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fthomas 27th Feb 2010 3:37 PM

The Best Expansion Pack: This has to be Seasons! The whole concept of rain, sun, snow, storms, falling leaves, growing plants, etc; makes it so much more real life!

The Best Stuff Pack: [i] A Hard one, but I would have to choose Bathroom and Interior Design due to its gorgeous additions to the furniture catologue as well as some trendy clothing and hairstyles for your sims!

The Worst Expansion Pack: Despite adoring the new 'Young Adult' age category and the whole 'University' idea; I never seem to find it interesting? That may just be me; but I found this pack pretty dull and not particularly addicting - which was the total opposite for the all the other expansions!

The Worst Stuff Pack: Teen Stuff; alright, yes - some of the new things in there are alright but some of the clothes and furniture are so much more for younger children - not teens surely?! I was expecting more 'teen type' clothes - more like the clothes the fabulous creater "Krehata" designs for teens! It was a huge disappointment.

llama llama llama xD

simstationdance 28th Feb 2010 12:55 AM

1. Seasons - I have NO idea how i played without this EP! I love the weather, outerwear, and.. pretty much everything! I actually can't remember a lot of the special features, because they just sort of combined in my mind . A lot of the things in Seasons were just features you normally would have expected in the base game, and they are really nice to have. Seasons is a MUST BUY!!

2. Bon Voyage - Another one of my favorites. Your Sims can go on vacation to three different places (I know, THREE. WOW.), and they can do a variety of things there. Visiting hotels is by far much more fun than buying a vacation home, because there are many more nooks and crannies to explore. Your families can go on tours (Although you can't "go with them", the game stays at the hotel until everybody comes back), and they can even go camping! A lot of people didn't like BV, but I personally love it.

3. Freetime - FINALLY, your Sims can have a life! They can now have exciting hobbies, gain enthusiasm, and enjoy the rewards! The only two complaints I have are:

a. Unless you purchase multiple athletic wear outfits, your Sims will not change clothing for different sports. For example, they will *spin* into their athletic wear for a sport, but that may mean they're doing ballet in a tracksuit or soccer in a leotard. This is a very small thing, and it doesn't take away from the fun of the game

b. The. Ballet. Makes. Me. Cringe. If you are a dancer, then you will HATE HATE HATE HATE the ballet. Your Sims truly look like they're peeing on a fire hydrant rather than doing an elegant side battement. (kick). The Freetime ballet is practically telling people "haha, our dancing is horrible! Wanna gain enthusiasm in it?"

I don't have any time to write reviews on the other ones, but I will add another post (with stuff pack reviews too ) as soon as i can (:

Prosthetics 2nd Mar 2010 2:22 AM piracy. Just sayin'

AlexandraSpears 2nd Mar 2010 2:36 AM

I got the Pets compilation because I wanted more building stuff...turns out I like Pets more than I thought I would.

Those tiny little puppies and kittens...! AWWWWW!

Alraris 5th Mar 2010 10:21 PM

Best expansion pack?
Seasons? Free Time? University?

I love them all, but if I have to pick one:
Nightlife. - Vampires rocks. Totally. And cars... and restaurants (err... what is the name of this sub-hood in English version?)

the worst:
Pets. Yes, I love cats and dogs, and I have them in every family, and the furniture is quite good, but compared to other expansion packs I say it is the worst. Maybe the Bon Voyage is also not so extra one, I like the vacation mode and furniture, but have no time to going there. And I hate accesories flashing blue.

Best stuff pack:
1. Kitchen & Bath - I have the stuff from it in every house!
2. IKEA - when the H&M came to stores I think to myself: they must do Ikea! And they done! I have many Ikea objects in my real home, so it's nice to have them in the Sims too.
3. Mansion & Garden - solar batteries for cheaper bills, great hair (braids looks even like non-Maxis! As good as custom one), and very nice flower, build mode things etc. I adore roof with windows...
4. Teen Style stuff - Good sort of clothes for teens as well as nice furniture. Use them very often.

Worst Stuff Pack:
Family Fun. - Yes, I love kid girl pyjamas. My every girl wear it. And kids furniture castle collection is quite good too, but... thats all. I use pyjamas and one toy chest. So that one is the worst.

ElizabethTerry 21st Mar 2010 4:26 PM

(in the order I got them)


Nightlife is my favorite next to Seasons. It's interactions, styles, additions, everything is just wonderful. The only problem I have is the vampires. Don't get me wrong, I love vamps, but honestly, EAxis could have given them some better looks. Vampires look like humans, or in this case Sims, but are paler. Therefor, the vampires should have just had white skin, not crazy-creepy ZOMBIE skin.


My opinion on Pets is...mixed. If you want a more realistic game, I'd suggest this game to you. I personally only bought it to shut up my brother. He wanted to make our family in Sims, but since we have pets, he wanted that expansion pack to put them in the game, too. But now he doesn't play the game anymore, and I'm stuck with something I never use and don't want to give away (I'm a pack rat, i'll admit it).


I love it. Simple as that. It adds a whole new aspect to the game (though they should be able to turn into Young Adults even if they don't go to college. I mean, my dad didn't go to college, but he was still young once). It's like having a InTEENimator installed into your game; The Young Adults are just like teens! My favorite part is the fact that if you are not in another person's room, that room looks empty. It's a lot more realistic that way.


Words cannot express how much I love this EP! EVERYTHING about it is awesome! It's waaaay more realistic! If you're debating on buying this one, debate no more! It's worth twice how much you pay for it anywhere! The pre-made families are a little dull, but Seasons isn't limited to Riverblossom Hills, so even your premade families can enjoy the Hail, Sleet and Snow of Winter, and the Heat, Sunburn and Pool-time of Summer!

Oh God, I sounded like a used cars salesman. -hides in shame-

Lauricisakura 24th Mar 2010 3:50 PM

I like the expansions in this order:
3.Bon Voyage
6.Apt. Life
7.Open for Business
8.Pets(not very bright :/)

perihelion 6th Apr 2010 3:11 AM

I finally caved and bought Pets and now I'm glad I did. I love being able to combine Pets with OFB and set up pet shops, as well as make and sell custom breeds of cats and dogs. The mall I'm amking in my custom neighbourhood has it's own pet superstore, among other things.

jooxis 6th Apr 2010 2:05 PM

I love Pets, although everything that annoyed me about it I had modded/used hacks. So no strays showing up/digging up my yard, etc... I just really NEED some dogs and cats in my houses, it's weird to have a neighborhood without animals. The womrats and birds however, are just a bottomless pit for feeding that offer practically nothing to the gameplay. It would also be cool to have had turtles, rabbits, iguanas, snakes, tarantulas, hamsters, chinchillas, etc...

Anyway, the best EP is Seasons, because it added so much fun and beautiful stuff to the game. It would be the only EP I wouldn't play without.

katd834 11th Apr 2010 1:17 AM

1 Nightlife-cars, dating, vampires- awesome!
2 University-zombies, more careers, instruments, longer life spans(thanks to a new age group)
3 Open for Biz- servos rock!
4 Apartment Life- witches, controlling more than one household, cliques
5 Bon Voyage- traveling is a refreshing change for my simmies
I didn't really like seasons, because weather doesn't feel like it's worth twenty dollars

Laveuse 11th Apr 2010 10:08 PM

I dont really have orders... Heres what I got:

Im not really sure of whats from it since I got Double Deluxe. From what I know vampires, downtown, chemistry, fun aspiration and cars are from it. Thats really nice and fun ;D

I love animals. They're even like my passion. But sadly this add-on wasnt that good... it costed more than Double Deluxe ! I dont think its worth it...

It's nice. No more no less. It adds something different to the game.

Free Time
This one definetly surprised me ! I was only expecting some lil games but nuuu it added so many stuff ! Its definetly my favorite add It makes your sims really unique and with open for buisness you can do almost everything xD

I had a friend to lend it to me but it lagged so much my computer that I couldnt really play...

Open for Buisness
It's really hard = really fun ! I love it It really changes from the normal gameplay. Only con is that its very difficult at the beginning to understand but its easily mastered

IoriYagami288 22nd Apr 2010 4:00 PM

Okay, here we go.

FreeTime: The fact that you could gain enthusiasm from doing a particular hobby and going to its respective club was nice, not to mention the amazing variety of buy mode items, but it was the inclusion of a Trainset which made me want to get it.

IKEA Home Stuff: I love IKEA furniture and this SP is no exception. Great variety of items at affordable price, especially for Sims who start off with only 20,000.

H&M Fashion Stuff: I felt that I needed this one initially as I wanted an actual brand store to be placed on Downtown, but was rather disappointed to find out that it focused only on adults and only everyday clothing. Some of the outfits were decent, but I'd be better off downloading. Not bad, but not good either.

Pets: Other than the addition of pets, I find this expansion useless as I haven't made my sims own them. Didn't quite interest me when first released and got it as my little brother requested it, but never bothered since then.

Johhog 24th Apr 2010 6:18 PM

My list of EP's and SP's:
Well, I'm gonna list the EP's first. Warning for infinite mass of smileys ahead:

1. Bon Voyage
Words can't just describe how much I love it. It's so wonderful and adorable, especially Takemizu is my favourite

2. University
I seem to be the only one who actually like this EP. In fact, I love it almost as much as Bon Voyage. College was a must-need for Sims, and finally it came :lovestruc

3. Open for Business
Very good, I love to have bakerys or car shops, or why not take control of the downtown lots? Amusing, that is.

4. Apartment Life
Apartments is a really vital point of a realistic world. Finally it arrived, just when I was starting to go desperate.

5. Nightlife
Cars was a must, and also the enhanced dating system and the downtown. Great, I say.

Well, I really loved that five EP's, but the other three I nearly hated. It really was a big gap there.

6. Pets
I love cats. Well, that's it. Not many new options, and nearly no new interactions either. Bad.

7. FreeTime
I bought it just to get the car (the one you can build, I did'nt own Nightlife at the time) and the Soccer goal. Nothing else good there.

8. Seasons
Bleh. Nothing's right with this EP except the seasons. Also I hate plantsims, they're scary.

And now the SP's (i'm not entirely sure of the english names, sorry):

1. Glamour Life Stuff
Great, I like the things that came with this SP.

2. Mansion & Garden Stuff
Nearly as good as Glamour Life. I love Mansions.

3. Teenage Stuff
This one is also good.

4. IKEA Stuff
IKEA is awesome. Really.

5. Family Fun Stuff
Oh no. I can definitely live without this rubbish piece of shit.

Don't have the rest of the SP's, but here I list them how I think they are (and possibly in what order I will buy them):

1. Kitchen & Bath Stuff
I love Bathrooms. Can be good with some more stuff for that.

2. Celebration Stuff
Great. Not sure if I will use it that much, but it looks interesting, definitely.

3. H&M Stuff
Seriously, WTF? Maybe it will be the only SP ever I will not buy. I don't pay for rubbish commercials. And i don't care about clothes, really.

shadowfan360 25th Apr 2010 3:32 AM

1.) Seasons- I LOVE this Ep. I love gardening, fishing, setting up the seasons so its not all sunny every single day. Plus it came with outerwear and the ability to change hairstyles per outfit! (Which is awesome, no longer my sims who wear hats wear them with formal and look stupid)

2.) Nightlife- This pack came with a bunch of stuff. Cars, downtowns, restruants, vampires, matchmakers, dating.

3.) Apartment Life- I love the witches. And the apartments add to the realistic feel.

4.) Pets- I like how my sims can now own animals. The downsides are the wandering strays that dig random holes in my yard and they won't stop.

5.) University- The Unis are boring. Its tedious to play from freshman to senior. I never send my teens to uni. I only like this one for the stuff, otherwise I'd uninstall it.

And the only stuff pack I own is celebration, so I'm not ranking stuff packs.

motheranne 25th Apr 2010 3:04 PM

Well, I am one of those people who don't actually play the game....I just build...actually, the first time I'd ever played was when I uploaded my first lot to mts...because I had to play test
I have so many ep's and sp's that I don't really know what came in what....What I can tell you is "pets" can go suck it. It caused nothing but issues when I first installed it....and after I did install it, I really only used it for my pet store lots. The "stuff" that comes with it is pointless..for me anyway...exept the fish tanks and bird cages...they look beautiful in lots.
"Open for buisness" and "Apartment life" WONDERFULL. As only a builder...this added SOOO much to my game, not only a whole whack of extra stuff, but a whole new category to build in!!!.

I still don't have mansion and garden stuff...but that one is next on my list. I just hate how everytime I add a "pack", it messes up my game for some reason. I'm not down with uninstall reinstall AT ALL. lol

yasmine0615 30th Apr 2010 4:50 AM

Seasons: Well I like the outfits, they're cute, but I could do without the storms. They're disturbing my sims, and cuts the power off.

ac220 26th May 2010 8:44 PM

Hi everyone!

Well, I just can't decide whether to buy Seasons or not. On the plus side new visuals, careers with cool rewards. fishing and farming for my freelancing sims (novels, painting and DIY cars are all fine, but...)

On the minus side, so far I've managed to find most of the EPs at bargain prices, but Seasons are still a bit on the expensive side right now for me, and I've read a bit too much horror stories about Temperature meter, lightning strikes, etc...

(My most favorite EPs were FT (Lifetime rewards, secret clubs and revamped novel writing.) and NL (Dates&cars) ) My least favorite were AL (until I've found anti-witch hack. No more random cockroaches on business lots!) and FT (:D) (because of all the spam, although with patch and new phone options it's just mildly irritating. And I don't own nor i ever plan to buy Pets, the idea just somehow doesn't appeal to me. )

Sparklypotato 26th May 2010 9:08 PM

My favourite EPs (In no particular order)
Freetime- I <3 the toddler drawing table, hobbies are a great way of adding personality to a Sim and a good way to take up time between jobs/school. The kitchen set that came with the EP I now put in 95% of my Sims houses and I love the outfits that came with the pack too. The only bad thing that the hobby club people can get a little annoying, and Mr Humble too.. I would miss this EP a lot if I uninstalled it though.

Apartment Life- Ceilings! It was annoying seeing the sky from the first story of a 2 story house! I really like playing apartments too, since you can have multiple families on 1 lot without so much lag. I do wish they were less restricting though.

Seasons- I <3 the pool effects and seasons. The leftover feature is useful as well, and it comes with some cute furniture. Riverblossom Hills keeps resetting itself though

Nightlife- How do I love Nightlife? Let me count the ways. Vampires and cars and vampires and downtown and vampires and the loading screen music and did I mention vampires?

Least favourite:
I don't think I have a least favourite one! I <3 them all.

I love all the stuff packs as well, but especially Family Fun Stuff, IKEA Home Stuff, Kitchen & Bathroom Stuff and Mansion & Garden Stuff. ^-^

DeliciouslyDemonic 30th May 2010 8:59 AM

I can't decide on whether to buy OFB, Bon Voyage or Freetime. D:

Pros: Weather; must I say more? The Wishing Well is a nice addition, too. like how more child-parent interactions are available (building a snowman brings back memories) Hot chocolate and leftovers; :'D
Cons: CRUMPLEBOTTOM HAS MORE INFLUENCE! D:< Trees randomly catch fire, hail during the summer, seasons too short, and not very good items added.
Outcome: 7/10

Pros: Great for completing your families. :D
Cons: Fugly animals, lack of options, craptastic items, and the glitches! I adopted a kid and she came as a DOG! WTH?!
Outcome: 3/10

Pros: Hot Date Memories have been resurrected. Clubs, bars, beds in the mall, must I say MORE? :D
Cons: CRUMPLEBOTTOM HAS RETURNED! D:< Fugly hair+Fugly Clothes=Fugly Sims. 'nuff said.
Outcome: 6/10

Celebration! Stuff:
Pros: Some of the hair is kinda cute.
Cons: Everything else.
Outcome: 1/10

Just my opinions. >.> The Stuff Packs aren't worth it.

Prosthetics 30th May 2010 10:17 AM

Free Time is fun, but a lot of people have complained about the annoying pop ups (personally, they don't bother me.)

OFB is fun if you like to own businesses and don't like that a sim's money comes "from nowhere," so to speak.

Bon Voyage was just okay. Beach Lots are fun, but can be killer on a slower machine (which is a shame, because all that Bon Voyage added for me was Beach Lots.)

It depends on what you like more, really.

Clashfan 7th Jun 2010 6:33 AM

I do like Bon Voyage but it is not something you use everyday, it's a vacation. You don't go on a vacation every day. It can be a bit laggy and playing anything more than a 3 night vacation is mind numbing. That said I still like the EP and where would my Sims go for their honeymoon without it?

I personally just got OFB for the longest time I didn't think it would interest me. I play this game to get away from business why would I want to stress out about my Sims running one? I have to say I was wrong. The EP is loads of fun and I'm throughly enjoying it. Not so hard to make you quit using it but it is challenging. If I ever get around to it I'm sure I will enjoy the Servo's.

Don't have Freetime, can't get it as I'm a Mac user but it does sound interesting to me as I like hobbies.

Only thing I've bought that I regretted was the Happy Holidays stuff pack. What a bunch of worthless garbage that was, I don't know what I was thinking.

vhanster 21st Jun 2010 1:00 PM

So far, my favorite EP is University. Or maybe it doesn't count because that's the only EP I have

candinfat 30th Jun 2010 8:02 PM

My favorite is probably University or Open For Business, while my least favorite would probably have to be 'Bon Voyage'.

- CandinFat(:

perihelion 5th Jul 2010 6:04 PM

Now that I have nearly all the EPs and SPs, I can weigh in a bit more:


Nightlife: Drivable cars are great, especially Fresh-Prince's wicked-awesome CC jobs. Love the Merc roadsters and the Audi RSQ. Downtown is very useful as well and practically vital for the Homeless Challenge. Dates can be hilarious if done right: I had a couple go on a romp through the hedge maze and woohoo in the photo booth with other Sims stood outside and cheered them on. That old bat Crumplebottom is the pits. If I could kill her without completely wrecking the game, I would.

University: Most folks find Uni boring, but I like it. The study sessions, the streakers, the random couplings - all part of campus life. And the mascots! I've had some of my more mischievous Sims team up with the cow and wreak havoc. Favourite part: Making custom dorms and student centres, that's always fun. Least favourite: That damned school cheer was fun the first few times, but now it gets on my nerves.

Seasons: I love the penguin. Plantsims are amazing and gardening and fishing are fun too. Also, getting toddlers to eat snow is hilariously adorable.

Open For Business: After having run my first business, I want to do it again. The business was part of my Sim Builders Challenge and was just a video arcade/pool hall with karaoke. I got it all the way up to Rank 6 before I closed it down and demolished it. I hate how the badges take forever, though and the banging sound from the robot station is really, really annoying. The robots are kind of cool though.

Pets: I like this EP, so sue me. The retro-future furnishings are nice and the pets are fun to train. (Try teaching a dog or cat to play dead, it's hysterical!) I don't like the strays though. Chasing them off and filling in the holes is my preferred approach, unless the animal in question is particularly cute.

Bon Voyage: I don't have this one and don't plan to get it. From what I hear it's horribly borked beyond saving, besides, my Sims have enough to do with their time without going on holiday.

FreeTime: I like just about everything about this EP except for the notification spam and the hobby reps going in and out at their leisure. More ways to make money, more ways to build skills, more games to play and of course, the free computer.

Apartment Life: This ties with OFB as my favourite EP. Helicopters. Witches (though the evil ones annoy me). Spiral staircases. Ceilings. And my favourite part, the swiveling bookcase. Totally inspired, that one.

Celebration: Very useful for all those special occasions. Mmmmmm, cake.

Family Fun: Lives up to its name. I like the colourful themed decorations for medieval, racing or undersea bedrooms. Goes well with the kids' space stuff from Pets.

Glamour Life: Not quite as girly as some may think. There's stuff for the men as well, most of it in the Formal category. Sharp business suits, smoking jackets, tuxedos and fur-lined overcoats. Some nice hats as well.

Kitchen and Bath: My Sims' bathrooms and kitchens have never looked better, especially when the K&B stuff is augmented with buggybooz's kitchen and dining accessories.

IKEA: I know many of you out there might be offended by the idea of paying for product placement, but I like the clean modern shapes and simplicity of the IKEA furniture and decor.

Mansion and Garden: Basically a companion to Apartment Life. It's come in handy more than once when I'm looking to swank up a tired mansion or build les immeubles bohémes parisiennes.

Holiday: Don't have. I don't even celebrate Christmas, so it's pretty much useless to me. If they'd put in stuff associated with other holidays as well then I MIGHT consider it. But they definitely dropped the ball on that one. Way to leave out other religions, EA.

Teen Style: Been debating to myself whether or not to get this one, since my teens have a lot of stuff anyway.

H&M: Don't have. I'm not really familiar with the brand and besides, I've seen some news articles about the company that give me pause.

Carolyns-Mewmix 6th Jul 2010 2:08 AM

Quote: Originally posted by simstationdance
b. The. Ballet. Makes. Me. Cringe. If you are a dancer, then you will HATE HATE HATE HATE the ballet. Your Sims truly look like they're peeing on a fire hydrant rather than doing an elegant side battement. (kick). The Freetime ballet is practically telling people "haha, our dancing is horrible! Wanna gain enthusiasm in it?"

Couldn't agree with you more! I've done ballet for a total of 8 years, and jeez luis, it did make me cringe. I had a sim with top enthusiasm in arts + dance and max dancing skill...and he had terrible form! Grah! The only cool thing was I posted about it on my facebook and my dancer friends laughed with me.

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