its refs - in this case only SHPE - parts tab. 2) the CRES is calling the wrong SHPE. not sure what causes that bug but it can be fixed rather easily. in CRES - reference tab on the left is the faulty SHPE ref - delete it. then on the right next to Settings is a small 'u' button. click it and a window with all the files in your package will show up. scroll down to the SHPE and drag & drop it to the left. finally perferm fix integrity and the scenegrapher should look perfectly fine now ![]() |
Simpe version
set custom group ID Fix cloned files + Rem. usless files + Rem non default languages + Create a stand alone object Pull only default color + Pull wallmasks + pull animations Pull str linked resorces + Reference original mesh Change description + = checked options On most of my projects when I preview the mesh it will show them perfectly but when I make a change to the texture or mesh and want to preview again I click the button and the loading preview sign comes up but then nothing shows in the box so I have to reboot for every preview. I thought nothing of it until now but could that be a sign of a currupted simpe? |
I would like to thank you christy6930. I remember reading about the underscore somewhere but forgot all about it.
Im a noob at simpe with very little time on my hands to learn it. |
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Could you help me please? I was finally able to create a new mesh (or so I thought). I cloned this painting mesh from the Lilypad painting. But when I tested it in the game, all there is is a blank blue image. No texture or anything. And the recolors I made for it didn't even show up. Can you help me find out what is wrong with it? And how to fix it?
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well first off, it's your UV map- see attached pic.
second, you have the wrong GUID in the MMAT, it's has to be the main one or recolors won't work. might I also suggest naming your files, internal and external a little more unique? like initials, date and name, just the initials might not be enough. |
New to recoloring, having problem with cc splashscreen help!
I am new to recoloring, and I did a bedding recolor. After my first attempt, I loaded the game, enabled cc, and checked the bed. Not quite what I wanted. Same on second attempt. Then I tried something different as I was getting tired of bedding LOL, I recolored a Soma bed using a tutorial. Opened up game, enabled cc, liked the bed.
Okay...now I went back and tried a third attempt at the bedding, saved to d/l folder, opened game, and NO splash screen for enabling cc. I went into the game and of course my bedding was not there. I checked settings, show cc splash screen at startup is enabled, exited, tried downloading a few items off of the internet, and opened game, still, no splash screen to enable the content.... Did I do something horribly wrong? I tried moving everything out of my d/l folder except CEP, downloaded a couple of items from the internet, still no splash screen and no cc.... please help Thanks, Jenni |
Quote: Originally posted by simaddict99
Thank you! That's odd because the UV map looks all squished, when it didn't look like that in SimPE on my end. And then ingame there was nothing besides plain blue. As far as the GUID in MMAT, can you tell me exactly where that went wrong? And how to know which is the main one? I was following the Start to Finish tut by JWoods for Wings, and I thought I got it right. But knowing me I messed way up. LOL And thank you! I'll remember to be a little more specific with my naming. ![]() |
no problem
![]() as to the GUID, the shortest on (no numbers at the end) is the main one. HTH ![]() |
Quote: Originally posted by jennikj1975
Just making sure, is your custom content enabled in the game settings? You said the custom content dialog was enabled, but was custom content itself? Maybe you accidentally disabled custom content and therefore it or the dialog are not showing. |
Hey , I made another window and am having just a slight problem but i dont want to post my new window till it is fixed ....It is a bow window and sticks out from the wall slightly ..The problem is the inside of the window appears the color i want it (white) and on the outside it appears as if it is in the shadows and is gray in color ...Im assuming it is something to do with the way light passes through the window since the outer edge is no longer against the wall and if it is i have no clue how to fix it any help would be greatly appreciated ...Here are the pics of it , you cant really tell but it is definatly 2 different colors ....I have also attached the file ....
![]() ![]() *****ADDED***** IS THERE ANYONE OUT THERE TODAY ?????? |
How to "fix" shadows?
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Ok, after a bit of hair-pulling, I've finally got my new object working. Now, I just need a little help in fixing the wall shadows.
I understand how the shadow image file creates the shadow, but what format does the shadow image need to be in order to function? I'd assume it would be some manner of .dds, or built (using the nvidia dds tools), but what parameters need be set? Pax, Indigo |
IndigoRage, boblishman has a tutorial on shadows here.
tigmomx4, I have taken a look at your window, but, unfortunately, I don't know how to fix that problem. |
ok thanks for trying IB .....
I am having another problem with a set of windows i made also ...I used the repository technique and have 1 window as the repository and a bunch of other windows as the slaves...the problem im having with these is some of the windows i made turned out just fine and others i cannot get the CEP to work on them and the descriptions dont change even though when i open the package in simpe it is what description it is suppose to be ...I have included the repository window (smensingletile), a window where color options show up (smensinglewindow3-4) and a window where the color options do not show up (smensinglewindow1-2) ....The descriptions on the two slave objects also show up wrong in game ...And yes i have tried deleting the thumbnails and all the windows have their own unique GUID....I am sure i am just missing something stupid but i am so stuck it isnt funny and am gettin very mad ! ![]() |
At the moment I can't look at the packages, but I have a suggestion regarding the catalog descriptions: Make sure to click the "default lang only" button.
For the recolorability problem, with the slave objects, make sure that in GMND, all necessary subsets are listed on the tsDesignModeEnabled, and that you have added the tsMaterialsMeshName with the correct links to the master object. |
Hi, tigmomx!
About the casement bow window. First of all, I think it's great. Have you tried to change the values in the Material Definition file for the stdMatDiffCoef to something higher than 0.8, 0.8, 0.8? Make them 0.99,0.99,0.99 for example, or even 1,1,1 and check if the window looks brighter. |
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