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grammapat 17th Nov 2024 12:08 AM

Quote: Originally posted by simsample
Try using the batbox (FFS debugger) to delete off-world loiterers.

If you really want to know, I would suggest to backup and try it!

Nopke's mod stops the WANT to go to college, but it doesn't (?) stop them ageing up and crying because they didn't go to college..which is what really bothered me.
As for the "try it a see" hahah no

CaliBrat 17th Nov 2024 1:09 AM

Quote: Originally posted by grammapat
... oh, and this---I can tell a teen to run away (a mod of course) but what would happen if he was at a community lot? Would the game exit that lot? And then when you open his house does it show he ran away? Seems like it just wouldn't work.

there have been a few times that I've wished that when you had a teen runaway it put them in their own household in the sim bin .. if you exited the lot and didn't bring them home .. though maybe get a message askin first what to do with them.. for them to "stay" on the lost, but can still be ran away .. or "leave" in which they'd get their own household

iforgot 17th Nov 2024 4:01 AM

Quote: Originally posted by grammapat
Oh, and this---I can tell a teen to run away (a mod of course) but what would happen if he was at a community lot? Would the game exit that lot? And then when you open his house does it show he ran away? Seems like it just wouldn't work.

If it was your only playable sim at the time, it might work like death? My vampire sim got killed on a community lot by being poked by an angel (You know how it is!), and they were my only playable, I basically ended up left in edit lot mode, with the only option to be go back to neighbourhood (without saving).

I didn't save and my vamp was back home, upon entering their lot they just did the usual return home thing.

Charity 17th Nov 2024 9:04 AM

Quote: Originally posted by grammapat
Nopke's mod stops the WANT to go to college, but it doesn't (?) stop them ageing up and crying because they didn't go to college..which is what really bothered me.
As for the "try it a see" hahah no

It's part of Squinge's pack here.

Phantomknight 17th Nov 2024 9:21 AM

Quote: Originally posted by grammapat
Reading through the posts above I wonder if this is related: tell sim to use phone - they pick it up then hang up. This has happened before; I deleted ALL the phones in the house, then replaced them - and that worked. But in THIS house I couldn't fix.??

I get this glitch sometimes, not sure what causes it but I do know that the Butler making a phone call fixes it. In the scenario I experience, the house phone stops working and, like you describe, sims pick up the phone to make a call, but immediately place it back down, never completing the interaction. But cell phones usually still work; it's just an issue with the house phone. What fixes it is the Butler using the phone to fire other service sims.

So if you don't have a cell phone, you'd get one to call all the service sims. (You can get one through cheats, etc.) Then make sure you have hired the maid or gardener. Next hire the Butler and when he comes over, say yes, he can fire the other aims. He makes the call with the house phone and bam, the phone is working again. Fire him and get things back to normal.

Again, don't ask me why this happens or why this works (I swear I'm not crazy ); the thread where I learned this trick is lost to my memory. But it does work, so you could give it a try and see if it's the same glitch.

...Although I'm wondering if using the batbox to delete off-world loiterers would work, too. Idk, but I feel like this glitch happens when you save and exit with a sim on the phone, though I could be wrong.

Matryoshkah 17th Nov 2024 5:21 PM

What happens if a sim wears something that gets hidden by hider after being created?

joandsarah77 17th Nov 2024 9:48 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Matryoshkah
What happens if a sim wears something that gets hidden by hider after being created?

Then they wear it.

Matryoshkah 17th Nov 2024 9:53 PM

Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
Then they wear it.

Thank youu, I was worried about floating heads or something like that.

joandsarah77 17th Nov 2024 10:48 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Matryoshkah
Thank youu, I was worried about floating heads or something like that.

It's only hidden from you seeing it in catalogue. So its less cluttered, its not gone from the game.

Bulbizarre 18th Nov 2024 3:48 AM

Is it possible for a teen/elder career to have more then 3 levels?

CaliBrat 18th Nov 2024 5:17 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
Is it possible for a teen/elder career to have more then 3 levels?

I'm not 100% sure, but I think the answer is no. I think that is one of those things that's hard coded.

Bulbizarre 18th Nov 2024 6:08 AM

Yeah, I was wondering if it was hard-coded or whether it was just something Maxis did.

Pebblerocker 20th Nov 2024 12:28 AM

Why is everyone turning up at community lots in their outerwear all summer long? I'm glad I've put the Sim Blender on all my comm lots so I can change them all into everyday clothes - but new people turn up to the beach in a coat and scarf and I have to change them as they arrive!

Do I remember a mod that fixes that, or am I imagining it? I've closed too many tabs lately and some of them might have been important...

iforgot 20th Nov 2024 1:07 AM

So, this mod:

It mentions, for conflicts:
Buyable mailboxes. The ones I've seen actually replace the mailbox with an exact copy but have their own group numbers and their own mail routines so can't be changed by this mod. Not only that but since they are replacing global objects, they tend to hide in your game even if you delete the buyable mailbox mod.

So, my question is, does this mod do the same? E.g, if the mod is removed it will still be in the game? I've checked and updated it in SimPE to make it T&A-EP compatible, but I'm concerned about whether it could be removed after?

simsfreq 20th Nov 2024 1:10 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
Are there any careers where getting a promotion decreases a Sim's weekly income because of working less days?

Yes! I found this out when documenting most of the careers for a mod I was making.

Architecture, L9 > L10

Artist, L7 > L8 (And L9 is also really low and then L10 is a gigantic jump up)

Athletic L7 to L8 only increases by $2 per week.

Paranormal L8 > L9

There are also a lot where the weekly rate increases but the hourly rate goes down because they work so many more hours.

Criminal L4 > L5

Culinary L8 > L9

Law Enforcement L7 > 8 > 9

Medicine L3 > L4

Politics L3 > L4; L8 > L9

Science L5 > L6

Charity 20th Nov 2024 10:38 AM

Quote: Originally posted by Pebblerocker
Why is everyone turning up at community lots in their outerwear all summer long? I'm glad I've put the Sim Blender on all my comm lots so I can change them all into everyday clothes - but new people turn up to the beach in a coat and scarf and I have to change them as they arrive!

Do I remember a mod that fixes that, or am I imagining it? I've closed too many tabs lately and some of them might have been important...

I thought I remembered temperature sometimes getting glitched on community lots. Apparently there's an option to fix it with the Batbox.

jonasn 20th Nov 2024 11:00 AM

Maybe you need a better Outerwear change code. If they come in summer, I think you must have a mod for them already. I think the default code was quite simple, where they only respected the season. In my mod I mostly go by temperature. There is another mod with fans who requested that outerwear be applied in rain in any season.

Temperature on commlots has a few problems. If you go to an owned commlot to work on it and later go there as a customer during another season, the temperature will have memory. It can cause cold in summer because of cold in recent past (from the other family's session). Weather is not fully calculated on commlots. This cause the temperature to decay to 0 over a long stay. I tried to address the last issue by simply requesting normal weather also on commlots, but I didn't have time to extensively test it.

CaliBrat 20th Nov 2024 11:15 AM

I have a question ... in postin pics .. when there are a lot of them.. is it spoiler that we're supposed to use or is there another thing that hides them and minimizes the post .. and if spoiler is the correct way .. what is the difference between just spoiler and spoiler title
(it's been a while since I did a lot of pic posting so I couldn't recall)
this last round of pics for the "what's goin on in your hood" there are 9 pics and even then I kept it small 😛 .. I was tryin to keep it closer to 5 or 6 .. but well things happened so had to do a few more

nvm ... I think I figured it out

simsample 20th Nov 2024 1:09 PM

Quote: Originally posted by CaliBrat
is it spoiler that we're supposed to use or is there another thing that hides them and minimizes the post .. and if spoiler is the correct way .. what is the difference between just spoiler and spoiler title
(it's been a while since I did a lot of pic posting so I couldn't recall)

There's an infobutton code too:

CaliBrat 20th Nov 2024 1:37 PM

Quote: Originally posted by simsample

There's an infobutton code too:

Thanks .. I have that page bookmarked .. but I didn't know what that was .. was tryin to recall, but spoiler was the only one that was comin to mind .. I'll try and remember that for next time

AndrewGloria 20th Nov 2024 2:05 PM

Improved Readability when including Pictures in Posts
2 Attachment(s)
This is just a minor point, but it really does help improve the readability of your post. When including multiple pictures in your post, try leaving one line gaps between embedded pictures. Thus:

This is actually an excerpt from one of CaliBrat's recent posts.

@CaliBrat I was going to try to answer your post about spoilering pictures, but I see simsample has answered it already.

However I'll add a couple of points. "Spoiler" is the simple version. Thus:

"Spoiler Title" adds a bit of text to the button itself. Thus:

Yes we are supposed to use the spoiler or infobutton tags to hide pictures (outside the Picture forums), but the mods here don't seem to be enforcing it as rigorously as they did a few years ago. I haven't spoilered the picture in this post as it's only a small picture and it won't seriously affect the page display, but including lots of large images really messes up the way the page displays. Even in the Pictures forums, we're only supposed to include four unspoilered (if that's a word!) pictures. If I go past that, I usually spoiler the excess ones.

You can get a full explanation of spoiler, infobutton and all the other vb code tags, if you click on the "vb code is On" link near the bottom of the Reply to Thread (advanced posting) page.

CaliBrat 20th Nov 2024 2:47 PM

Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
This is just a minor point, but it really does help improve the readability of your post. When including multiple pictures in your post, try leaving one line gaps between embedded pictures. Thus:

This is actually an excerpt from one of CaliBrat's recent posts.

@CaliBrat I was going to try to answer your post about spoilering pictures, but I see simsample has answered it already.

However I'll add a couple of points. "Spoiler" is the simple version. Thus:

"Spoiler Title" adds a bit of text to the button itself. Thus:

Yes we are supposed to use the spoiler or infobutton tags to hide pictures (outside the Picture forums), but the mods here don't seem to be enforcing it as rigorously as they did a few years ago. I haven't spoilered the picture in this post as it's only a small picture and it won't seriously affect the page display, but including lots of large images really messes up the way the page displays. Even in the Pictures forums, we're only supposed to include four unspoilered (if that's a word!) pictures. If I go past that, I usually spoiler the excess ones.

You can get a full explanation of spoiler, infobutton and all the other vb code tags, if you click on the "vb code is On" link near the bottom of the Reply to Thread (advanced posting) page.

... I knew there was a limit .. I was tryin to stay around 4 to 6 as I wasn't sure what it was, but figured it was within that area, which is why I asked when knew the last post I had more add .. there was just a bit too much goin on to not add them all .. I'll take note of addin a line between pics

simsample 20th Nov 2024 2:57 PM

Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
Yes we are supposed to use the spoiler or infobutton tags to hide pictures (outside the Picture forums), but the mods here don't seem to be enforcing it as rigorously as they did a few years ago. I haven't spoilered the picture in this post as it's only a small picture and it won't seriously affect the page display, but including lots of large images really messes up the way the page displays. Even in the Pictures forums, we're only supposed to include four unspoilered (if that's a word!) pictures. If I go past that, I usually spoiler the excess ones.

There don't seem to be as many staff members actively moderating the forums as there used to be. I'm not sure which mods have modding privs on which forum now, there's only one mod with a listed forum to moderate. But anyway, mostly we click the report button when we see spam or rude posts, so the mods are alerted. And having too many pictures in a post isn't quite the problem it used to be (when the rule was set, a lot of people were still on dial-up or metered connections, whereas now even a phone will handle a page of images with ease). I remember on my old ISP back in ~2005 having to wait for a few minutes for images to load!

Charity 20th Nov 2024 4:31 PM

I had a bug recently where pictures would load halfway, then disappear.

CaliBrat 21st Nov 2024 10:03 AM

For those of ya'll who do play with or have played with Squinge college at home mod .. have ya ever had a teen autonomously turn into a YA w/o usin the birthday cake? That's not supposed to happen right? Cuz it just did it for me .. totally unprepared for it

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