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PANDAQUEEN 20th Jan 2019 2:39 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Pideli
Well this is what I dreamt last night:
I ordered cats online from China. The company was proud that they were able to offer very cheap shipping by packing the cats in very small packages. But when they arrived, all three cats were dead, there were only skins in them. So I was pissed off and thought to film and send back to the company to get the money back but I had already thrown the skins into mom's trash bin.

Dreaming about cheap goods? That's no good.

I had a nap earlier today. I was able to dream.

Erik got me tucked in after carrying me into my room and laying my head on the mound of pillows and laying me down. He drew the blackout curtains shut. I ask him "Why the nap?" He said "I should have never fought with you. You're a sweet girl compared to this older gentleman. I shouldn't fight with you. I will buy you any thing. Just let me know by texting me a link. For now, rest up, sweetheart."

I couldn't sleep. Just what came over him at couples therapy? I just laid still in the dimly lit room. Laying still was something I could do that I picked up from my father when he was a traveling teacher and could not afford the luxury of sleep due to jet lag.

He opened the door and said "How you feel now, sweetie? I swept, vacuumed and mopped the floor, I washed the blankets in the living room. I was out buying you a pizza and I want you to join me for dinner. I was wondering if you would like to play with your Pokémon on the Switch dock in the living room. I set it up this afternoon.

I got up and followed him downstairs. I then said "Something is wrong with you. You have been acting too much like a Prince Charming after we were left alone. Reveal your motives." And he said calmly "I forgotten my contract in this marriage in that you are pretty helpless and hopeless. Your clumsiness, your doing things half-assed... you're like a 5-week old kitten. I was unable to do anything but make sure you eat something, you get your sleep and if you are up for it, bond with me." I began to cry. He said "You hungry? Sit at the table and we'll work on it." I grabbed a tissue from my pack in my jacket and blew my nose. I ate a few slices of pizza and he said "Your face has a bit of color in it again!" I said "I take it you're like all the other men who enter the marriage trial period who never read the care manual for a eudemon. Being the granddaughter of both God and Satan was never my intention. My father Damien has 7 siblings, each representing a cardinal sin in the West, he was the 5 of 8 and was once known as Sorrow. My mother was Sadriel, Angel of Order and Orderly Conduct and her sister is Orfiel, Angel of Chaos, Panic and Destruction. My uncle through Orfiel is the Patron Saint of Starches."

Erik tried to run, but I wrapped a dog collar and leash around him and made him read the contract in full. "I hate to break it to you but these are not like the easy to ignore terms and conditions of a web service. Eudemon marriages are binding and unbreakable. Have you ever heard of the Greek story of Selene and Endymion?" Erik said "You're gonna tell me." I started "Long ago, the Greek moon goddess Selene fell in love with a mortal on Earth named Endymion. Her tragedy was she would live forever and Endymion would eventually die. Creepy part is she abducted him and kept him in a stasis container. I should've not hog-tied you, but I don't know how to keep an audience." He said "It's okay, I actually don't mind being beaten into submission. You didn't need to be sorry." I told him "Maybe we should see the therapist soon."

Pideli 20th Jan 2019 4:23 AM

Quote: Originally posted by PANDAQUEEN
Dreaming about cheap goods? That's no good.

How come?
(Funny that that was the part you reacted the most to. )

PANDAQUEEN 20th Jan 2019 1:13 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Pideli
How come?
(Funny that that was the part you reacted the most to. )

I had a few bad experiences with cheap Chinese goods.

Pideli 20th Jan 2019 1:29 PM

You shouldn't buy from China anyway! Horrible work conditions!

sailorplanet97 20th Jan 2019 6:27 PM

yesterday i had a horrible dream

my dad was angry because he saw an sexual reply on my mail and threated my best friend to check out my mail often or else he's never allowed to visit me again
of course my best friend got angry and said that this was going TOO far and that i have my own privacy

and then i found a girl who's on diet but in that meanwhile she sneaked in and eat's all of the candy's

and today i didn't got sweet dreams again, 2 of my ex boyfriends died, 1 of them died when he drowned and the other one fall from the mountain
i cried and so does my best friend, i got my support from my family's and other friends

and then i was forced to go to someone else who i don't like and said with anger i didn't want to go and didn't want to live like this anymore (infront of both my ex boyfriends grave) so i killed myself in my dreams so i can be with my 2 ex boyfriends

i found this a sad dream

PANDAQUEEN 22nd Jan 2019 11:06 PM

Go to Eleanor Abernathy, they said!
It'll be loads of fun, they said!

I came home to Erik covered in cat scratches and my favorite knee high stockings with runs in them. He said "The crazy cat lady got you? Let me get the value tube of anti-scarring ointment and the economy sized gauze." As I strip down to my underwear for better access (A fair majority were kittens with razor\hypodermic claws), Erik applied the ointment and wrapped each section as he and I talked about what happened that caused me to be practically turn me into sashimi. By the time he wrapped every exposed inch of flesh, I looked either like a bratty mummy or a disgraced samurai wanting revenge in the name of honor. (Fun fact: There were female samurai called onna-bugeisha and fought alongside their male peers.)

Erik helped me up the stairs, put an oversized t-shirt over my rainbow striped underwear and gauze wrapped body and helped me into bed. He said "I forgot to tell you...Ms. Abernathy doesn't believe in spaying or neutering cats. Dogs are another story."

I was upset and rightfully so, because the cat population is so high, that getting a cat "fixed" is the most sensible thing. Of course, Ms. Abernathy was the least sensible cat owner on the block.

Erik said, "The ointment said for best results, apply every 12 hours, changing the gauze with it. You had your first dose at 7:30 PM. After breakfast, I will clean up and do it all over again.

He gently held me and then tucked me in.

I had a dream within this dream. Erik held me close as we sat at the edge of the bed. My hair finally grew to the length I wanted, past my breasts and was able to color it.

When morning came, Erik prepared a bottle of my protein shake (I'm a delicate little flower, so he helped me gained some strength and lose some weight) and I drank it down. Erik said "You must be hungry all the time, sweetness. I got your results tabulated and that protein blend should keep you full until lunch."

ArnoTis 23rd Jan 2019 1:34 PM

Weird dreams are part of my life and I love them

PANDAQUEEN 24th Jan 2019 2:20 AM

I was rudely ejected from my dream last time. Entering the conscious world usually can either happen voluntarily or involuntarily. The latter happened.

Erik was taking me for a drive. He got me dressed in a silky flowy white dress, I chose to wear my sandals and he got me into our white Ford Mustang.

(The whole white Ford Mustang joke I have comes from the old fairy tale notion of Prince Charming arriving to the princess on a white horse. The Mustang is a wild horse and the name of a series of muscle cars from Ford and I would likely to see a white Mustang somewhere in a rare collection.)

The seating arrangement up front allowed for us to cuddle at stops. He pulled out a small ring box and presented me a beautiful ring. He said "I want to remind you of what you mean to me. Will you allow me to move in and we live together?" I said "I guess I enjoy you and your company." He slipped the ring on my finger and held me as we watched the sun set.

He brought some of his things from his house and moved into the spare room during the coming weeks.

It was going fine. He thanks me with a kiss.

Woke up on my own.

PANDAQUEEN 25th Jan 2019 4:59 AM

During my afternoon nap after therapy, I dreamt an awkward dream. In my dream...

Erik came to me and kissed me awake. I sat up and said good morning to him. He began rubbing my belly. He said "You have an interesting belly. How many are you carrying? 8? 13?" I said "Zero. My stomach is just bloated and it's been bloated since I was a freshman in high school. Besides, we haven't been going out long enough to get THAT close." He said "Well, now that you're awake, I want to ask you if you want take a walk." I looked out the window and it was pouring. He said "We'll use that umbrella in the hall closet." I put on an extremely frilly dress reaching mid thigh and put my jacket on.

I opened the umbrella on the porch and he held the umbrella up. I wrapped my arm around his and we took a walk down Main Street. He asked "What do you see in terms of us and the future?" I said "I haven't thought that far ahead. Let's go further along and see what happens."

sailorplanet97 27th Jan 2019 10:02 PM

yesterday i had a horrible nightmare about Philippines

i was at the toilet when it started to storm, almost a tornado
and then the house was weak and flies away to the sky and maked a circle (kind of)
and then the door was locked and couldn't get out of the toilet, and then i threw over
my parents started to worry where i went and why it took so long to get out of the toilet

i got out of the flying house alive with my parents, i got out of the toilet in a few dream hours or something so it ended up alright
what a horrible nightmare

PANDAQUEEN 28th Jan 2019 12:41 AM

Last night, in the dreamscape, Erik accompanied me to an adoption event. Evidently, Gemini passed away before the dream started from a sudden illness.

I went in my parents place as I had the best phone in the house. I saw a little black kitten with a pumpkin orange lost an eye to infection. I decided to handle it and it let me play with it. It was a girl. Her original name was Olga. I decided to call her Hallie as in HAL 9000. Then we got to a fluffy white dog, a little boy with his right front leg missing. His original name was Kevin, so I changed it to Tripp, a nod to his tripod status.

My mother sent me essentially on a mission to find the ones that needed us most. A one-eyed kitten and a three-legged puppy? Seems like they needed us.

As the days passed, me and Erik saw Hallie and Tripp become best of friends. Erik said "They get along great." I said "They're going to be BFFs" Erik kissed me.

I woke up. It was hard to get out of bed today.

PANDAQUEEN 31st Jan 2019 7:43 AM

Lately, me and Erik in the dreamscape are up to the point of sharing a bed and it's just mundane pillow talk at best, where he would tell about his day out of the house...

...and I would be talking about drawing at a table and be bored after drawing, then coloring my fashion designs...of course, it was those kigurumis of collectible monsters from various franchises, two of which were Disney based (Lilo and Stitch and Spectrobes). He tried proposing to me with them as a gift...

I decided to play a game where you can catch all 625 of the previous Experiments in Lilo and Stitch and rehab them to channel their energy into positive constructive behavior in a Switch game. It was presented in a mission style where you select a number or numbers and go forth. Each mission plays differently and capture techniques for one kind of Experiment, depending on series may not work for another. Whoever did the voice of Jumba wasn't putting their heart into it (David Ogden Stiers, Jumba's voice actor, died in 2018 after a fight with bladder cancer), but Pleakley was on par (Kevin McDonald was my favorite Kids in the Hall member (He looks as goofy as he sounds.) and his fellow members had a reunion in the "Lilo and Stitch: The Series" episode "Fibber" where, in a twist reminiscent of "The Birdcage", a lie detector experiment wreaks havoc as Pleakley attempts to get out of an arranged marriage so he can continue to study Earth)

I play a few missions and then took a nap...

...Erik kissed me and said "It's going to be okay. I got your back in this time of the year."

PANDAQUEEN 3rd Feb 2019 1:49 AM

Another one with me and Erik.

I was sitting up in bed and he was coming up to my room with my medications, supplements, vitamins and a protein mix in milk. He helped me one type at a time and asked me "Did you have a good night's rest?" He kissed the nape of my neck and I stammered " have such...a seductive way...of giving me love..." He said "You have that sort of sexy that comes with youth and you're getting a handle on your body." And I said to him "You have that sort of sexy that comes from aging well...except your voice is whiny, creaky, mother told me it's normal for men your age to change. You had your first one when you were an adolescent in the 1960s and now, as you head up on 70, it's changing."

So he said "Whiny? Creaky? Nasally?... Now that you mention it, I guess I am not the sex symbol I was in the 1970s." I cuddled under his arm and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and said "But why do you love a man like me? I don't get much work beyond fund raising."

I said "I love you because you're such a good guy. Your voice has such a unique signature. Besides, you still have that entrancing smile, your dark eyes have a mischief-bedroom hybrid, you are just the guy who I want to spend Valentine's Day with. I am going shopping with my mom and I know you are a Pisces. I'll find you some nice silky smooth pajamas."

He began to object "I don't wear pajamas!"

I said "It's either that or I can give you socks…" and I said flatly "...and nothing screams white-hot passion like tube socks..."

He said "Okay, I will take the silky pajamas."

PANDAQUEEN 4th Feb 2019 3:38 AM

Last night, in the dreamscape, Erik surprised me with pure white roses (my favorite flowers) and chocolate. He said "Happy Valentine's Day... By the way, you don't have to eat all the chocolates. I know your weight is a weighty issue." He somehow convinced the Lindt Chocolate company to release all flavor from the past and current favorites (or at least the ones without hazelnut).

He then did the King Worm voice and said the spiel of trapping Finn to consume life energy. I then said in An's voice from the 2nd English dub of Sailor Moon "Ail, you're the only one who I can trust on this planet." (Hey, he signed up to play a life-energy-sucking worm, unaware that life-energy-sucking creatures have been en vogue since the early 1990s)

He noticed I turned pale and began to vibrate like a typical purse dog. He asked "Are you okay? You look paler than normal." I said, "Grab the truffles, help me downstairs and pour a tall glass of ice cold milk." He followed the directions as I then took my pills and ate a couple of truffles. He asked "How...Why... What's wrong with you, sweetheart?" I told him "I have a blood sugar level issue where if I go without food, I get hangry. I haven't eaten since last night. I was excited to see you and you were busy in the interrogation room since this morning. I bet someone confessed to the weird unauthorized signage in that office building along the lines of one door saying 'Use other door' and the other door saying 'Do not use door'." He said "I'm going to call in an order for that stuffed crust pizza." I grumbled "I stuff you all in the crust!" He said "I'm going to pick up the pizza and I will allow you to metabolize those truffles. Maybe by the time I get home, you'll feel evened out."

sailorplanet97 4th Feb 2019 5:08 PM

i had an epic dream

yesterday i played world of warcraft in like forever (i was like 13 the last time i played that game with my sister back by then)
and last night i had a funny dream about that

i was in the game and i spoke english in my dream (my language is dutch )
and i attacked tons of monsters and even had a duel, i won the duel and someone asked how i'm still not dead somehow and answered them i had my secret weapon

damn that was a funny dream

RicoSuavecito 6th Feb 2019 12:13 PM

This morning I had a dream someone/something was trying to get me. They got me by the wrists and shirt or something else and I was fighting them off and I awoke to a CRASH with my voice slightly sore. I guess I was yelling and swinging my arms in my sleep because everything on my nightstand was on the floor.

PANDAQUEEN 7th Feb 2019 11:36 AM

I finally regained some strength and Erik came back with the pizza. As I ate, he noticed the color returned to my face. Erik said "I know you are conscious of the weight you have, but your body shuts down and it goes into survival mode."

I said "I know, Erik... However, I am a few pounds short of 300 and trust me, I could go a month or so without eating. Same for my parents when they maxed out."

Oh, how he was silent as I heard my playlist on the Alexa unit play Pure Prairie League "Let Me Love You Tonight". He said "Want to cuddle?" I said "I won't mind."

Bigsimsfan12 7th Feb 2019 12:23 PM

I had a really weird dream last night

It starts off with me and my best friend, working in the place that I work (she doesn't work there irl). I think in the dream she's visiting, and I'm showing her how to do my job for some reason and we're just tending to all the residents as usual, but then it's home time, so we walk upstairs and it's like an orphanage, and we're around the age of 15 again. We're chatting in bed for a little bit and then we hear someone walking up the stairs, and my friend goes "oh god, we're going to get killed aren't we?" and we're both silent because we have no idea who's coming in the room. The door opens, and in walks... Ainsley Harriott.... the TV Chef... with a gun. So I stay really still, thinking "he won't shoot me, surely". He holds the gun up to my forehead and all I'm thinking is about how cold the gun is on my forehead, and "nah he won't shoot me. Normal people don't just shoot people". He seems like he's lowering the gun and I'm a little relieved, but he then shoots me straight in the chest?! and then I woke up

Brunnis-2 7th Feb 2019 10:07 PM

The other day I cancelled my nail appointment for tomorrow, then that same night I had a nightmare that all my fingernails fell off in my bed and when I tried to scoop them up, my fingers were like jelly.

It was quite horrifying.

Graveyard Snowflake 7th Feb 2019 11:52 PM

Last night I dreamed that one of my teachers (a 60+-year-old man) was pregnant (like, him, though, not his gf) for whatever reason and we talked about something (I forget what though), and then I went up onto the roof of some building and fought this aggressive blue bug the size of my head with my backpack. Like, just swinging my backpack at said bug with wild abandon as it flew back and forth.

PANDAQUEEN 8th Feb 2019 12:01 AM

During my mid morning nap it continued from where I left off.

I got in bed and Erik got in and cuddled close. He said "You're such a warm little thing." He noted I tend to run hot when I cuddle with someone. I said "Thank you." He then rubbed my back and unfortunately, I was more knotted than a pretzel. He asked "Do you store your stress in this fat hump?" I said "Yes. Just be gentle. I bruise like a tomato." He gently rubbed my knots out of the hump and he was wearing the pajamas, which were on the baggy side and he offered his top. "It's going to be chilly tonight. Would you like my pajama top?" I buttoned up and he spooned me like Lee Unkrich and I used to in my dreams.

Erik knows I want to be serious if I call him by his birth name (Henry Enrique Estrada) but if he's got a gift for me, he calls me by my full name. In the dreamscape, the rules in the conscious world don't apply to the rules set forth in a dreamscape.

PANDAQUEEN 10th Feb 2019 8:27 AM

Been a rough night for me.

Been crying in my dreams as well as IRL as well.
In the dreamscape, Erik came to me and brought tissues. He told me "Take your time." He rubbed my back and said "I won't laugh at why you're crying."

I told him and he said "You're crying over that? Well, I now understand why you have your plush toys from Washington state." He poured a glass of ginger ale and I drank it. He was as kind to help me out with this problem.

Woke up, still crying IRL.

Bigsimsfan12 10th Feb 2019 3:43 PM

Damnit. All day I've thought "damn what a wacky dream! I have to post it on ModtheSims"..... and now I'm here and I don't remember what it was...

PANDAQUEEN 13th Feb 2019 6:13 PM

Erik has once again entered the dreamscape.

He rubbed my back, trying not to trigger any ticklish spots. He asked "You can tell me to stop if you're ticklish." He was able to loosen my knots and I relaxed.

I sat up and I asked "I remember your mother was a seamstress. Did you put down a bunch of money to the factory where they made my pajamas?" And he said "I used a portion of my pay check to pay for the hard working seamstresses a decent wage. The movie we were in together, "Rich and Infamous" not only paid $10,000,000 for my time, during which I played the Princess's bodyguard, buy I also got money for "Through the Cat Flap, Down the Rabbit Hole" as the multiversal cop's husband. I paid off my debt to your parents, set aside for daily expenses and put the rest to the best disguise pajamas firm, SAZAC."

I flipped "SAZAC? Those guys are like the best in the world! Thank you!" And then kissed Erik. He said, "How about we elope? It would be too messy of an affair to spend millions on something that may not last. Let's head to town hall."

PANDAQUEEN 15th Feb 2019 1:16 PM

Erik and I eloped and he and I spent our honeymoon at home. He asked, "Sweetheart? Do you have any complaints about me?" I ask "Why?" He said "I don't know, you are like a fussy baby, but you might seem to like me if I was younger." I said, "If I was 30 or so years older, I would still swoon over your good looks and kind heart. I like older men, because they at least have the sense and experience that guys my age seem to lack in their age. You're a sweet man, Erik." I gave him a kiss and fell asleep in a cuddling position with him.

I said to myself as I awoke, quietly whispering "My Prince are a sweet man fit for such sweet dreams."

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