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tancred 10th Jan 2016 6:19 AM

I know my servos can autonomously clean the fish tanks (large and small) when in "do chores" mode, as I often have to stop them before they stick their arm in the tank. I don't know if that would make them short out, but I don't want any more Sim fatalities due to a Servo running amok. As for Sims, I just checked my narrative of my asylum challenge, and on Day 32, one of my non-selectable inmates, er, guests finally cleaned the fish tank autonomously while my one selectable Sim was at work.

Diovanlestat 10th Jan 2016 6:20 AM

Yes - Clean fish tank and leave a mess - can't remember if I seen the others. Usually they go and fill the food bowl if the dog or cat asks.
Yes - On recycle newspaper - which stinks when they take it to the outside trash can when I want them to compost it.

Essa 10th Jan 2016 5:13 PM

- Clean litter box - yes
- Clean pet food bowl - never. I use Pescado's pet food bowl in all households.
- Clean fish tank - my families don't have fish tank so I'll need to fix that.
- Recycle newspaper - I'm not sure. I think they doing it when I use macro > clean


I thought I had "only" 34 households to play, just realized that I forgot to check some households for taxes. I finally have six more. I'm not sure I can handle more.

Duine 11th Jan 2016 8:15 PM

Occasionally sims have done those options autonomously, but I think they're the neat freaks.

gummilutt 11th Jan 2016 9:28 PM

Thanks guys Most helpful!

On a random note, I just hit 100,000 downloads. It's especially nice since most of the last 1000 came from my very first picked upload. Hitting 100k and first pick in the span of one day makes it a little extra fun to finally hit 100k.

smorbie1 12th Jan 2016 5:34 AM

Congrats, Gummi! I've partaken of a few of your creations myself. Thank you for doing them for us.

Justpetro 12th Jan 2016 6:49 AM

A toast to Gummilutt with good fermented grape juice!

Kligma 12th Jan 2016 8:24 PM

The feeling when your sims are wohooing in a public space and you see Crumplebottom approaching from the distance. Whelp, we're screwed (no pun intended).

Rinchan7 13th Jan 2016 12:06 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Justpetro
A toast to Gummilutt with good fermented grape juice!

I just had a brain moment: The Juice Bar is a Wine Bar

*EDIT:* OMG, I'm an instructor now! I'll like to thank all my sims, who have suffered (sometimes fatally) for me to get here.

Justpetro 13th Jan 2016 9:22 AM

Oh, yes - and we are pretty sure it also has potato juice, wheat juice, hops juice, etc.

fiatlux 13th Jan 2016 11:52 AM

To myself while playing the game: "I should really overcome my shyness for a minute and thank all the people who inspired me to keep going with this game!" - So that's what I'm doing right now:

Downloads have a "Thanks" button attached... but what about gameplay tips, help and support that goes beyond technical details, encouragement to keep things interesting in my game, to step out of my comfort zone every once in a while, to prevent being stuck in a rut?
That's you, dear MTS people, and I'm de-lurking for a minute here to thank you for your help and inspiration.
Maybe I wouldn't have given up on Sims 2 altogether, but you taught me that a huge downloads folder is worth nothing when there is no imagination and dedication behind my gameplay!

Thank you, that's all!

AndrewGloria 16th Jan 2016 6:59 PM

. . . with apologies to Rupert Brooke
. . . Would I were in Veronaville, with my Sims!
. . .
When the winter weather is cold and drear, and Real Life concerns press in, how wonderful it would be to relax with some of my Veronaville friends in the warm mild Veronaville evening air, soak in the hot tub in the back garden, gossip about who's been making out with who, and plan which downtown hotspot we might go out to later!
. . .
Stands the Church clock at ten to three?
And are there nectarine tartlets still for tea?

sbugg 16th Jan 2016 7:43 PM

@tancred- In my game, Servo has cleaned the fish tank safely and has never ran amok or even suffered from motive-drain from the fish tank.

Orilon 17th Jan 2016 12:49 AM

To myself: I take it because Angela Pleasant is a twin that is why she is pregnant with twins? (Angela Pleasant just moved back to Pleasantview from college and married Dustin Broke. ACR kicked in right away with try for baby, and when I looked at the ACR pregnancy scanner it says she's pregnant with twins.)

EmeraldFalcon 17th Jan 2016 2:20 AM

It's likely. There's a hidden token the game gives to twins, and sims with this token are more likely to have twins themselves.

gummilutt 17th Jan 2016 5:55 AM

My quickie tutorial on how to thank every download someone has every made in less than 10 minutes (depending on the quantity of downloads).

1. Use firefox, because firefox > everything (on a more serious note, I don't know if this would work on a different browser as the short cuts may be different)
2. Open the creators profile page, and click see all downloads
3. Hold down ctrl and pull your scroll wheel down three times, to make the page smaller (reverse the process when you are done by holding down ctrl and scrolling up)
4. Ctrl-click the pictures of download threads, scrolling down when you need to, until you've opened a new tab for every download on that page
5. Switch to the first tab, position your mouse over thanks
6. Click thanks
7. Press ctrl-F4 to close tab, the tab will close and go to the next one
8. Click thanks again. If you're lucky it'll be in the same place so no need to move mouse, if you're less lucky you'll have to move it a bit first
9. Repeat until all tabs are closed. Go to next page of downloads, and repeat step 5-9.

Why? Because some creators deserve a billion thanks (*cough*Michelle*cough*) and I wanted to make sure I had thanked every single one. I don't use all of the creations, but I just consider it making up for all the people that don't press the thanks button. Or a triple thanks for all the awesometastic things I can only thank once.

And on a truly random note, I just had a major break through on a creation that I am ecstatic about. Still a long way to go, but boy oh boy am I looking forward to showing this to all of you. Sorry for the obnoxious teaser, but I've been stuck on this project for months and I finally made progress.

Charity 17th Jan 2016 1:06 PM

As a creator I would hate that. I only want thanks if someone has liked and used the particular creation. I don't want people randomly thanking stuff they've never even looked at. It would also make you think that a download was more popular than it was.

Bubblebeam 17th Jan 2016 6:57 PM

May I ask someone to do me a huge favour and send me this file via another source? App box ignores me on every browser I try. Clicking download does nothing.

If anyone's curious, it is the download for these child Birdgurl.

CaliBrat 17th Jan 2016 7:04 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Snufflepaws
May I ask someone to do me a huge favour and send me this file via another source? App box ignores me on every browser I try. Clicking download does nothing.

If anyone's curious, it is the download for these child Birdgurl.

Not workin for me either, I'm usin Chrome. Could just be a problem on their end and not your/ours.

Orilon 17th Jan 2016 7:07 PM

There is a workaround for box being a pain in the ass here:

This is an example of a fixed link for the first set of child pjs that works:

Duine 17th Jan 2016 11:32 PM

Those PJs are made with Bloom feet, do you need a special mesh to use clothing with those feet?

AndrewGloria 17th Jan 2016 11:57 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Duine
Those PJs are made with Bloom feet, do you need a special mesh to use clothing with those feet?
I would expect so. Does Birdgurl not either include the mesh or provide a link?

Orilon 18th Jan 2016 12:59 AM

Birdgurl provides a link to G-knee's site that has the mesh, but doesn't include it.

Duine 18th Jan 2016 1:26 AM

Don't the feet work with certain body meshes? I find all this mesh stuff confusing.

Orilon 18th Jan 2016 1:34 AM

I found that if you just want the feet with the PJs linked above, you just need G-knee's mesh that is linked to. However, if you want all ages of Sims to have Bloom's sexy feet then I imagine you need Bloom's mesh here:

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