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x-tashi-x 30th Apr 2011 1:15 PM

Can't find harry potter dvds and cant download them and transfer them onto my PS3 cause my USB is currently in my best friend's bed room.

lethifold 30th Apr 2011 1:51 PM

That awkward moment when the concierge at your hotel intentionally grabs your butt as you load your suitcase into the back of a taxi :/

Dreamydre 30th Apr 2011 5:40 PM

Saw this girl crying at Coffee Bean, she was talking really loud on her phone so you couldn't help but hear her complaining about how she's been in California for 5 years and has yet to get a movie or tv role. You wouldn't believe how many people move to California to become famous, you can't just move out here and expect to become the next Angelina Jolie or Brad Pitt. It takes hard work and dedication, especially in times like these.

Nabila_Ici 1st May 2011 8:06 PM

Stress stress stress stress.
I've only been back at school for 2 days, and the stress is already getting to me.

thedivineone 1st May 2011 9:31 PM

^ I hear you. My exams are on the 21st and I still haven't finished any of my subjects but science and French.
I am terrified, I can't sleep and I am having brain freezes whenever I study, even though I am a straight A's student...
They should have cut more lessons from the subjects.Phewy.

DollyRot 2nd May 2011 12:01 AM

I love my dad and we have become a lot closer after I moved to Melbourne... but he is still trying to control my life. I feel very awkward when deciding between what I want to do and what he wants me to do. I have my own home now, my own furniture and a job. I can make decisions for myself.

EDIT: and then my boyfriend put everything in perspective by saying "If we had always listened to your dad we would still be stuck in Geraldton" :3

Dreamydre 2nd May 2011 5:38 AM

So Osama Bin Laden is dead and I understand he is apart of one of the worst things that could ever happen in American history, but I REFUSE to glorify the death of anyone. I'm sorry, but it just goes against every fiber of my being.

RoseGirl101 2nd May 2011 6:01 AM

Every Frikin status on my facebook says the samething"Osama is dead Yay!" its really annoying. Peple say its a point for the USA but when you think about it it took the US 10 almost 11 years to find him

DollyRot 2nd May 2011 7:38 AM

Comments like this irritate me. It makes me wonder what others think of Australians.

Geah 2nd May 2011 7:41 AM

^ Chaaaaaarming!

DigitalSympathies 2nd May 2011 9:46 AM

I agree on the points of the holidays - I mean, it's irrational to have such neutralisation. But on the other hand, it's disrespectful for them to say that all immigrants are bad. Cough cough, Europeans and Africans not in their native continents. I am an immigrant because I am a citizen of another country and fled yet another one for a more stable life because I had it hard emotionally and psychologically, and educationally. So why are they lumping me in with a terrorist? Why are they lumping anybody from that area or elsewhere in with a terrorist who has nothing to do with them? I haven't been in a terrorist attack like the person says they have, but I have seen the North Korean border from a long distance (that was scary because I was only four or so), I have been to war-torn countries, I have lived in politically unstable regions of the world. Does that make me even more experienced to judge? No.

thedivineone 2nd May 2011 9:46 AM

Dollyrot: Opinions like those really do break my heart, what can I say? People shall see what they only wish to see.

el_flel 2nd May 2011 10:58 AM

DollyRot, the bigotry has started on my feed too. Can't upload pic as am on iPod but it basically says, "why did we send all that money to Pakistan for flood victims when they've been hiding the world's most wanted man?". I so want to point out all the things that are wrong with that statement but it won't make a difference and I don't want to start a flame war.

I just remind myself that people like this are uneducated morons and these sorts of attitudes are gradually dying out because it's not OK to be a xenophobic racist!

Nabila_Ici 2nd May 2011 4:27 PM

And they wonder why terrorists can so easily manipulate young people into thinking all Westerners/Christians/whatever are the spawn of Satan. And they act like terrorist attacks are the only time you'll nearly 'be killed and see dead bodies'? What about the people who are slaughtered by their own Western-back governments? See, if it's okay to be anti-Islamic because you were personally affected by a terrorist attack, then the Iranian people have a right to be anti-American/British, for the monstrous things that happened to them because of the Shah.

I'm pretty sure the Aboriginal people of Australia thought the same thing about the European immigrants - you come in, treat us like second-class citizens and completely disrespect our culture. It's all very hypocritical and ignorant.

And as for the whole all terrorists are Muslims thing? Hmm, tell that to the Irish and see what they think.

el_flel 2nd May 2011 4:52 PM

^ Agree x 8435786531568784325187 times.

What pisses me off about it so much is that the morons who come out with that crap seem to forget that their own country will have harboured terrorists! FFS six years ago four British men blew up part of the London underground and a bus. The IRA have been responsible for the deaths of hundreds of people.

People should really remember that stuff before getting all high and mighty about the indiscretions of other countries.

The population of Pakistan is over 180 million people. Saying that they don't deserve help during a time of immense devestation because a handful of people out of the 180 million were protecting a terrorist is so unbelievable ignorant that it makes me want to form him a new brain out of my hair because I'm certain it's more intelligent.

Rabid 2nd May 2011 6:14 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Dreamydre
So Osama Bin Laden is dead and I understand he is apart of one of the worst things that could ever happen in American history, but I REFUSE to glorify the death of anyone. I'm sorry, but it just goes against every fiber of my being.

I agree with you 100%. He orchestrated a horrible thing, but I'm not sure "ding dong the witch is dead" is ever an appropriate reaction. Maybe now that the scapegoat is dead, America can pull out of the Middle East once and for all.

Dreamydre 2nd May 2011 10:40 PM

I have nothing to do today, bored bored bored. I need plans!

lethifold 2nd May 2011 11:32 PM

Some of the comments I've found regarding Bin Laden's death absolutely sicken me. I have some of the worst ones here but I don't think they're overly appropriate to be posted here. The way people are reacting is just making me want to throw up.

Geah 3rd May 2011 1:52 AM

I read an article in todays paper regarding Bin Laden's death by a man named Robert Fisk who met him a few times in the last 20 years, (originally published in 2007) and then another small column that one of the American newspapers got his response to his death. I have to agree with this guy. There are people saying that the world is a safer place now that he's dead, no way in hell can that possibly be true! It's probably more dangerous now, because there will be people who will want to avenge his death and cause more widespread damage.

This is the small column in today's paper:

A resounding triumph? Oh please, spare me.

Robert Fisk believes Osama bin Laden was largely irrelevant by the time the US finally killed him yesterday.
Fisk, the foreign correspondent for the Independent newspaper in Britain, said the "Arab Spring" revolutions that have spread across the Middle East were a rejection of al-Qaeda's extreme idealogy.
"We're now in the middle of this huge Arab revolution, where millions of Arabs are getting rid of their dictators because they want a secular, free society," Fist told TVNZ last night.
"[Al-Qaeda] does rather seem as if it's out of date now, and this Islamic extremist fringe has rather run through and gone through its life cycle."
Fisk said that irrelevance should be kept in mind when considering possible revenge attacks by terrorists. For him, the celebrations across the US last night were unwarranted.
"Had American intelligence...managed to stop 9/11, that would have been a resounding triumph. But to have 3000 dead Americans...and then over half a million Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan dead, and 10 years chasing the guy - spare me any more resounding triumphs."

DigitalSympathies 3rd May 2011 7:25 AM

I'm having a really hard time with my Dad right now, trying to keep him sober. I feel like I'm losing him. He keeps on drinking a bottle to a bottle and a half wine every time he's home from work and passes out in front of the TV or on his bed, which is disgusting, and then gets up and goes to work (how can he not be hung over? I have no clue) and totally ignores me. Barely even said a word to me since my mom left. Then on top of it for years he's been smoking up to 6 or 7 packs a day of cigarettes (never in front of me) and he refuses to see a doctor, and I'm concerned for him. This is my last option for a stable home and now it's just all falling apart.

cupcake12winx 3rd May 2011 10:25 AM

Apparently having messy hair is reason enough for my neighbor to call the cops.

Don't ask. I don't even know.

PharaohHound 3rd May 2011 2:51 PM

The Conservatives got a majority in the election! Argh! Great, now that slimeball can do whatever he wants. So pissed off.

Annnnd, the election made me miss the new episode of Castle. I wouldn't care so much if the election itself wasn't so much of a disappointment.

Phoeberg 3rd May 2011 2:54 PM

Great conversation with my aunt:

Her: So, when are you home for the summer?
Me: Well I've got an exam in two weeks and then I'll stay a for while before I come back.
Her: And that's it forever?
Me: Apart from graduation in July.
Her: Well if you do graduate.
Me: Um, well I think it's a pretty certain thing...seeing as I've completed a majority of the work already...and you know, attended virtually every class for the past three years of my life and never missed a deadline...etc etc etc.
Her: Oh yeah, I mean I'm sure you will graduate. You've worked very hard.

She could not have sounded less convincing.

el_flel 3rd May 2011 2:55 PM

Wow that's insulting! Have you handed your dissertation in now, Phoebe?

Phoeberg 3rd May 2011 6:05 PM

Yes, last Wednesday. Not my best work ever, but I was just so pleased to get rid of it in the end that it didn't matter. I just have one more exam to go before all my work's done. Part of me cannot wait to finish that exam, but I'm also getting quite sad about it!

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